D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Part 1 - I am... What?!


Jorah began to fiddle her fingers, as she turned her head down. She looked up at me slightly sometimes, before shifting her gaze somewhere to the side.

After spending some moments with her like that, Jorah finally spoke something to me,

"Um, It's just that... I asked some of my.. classmates to come here yesterday. Would it be okay to wait here for them a little?"

Uh, this... kind of seems fishy, right? I think that Jorah is hiding something from me.

Hmmm, what should I do then? Yeah, right. As if I have any other choice but to agree. It's not like I want to break her heart after coming all the way to her School, right?

And, I trust Jorah. Although she could be somewhat mischievous, she is most definitely a good girl. The thing with her friends must be a normal meet-and-greet event of sorts, right?

I did decide to be responsible for Jorah from now on, so.. yeah. Let's just wait here then.

Deciding to ease the worries of the young girl in front of me, I smiled and nodded at her and said,

"Alright. We would wait. But, only until the School bell rings. After that, straight to the School, alright?"

The distressed look on Jorah's face slowly disappeared, as she hugged me once tightly and screamed out joyfully,

"Thanks, Sister Carene! I knew that you would agree... I promise it won't take long, really."

Yeah yeah. It really won't take long. I mean, there are like, twenty minutes or something before the School bell rings.

Jorah & I stood next to a huge tree some distance away from the School gates, as we awaited the arrival of her friends. Jorah seemed very excited throughout the time as she impatiently scrolled through her phone.

Meanwhile, other students kept arriving, as the near-desolate-looking street began to become more and more crowded. It kind of reminded me of my own school days.

Wait. Did I really attend my School properly?

It... seems like I did, but... something feels a bit weird.

Darn it! Something is really wrong with my memories here. I hope that the Doctor that Sist Lin recommended would be able to help me resolve this problem. It just feels too confusing at times.


"Oh ho.. so you did come after all? And here I was thinking that you were playing some pranks on us, Jora-baby."

Jora Baby? What kind of screwed-up nickname is that? It sounds totally awful! And the tone in which it was said didn't seem to have any warmth in it at all.

As I turned my attention to the source of the awful dialogue, a few girls dressed up in their School uniforms walked before us.

To be accurate, a group of four girls. Their ages seemed to be similar, however, if I have to compare, then they all seemed a bit older than our Jorah. Maybe their bodies hit puberty really early? Well, that was the case for those girls, except for one of them.

And that one seemed to have the airs of the leader of their little group. She was the tallest amongst all four of them, however.. speaking of her chest size...

There was none.. nothing.... Zero. Yeah, she was flat. Though, she was still a schoolgirl, so who knows? Maybe she would experience some sudden growth spurt in her size?

Regardless of that though, all four of them seemed to be assuming a presence of superiority over our Jorah. And speaking of Jorah, the lively and energetic girl had suddenly become quiet all of a sudden. Her left hand was clutching my jacket, while she looked toward the new group with a distressed expression on her face.

Looking at this scenario, a single thought jumped to my mind. Bullying.

So, Jorah is actually being bullied at her school, huh? Even if Isla spent such an exuberant amount of money, the School bullying didn't seem to be any different from what I had known in my own time.

"Well, you called us here already! Don't just keep gawking at us like that. Fess up. Why did a baby like you call us so early in the morning? Did you forget your last 'lesson' already?"

The flat-chested girl spoke out with a voice full of malice. The other girls in the group behaved like her group of henchmen, as they kept nodding at the end of the flat-chested girl's sentences.

These girls... not only are their choice of words poor, but they don't even make up a decent group of bullies at all.

What a rip-off!

What happened to the terror-provoking fistfights That began as soon as the victim met the bully? And where is the usual demand for pocket money?

Do these girls just... mock Jorah verbally?

If that's all it is, then it would be easy to resolve. When I detected the bullying attempts, I had envisioned the worst-case scenarios by myself.

What a sad, sad pair these girls are. They wouldn't have survived a single day at my previous School, that's for sure.

Now, now. Calm down Carene. Physical or verbal.. the impact of bullying is always damaging. Jorah seems to have been tormented by their silly actions. Did she call me here today to teach these girls etiquette'?

Alright then! Now that's a stress reliever that I would accept any day. Time to play an 'etiquette' teacher myself then!

"T-That! Um.. right! This here, you... do you know who she is?!"

Jorah suddenly spoke out loudly at the flat-chested girl. She kept stuttering as she tried to overcome her anxiety and form a comprehensible sentence.

"Hm? And how am I supposed to know that? If you don't tell us, would the great Lord Satan himself answer this puzzle? Huh? Speak up!"

The flat-chested girl seemed to be super-pissed off about something as she angrily rebuked Jorah with absolutely no mercy.

Is this girl on her period? Why is she behaving so antsy all of a sudden?

Jorah, however, didn't back down from the girl's mean gaze and stood out proudly as she pointed her finger at me and spoke to the flat-chested girl,

"This is!... this is.. m-my College Girlfriend!!!"


All four girls of the group, along with me became absolutely shocked at Jorah's loud proclamation.

Waitwaitwait.. Just wait for a second!

Jorah... just when did I agree to be your... what?!!!

Nononononononno... NO WAY! Absolutely not!

It's not true! Hey, Mr. Officer, i-it wasn't me! I am completely innocent!

Jorah seemed very proud of herself after observing the absolutely shocked looks on the group's faces.

"Hehe, now you know, right? Me and my... girlfriend are very, very close, you know? We... even kiss heavily all the time! The deep one!!"


