Different Sex Story

Chapter 66: Adam has Lost the Use of His Hands


"Can I go home?"

"Yes, but you will need help, twenty-four hour help. Have you got it?"

I hesitated before giving the doctor a firm "Yes."

However when he had left the room I wasn't sure who would be looking after me. An hour later mother arrived.

"Hi Adam, is the pain any better?"

"Hi mum, a bit."

"Did the doctor say how much longer you are going to be in hospital?"

"I asked him."

Mother interrupted me with "When?"

I smiled and said "Let me finish, I can come home now."

She gave me an even bigger smile. I think it's the first I have seen from her since my accident.

A week ago I was working in an old chemical plant when I dropped a hammer. It cracked a pipe and I was drenched in a clear liquid. At first I thought it was water, but then I could feel it burning my hands. To cut a long story short I ended up in hospital. Fortunately my clothes had protected me and it was only my exposed hands that were affected. I was in a lot of pain but thankful it hadn't sprayed onto my face.

"I will speak to the doctor to see what time you can go. It's late now so I guess it will be sometime tomorrow morning."


"Yes Adam."

"The doctor says I will need looking after."

"I know that."

"All the time, twenty-four hours."

She gave me a look, the same one she used to give me when I was a child and had said something stupid. She then shook her head and said "I know that as well."

"But what about your work?"

She gave a long sigh before saying "It's all sorted out. My boss is letting me have two weeks off work, starting when you get out."

"But my hands are going to take more than two weeks to heal."

"Don't you want to leave the hospital?"

I could tell she was annoyed, then in a calmer voice she said "I had a talk with the doctor yesterday, he thinks it will be another five to six weeks before you get back the full use of your hands."

I was going to interrupt her but she put her hand up to stop me.

"Aunty June will do the two weeks after me, Ava the rest. You know Aunty June has been very good about it. Uncle Bill was going away for three week on business to Singapore, she has made him move it forward a week so that he will be out of the way whilst she looks after you."

That was a shame, I like Uncle Bill, you can have a laugh with him.

When she had finished she fixed me with a stare that said 'This is what we are doing, don't argue with me'.

So that was the plan. I didn't have any other options so I tried to look grateful, but I did manage to mumble "Not my sister Ava."

Mother smiled at that but didn't say anything.

The next day she was at the hospital early, but it was another two hours before I could leave.

"Mrs Jones, did the nurse go over everything with you?"

"Yes doctor. I have his painkillers, and I know about keeping his hands dry when he has a bath or a shower."

"Good, don't forget to make an appointment for next week before you leave."

It was only a thirty minute drive from the hospital to home, but it did give me enough time to think about what mother would now need to do for me, everything the nurses had been doing. Using the toilet was going to be the worst thing. The nurses had been very matter of fact about it, they do it all the time, mother doing it was going to be embarrassing, but I guess I would get used to it. Would it be best if I had a bath rather than a shower? In the hospital it had only been bed baths, a quick wash down with a wet cloth.

"You go into the house and I will bring all your stuff in."

Mother got out of the car, I waited for her to open the door for me. It was only when she had put the key in the front door that she realised I hadn't followed her. When she turned back to look at me I waved my bandaged hands.

I got a quick "Sorry" when she let me out.

I was glad to be back home. I was looking forward to her cooking, I hadn't had a decent meal since my accident. However the most pressing need was the toilet. I could wait a bit longer but it was probably best to do it now, the sooner it became routine the better.

"How about a nice cup of coffee?"

"Yes, but first I need the toilet."

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before mother looked at me and said "OK."

I gave her a smile, to ease the tension, then I said "I just need a leak."

When we got to the bathroom mother quickly reached for my zip, I guess she wanted it over and done with as soon as possible, but unfortunately it wouldn't move.

"I think it's stuck, something must be trapped in it."

I could hear the frustration in her voice.

"Try pulling it hard."

"That's what I have been doing. I think I need to look at it to see what is stuck in it."

Before I could reply mother was on her knees staring at my crotch.

"Stay still, I think I know what the problem is."

It took another minute or so before she managed to free it.

"I hope we don't have all this messing about every time you want a piss."

We both laughed at that. When we had finished I could see mother was now hesitant, the next step was to take my cock out. As her hand went in I closed my eyes, I could now feel her pulling it out. When she had finished I heard her gasp. Opening my eyes I looked down at her, she was staring at my cock. She then muttered something.

"It's so big."

I was shocked, without thinking I blurted out "But wasn't father as big as me?"

