Chapter 68: Adam has Lost the Use of His Hands Ch. 03
"Why is your Sister always late?"
"It's only ten past eight, I am sure she will be here soon."
"I will give her another ten minutes then I need to go."
I just shrugged my shoulders. Mother was not happy with Ava, if I said anything else she would probably take it out on me.
Five minutes later we heard a car pull up outside. Mother muttered something under her breath, I just hoped there wasn't going to be an argument.
"Sorry Mother, sorry Adam. I set off a bit late."
We both then got a big hug. When I looked at Mother she was smiling, there was no mention of Ava being late, she was just happy to see her.
"I can only stay another five or ten minutes before I need to leave for work. Is there anything you need from me before I go?"
There was a confident "No" from her.
They had talked for over an hour last night on the phone, and from what I could hear they had already covered everything in detail. There was even a discussion on what to do when I needed to urinate, unzip me or get me to sit down? At that point I left the room, it had started to get embarrassing.
"Did you see Mother crying when she waved us off?"
She looked surprised, "No, I was too busy driving."
"Do you think she will come and visit us?"
I looked over at her.
"We talked about it. You know what she is like. I am happy to look after my little brother but I don't want her to interfere."
"But you only live thirty minutes away?"
"That's why I said no to her. If it was up to Mother she would find some excuse to call round every day after work."
"What if you need some advice from her?"
"I will call her."
She sounded annoyed, so I dropped the subject.
Five minutes later she glanced over at me and then said, "Tell me about you and Aunty June?"
"What do you mean?"
I hoped I hadn't sounded as worried as I felt. What had she heard?
"Just what was it like staying with her? She can be a bit of a bitch."
I took a few seconds to calm myself before casually saying, "It was OK, a lot better than I thought it would be."
I could see that she was now thinking about what I had said about Aunty, she had obviously expected me to be critical. I also got the feeling that I would be quizzed about her again later on.
"How do you like your room?"
It was small and cramped, I think it was where she dumped things, but it would do.
"It's OK."
I had tried to sound enthusiastic, I must have succeeded because she looked pleased.
"Let me show you the bathroom."
I didn't need to see it, I have visited her lots of times before so I knew what it looked like. However I didn't say anything, I just followed her to it, but I had forgotten that she didn't have a bath, just a shower.
"Why do you call it a bathroom, there is no bath?"
She gave me a puzzled look, but when she realised I was joking I got a smile from her. Then I started to think about having a shower, how would that work? She would have to get in with me. I was just about to ask her when I noticed her staring at my crotch.
"Come on let me see it."
I moved back as she tried to unzip me.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't be shy."
I wasn't shy, just surprised.
"Mother told me about it."
I was now shocked, and she could see that I was.
"Let me explain. Mother warned me last night, apparently you are very big. She wouldn't say anymore. I need to see it."
"I am, but can't you wait until I need the toilet? You will see it then."
She shook her head, and when she put her hands on her hips and looked me in the eye, I knew she wasn't going to take no for an answer. She is five years older than me so she thinks she can boss me about. I must admit I wasn't against the idea of showing it to her, it was just that it felt as if I didn't have a choice. However I might be able to get something out of it. It was worth a try.
"OK, I will show you mine but you have to show me yours."
She was thinking about it, that was a good sign.
"Yes, but no touching."
I smiled, with my bandaged hands I couldn't touch her even if I wanted to.
She quickly unzipped me but then she took her time in getting my cock out, taking the opportunity to briefly fondle it while it was still in my trousers. When it was out she stepped back to admire it.
"You should see it when it's fully erect."
Now that I had put that thought into her head I waited for her to ask, she didn't disappoint me.
"How big is it?"
"Nine inches."
I had said it with pride, and from the look on her face she was obviously impressed.
"I thought James was big but you have another two inches."
I let her stare at it for a few more seconds, but now it was my turn.
"Let me see yours."
That startled her, in the excitement of seeing my cock I think she had forgotten what she had agreed to. There was a brief hesitation from her then she started to unbutton her top.
"Hey, we had a deal."
She stopped, a puzzled look on her face.
"What do you mean?"
I just pointed at her skirt.
Then she understood, "NO."
I shrugged my shoulders, "Come on Sis, you have seen mine."
"It's my tits or nothing. Nobody gets to see THAT unless it's my boyfriend or my Gynaecologist."
She now had her arms folded across her chest, annoyed at what I had wanted her to do.
I held my hands up in surrender then said, "Did you know I have recently trained as a Gynaecologist."
That made her laugh, when she had finished she continued to unbutton her top. When it was off she stopped. I was admiring her tits and she was letting me have a good look before taking her bra off.
"Wow," it was my turn to be impressed.
"Your nipples are big, very big."
They were comparable in size with Mother's and Aunty June's, but slightly darker. However she has much smaller tits which makes them look even more prominent.
"Do you like my tits?"
I smiled at her, did she need to ask?
"Yes, they are perfect."
That pleased her, she pushed her chest out more, obviously proud of them.
"I will let you into a secret. All the women in our family have these big nipples."
I tried to look surprised.
"Even Aunty June?"
"Especially her, she might have the biggest."
I think I would agree with her on that, but even though I was tempted I didn't say anything, instead I continued to look at her tits, imagining what it would be like to suck on them.
Then the inevitable happened, my cock started to rise. There was a gasp from her when she noticed, but she didn't say anything, she just watched it slowly grow.
My cock was now fully erect, nine inches of throbbing meat. I wanted her hands on me but instead they were now on her tits. I watched in fascination as she pulled on both nipples, they were now big and swollen, more than ready to be sucked. I moved closer to her. When she moved her hands away I lowered my head, I was desperate to get a nipple into my mouth.
Then her phone rang, it was loud and it startled both of us.
"I need to answer it, it will be James."
I winced at the mention of her boyfriend's name.