Hey hey! I never kissed you, alright?!

Suddenly blaming your seniors like that... I will get angry, you little girl!

The faces of the girls took a look of horror as their pale-white faces turned to stare at Jorah and me. They all subconsciously moved a few steps back while they continued to stare at us two.

Wait! Don't go away like this! I am not some predator of some kind, alright?! No need to be afraid of me... I don't bite!

"And... and.. we have promised to live together forever! See! Jorah is no little baby! I am an ADULT!"


In front of the suddenly aggressive Jorah, the flat-chested girl became more and more deflated. She glanced once more at my face before she broke into a run towards the School gates.

"L-Leader!" "Oh no.." "D-Don't leave us alone here!"

And soon, the rest of the girls ran off too.

The result, I became a deviant molester who preys on young girls all of a sudden. I have a feeling that I won't be appearing in these parts ever again.

"Hahahahaha! See that! I will see how you tease me from now on! Sister Carene, thanks! I will go to my classes now. Bye-bye!"

Jorah laughed out loudly towards the retreating group of girls, after which she gave me a quick hug and ran away towards the School gate too.

And that leaves me, a newly crowned deviant predator, standing alone at the School gates...

Why does this kind of crazy stuff always happen to me?!!

Celesta... Come back soon already!!!


Part 2 - Escape


<POV: Celesta>

Uh... Where am I?

Ah... so I really am at the hotel, huh...?

Haaaah... such a horrible dream...

Just why did I dream of something so stupid?

Yeah, right. As if anyone has the guts of trying to do something like that to me.

Then, was it under the influence of alcohol that I drank at the get-together yesterday that caused it?

Hmph! I have decided now. No more drinking parties anymore.

As I looked around our allocated room, my roommates were all sprawled across their beds. Their sleeping postures were so bad at the moment that any guy previously dreaming of courting them would certainly start having second thoughts about it.

Then again... what about my own love...?

No, not anymore!

I don't think that it is possible for me to spend another moment away from my beloved Carene.

And, what if she encountered some trouble again? O-Or... what if those girls found her again?!

NOOOOOOO!!!! Never! I will never let those bitches near my Carene ever again!!

That's it! Time to go home. As for the credits... who cares?! It's not like losing these would hurt me in any way..

Yup, being with Carene takes priority over everything else. No objections!

No need to think any longer. Let's go!


As soon as I made the decision to leave, I quickly grabbed all of my belongings spread across the bed and the room.

I must leave silently before anyone finds out about my true intentions. I can't wait all day just to get some stupid permission.

I need to get to my Carene ASAP.

Just wait for me, Carene. Your Celesta is coming for you!


<POV: Isla>

After locking the front door securely, I quickly made my way over to my car and turned the engines as I began to drive it on the speed limit.

Oh, God. I can't afford to be late today. There is an important meeting headed by the Vice-President that requires all essential personnel there.

Although I didn't need to be there at all, my senior and my Boss had been a total slack at their jobs, which left only me available to handle all the paperwork of our department. Heck, our Boss couldn't even tell the difference between a database and a text file! To prevent my poor Boss from getting his ass handed to him at the meeting, I need to be there ahead of time.

I am sure that I broke some traffic signals just to arrive office on time. Regardless, it's not like it would be the first time happening. My other Boss from my part-time job knows the authorities well enough that such things would never be a problem for me.

As soon as I arrived at the office building, I quickly made my way over to my cubicle and checked the time. 8.50 AM.

Phew, made it on time again. Now all that's left is to get those folders and documents and prepare for the meeting.

I put my serious work face on and made my way over to my Boss's office.


Haaah.... done at last.

The meeting turned out to be a secret audit and lasted for six hours straight. Thankfully, I had informed my senior regarding all the things that he needed to know before his turn arrived, which was a true saving grace.

Finally having time to breathe, I slowly walked over to the Cafeteria and ordered a big serving of my favorite cheeseburgers.

Hey, what about dieting to maintain my figure? Fuck that.

I live every day to enjoy life to the fullest. No use in punishing myself by eating such meager amounts of boring meals.

Strangely, I seem to have never gained any weight during my entire life so far. I often wondered if it had anything to do with hereditary traits since my Mom had remained a fit person too. Though she did do a lot of exercises, so maybe that doesn't count.

As I was finally free from work matters, there was something else that came to my mind. Apparently, my Boss thinks that I did a good job in saving his lazy ass from being smitten by the powers above, he was feeling extremely grateful for it and made up his mind to process one of the recent requests. Yes, he finally gave in and permitted me to take a few days off to have some sort of vacation.

If it was before though, I might have rejected such kind offers straight away. Now, however, that won't be the case, since I had all the intent in the world to take it. After all, I do have a special someone to spend my time with...

Of course, I also have my family to spend it with too. I just feel that I need to increase our family time together, much more than what we already have.

Hence, I made up my mind not to reject this super rare opportunity at having some well-deserved fun and filed for paid leave two weeks from now.

By then, my little girl Celesta would be back too and we two could finally spend some time together again, like when we used to do before... when my late husband was still alive.

Anyways... let's see where we should spend our holidays together. Should we go to some Vacation resort? Or maybe go visit some historical site? Or maybe... an Adult Leisure Land?!

N-No! Throw that thought away. I am already taken, besides, I can't take my kids there with me.

Then.. where should I go...?



A/N: Start of New Volume (Vol. 2) from this Chapter onwards.

To thank Kitty's dear friends, the new novel is available at Patreon, exclusively for now. Find out more at Kitty's Playground:



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