In a low voice she just said "No."

I was surprised, I had just assumed I had inherited it from him. I was also surprised when she held it, not tentatively but with a firm grip. It was as if she was feeling the thickness of it. When I had finished she shook it a few times to get the last drops out, then she kept her hand on it.

"Thanks, I think I am done."

She seemed reluctant to let go of it, but after a few seconds she started to put it back in. When she stood up I could see that her face looked flushed.

"Thanks, I think it will be less awkward next time."

Mother gave a nervous laugh before saying "I hope so, it's the first one, other than your father's, that I have seen since I was a teenager."

We were just leaving the bathroom when mother stopped and looked at me. I could see she wanted to say something, but she seemed hesitant.

"Adam, I was just wondering."


"How big is it when it's erect?"

I was shocked, and I guess mother could see it on my face.

"Sorry, I should never have asked. I was just curious."

She now looked embarrassed so I tried to make a joke of it, "It's big enough."

That made her smile, then she said "Just wait until Aunty June sees it."

After we had both stopped laughing I looked at her, and with pride in my voice, I said "It's nearly nine inches."

In a low voice she repeated "Nine inches" then she shook her head.

"Adam, another question?"

I was now a bit wary, what did she want to know, the size of my balls? No, it was why had Hannah split up with me two weeks before the accident. She didn't say it but the implication was why would Hannah dump somebody who has a big cock? I just said her new boyfriend was very rich, worth millions. That must have made perfect sense to her because she didn't say anything else. So that was why I now had no girlfriend, and until I recovered there was no prospect of getting another one.

As I sat on the sofa drinking coffee I reflected on what had happened in the bathroom. My mother had now seen, and handled, my cock, she also knew its size. It would be easier next time.

"Is the coffee OK?"

"Yes, thanks. A lot better than the hospital stuff. I just wish I didn't have to drink it through a straw."

"I was thinking, before you go to bed tonight you need a bath."

I sniffed under my arm, "Yes I stink." Mother thought that was very funny.

I spent the rest of the morning and early evening reading and watching television, but reading was difficult because I had to turn the pages using just the little finger of my right hand. Mother was busy around the house, cleaning and cooking. I needed her help twice to piss and once for a sit down job. It was all done very efficiently, almost impersonal, except that she did seem to hold my cock longer than was strictly necessary.

Since my accident I hadn't had an erection, I was in too much pain to think about anything sexual. However now that the pain was less my cock was starting to come back to life. The last time mother had held it I had felt it thicken, it had taken all my self-control to stop it growing. In bed tonight I would have to find a way to relieve myself.

"Bath time."

"Can I just watch the end of this, another ten minutes?"

Mother laughed, "You were just the same when you were a child. Always wanting more time. OK, I will run the bath and call you when it's ready."

I got almost fifteen minutes before she returned. In her hand she had two small plastic bags and some elastic bands, she held them up to show me.

"Food bags to cover your hands."

When we got into the bathroom mother started to undress me. The first thing off was my loose T-shirt, she had to be careful not to put any pressure on my hands. She was about to unbutton my trousers when she stopped.

"I think I had better change into something more suitable, I am going to get wet."

As she left the bathroom she shouted "Don't move I will be back in a few minutes."

It was more than a few minutes, but the bathroom was nice and warm so I didn't mind waiting.

"Sorry, I was going to wear my swimsuit but I have looked everywhere for it. I bet Aunty June has borrowed it without asking."

I looked at her, she was wearing a dressing gown. She kept it on whilst she undressed me, I was now naked with stupid food bags on my hands. I waved them about to show how ridiculous they looked. She laughed, then she removed her dressing gown. All she had on was her knickers and bra.

"Before you say anything it's the only thing that I could think of wearing."

I tried to avert my eyes as she helped me into the bath. As I sat there waiting for her to wash me I tried not to think about what I had just seen. Mother had married young, I was born a year later when she was nineteen. She was now forty-one, still a young woman, and still attractive.

When she leant over to wash me I took the opportunity to take a good look at her big tits, they were straining against her bra. That was a mistake, I could feel my cock rising.

"Close your eyes, I need to wash your face."

I tried thinking of other things, but it didn't work, it just kept on growing.

"Done, now I need to wash your."

I opened my eyes, mother had stopped, wash cloth in hand. She was now watching my cock reach its full length. We stayed like that for a few seconds before she broke the silence.

In a calm voice she said "Close your eyes again, I am going to wash your hair."