"Hi James, give me a minute," she sounded breathless
She quickly picked up her blouse and bra, and then she left the bathroom clutching them to her chest.
If only he had rang ten minutes later, or better still if he had not rang at all. My cock was still erect but it was now starting to wilt, and I was feeling guilty. I just wish James was not such a nice guy.
When she did eventually return she was fully clothed. My cock was now completely limp so it was easy for her to put it back in. She didn't say anything until I was zipped up.
"That was James."
If she was feeling guilty it didn't show on her face or in her voice.
"He is coming round tonight for a few hours."
"Is that allowed?"
It was a joke rather than a serious question.
I didn't get a laugh, just a clipped "Yes" from her, then she added "Mother thought that it would be a bad idea if he stayed the night, I agreed with her to keep her happy, but there was no mention about him coming to visit me."
Then I got a look from her that said 'Do you have an issue with that?'.
I gave her my best smile before saying "It's not a problem, I was just asking."
An hour later I needed the toilet. It was all done quickly and efficiently, and except for her hand lingering on my cock at the end for a bit longer than necessary, nothing untoward happened.
I like my Sister a lot, she is genuinely a nice person with lots of good points, however cooking is not one of them. The evening meal was filling but nowhere near as good as what Aunty June had been giving me. I just hoped she wasn't going to ask my opinion of it. Tomorrow I might suggest that I pay for a takeaway, I could say that it was so that she could have a break from cooking.
It was just after eight when James arrived, after letting him in Ava disappeared for twenty minutes, leaving us to chat. We hadn't seen each other for a while, I think a week or two before my accident, so we spent the time catching up. He asked lots of questions about my hands, and I could tell he was very sympathetic.
"It must be a nightmare not being able to use your hands."
Ava joined us just as the conversation was drying up. She looked different, she had changed into smarter clothes and had applied some make-up.
"Are you two going out?"
For some reason she thought that was very funny. When she had finished laughing she grabbed James by the arm and almost pulled him out of his chair.
"Let's go to my bedroom for a bit."
I considered saying "A bit of what?" However James was already looking embarrassed because of her obvious keenness to be fucked, so I kept my mouth shut.
When they had gone I gave a long sigh. In a few minutes he would be sucking on those magnificent tits. What I had started he would finish, I had got her excited earlier on and now he would be reaping the rewards. James was a very lucky guy.
I was now desperate for the toilet. They had been together in the bedroom for nearly two hours, surely they must have finished by now? Any longer and I would have to knock on the door, that would be so embarrassing, but wetting my trousers would be worse. Fortunately five minutes later I heard them on the stairs, then James popped his head round the door to say a quick goodbye.
"Thanks Sis, I needed that."
In low voice, just audible, I heard her say "Me to."
As she stuffed my cock back into my trousers I pretended I hadn't heard her. I was talking about the long piss I had just had, she was referring to something completely different, something far more enjoyable.
"When will James be coming again?"
It was a bad choice if words, and from the smirk on her face she had picked up on it. I started again.
"When will he be visiting again?"
"Tomorrow or the day after, but no later than that."
James was indeed a lucky man, he gets to fuck my Sister almost every day. I wondered what I would give, or what I would do, just to have the opportunity to do it once. However I now realised that there was no chance of that happening, she was already getting sex whenever she wanted, so why should she need my cock?
The next day I woke just after nine, with a full bladder. I could hear some noise from downstairs so Ava was already up, that was good. When I got to the kitchen she had her back to me.
"Hi Sis, I need some help."
When she turned round I could see she was angry.
"What's happened?"
"James rang me half an hour ago. He is a bastard."
I sat down at the table. What had he done, it must be serious? I waited for her to tell me more but she was just pacing up and down and muttering something under her breath.
In a calm voice I said "Please tell me about it."
She looked at me for a few seconds, then she gave a long sigh. Some of the anger had now gone and I could see she was ready to talk about it.
"James called me. There is some problem at work that apparently only HE can fix."
She shook her head a few times before continuing.
"So his boss has sent him off to Portugal. He rang me from the airport just before he was boarding."
I could see why he had left it until the last minute before telling her the bad news. It wasn't his fault, and when she eventually calmed down she would realise that.
"Where in Portugal is he going to?"
"I don't know, and I don't care."
"Sorry, I was only asking."
"I am just angry. Give me a bit of time and I will be OK. I do know that it's not James's fault. I blame his boss, he is a bastard."
I had thought her anger was directed at James, but it was his boss that was having his parentage questioned.
"He will be back soon, and I bet he will bring you a nice present."
From the look on her face I could see I had said the wrong thing.
She took a deep breath to compose herself before saying, "At least three weeks, but it might be longer, much longer."
I now understood her anger, but she would eventually calm down. James was a Chemical Engineer working on high profile projects. His job was interesting and well paid. Sometimes you have to take the rough with the smooth, but I wasn't going to tell her that, instead I was going to keep my head down until she returned to normal.
For the rest of the morning I kept out of her way. In the afternoon she left me for a couple of hours. When she returned with two heavy bags of shopping she was in a much better mood. The evening meal was quite good, and when she asked me if I liked it I genuinely said yes.
"I am going to bed. Sorry about today, I know I have been a bit of a bitch but I promise I will be OK tomorrow."
I gave her a nice smile, then I said "Only a BIT of a bitch?"
She thought that was funny, I could still hear her laughing as she went up the stairs.
When I woke up the next day I could hear her singing, that was a good sign. She stopped when I joined her in the kitchen.
"Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes."
"That is where James is, he rang this morning."
"Are you both OK now?"
"Of course. I may be a bitch but I am not a TOTAL bitch."
She was smiling, obviously in a lot better mood than yesterday. I could tell she was waiting for me to make some sarcastic comment, but instead I just smiled back.
"And there is some good news, he will get a big bonus for this. When he gets it he is taking me to Paris for a dirty weekend."
"Sounds good, can I come with you?"
