Chapter 267: Danger Alarm.

His eyes widened when he saw this.

This is why he didn't try to get his blood clones to escape. He has seen it happen many times before. The powerful arrow would explode and directly turn his clones to dust due to their reduced defense.

It was better to prevent a larger target for the arrow so that it wouldn't explode before hitting him.

He felt relieved but he had not time to think about things. His heart was beating fiercely as he made quick decisions.

It was only after the arrow exploded that he dared to use blood clone. His figure exploded into tiny portions of himself.

The tiny blood clones scattered to the sides since his front was still dangerous. This put the black bull in a conundrum. It didn't know which one to chase.

It didn't think long before it made a decision. It mooed loudly, which caused sound to explode around it.

It was an area of attack that directly killed everyone around it. As for those who were far away, they were deafened by the roar. They became disoriented, and their eyes began to bleed.

Kelvin's blood clones suffered a lot of damage. More than 70% of them died, while the remaining 30% in the ground managed to survive.

The bulk didn't give up because it could sense that he wasn't completely dead yet. It rushed to where the clones had dug into the ground and began smashing the ground with its hooves.

It aimed to crush him in the ground and would have worked if given enough time. But its time was cut short when an anti-material ammunition fired from a railgun struck the bull in its midsection.

The ammunition punctured through the incredible defense of the bull and created a hole large enough for a human to squeeze through on its body.

The mooed roared moanfully and rushed back to escape. Unfortunately, it was cut off by an X-rank soldier from the second division.

The soldier was wielding a large black hammer, which it used to smash the bulk to the ground. The bull had already been injured, so it was easy for the soldier to kill it.

This marked the end of this attempt to kill Kelvin. It wasn't the first, and it wouldn't be the last. Many more of them happened either intentionally or unintentionally.

The unintentional attempts are situations when he is around two powerful people fighting. Their attacks can injure and even kill him.

The soldiers that were shattered by the moo of the bull can attest to the danger of stray attacks if they could still speak. The fact that they can't speak anymore already attests to the danger of stray attacks.

Stray attacks were more deadly to him than intentional attacks because he wouldn't be able to sense the danger beforehand. It is only after the attack has been made and headed his way that he would notice. Your next read is at My Virtual Library Empire

Sometimes, he managed to dodge the stray attacks. Other times, it was too late, and he lost half of his head or half of his body.

It made him say, "I have to thank the Count next time I meet him. He is truly worthy of being called the immortal."

Wrath didn't agree. Instead, she warned him, "Watch out."

She was pointing to the sky so he knew what to do. That was to pick a direction and run away as fast as possible.

A few seconds later, he was able to sense the danger after it entered his range of Extraordinary Perception. But it would have been too late to run by then.

Two seconds later, an airplane fell close to his position. It carved the ground, crashed into the ice hill, and exploded in a massive ball of fire.

Every soldier on the mountain around that position was incinerated. Then the enemy that had caused the airplane to crash came out of the fire unscathed.

It was a giant bat. Its fur was black with soot and reddened with blood in some spots.

It was largely uninjured, so it rushed into the crowd and began killing wantonly.

Kelvin sighed and said, "War is hard."

Then he threw himself back into the fight. This time he gained an entourage.

Many soldiers had noticed that he had been fighting for days. They had been paying attention to him and noticed that he was always able to escape danger because he would run away before it arrived. So they began following him for protection.

He was like their alarm bell. They stuck to him and kept an eye on his actions even when they were fighting. When they notice that he is running away, they would join him and scatter quickly.

This was just a small event on the large battlefield. But together with this and many other events, the outcome of the battle was being set little by little.

As time passed, this disadvantage of the elven army only increased, and the difference between the two armies became wider.

They say that many little drops of water make up an ocean, and many little straws will eventually break the camel's back.

The elven army had the advantage in number, so even though they were experiencing too many casualties, it is something they can afford. What they can't afford is fighting for days in a cold environment.

Even if they could somehow turn the tables and defeat the human army, before they could achieve that, the environment would surely defeat them.

Half of the elven army, which was around 500 million, were able to withstand the cold and keep fighting. But this number was reducing daily due to the cold.

By the 30th day of fighting, most of the elven army had retreated to recover from the cold. This left only 10 million on the battlefield and removed their advantage in numbers.

Of course, many human soldiers had died too. Their size had reduced from 7 million to 5 million after 30 days of fighting. But this has reduced the overwhelming ratio of even troops to human troops from 100 to 1 to 2 to 1.

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