So she was going to ignore it. Whilst she washed my hair I vowed I would find some way to relieve myself later in bed.

"You can open your eyes now."

I would rather have kept them closed, then I could have pretended that I didn't have a dirty great boner in front of my mother. Thankfully she continued to ignore it and within a couple of minutes my feet and legs were washed.

"Thanks, will you help me out?"

"Not so fast."

She looked at my crotch, and then nodded.

I was horrified, "NO."

She laughed, "Don't worry I will be gentle. You need washing there to keep it clean. You don't want an infection."

"It's clean enough. I have been soaking in the bath."

"Nonsense. I will not take no for an answer."

I sighed, I just hoped she was going to be quick.

"I know what you are worried about."

I was worried about coming, but I didn't want her to mention it.

"It's the wash cloth, it will be too rough."

I nodded vigorously then said "Yes that's it." I had a way out.

She turned away from me and dropped it onto my dirty clothes. I raised my knees, ready for her to help me out. However when I looked at her she now had the soap in her hands.

Smiling she said "I am just going to use my hands."

She started on the base of my shaft, nice and gentle. I tried not to moan.

In a low, almost seductive voice, she said "You can close your eyes if you want."

When I had closed them her hand went between my legs. Her fingers brushed against my anus and I tensed up.

I heard her giggle then she said "Relax."

Now her fingers were on my balls, she started washing them, then she cupped them. It felt good, too good. When she started rolling them in her hand I knew it was now more than a wash. I was going to say something, but I hesitated. She then stopped, and I was glad I hadn't because that would have been embarrassing for both of us.

Suddenly I gasped, her hand was now lightly gripping my cock, moving up and down the full length. When I opened my eyes she looked directly at me and then, still holding my gaze, she stroked my cock. She was good, not too tight a grip, slow at first then faster. All the time she was looking at me, watching my face. It didn't take me long to climax.

"Does that feel better?"

"Yes, it was amazing."

She giggled. "Thanks, I am glad I haven't lost my touch. But on a serious note keep this between you and me. I know it's difficult for you not being able to use your hands so I thought I would help you out."

"Thanks, I did need it, and I will never tell anybody about it."

"Good, if you behave I might do it again."

"Wow, I will be on my best behaviour. How about tomorrow night?"

She laughed, then she shook her head. That night, for the first time since my accident, I had a decent night's sleep.

The next morning there was no mention of what had happened the previous evening. However we did talk at length about my father who had died of a sudden heart attack eighteen months ago. We both still missed him dreadfully, but it gave us some comfort talking about the good times we had shared with him.

Just before bedtime I thought I would try my luck.

"I think I need another bath."

Mother stopped reading her book and fixed me with a look that said I was in trouble, but before speaking her face softened, "No, but we will do it tomorrow."

I smiled at her, I now had something to look forward to. I just hoped it would be as good as last time.

Unfortunately it didn't go as planned. The following day I felt really rough, not sure if it was a bug or just a consequence of my injury. I was in no mood to do anything except lounging about watching television, or sleeping. In the evening when I declined mother's offer of a bath she looked disappointed, almost annoyed. The next time I went to the toilet it was done quickly, her hand didn't linger on my cock.

"Are you feeling any better today?"

"Yes, I had a good night's sleep as well."

Mother looked pleased.

I spent the rest of the day waiting, every time I thought about how good mother's hand had been my cock thickened. I tried to think about other things, but eventually I always ended up thinking about her. Going to the toilet was becoming difficult. One time she had her hand on it for longer than usual, and when it started to grow I thought she was going to finish me off. However she quickly pushed it back into my pants and muttered "Later."

The evening news was just ending when I heard mother shout from the kitchen, "Bath time in half an hour."

That put a smile on my face. I shouted back "OK mum, I am ready when you are." Then in a low whisper I said "And my cock is ready now."

This time there was no dressing gown, she had entered the bathroom wearing just knickers and bra. Quickly and efficiently she undressed me. As soon as my cock was free it sprung into life. Mother was mesmerised by it, her eyes widened when it reached its full length.

She giggled then said in a loud voice "It's actually TOO big."

I just smiled, I was busy checking out her tits. Her bra seemed smaller, and tighter, than last time, I could make out her large nipples.

"Let's get you into the bath."

The washing was quicker than before, it was as if she was in a hurry to get to my cock.

"No need to wash your hair, I will do it next time."

I smiled in anticipation of what was to come next, but surprisingly mother now seemed hesitant to start.