"Let me think about it."
She spent the next few seconds pretending that she was considering it, then she just said "NO."
I shrugged my shoulders before saying, "It was worth a try."
Lunch was a sandwich from a local shop. It was very nice, I would be happy to have it again. However the evening meal was one to forget, some sort of stew. After eating half I was going to say that I was full, but when she said that she had made it specially for me I knew I had to eat it all.
"Just one last spoonful."
"Thanks, that was very nice."
"Good, I might make it again."
Damn, I shouldn't have said anything, I just hoped she would give my stomach a few days rest first. We then went to the front room to watch television. The programme was interesting but I noticed that Ava kept glancing over at me, I was expecting her to say something, eventually she did.
"Adam, can I ask you something?"
I was a bit wary, but mostly curious about what she wanted to ask.
"Yes, what is it?"
"You can't use your hands, so what do you do for, you know?"
An obvious question, but not one you would expect your Sister to ask.
"I was just wondering, James would struggle if his hands were bandaged."
I was tempted to say that I just bend over and suck it, but that would probably shock her. I can actually do that, with a bit of difficulty, but I don't because I hate the taste. I am always keen to pour it into other mouths but not into mine, instead I decided to play it down.
"I don't bother."
"Really? With James away my fingers will be working overtime."
She was being very candid, and I wondered if I should be as well.
"So when I change your sheets I am not going to find some interesting stains?"
"It depends what interests you."
That got a smile.
"If it had been somebody else other than Mother and Aunty June looking after you I think you would have had some help."
I wished she hadn't mentioned their names. From the look on Ava's face I could tell what she was thinking. She had seen some reaction from me and she was putting two and two together, and getting four.
"You dirty dog."
I feigned innocence but she wasn't having any of it.
"I bet it was Mother, Aunty June is too stuck up for anything like that."
It was time to come clean, sort of. I would tell her, but only what she had already suspected.
"It was both of them, but not at the same time."
She looked puzzled.
"That last bit was a joke, but yes it was both of them."
Her puzzled look had now turned to astonishment. I then explained in detail what they had done, but just about them giving me hand relief. When I said how good they had been at it, particularly Aunty June, her mouth opened in disbelieve.
"They were just being kind, giving me the relief that they could see I needed."
She nodded, I could see she was thinking about everything I had said.
"So what about it?"
It took her a few seconds to realise what I was asking for. I had expected a quick no but she was taking her time before answering me.
"I might do," then in a low voice, almost a whisper, she added "It is a nice cock."
That was the end of that particular conversation, it had certainly given both of us something to think about.
Two hours later she surprised me again, but this time it was with a statement rather than a question.
"It's time for your shower."
I looked up from my book, she was already leaving the room. I smiled before following her, this might be fun.
"How do you like them?"
After undressing me she had placed plastic bags over my hands, they were not the food bags Mother and Aunty had used.
"These are great, where did you get them from?"
"Online from a medical supplier, they are made for this purpose."
They were perfect, a nice fit. They had zips so no need to use rubber bands to seal them.
"I told Mother about them ages ago but she said the food bags she had were good enough."
"I wish you had told ME about them."
She laughed, "I just have."
I muttered under my breath, "Yes, but a bit too late."
I was busy admiring my hands when she said, "I need to get changed, I will be back in a few minutes."
I hadn't thought about that, while I waited I wondered what she was going to change into.
"Do you like it?"
Yes I did, I couldn't take my eyes off it. She was wearing a two piece swimming costume, one that had been designed more for being seen in rather than for actually swimming in. It was small and it showed off all her curves. What was there not to like about it?
"Are you going to say something or are you just going to stare at me?"
"Sorry, yes I do like it, I like it a lot."
"Good, now get in the shower."
Fortunately it was a decent size, there was plenty of room even with both of us in. The water was hot and it felt good as it cascaded over me. Ava was facing me and I had a great view of her tits, her big nipples looked to be straining to get out. As I imagined myself sucking on them I felt my cock thicken, then start to rise. She didn't notice at first, she was too busy washing my shoulders. It was only when it nudged against her that she realised what was happening. I thought she would object, but instead she stepped back and then watched it closely as it climbed to its full length.
"I was going to save that until later, but from the look of it I think it needs my attention now."\
"Yes, and from the look of your nipples they do as well."
There was a quick "NO" from her, then she shook her head.
She could see that I was disappointed. I got nice smile from her to reassure me that even though I couldn't touch her I would still get a good time.
In a calmer voice she said "They do need some attention, lots of it, but they are going to have to wait until James gets back."
I gave her my best pleading face, and for a few seconds I thought she might give in. However she didn't, she just shook her head again before getting to work on my cock.
Her touch was light and gentle, almost a caress, it was as if she was examining it. When she had explored its full length she moved her hand to my balls, at first she just cradled them, but then she rolled them in her hands.
"Nice big balls as well, just what I like."
Good, they had passed inspection.
"I hope there is a lot in there, I love to see it all shoot out."
She looked at me, and I could see she was hoping I would say yes. I had no idea if I could match or even beat James, but I gave her a confident "Yes." She nodded her head in approval.
I was impressed with her patience. Mother and Aunty June had spent very little time on my balls, they were eager to get to my cock. Ava was taking her time, it must have been at least four or five minutes before she moved back to my cock. Her hand was now firmly on the base of it, but instead of stroking it she stopped.
"I have been told a few times that I am good at this."
After a quick nod from me she continued.
"Do you want it nice and slow, or do you want to come quickly?"
"Slow, very slow."
Her face was now beaming, I had given the correct answer.
That first full stroke was so good, I couldn't have done it better with my own hand. As she continued working my cock I closed my eyes, I wanted to savour every moment of it.
In a low voice she said, "When I was younger this was my party piece."
It was as if she was talking to herself, and that it didn't really matter if I could hear her or not.
"I was a late developer, a bit too scared for full sex. I kept my boyfriends happy by doing this."
