Destroying My Own World

Chapter 226: Not the only enemy.

"I have forgotten how pain feels like, and you gave me this stinging feeling all over my body. You didn't lie that you won't disappoint me, but you have forgotten your place and who I am," Ahura Mazda said and his body started to release steam from his pores.

Aurea watched Ahura Mazda's body grow big, so big that the sun was blocked by his presence. The whole Earth became so dark, and everyone could see clearly that there was a being that stood beyond the sky. Some could see his face, some could only see his body, some could see his arms, and some could only see his legs.

The moon was half the size of Ahura Mazda's palm, and he could easily crush it without even trying. It was the first time Aurea saw an existence that big, but instead of shaking in fear, she was grinning and doing the same thing.

Both Ahura Mazda and Nal were baffled, speechless by Aurea and her ability to match a Primordial being in size. That wasn't the only thing that made them baffled, the wings on her back spread widely and were enough to cover the whole solar system. Her left wing was big enough to cover the sun, and her right wing was big enough to cover all the planets.

"Of course, I didn't disappoint you, but what about you? Can you meet my expectations?" Aurea asked as she stared Ahura Mazda's eyes with a cold gaze, a gaze with a hunger for blood.

At that moment, Ahura Mazda wondered how strong the others would be if the one he was facing could match him or even overpower him. He also realized that perhaps Nal wasn't the only being he should be wary of. He wondered how strong Mykel Alester was, and what kind of power he possessed that managed to bring those powerful followers under his command.

"Having a second thought? I'm not going to let you go now!" Aurea said and moved so quickly even though her body was massive.

Ahura Mazda blocked the attack and that punch was enough to break his wrists and push him away from the solar system. He wasn't given a chance to move his hands from his own face, but after he realized he had been pushed so far away from Earth, he clenched every muscle inside his body. A shockwave was created from within his body and it was enough to push Aurea away from him.

Those two threw punches at each other and destroyed the inhabited planets around them. The longer they fought, the bigger their bodies became, and the more destructive their punches were. The clashes of their punches were enough to create energy and sucked everything in between their clashing fist. A black hole that devoured everything around them, but that same black hole could be easily destroyed when a clash happened.

Two powerful entities were fighting in an open space, and there were only a few who watched their fight. Those eyes were intrigued to find out who would be the winner, their gazes were getting more and more disturbing that even both of them felt unease.

Ahura Mazda stopped attacking, and that was when Aurea felt a powerful force gather on his right fist. Aurea knew it would be different, and so she activated [Lunacy] and gathered all her strength on her right arm.

They both stared at each other and then moved so quickly that they both could barely see each other. They both managed to land their punch on each other, they looked down and saw their chests getting pierced through by each other's fists.

Aurea felt like her chest was burning, and suddenly her whole body was lit by fire, but she started to laugh. That made Ahura Mazda confused, and then he felt like his chest was shrinking to the point where his whole body lost strength.
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"Flame is my ally and I grow from pain. Do you think this will be enough to kill me?" Aurea asked as the flame started to dissipate. "I have witnessed billions of death and most of them it was I who brought death. I was created from death, and I will never die since I'm death itself," Aurea continued as she sucked Ahura Mazda's soul.

Ahura Mazda's body was slowly shrinking and so was Aurea's body so she could get most of it. When he thought it was the end of his life, Aurea pulled her hand off his chest and pushed her away. He was confused and he was about to lose consciousness and barely could move his body.

"It's a shame that I'm not fighting you to kill, but this much is fine because I have gained something precious," Aurea said as she looked at the blood on her right fist down her arm. "We shall meet again, and at that time, I'm going to get everything from you," Aurea pointed out and then flew back to Earth.

Aurea looked at Earth and realized that almost fifty percent of Earth had been frozen. The sunlight that didn't reach Earth made the whole planet shiver in cold, but that wasn't the only reason. Her fight with Ahura intensified the cold and made it worse, but she didn't care about it and went down to check on the others.

When she came down, it was a lot messier than what she did before she left Earth. She saw Glasya toying with Ra, Nefarath was enjoying her time fighting the three-faced and twelves arms, and Deviatris and the others were gone. She landed and looked at the small puffy cloud in front of Elena and wondered what it was until she could sense Jeanne and Luciel's powers inside.

Are my other sisters fighting Nyx?" Aurea asked as she sat down and groaned.

"Yes, they got brought into her realm. I let them have some fun, so I think it might take a while before they come back," Elena answered as she looked at Aurea holding her chest. "What happened to you?" Elena asked.

"That man is really powerful, and I took the punch. I can still feel my chest burning and it feels like fire ants biting my heart a thousand times every time my heart beat," Aurea answered. "That man was still hiding his power, but it's a shame I took almost every soul of him before I could see his true power. I was too excited and almost killed him," Aurea added.

"I'm more surprised that you didn't kill him and came back to apologize to me," Elena chuckled.

"It could happen if my opponent is weak. This man, he's too precious to die, and I still want to play with him. I want to see how powerful he can be," Aurea said as she stretched her arms and made loud cracking sounds all over her body.

"You know I can be your opponent if you want, Miss number one in the power chart," Elena teased as she looked at Aurea. "I only heard from others, but you really possess that kind of power. I wonder what you can do if you let it free," Elena said and kept staring at Aurea.

"Who knows, but I'm too scared to even let it free," Aurea answered and stared back at Elena. "I'm scared that it would only backfire on you and the others," Aurea added.

When everyone was busy watching the fight, the fluffy cloud suddenly exploded and created a thick mist. Two people appeared right in front of Elena, and they were Jeanne and Luciel with a few cuts on their armor and swords. They both walked past Elena and regrouped with Aurea and not long after that, Izanagi and Izanami came out with the same conditions.

It surprised the others that Izanami and Izanagi weren't harmed, but then they noticed something was off about those two. They looked healthy, but both of them had empty eyes, something that made them so shocked that they couldn't hide it from their eyes.

"What happened in there?" Aurea asked as she was lying on the ground and holding her chest.

"We learn a lot of swordsmanship from them. At first, they were excited to exchange blows at us until they noticed the longer they fight us, the more scarier both of us actually are. Long story short, they knew we could kill them in a single cut, and they didn't know how to react to that truth," Luciel answered as she sat down next to Aurea. "It was fun though. We got a lot of skills from them," Luciel added.

"You guys are holding back too much. Did you guys really have fun in there?" Aurea asked Jeanne who had been staring at Izanami.

"I did, and even though they both look fine, they're completely broken inside," Jeanne answered as she looked at Aurea. "They might not be able to recover from that," Jeanne added.

"We have wasted a lot of time, and I think we have done more than enough," Elena said as she watched the battle. "Bring the rest back, we are leaving and we have gotten enough, no, a lot of precious information," Elena added.

Amaryllis nodded her head and snapped her fingers to bring all the Demon Princesses back to her side. The Primordials were confused, and then Nyx appeared from a small black ball after her opponents suddenly disappeared.

"We have no business with you, so why are you attacking us?" Nyx asked as she glared at Elena.

"Just because you have no business with us now, that doesn't mean you will stay that way in the future. We're just giving you a heads-up, and I want you to know there are more enemies that you need to be worried about," Elena answered. "Mara, Lucifer, and perhaps the army of Angels will be your enemy as well," Elena added.

"Thread carefully, Nyx. Be like Nal, she found someone with the same interest as her, and she played the game cautiously. You're going to need all the help you can get before the time comes," Elena explained as a portal appeared behind her. "We are your enemy, but we're not the only enemy you'll face. Goodbye for now," Elena continued and entered the portal.

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