"Last time you stained my bra, this one is expensive. I am going to take it off."

My eyes were now glued to her tits as I waited for her bra to come off. When they were released she cupped them in her hands, it was as if she was presenting them to me for inspection.

"They are magnificent, especially your big nipples."

She seemed pleased with my compliments.

"Your father couldn't keep his hands off them."

Waving my bandaged hands in the air I said "You are safe with me."

"Yes, but your father loved to suck them as well."

It sounded like an invitation for me to do the same. I waited for her to move her tits to my mouth but instead she started to wash the base of my cock, then very slowly she moved her hand up. She was now stroking it, slowly and gently. Last time she had quickly increased the pace, but today she didn't seem to be in a hurry to finish me off. It felt good, and I was happy for it to continue for as long as possible.

I was now building up to a nice climax. With an expert hand mother was taking me close but then easing off, almost teasing me. She continued doing it like that for several minutes, I was ready to burst.

I couldn't take any more, "Please make me come."

She just shook her head, and then continued as before. After another couple of minutes it was now almost painful.

"Are you ready now?"


Mother burst out laughing, but I was getting annoyed.

In a soothing voice she said "Sorry, I will make you come, but I want it on my tits."

I hadn't expected that, but I wasn't going to say no. She then leant over the bath and positioned my cock between her big tits, it stayed there when she removed her hands. I liked the firm feel of her against my cock. It got better when, with both hands, she squeezed her tits together and started to rock backwards and forwards. I was now fucking her tits. It was a different feeling to her hand, but just as good, so I didn't last long. With a loud groan I climaxed. When she had released my cock I looked at her, most of it was on her neck and chin, and there was a lot of it. As she wiped herself I lay back in the bath, completely spent.

When I awoke next day I desperately needed the toilet, but mother wasn't up yet and I didn't want to disturb her. I was normally careful on how much I had to drink before bedtime, it wasn't fair on her to have to sort me out in the middle of the night, but last night she had to, and now I needed the toilet again. Fortunately it was only half an hour before I heard mother's footsteps outside the door.

I shouted to her, "I need the toilet."

"Not again", but when she came into the bedroom she was smiling.

"Sorry mum, I know it's hard work for you."

"I think I am used to it now."

When she had sorted me out, toilet and dressing, we went down for breakfast. I think eating was now the worst part of not been able to use my hands, my mother having to feed me, it made me feel like a little child.

"We are going to go out today, you can come shopping with me. You haven't been out since you got back from the hospital. Sitting all day watching television can't be good for you."

I didn't like the idea of shopping but she did have a point about me not going out so I didn't argue with her. We even ate out for lunch. The food was good, and I enjoyed it despite people staring at me as mother fed me.

For the rest of the day I was back to my normal routine, television and reading. After our evening meal mother joined me, there was a cooking program she wanted to watch. It was of no interest to me but I didn't want to be rude and leave her on her own whilst I went to my room. She was obviously enjoying it, but my mind was on other thing. I had seen her tits, and felt them with my cock. What would it be like to suck those big nipples? When the program ended I was horny, I needed relief.

"Do you think I can have a bath tonight?"

"No, you only had one yesterday. Tomorrow morning at eleven you have to go to the hospital to have your hands checked and new bandages put on. You are having one before you go. I don't want them thinking that I can't look after you."

"But I can't wait."

Mother looked at me, then she understood. It wasn't the washing that I wanted.

She muttered "Men, is that all you think about?"

"Please, I will be quick."

"No, it's too much messing about to run the bath now."

I pleaded, "Just do it here."

There was silence, was she thinking about it?

"No, it will be too messy."

I blurted out "I could come in your mouth." Then I quickly added "So that there will be no mess."

The silence was longer this time, I was now regretting saying it, but then she surprised me with "OK, but be quick."

It was good, she was obviously skilled at it. I wondered how many times she had done this to my father, and did he enjoy it as much as I was enjoying it now? She had asked me to be quick but she was not rushing me. It had taken her a few minutes to determine how much she could comfortably swallow, she settled on about six inches. I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable, surprisingly I lasted another five minutes, all due to her amazing technique. When I did come it felt as if it would never end. She struggled to swallow it.

Licking her lips she said "That was a mouthful."

"Thanks, if you hadn't done it I would not have been able to sleep."

"I know what you mean."

I looked at her, I could see the frustration on her face. I was shocked, I hadn't given any thought to her needs.

"Sorry, I have only been thinking about myself. Will you."