I thought back to my first girlfriends, I was lucky if I ever got anything beyond a quick feel of their tits.
"Is it good?"
Her hand suddenly stopped.
"It is VERY good."
A got a hard squeeze from her as punishment, then she said "That will teach you a lesson."
"I think you have ruined me."
That made her giggle, then she got back to the serious business of playing with my cock.
After a few more minutes she upped the pace, her hand was now firmer on my cock and the strokes were quicker. She wasn't trying to make me come, just moving me towards it.
"Keep your eyes closed."
"Just do it."
I wasn't going to argue, but I was curious about why she had said it. Her hand had now slowed and she seemed to be moving her feet. Then I heard a low moan from her. I kept my eyes closed but I smiled, she was playing with herself. She now had one hand on my cock and the other must be inside her swimsuit, I didn't need to look to know that her fingers were on her clit.
As her moaning increased she stroked me faster, I was now very close to coming.
"Tell me when you are ready and I will finish you off?"
"What about your cunt?"
"It's ready now, I can't hold on much longer. I want you to come first."
"OK, finish me off."
Thirty seconds later I exploded, it was a big one, I felt my cock twitch six or seven times. When I opened my eyes I saw Ava close hers, her hand was still between her legs, she was frantically fingering herself. I watched in fascination as she climaxed. Her head tilted back and her mouth opened, and she gave an almighty gasp. It ended with her slumped against the shower door. I was worried she might fall but somehow she managed to stay upright before I could help her.
When she had recovered I got a weak smile, I think it was all she could manage, it must have taken a lot out of her.
"Was that better?"
"Better than what?"
"Mother and Aunty June."
"It's not a competition."
When she put her hands on her hips and looked me directly in the eye I knew she wanted an answer.
"Let me think about it."
I then got a playful slap on my leg to hurry me up.
"That hurt."
The next one will be even harder, and it WILL hurt."
"OK, it was the best. Mother and Aunty were good but you just have the edge on them."
After scrutinising my face she seemed satisfied that I was telling the truth. To be honest there was not a lot to choose between them. However she wanted to be the best and I was happy to tell her that, it wasn't in my best interest to say otherwise.
We were now back in the living room watching the late news. I was nice and relaxed after my climax, and from the way Ava was stretched out on the sofa she was as well.
I said "Yes" without taking my eyes of the television.
"You do know that is all you are getting from me."
She now had my complete attention.
"I was hoping you were going to do it again."
That made her smile, I had no idea why, this was serious.
"Don't be silly, of course I am going to do it again. What I mean is that I am only going to do that, nothing else."
"What about your tits?"
"Definitely not my tits. If you touch them," then she corrected herself "If you SUCK them I don't think I would be able to stop you going further."
I nodded my head in agreement, as if that would be a terrible thing to happen, but I was finding it difficult not to smile. I now knew her weakness.
The next day I was hoping for another shower, I dropped a few hints but they were all ignored. Just after our evening meal Ava reminded me that I had my hospital appointment tomorrow. I had forgotten about it but I didn't tell her that.
"We are leaving at ten thirty, your appointment is at twelve."
"Isn't that a bit too early?"
"Yes, but Mother made me promise. You know how she worries, she doesn't want you to be late."
It would mean sitting in the waiting room for thirty or possibly forty minutes, but I could live with that. I might even take my book with me.
"One last thing. Before we leave you are having a shower, a quick one."
I didn't reply, I was too disappointed to say anything. So there it was, I wasn't going to get anything tonight or tomorrow. However she had said she would do it again, I just need to be patient, and while I am waiting I can try to think of ways that will enable me to get to her tits.
She had said the shower was going to be a quick one and it was. I think we broke the world record. My cock and balls only got a cursory wash, and the rest of my body not much more.
We were in the car at ten twenty-eight, I know that because she showed me her watch.
"If Mother asks you, what time did we leave?"
"Just before ten thirty."
"Good, I don't want you joking and telling her we set off late. She will not find it funny, and you will have to find other ways to relieve yourself."
"If I tell her we left at nine will you let me fuck you?"
That made her laugh, but when she stopped her face turned serious, then she shook her head a few times.
We did arrive early, but only by fifteen minutes, roadworks and heavy traffic had slowed us down. It was a good job we had done what Mother had said. However when we got to reception we discovered that if we had been late it would not have mattered, Doctor Gates was still off sick.
"I am very sorry, it's going to be at least twelve thirty before you are seen."
I looked at Ava expecting that she would be annoyed, but she seemed unconcerned. As we walked to the waiting room we passed the toilet that Aunty and I had used, I smiled as I thought about what had happened in there. She must have noticed it as well.
"Do you need the toilet, if so it's best to go now?"
I said "Yes," so we turned back.
Ava held my cock while I urinated. When I had finished she didn't remove her hand, she hadn't noticed that I had finished, she was too busy looking around the room.
"It's big."
"Yes it is, I am very proud of it."
"No, not your stupid cock, the room."
I did know what she was referring to, it was just my lame attempt at a joke. She apparently didn't think it was funny and my cock got a hard squeeze to let me know that.
I was expecting her to zip me up now, but instead she just let go of it and turned round to inspect some medical item that was in the corner of the room. I don't think it had been there when I was in the toilet with Aunty. When she turned back to face me she was shocked.
"We don't have time for that."
"Yes we do."
My cock was now fully erect. I don't know if it was the squeeze she had given it, but once she had turned her back on me it had started to rise.
"Sorry I can't help it, it has a mind of its own."
She gave me a wry smile, I think she had heard that excuse before.
"Well it had better decide to come down, because I am not playing with it."
After five minutes of waiting it was still rock hard. It didn't help that for the whole of that time she had been staring at it.
"I suppose we are going to have to do something with it. What do you suggest?"
I knew she was being sarcastic, and that she didn't really expect me to reply, however she had asked so I would tell her.
