Chapter 255: The Strongest Witch?
After Velvet killed the dragon, the frigid winds died rapidly, leaving the mountain to thaw quickly. She turned to Asmodeus, who looked quite relaxed—his hands were behind his head. He seemed rather comfortable, with a smile on his face. "Shall we go check the dragon's den for treasure or something?" He asked in a lively tone.
"You're in high spirits. Don't tell me you were secretly hoping I would lose this whole time?" Velvet gave him an annoyed glare as she dusted the snow off her cloth dress.
"Nonsense!" Asmodeus let out a laugh as he stood. "I merely had a feeling that this would turn out in your favour." His tone seemed sincere, and she believed him.
She paused, looking over at him with curiosity. "What did it look like?"
Asmodeus shrugged his shoulders while walking closer to her, his eyes never leaving her body, his gaze making Velvet feel her body was on fire once again. "It's a little hard to explain, but you looked really sexy."
"Really," she said with a roll of her eyes, her cheeks flushed pink.
"As a matter of fact—yes." He stopped, standing just an arm's length away from her. "When you're focused and passionate, I find myself falling deeper into the depths of your hell."
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Now that she was a demon, words like hell would be seen as something negative when a human no longer held the same feeling. Instead, she found his attempt at flattery to be quite amusing.
"Did you spend the fight thinking of cheesy pickup lines?" She said playfully, her hand sliding along his and grasping his arm while pulling him towards the mountain path, her eyes flicking towards his face and exposed body with a faint smile on her lips as she felt quite delighted.
Asmodeus let out a laugh, leaning down so his head was level with hers. "More or less. What else would I think about other than you?"
"Oh, please. I bet you're constantly thinking about ways to seduce other women into your bed." She waved him away and let her elbow shoot out, impacting his chest with a low thud. A mischievous smirk grew on her face as she leaned against his shoulder along the melting path, a cool breeze blowing her hair over her shoulder.
"I never denied my flirtatious parts," he stated proudly, and yet she could see a glint of regret in his eyes, making her frown for just a second before a smile replaced it.
"You do have quite the reputation." He gave her a side-eyed look before narrowing his eyes and turning his focus ahead. "I mean, I've seen you every day..." Her voice trailed off and had a slight tremble in it before he looked back at her his face so serious that it took her breath away.
A lump formed in her throat as the question rose on the tip of her tongue, wanting desperately to know what was going through his head right now.
However, only the howl of the wind came, drowning out any words spoken. She gritted her teeth and moved faster to try and find somewhere to escape from the whistling winds.
"The den should be over here." Another gush of freezing wind ripped away her words; however, Asmodeus understood her easily. "Kya?!" The next moment, she let out a small yelp as he lifted her body and wrapped them both in a gentle but warming flame.
Heat tickled Velvet's senses, and she immediately felt warmer. Asmodeus wrapped his arms around her tightly while hers did the same as they both huddled together along the slope. It wasn't snowing anymore, but the winds were still just as strong and cold. Yet when she placed her face against his chest, all she could feel was his warm, fiery aura seeping into her.
'My chest is pounding so loud... Can he hear them beating so fast?!'
Velvet wanted to say something to make herself look less pathetic. However, her mind felt at ease, becoming blank when his arms held her back and hips securely, and her face turned red because she could feel him touching her buttocks, but in her mind, she blamed it on his flames that were much too hot.
Once the pair climbed down a jagged slope and Asmodeus leapt over a broken chasm, they finally reached the cave entrance. Velvet quickly slipped away from him, keeping her burning face hidden as he let her stand from his arms. 'Ah... I miss his heat already.'
"Wouldn't that be a fun way to enter," he laughed, breaking Velvet's train of thought.
"Huh?" She questioned, her head snapping up towards him before he leaned down and picked her up bridal style once again, with a smirk on his lips. Velvet could feel his mischievous blue eyes gazing down at her, knowing exactly what he was doing.
"Asmodeus!" Her voice was sharp, but he ignored her while walking inside the cavern, a wall of blue fire blocking the entrance from monsters and beasts that would surely appear now the dragon had died.
"I'm merely doing what you wanted me to. Don't deny it." His expression became relaxed, almost as if he were bored. But he couldn't hide the obvious laughter in his voice that he tried to keep locked behind his lips.
Velvet squirmed, her pale cheeks flustering while glaring up at him with annoyance and embarrassment. "Of course you are..."
'Ah... this bastard, treating me like a frail maiden, it makes me want to punch him.!'
She tapped on his chest twice, and he stopped just inside the cave the long path filled with warmth from his flame, so he lowered her body with a bitter smile. Velvet slipped out of his embrace and began to walk through the tunnels.
"To think that wyvern had such a nice cave..."
The path itself was dark, and Velvet had to hold up her index finger and allow purple flames to flicker at the top. It burned bright enough to light her way.