She completed it for me "Play with myself later?"

"I don't know. Most of the time when I do it leaves me more frustrated. It's not the same on your own."

"I can help you."

She just pointed to my hands.

I shook my head and said "I can suck your big nipples."

"No, that will still leave me frustrated."

"How about I suck your nipples and you finger yourself?"

She hesitated before saying "We can try."

She didn't sound very enthusiastic, I just hoped it would give her the relief she needed.

When I sucked on her nipple I was in heaven. It was nice and thick, just what I like. I started slowly at first then I milked her hard. I heard her gasp, then I saw her hand frantically trying to get inside her knickers. She was struggling but when I heard her moan I knew her fingers had found her cunt. I quickly switched to the other nipple and give it the same treatment.

"Suck harder."

I did, then I switched again and sucked that one as hard as I could.

"Don't stop, don't stop. My cunt is going to come."

I smiled, I had no intention of stopping. A few seconds later her cunt exploded, with a loud moan she climaxed and her body stiffened. It was a couple of minutes before she recovered.

She was still short of breath but managed to say in a low voice "That was good."

I was pleased for her.

When she was putting her bra back on she looked at me and said "My nipples are sore, what did you do to them?" She didn't sound annoyed.

I shrugged my shoulders "You did say suck harder."

She laughed, "Yes I did say that."

Bath time the following day was quick and perfunctory, there was no time for anything extra even if I had wanted it. We had to be at the hospital for eleven and we were running a bit late.

We got there just in time.

"Your hands are healing well. I will get the nurse to put fresh bandages on. Is the pain any better?"

"It's a lot better, I am now taking less of the painkillers."

"That's good."

He then turned to mother and said "Mrs Jones you are doing a good job looking after him."

Mother beamed with pride, "Thanks doctor."

"Keep up the good work, I will see you in another week."

Whilst driving back home mother was in a good mood.

"The first week hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be. In fact I have enjoyed looking after you."

I had certainly enjoyed it.

"Aunty June rang last night, just after you went to bed. She was asking how you were. I think she is actually looking forward to looking after you."

I was dreading it. She is quite strict, and at times even scary. I certainly wouldn't get any 'relief' from her. I had a mental image of her looking at my cock in disgust, and handling it only when it was strictly necessary. I shuddered.

"Are you cold? I can turn the heating up."

I just nodded, it was a bit cold in the car, but it was the thought of Aunty June attending to me that had made me shudder. It was now too hot, but in five minutes we would be home.

Two days later Aunty June visited us. She talked mostly with mother but when she did speak to me she made me feel like a small child. When mother mentioned that sometimes she had to take me to the toilet in the middle of the night Aunty June gave me a look that said 'We will not have any of that nonsense when I am looking after you'. She stayed late, I was glad when she eventually left, but I tried not to show it.

"I am going to bed. Do you think I will be OK with Aunty June next week?"

Mother gave me a reassuring smile, "Yes, her bark is worse that her bite. Deep down she is quite soft."

I muttered, under my breath, "Very deep down."

That night I couldn't sleep, not because of pain but because of a throbbing erection. I tried rubbing it against the bed sheet but it was uncomfortable. I looked at my watch, it was only eleven, mother might still be awake. Her bedroom door was closed but I could hear the television, I knocked.

"Come in. Do you need the toilet?"

As I approached the bed I could see mother looking at my crotch.

"I can see what you need, pass me the tissue box."

I did as she asked then I sat next to her on the bed.

"Can we do what we did last time?"

"I would like to but my nipples are still a bit sore." She sounded disappointed.

"But don't worry, I will let you put it in my mouth."

"What if I lick you?"

Mother looked shocked.

"Don't you like that?"

"I do, I like it a lot. I just don't think we should."

I didn't understand, "Why?"

"Me giving you relief, when you can't do it yourself, feels OK."

"But I sucked your tits."

"Yes, but touching me down below is a lot more intimate."

"We can try it."

Mother gave a short laugh, "When you have your tongue in my cunt and you are licking my clit am I going to say stop?"

"Sorry, it was a stupid thing to say. What if you close your eyes and imagine it is somebody else doing it?"

There was silence, she was thinking about it. Without saying anything we both knew that the somebody else was my father.

In a low voice she said "He was very good at it."

She was weakening, I kept quiet waiting for her to decide.

"OK, but just this once. Now get that stupid grin off your face or I might change my mind."