"I think you should take your knickers off and bend over, then I will fuck you hard with my big cock until we both have a massive climax."
I could tell from the look that she gave me that I had gone a bit too far.
"Or I could just chop it off."
That sent a shiver down my spine even though I knew she wasn't being serious, I had better apologise.
"Sorry Sis, I shouldn't have said that."
"I guess it's my fault, I did ask."
She was a lot calmer now.
"If you had a knife would you have chopped it off?"
After she had finished laughing she shook her head, "Don't be silly, there is a better way of getting it down."
"Close your eyes and I will show you."
I quickly did as she asked, however after a few seconds with nothing happening I thought she was just going to tease me.
"Keep them closed."
Then she started. She was now wrapping something around my cock, it was soft and silky, it must be her knickers. It felt good as she slowly rubbed my cock with it. It was exciting having something that had touched her cunt now touching me.
"I want you to promise me something."
"It's OK, I will never tell anybody."
"No not that. If I let you have my tits will you promise not to try for more?"
I heard her giggle at my eagerness.
"Can I open my eyes?"
When she didn't reply I risked opening them, she was smiling. I was right, it was her knickers draped around my cock, but they slipped off as she removed her hand.
She took her time in taking her top and bra off, but it was worth the wait. I stared at her tits and those magnificent nipples, trying to imagine what it would be like to suck on them. Time to find out.
I started by taking as much of her tit into my mouth as I could manage, she responded with a large gasp, then a low moan as I then sucked on it more gently. As I continued to work her nipple she gripped my cock, her other hand was frantically pulling her skirt up so that she could get to her cunt.
"Fuck, that feels so good."
Was she referring to what my mouth was doing, or to what her fingers were now doing? Probably both.
When I switched nipples she started to stroke my cock, nice full strokes with just the right amount of pressure.
"Tell me when you are going to come, I want it in my mouth."
I would prefer her cunt, but if her mouth was the only thing on offer I was happy to take it, but for now I was content to enjoy her hand. She was also enjoying what I was doing to her, and what she was doing to herself.
"I love being fingered, I just wish it was you doing it."
I thought I was only allowed her tits? She must be weakening, should I try to get my head between her legs? No, she might stop me, better to settle for what I was getting now.
After five minutes of sucking hard on her tits my jaw was now aching, to ease the discomfort I started nibbling on her nipple instead.
"I like that, I like that a lot."
Good, and I liked what she was doing to my cock. If anything it was too good, I was getting close to climaxing, I had better warn her.
"I am nearly there."
"Me to. I am going to make you come first though."
She was now kneeling in front of me with her mouth open, ready for my cock to go in, but it was her hand that was still doing all the work. Her timing was perfect, she took the tip of my cock into her mouth just as I ejaculated. When I had stopped coming she pulled her head back and my cock plopped out, it was already starting to go limp.
I watched in fascination as she fingered herself again. I had hoped she would lie back and open her legs so that I would be able to see more, but instead she stayed kneeling.
Her breathing was now heavy and she was moaning a lot, but she still hadn't come.
"Do you want me to help you, I can lick you?"
"No, I know what I am doing. I have two fingers in the right place, on my big clit."
"BIG clit?"
"Yes, fucking big."
Then she climaxed. Her head slumped forward as if she had passed out. The first thing she did when she came round was to look at her watch.
"Shit, we had better hurry up. If you miss the appointment Mother will kill me."
In less than five minutes we were in the waiting room, even before we had sat down my name was called.
"Are you OK to go in on your own?"
That surprised me, Mother and Aunty always came in with me, but it wasn't a problem.
"Yes, I am a big boy now. I can do it all by myself."
She smirked as she said "Yes you are," and I understood that she was agreeing with me that I was indeed a big boy.
A nurse then took me to a room just off the main ward where she removed my bandages. I looked at my hands as I waited for the Doctor, I had high hopes that they would not need to be bandaged again. Then it hit me, if that was the case then there was no need for Ava to look after me for another week, that would be a disaster. I might have to say that I was still in pain. As I thought about that Doctor Green entered the room.
"Hello Adam, are you on your own today?"
"Hi Doctor, no my Sister is in the waiting room."
After examining my hands she gave me a big smile. I tried not to flinch, it was going to be good news.
"I think we can do without the bandages now."
She was expecting a big response from me, but I could only manage a weak smile before saying "Thanks."
For a brief second she frowned, then the smile reappeared. I guess she thought I was just another ungrateful patient.
"I would like though to see you one last time, so please make an appointment."
When she left I swore under my breath. I was just about to go when the door opened and a nurse came in, she looked flustered.
"Sorry I am late, sit down and I will do your hands."
When I got back to the waiting room I waved my bandaged hands at Ava. She didn't seem too concerned about them, but I think she felt she should ask.
"How are they?"
"Nearly healed, just one more week to go."
I didn't feel guilty about deceiving my Sister, but I did hope the nurse wasn't going to get into any trouble. I had no idea what I was going to say next week at my appointment, but I would worry about that later.
As we passed the toilet that we had been in earlier we looked at each other, I smiled and she giggled.
With a straight face I said "Do you want a second helping?"
I got a slap on my arm for my cheek, but then she said "I might do, but not here."
I wasn't sure if she meant what she had said, but I left it at that. Five minutes later we were in the car and on our way back to her place.
The evening meal was absolutely delicious, but only because it was a takeaway from a local Indian restaurant. After she had finished feeding me I puffed my stomach out and then declared that I was absolutely stuffed.
"I am going to watch some television. I am so full I might even fall asleep."
"Me to, but first I am going to have a shower."
As she was leaving the room she stopped, looking over her shoulder she said "You can join me if you want."
I nodded my head furiously, much to her amusement, then I followed her to the bathroom. When we got there she quickly undressed me, then she stripped down to her underwear. There was then a slight hesitation from her before she removed her bra, followed by her knickers. I bent my head to look down at her, she was very hairy, a nice thick bush.