The tunnel twisted and turned but was mostly a straight path downwards. Only occasionally would they come across a smaller branch off of the main pathway that would lead nowhere but a few minerals or metal ores.
Eventually, after walking for several minutes, they entered another large chamber-like area where water dripped off stalagmites above them into pools below to create a beautiful, steaming lake with various colours floating around its edges. "It's quite beautiful."
"Ah... the aura and scent are also pretty nice," Asmodeus replied while walking towards a huge rock facing the pool.
These vibrant hues were caused by minerals dissolved in the groundwater. While looking down at one such pool, Velvet saw something floating just below the surface—herbs, expensive and rare herbs that were good for beauty, muscle enhancement and healing. All the types of different herbs lay bubbling in this naturally formed river elixir.
She took a handful before storing them in several vials, then looked at the vast pool with a strange gaze. Beside her, she could hear cloth sliding onto the ground before a belt being unfastened.
"This place looks amazing! Let's go swimming." Asmodeus suddenly blurted out from the other side in an excited tone.
"What?" She snapped back, turning to face the noise only to see the naked body of Asmodeus stepping into the pool, its first touch causing a sizzling sound as his flesh and muscle looked like it was being melted! "What are you doing?!" Her hand raised in horror, about to pull him free when he suddenly shouted in joy!
"Ah~ it feels so good when the water starts to work! Isn't that wonderful? I could never experience such sensations before."
His hands cupped some hot water, lifting it and dropping it, his eyes gazing at the bubbles forming at the edge of the pool in amazement.
However, the scene only remained disgusting for a moment. After his flesh melted and regenerated once, it no longer sizzled; instead seemed to make his cheeks look glossy and shine with a smooth finish.
She watched in fascination, watching him scoop some of the greenish-blue-coloured mineral liquid into his palms, pouring it down over his head. 'How can this bastard let the acidic power of the pool melt his body and seem like he's taking a normal bath?!'
Asmodeus sighed contently with each movement of his muscles, slowly feeling them loosen up. It felt amazing to recover from the constant battles and training since he arrived in Baltimore. "Come, although it might hurt at first, once you adjust to the acid and venom, it feels amazing."
'This fucking monster! How... could it...' Asmodeus stretched his tail and wrapped it around her waist before flicking off her robe easily, then pulling her into the deep pool of minerals.
When she fell into the pool, he grabbed her in his muscular arms and dragged her down into the depths—even though she seemed to struggle at first, like him, her body completely regenerated in a few moments.
"Waah?! You fucker!!" Velvet spat as they resurfaced with a loud splash. "I'll beat you so hard!"
"Oh no~ a beautiful woman is going to beat me off!" Asmodeus teased, while Velvet's face turned bright red as she started hitting his chest with the bottom of her fists, splashing the water everywhere.
"You bastard, stop being so lewd..." Even though she didn't punch him hard, all it did was make Asmodeus chuckle loudly, which made her feel more embarrassed because his hard body didn't move an inch. In their current situation.
Asmodeus knew he was physically stronger than her. Demons possess special bodies, much tougher than human bodies, giving them high endurance.
However, the Demon King's body seemed superior to hers—a Demon Queen seemed to prioritise speed and magic power.
"I can't help it if my words are true! You are too attractive to hold back" He laughed, holding her body close to his chest and rubbing her head affectionately.
She glared up at him with an annoyed look, but it faded away as soon as she saw his beautiful face, with his eyes closed while smiling widely. Velvet could feel that he was truly pleased with the current situation.
"I guess so..." A slight curve formed on her lips as he rested her cheek against his chest and listened to the soft thump of his heartbeats.
"How long are we supposed to soak here?" She asked eventually.
"As long as possible," Asmodeus responded simply, without hesitation.
"Even though I can feel your hand squeezing my ass?"
"It's a really great ass though..." His hands tightened.
"Really?" She murmured while nuzzling her head against his shoulder, enjoying the warmth that radiated through her body as well. "Is it the best you've ever felt?" A coy yet seductive voice as her tail flickered above the water, sliding along his cheek, the spikes causing his soft flesh to squish from their sharp tips.
Velvet's hand rose out of the bubbling hot spring, slithering up his pecs like a snake on the hunt for its prey until she reached the side of his neck, running along his throat, leaving indentations from her tail as it trailed towards the bottom of his jawline.
Their eyes met briefly before locking together.
"Are you trying to seduce me, witch?" Asmodeus asked with a low, husky growl—it sent shivers racing through her core. "I would love for you to be successful..."
"I see, okay then." He chuckled lightly, moving closer and lowering his head, "So, do you want me to start counting or- Mmphm!" Asmodeus gasped quietly as she kissed him unexpectedly, not expecting the sudden act of passion coming from her.
Instead, He found himself pushed back against the poolside rocks while being passionately kissed.