Her cunt had a strong musky smell, and she was already juicy when I started to lick her. I loved the taste of it. I was surprised that she was shaved, for some reason I had just assumed she would be hairy, but I was glad, I prefer a bald cunt. I was taking my time, if she meant what she had said about doing this just once then I wanted to make the most of it. She was also taking her time with my cock, her mouth was moving nice and slowly, there was no danger of her making me come too soon.

I spent a few minutes exploring her lips, at times sucking them into my mouth. When she started to wiggle her bottom I knew it was time to move to her clit, I heard her gasp when I found it. It was nicely swollen, ready to be licked. I was gentle at first, then I started to lick it harder, she responded by sucking me harder. We now had a nice rhythm going, I could feel myself moving towards a climax. After another five minutes or so I was getting close, however she got there first. My cock was now out of her mouth and she was moaning and writhing about. I managed to get my head out and I waited for her to finish, eventually she was still.

"That was good. I always used to come first then your father would fuck me hard."

Was she telling me what she wanted me to do now? When I looked at her she must have realised what I was thinking.


I was disappointed but that changed when she put my cock back into her mouth. Two minutes later I climaxed. It felt good, but as I poured it down her throat I wondered what it would be like instead to shoot it deep into her juicy cunt.

Over breakfast I could tell mother wanted to speak to me about something, but she seemed hesitant. I wondered if it was about last night. Eventually it came out.

"It was nice what you did to me, but I don't think we should do it again."

"That's fine by me."

I gave her a reassuring smile, but deep down I was disappointed.

"And also I am giving you a bath tonight."

This time my smile was genuine. I might not be able to suck on her cunt again but tonight I would get relief from her hand, or possibly her mouth.

"But it's JUST a wash."

I could tell from the tone of her voice that she meant it. I was now beginning to think that this might be the end of it.

The next day I was on my best behaviour. Mother was very attentive to my needs, but there was no hint of anything sexual. We then had a nice evening together watching television.

"Goodnight, I am off to bed."

"Goodnight Adam. Before I forget, there is a film on tomorrow night, will you watch it with me?"

"What is it?"

It was one I had never heard off, she had to explain to me what it was about. It was a Romcom, definitely not a film I wanted to see. However she seemed keen for me to watch it with her.

I did a loud fake groan and said "Do I have to?"

She laughed then said "YES."

After all she had done for me the least I could do was watch a film with her.

"And if you want you can cuddle up to me on the sofa, that's if you want to?"

I nodded my head vigorously, this time she giggled. I smiled to myself as I went to bed. She had said cuddle but we both understood that it meant a lot more than that.

I spent most of the next day waiting for the film to start. It was on at eight so I had a long frustrating wait.

It was now about to start and mother was in her bedroom, I shouted to her, "It's on in five minutes."

Two minutes later she appeared wearing a short nightie. I stared at her, there was no bra and I wondered if she had any knickers on.

"It's just a nightie."

"Sorry for staring, you took me by surprise."

"It's comfortable, and when the film ends I will just go straight to bed. I can put my clothes back on if you want?"

She was smiling as she said the last part so I knew she was teasing me.

The film was better than I thought it would be, she was enjoying it and I was as well, but I would never admit that. I was also enjoying the feel of her body against mine. We were snuggled up together under a blanket, and for most of the time my cock was straining against my trousers. If I had known she was just going to wear a nightie I would have changed into my pyjamas. It felt as if we would eventually do something together but I was waiting for her to take the lead.

"I want to watch the end of it but I am getting tired. I think I will watch it in bed."

I was desperately trying to think of something to say that would make her stay, but then she said "Come to bed and watch it with me."

I wasn't sure if she was genuinely tired or if it was her way of getting me into her bed.

We moved quickly, she didn't want to miss anything. We were now in her bedroom with the television on.

"I need the bathroom."

She almost ran out of the room, two minutes later she was back, breathless.

"She got into bed than asked "What did I miss?"

Nothing much had happened, but she still wanted all the details. I explained as best I could, we then settled down to watch it. However I was uncomfortable and I kept fidgeting.

"What's a matter with you?"

"It's my trousers."

"Well take them off then."

"I would if I could."

"Sorry, I forgot."

She had them off in record time.

"I suppose I had better take your underwear off as well."

When that was done she sighed, "Now can we get back to watching the film?"

I just grinned, I was now happy spooning against her. It didn't take long for the inevitable to happen, for my cock to start to rise. Mother noticed it when it reached its full length.

"I don't want that poking me in the back for the next fifteen minutes until the film ends."