"Do you like it?"
"I don't know, I can't really see anything."
"Would you like a good look?"
I thought she was joking, but when I looked at her face I realised she was serious. I was tempted to crack a joke, perhaps to say no, but I didn't want to mess it up so instead I just said "Yes please."
She giggled at that, I had sounded so polite. She then responded in her best posh voice.
"Sir has seen the upstairs before, would he like to see the downstairs?"
She made it sound as if I was viewing a property.
"Yes, I am particularly interested in the front entrance. I hear it has some interesting features."
"It has, but sir can only look."
She then looked at me, and when I nodded to acknowledge what she had just said she sat down on the floor. I got a brief smile before she lay back and opened her legs. As I knelt before her she placed her hands at the top of her thighs, then she pushed her legs apart, she was completely exposed. It was beyond my wildest dreams. She had chunky lips, comparable to Mother's and Aunty June's. However it was her clit that was mesmerising me, it must be twice the size of any I had ever seen before. It made my mouth water just looking at it. It was big now but how big would it get when it was fully excited?
"What do you think?"
"It's amazing, that clit is so fucking big."
"Marks out of ten?"
I got a big smile. She was obviously proud of her cunt, and was enjoying all the praise I was giving it. I moved closer, when I saw her looking concerned I stopped, but my head was now only inches away from her sweet opening. I took a deep breath and I got a faint smell of cunt.
"Have you seen enough?"
"If we stayed like this all day it would still not be enough. I am in love with your cunt."
She didn't respond immediately, that surprised me, but I continued looking. I was determined to see it for as long as she would let me. Eventually she did speak.
"You know I said about only looking?"
"Yes, but don't worry I will be a good boy."
"Well I have changed my mind. You seem to like it so much, it would be a shame not to let you lick it."
"Are you sure?," then I held my breath hoping that she hadn't changed her mind.
"Yes, but no trying to fuck me. I have to save something for James."
"What if I pretend to be James?"
That got me a slap on the head, but I could tell she wasn't really annoyed.
I was tempted to go straight for her clit but I managed to restrain myself, instead I chewed on her lips. I thought I was being a bit too rough but she didn't complain. However when I changed to sucking on them I could tell she liked that better.
I had now been on her cunt for over five minutes. I had licked and sucked everywhere except for the one place that I really wanted, her clit. She was moaning like crazy and also bucking her hips to try to get my tongue onto it. For both our sakes it was time to give in.
My first lick of it almost took her over the edge.
"Fuck, do that again, NOW."
I did, and I kept on doing it, each time pressing down harder. I could feel and hear her climax building. After another two or three minutes she was close to reaching it.
"Suck it, suck it hard."
When I did she climaxed immediately. It was good for her but I thought I was going to die. As I struggled to breath I imagined what it would say on the death certificate, 'Suffocated while licking a cunt'. Eventually she opened her legs and released me. She managed to recover quite quickly, and when she noticed the state that I was in she found it funny. I was not amused.
"That was wonderful. Now it's my turn to please you."
"Good, finally I get to fuck you."
I had said it without thinking. When she opened her mouth to speak I was expecting to be told off, but what she said surprised me.
"No, if you fuck me I want to reach it with you."
My cock had gone a bit limp but the thought of fucking her was making it hard again. I wasn't going to get to do it now, but from what she had said, and the way she had said it, she would eventually let me.
Two minutes later, after she had skilfully used her hand, I climaxed all over her tits. We then both showered together.
In bed that night I reflected on what had happened. If I was to tell anybody about it I don't think they would believe me. Yes it had been good, but there was now a real possibility that there were better days ahead.
I woke the next day with such high hopes, but it ended in disappointment. I did spend a lot of time with Ava but not in the way I would have liked. The highlight of the day was going out for a couple of hours, we had a nice long walk and we did some shopping. The only 'intimate' contact I had with her was a quick peck on the cheek when she tucked me into bed. When she left my bedroom I gave a long sigh, hopefully tomorrow would be better.
I must have been very tired because I slept right through until nine thirty. When I went downstairs Ava was in the kitchen, she was already cooking the breakfast. It was bacon and eggs, she was good at that.
"Perfect timing, I was just going to wake you up."
I could tell she was in a good mood.
"James called. The project is going well, he has been given the afternoon off. He is going to call me in a couple of hours. It will be nice to have a long talk with him. All the other times he has been very busy and we have only chatted for a few minutes."
I was happy for her, but the mention of James made me feel guilty. I would find it difficult to look him in the eye the next time I saw him.
After eating I went to my room to read, I just wanted to keep out of her way until after she had spoken to James. It was an easy book to read and I was soon engrossed in it. I had now reached an interesting chapter and I was keen to read on, but I desperately needed the toilet. I looked at my watch, it was nearly eleven thirty, I had better see Ava before James called her.
When I got to her bedroom door I could hear her on the phone. I would have to knock, there was no way I could wait much longer.
"Come in."
"Sorry, I need the toilet."
"It's Adam, he needs something. Call me back in a few minutes."
She didn't seem bothered that I was disturbing her. When she had finished sorting me out I thanked her again, but she seemed preoccupied.
I gave her a big smile then I said "Zip me up, then I can go back to my bedroom."
"No, come back to mine."
I didn't know why she wanted me to do that, and why was she not putting my cock back? I then followed her, with my cock swinging about outside my trousers, and without saying anything.
"Stand there, James will be calling soon."
I was now very curious, but I was also a bit apprehensive. Thirty seconds later her phone rang.
"Hi James, I am back in my bedroom. Let me put you on speaker so that my hands are free."
"Is Adam there?"
"No he is in his bedroom, I am all alone."
She now had her finger to her lips to tell me to not to speak. I don't think I could even if I wanted to, I was too shocked. This was going to be interesting.