"Sorry, I can't help it."

"Move down a bit and put it between my legs."

I moved down but was struggling, everything is difficult when you can't use your hands. She must have realised I needed her help, without taking her eyes of the television she reached behind and did it for me.

I had now lost all interest in the film, all I could think about was that the shaft of my cock was touching her cunt lips, I just wished it was the head, then I would be able to push it in. Very slowly I started to move my cock, to rub it against her. Mother didn't say anything so I continued, but this time doing longer strokes. After a couple of minutes I noticed that she was pushing back against me, then slowly she opened her legs a bit more, giving me better access to her cunt. Good, she was enjoying it as well.

I was now getter bolder, the strokes were longer and at times the head of my cock was brushing against her opening. When that happened mother seemed to push back against me harder, as if she wanted me inside her. What we were doing now was good but I desperately wanted to fuck her, I decided to try. I stopped rubbing against her and positioned my cock against her cunt, I could feel her lips part, a little push and I would be in.

We were now both still. I was anxiously waiting for some sign from her for me to continue, it felt as if she was trying to decide.

"Don't do anything." Her voice was firm, no doubt that she meant it.

My heart sank, she wasn't willing.

Then she added "Until the film ends."

Did she mean continue as before, or fuck her?

"When it ends what do you want me to do?"

There was a nervous giggle from her, "Fuck me of course."

My eyes were now back on the television, praying for it to end. As the credits rolled I gave a long sigh of relief.

"I thought it would never end."

Mother laughed, "I hope you last longer than that."

I didn't say anything, I responded by pushing the first inch in. There was a low moan from her.

"That feels good. It's been a long time."

I slowly pushed more in, she moaned again.

"That feels even better, I want as much of your big cock as I can take."

When I stopped most of it was in, I was surprised, she is not very big so I had expected her to have a small cunt.

"I have never been filled up like this before. I can feel it deep inside me."

"Are you OK?"

"Yes, fuck me, but not too hard at first. I have never had such a big one inside me so I don't know if I can take it."

I needed to be careful, not just for her but for me as well. I was highly excited and if I didn't concentrate I would come too quickly.

I did as she asked, starting slowly, but doing long strokes the full length of my cock. Each time I hit the top of her cunt she moaned. As I gradually upped the pace her moaning increased.

"Let me know when you are ready to come, then I will fuck you harder."

Between moans she managed to say "No, not yet."

I was now finding it hard work. Ideally I would have liked to get her on all fours and fuck her hard from behind whilst holding her hips, instead I had to hold onto her as best I could with my elbows.

A few minutes later there was a "Yes" from her.

I ignored her.

"YES", this time it was a lot louder.

I knew what she wanted, but I was teasing her.

I said "What?", but before she could reply I fucked her hard.

She gave a long loud moan. I smiled to myself, then I fucked her even harder. She lasted another thirty seconds before climaxing, she was loud, very loud. I was still going.

"Stop, I can't take anymore."

After two more stokes I came, it was a big one for me as well. I was the first to recover.

"That was good, did you enjoy it?"

There was a purring sound from mother followed by "Yes."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing really, it's just the way you said it."

"It was good, very good. That big cock of yours has reached parts of my cunt that no other cock has. I tried to resist but it was too much, I needed your cock."

"Glad you liked it."

She giggled, "But I am going to be sore again later on, but this time my cunt."

"Sorry, next time I will have to be more careful."

Mother didn't reply, so there might actually be a next time. If there was it would have to be soon, in three days she would be back at work and Aunty June would be taking care of me.

"I was just thinking of Aunty June."

"Whilst you were fucking me?"

"NO, of course not."

When she laughed I knew she wasn't serious.

"Why do I have to go to her place, can't she come and stay here? We have room."

"I wanted her to do that, I could help when I got back from work, but she said no. I think it's because she doesn't want me interfering."

"You could ask her again?"

"There is no point, you know what she is like. Anyway, don't you think you should now be getting back to your own bed?"

"Can't I sleep here with you?"

"No, it would not be proper for a son to sleep in the same bed as his mother. What would the neighbours think?"

She had said it with straight face and I almost believed she meant it, that was until she burst out laughing. However she did make me go back to my own room.

The next day was an anti-climax, mother was indeed sore and she made it clear that she wasn't interested in being fucked again. However she said that it was only because it would be uncomfortable for her, so there was the promise of more later on, but time was running out before I would be leaving her. In the evening she gave me a bath because I was going to the hospital tomorrow morning. I declined her offer to relieve me, she seemed surprised but didn't say anything. Now that I had experienced her cunt I was holding out for that rather than her hand.

This time we got to the hospital ten minutes early.

"Mrs Jones his hands are healing really well, I am pleased."

Looking at me the doctor said "Is she pampering you?"

"Yes she is."

"In my experience a mother always looks after her son's needs."

I smiled at him, if he only knew what needs she was looking after he would be shocked. I glanced at mother, she was blushing.

In the car I tried to mimic the doctor, "In my experience a mother always looks after her son's needs."

She giggled before saying "Stop it, I am trying to drive."

When we arrived home, and she was parking the car in the drive, I said "What time is Aunty June picking me up tomorrow?"

"Nine, you need to be ready, she will be here at nine on the dot. Also I need to be in work at ten."

In the evening I tried hinting to mother that I wanted her, she just ignored me, eventually I blurted it out, "Can we do it again?"

"Yes, but later."

However she didn't sound keen, I felt guilty for asking. I watched television with her until eleven when she said that she was going to bed, she didn't ask me to join her. I was disappointed but I didn't want to push it.

I had a restless night, probably because I was frustrated. I even dreamt that I was fucking her, but this time I had the use of my hands. When mother woke me early I was still tired.

"I need to dress you, then breakfast. If you are not ready I will never hear the end of it from her."

Breakfast was good. As soon as mother had fed me the last of it she took the plate away.

"I need to wash up before she comes, if the kitchen is not tidy she will pass some comment."

She was now leant over the sink washing the dishes. Whilst she concentrated on doing that I fixed my eyes on her bottom. It was a bottom that I would like to get my hands on, and it was wiggling nicely as she worked. I looked at the clock on the wall, quarter to nine, just enough time for a quick one, that is if she was willing.

I pressed against her from behind.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

I saw her glance at the clock, so she was willing.

"There is no time."

"There is if we are quick."

There was silence as she decided, then she turned round and unzipped me. It was a struggle for her to get my cock out because I was already getting hard. At one point I was worried that she might stop, but eventually it was free. She then reached up and took her knickers off.

As she leant against the sink, with her bottom sticking out and her legs wide, I waited for her to lift her skirt up. I didn't dare look at the clock.

"Fuck, I forgot you can't use your hands."

She sounded as desperate as I was.

It was now out of the way and I was pushing against her cunt, she was pushing back and opening her legs even wider to help me. We only had a few minutes so it was frantic. I was fucking her as hard as I could and she was taking all of my cock.

"I am almost there, fuck me harder."

I wasn't sure if I could, but I would try.

"Bend over more, that might help."

She did, it was now a bit easier for me to fuck her. It must also have been better for her because she was now making more noise. We would soon be finished, but then I heard the doorbell.

"Don't stop, don't stop."

I wasn't going to, I was about to come. As I poured it into her I could feel her start to tense.

"This is what my sister needs, a good hard fuck with a big cock."

Then she climaxed. My cock was already going limp but I could feel her cunt contracting against it.

The doorbell rang again, I quickly pulled out.

"No time to get you decent, go upstairs I will let her in."

As I left the kitchen I could see her putting her knickers back on.

From the bathroom I heard mother greet Aunty June, she apologised for keeping her waiting. Surprisingly there was no sarcastic reply from her sister, she must be in a good mood. I smiled, we had got away with it.

Five minutes later mother joined me.

She giggled before saying "That was a close shave. I told her I was busy in the kitchen."

"Yes, busy being fucked."

She was trying not to laugh as she put my cock back in and zipped me up.

"Let me look at you, I think we can go downstairs now. I can't see any stains on your trousers. When both of you have gone I am changing my knickers, they are soaking wet with what you pumped into me."

I smiled, she had made the last part sound like a compliment.

"Hello Adam, are you ready now?"

"Hello Aunty June, yes I am."

"Good, we need to leave now. It's a two hour drive."

There was barely time to say goodbye to mother before I was in the car. Aunty June was obviously keen to leave, I wasn't, but there was no point in delaying the inevitable. As we drove off it looked as if mother was crying, I don't think Aunty June noticed.

Perhaps I was being a bit unfair to her, the next two weeks could not possibly be as good as the two weeks with mother, however they might not be as bad as I was imagining they would be.

It would certainly be interesting the first time she saw my cock, and what if I got an erection in front of her? I smiled to myself, if I was careful I might even be able to have some fun with her!

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