"Good, Shall we start?"
"Yes, tell me what you want me to do."
"Take your top and bra off."
She did what he had asked, slowly and seductively. All the time she was doing it she was looking at me.
"My big nipples are now waiting to be played with."
"Squeeze them, imagine that I am doing it."
She now had her fingers on both nipples, and she was rubbing and pulling them much harder that I would have dared to.
"That feels good, I just wish you could suck on them."
She was speaking to James but looking at me.
"Don't worry, when I get back I will make up for lost time."
She was now beckoning me towards the bed, I didn't hesitate. When I sucked the whole of her nipple deep into my mouth she gave a loud moan.
"Are you fingering yourself?"
"No, I am saving that for later."
"Do you want me to get my cock out?"
"NO, I want to take it nice and slow."
There was a short laugh from James then he said, "OK, but you sound as if you are not going to last long."
When I sucked hard again there was another moan from her, but this time much quieter.
"I think it's time for you to be fingered, take your knickers off."
I had to lift my head off her while she removed them.
"Finger yourself."
Her hands didn't move, instead she stuck her tongue out and nodded towards her waist. She then opened her legs wider to accommodate my head.
"That feels good James, I am imagining you licking my cunt."
"Wouldn't it be better if you pretended that it was Adam doing it, like we did last week?"
I was so shocked I stopped, but I continued licking her when she wiggled her bottom in frustration.
"Yes I would like that."
"I bet you would you dirty bitch. Just imagine it's your brother licking that wet cunt and sucking on your big clit."
"It's good, so good."
It was good for me as well, as I was now doing exactly what James had suggested.
"My cock is out now. Do you want to end it like this or do you want to pretend I am fucking you?"
"Can Adam fuck me?"
"It's not enough that your brother is licking you, you now want him to fuck you."
"Yes, please let him."
"OK, I am going to play with my cock while Adam fucks you hard. You say he has a massive cock, will you be able to take all of it?"
"I am going to try."
My cock was now positioned at her opening. As I pushed against her lips I felt my cock being sucked in, her cunt was hot and juicy, just how I like it. When I was half way in she started to moan, but I didn't stop until I hit the top. She was now breathing heavily. I stopped, waiting for her to get used to it. When she was ready to be fucked she would tell me.
"Is his cock in?"
"All of it?"
"Yes, all nine inches."
"Wow, so you think his cock is that big?"
I smiled, she knew it was.
"Is he fucking you?"
That was my signal to start.
"He is fucking me hard and fast with his big thick cock, and I love it."
And that was to tell me what she wanted. If that's how she wanted it then that's what she was going to get.
From the sounds she was making James must surely suspect something. She might even have told him about us. However my main priority at the moment was to fuck her to a climax, and then to have one myself.
"James are you coming?"
"Nearly, are you?"
"Yes, but I need Adam to fuck me harder."
I wasn't sure if that was possible, but I would try. I had already been pounding her cunt for at least five minutes with everything I had, but I didn't want to disappoint her so I would have to up my game.
With difficulty I managed to raise her legs higher by pushing on them with my elbows. That did the trick, it allowed me to push a little deeper.
"That's it, don't stop."
I then heard James climax, I assume it was that or else he was being murdered. I just hoped I wasn't going to make as much noise as he had just done, I was about to find out. That last brutal stroke I had given her was too much for me, fortunately it was too much for her as well, we reached it within a second or two of each other, that made it feel special.
"James that was very good, what about yours?"
"One of my best. Don't ever tell Adam we use him in our role-play though."
She giggled before saying "Would I do that?"
James laughed, "You just might."
When the call ended I looked at her.
"I am not complaining, but why did you do that?"
"You mean let you fuck me while James was on the phone?"
I put my hands on my hips and said "YES."
That made her laugh.
"I thought it would be fun, and it was. Don't you think so?"
When I agreed with her I could see she was pleased.
"Now go away, I am going to have a little sleep. For some reason I feel completely exhausted."
"If you are tired just think how I feel, I did all the work."
I could still hear her laughing at that when I left the room.
When I awoke next day I was not well, my head was throbbing and I felt as if I was going to be sick.
"I think I have picked up a bug, I feel really rough."
She placed her hand on my forehead.
"You have a temperature, you need to go back to bed"
"OK, but have you got anything I can take?"
"I will find something and bring it up to you, do you want any breakfast?"
"No thanks, if I eat anything I will just be sick."
By mid-day I was feeling slightly better, but I still hadn't eaten anything, Ava was concerned.
"If you are still ill tomorrow then you are seeing a Doctor."
"I think I will be OK by then."
Fortunately I was. It was ten before I opened my eyes, and as soon as I did I felt a lot better, my head was clear and I didn't feel sick. However I was hungry, very hungry. I was just about to get up when Ava came in.
"What are you doing? Get back into bed."
"I need the toilet."
"We will do that now, then straight back to bed, no arguing. You go back home the day after tomorrow, if I take you back sick Mother will kill me."
I did as I was told, but I wished she hadn't mentioned the fact that I was going home soon.
Breakfast tasted so good, she was sitting on the bed feeding me.
"You really enjoyed that."
"Yes, I was so hungry."
"Good, you are going to enjoy this as well."
I was puzzled, there wasn't any food left on the tray, it must be downstairs. Then she got up to get it. However she didn't go downstairs, instead she started to take her clothes off.
"So there isn't any more food?"
"No, the only thing on offer is my cunt. Would you like that instead?"
"I would prefer some more toast, with lots of butter on."
As she stared at me I kept my face straight, but only for a few seconds, then I couldn't help grinning. She tried to slap my arm but I moved away just in time.
She shook her head a few times then said, "I thought you actually meant it."
"No chance, I would never refuse a cunt as good as yours."
In fact I would never refuse any cunt so long as it was of a legal age, but I wasn't going to say that to her.
"I will have to take it easy, I am still feeling a bit weak."
"I thought you might be, that is why I am going to fuck you. It's my turn to do all the hard work, but first there are two things you should know."
I waited for her to tell me but she was making me ask.
"OK, what are they?"
"I am doing this for my benefit as well. I wanted it yesterday but you were too sick."
She made it sound as if I had made myself ill just to frustrate her. I was slightly annoyed so I wanted to retaliate.
"Why didn't you ring James and pretend I was fucking you?"
"I did think of that. It's good, but not as good as the real thing."
That calmed me down.
"So what is the second one?"
"It's just to let you know that I am very good at sitting on cocks. James says I am the best."
"Better than Aunty June?"
Ava's eyes widened, me and my big mouth, I hadn't meant to say it out loud.
"So you fucked her. I always knew she was a bitch, but not in that way. You had better tell me about it."
I did, in great detail. When I told her about how she had fucked me in the bath her face changed from surprise to shock, and then to admiration.
"She kept lifting herself up and then taking your full length?"
"Yes, for several minutes."
She shook her head, she was finding it hard to believe.
"Please don't say anything to her."
From the look she gave me I thought I was going to get a slap.
"No, I am not that stupid, but she does have my respect. I just hope I can match her."
Good, she was going to start, but then I saw I strange look on her face. She was finally going to ask the question I was dreading.
"You fucked her."
I waited, I knew there was more to come.
"You fucked Mother as well."
It was useless denying it, she would never believe me.
"I did, but it's no worse that fucking Aunty, or fucking you."
I looked at her defiantly, she was thinking about what I had just said, eventually she responded.
"I guess you are right, but is there any woman in the family you haven't had sex with?"
"Grandma, but I am working on it."
That did get a smile from her, then her faced turned serious, I could tell she was now keen to start.
"That's enough foreplay, all this talking as made me as horny as hell."
I needed a minute or so with her hand to get me hard.
"Did Aunty face you?"
"Then I will do it the other way."
She was now facing away from me as she slowly lowered herself onto my cock. As she did it I had a great view of her tight bottom. She was silent until the last couple of inches went in, then she moaned.
"Fuck, you are so deep in me, deeper than James has ever been."
"Tell him that the next time you speak to him."
That made her giggle, then she started to fuck me. I had assumed she would start slow, but instead it was fast, almost frantic. She had wanted it yesterday so her climax was long overdue, at this rate it would not take her long to reach it. I just hoped I would last long enough to give her the climax she desperately needed.
You can never tell what a cunt is going to be like until you get your cock into it, and also it depends on what position you are in. Sometimes it fits you like a glove. The woman might be slim or fat, or small or tall, but when it happens it's magic. It was like that now, but it might even be too good, I was almost there.
"I can't help it, I am going to come."
"Fuck, not yet."
She suddenly stopped, and I saw her hand move between her legs. As she played with herself I tried to hold on, but even though she now wasn't moving, the weight of her on my lap tipped me over.
The fucking had been good and the climax matched it. Thankfully there was only a few seconds between me emptying my balls and Ava reaching it.
"Did I spoil it for you?"
"No, I was getting tired lifting up and down, I was happy to stop."
"It was good, and yes it was as good as Aunty June."
That pleased her.
"Now can I have some more toast?"
When she left the room she was smiling, as the door closed I shouted to her, "With lots of butter."
The rest of the day was nice and relaxing, I did very little except watch television and read. Since I had my accident I was going through books at a tremendous pace, sometimes finishing one in a day. I didn't see much more of Ava, except at meal times and when I needed the toilet, she was mostly in her room doing some sort of office work that had to be completed by next week.
At ten I decided to go to bed, but first I wanted to say goodnight to her. I knocked then entered.
"Just saying goodnight. You have been very busy today."
"Yes, this stuff has a deadline so I have to get it done."
"Is James calling?"
"NO, go to bed."
I shrugged my shoulders, it was worth a try, then I turned to leave.
"Wait a minute, two things I need to tell you. First is that we are going to the beach tomorrow morning. We are spending too much time indoors, the weather is good so we should make the most of it. The second thing is that my friend Jane from Uni is coming to visit me at seven. I haven't seen her for ages so we have a lot of catching up to do. I am going to make us all a special meal."
"OK, that sounds good," but I wasn't sure about that 'special' meal.
"I think we should leave no later than nine, so if you are not already up I will wake you at eight. Now you do need to go, I lied, James will be calling any minute."
I waited a few seconds to see if she would change her mind and invite me to stay, but when she glared at me I reluctantly left.
"What time is it?"
"Eight, come on get up."
"Can't we go a bit later? I will get up in another hour."
It was eight fifty when we left, ten minutes ahead of schedule. After a two hour drive we were parked near the beach enjoying a nice cool drink as we basked in the sun. We left just after four having had what could only be described as a brilliant time. If Jane wasn't coming at seven we would have stayed later.
"She should be here soon, listen out for her, I am going to the kitchen to do some preparation for the meal."
When she arrived there were hugs and kisses, even I got a hug, but not a kiss. I had heard a lot about her, she had been at Uni with Ava but I had never met her before. While they talked I looked her over. She was tiny, five feet at the most, and slim. Her tits were small, but still a decent handful, and her best feature was undoubtedly her face, she was very pretty.
"I need to do some work in the kitchen, come with me and we can catch up while I am cooking."
I could hear them laughing and giggling, they were obviously having a good time. Thirty minutes later they returned, then Jane excused herself to go to the bathroom. As soon as she had left the room Ava moved close to me.
"Do you want some more fun?"
"What sort of fun?"
She shook her head, I wasn't playing the game, I should just have said yes.
"I need to be quick before Jane gets back, I told her about your big cock."
"Just shut up and listen. I think she would like to see it. When I told her about it she asked me lots of questions, so can she?"
"Yes, I will just lob it out when she come back. Hi Jane take a look at this."
"Very funny, I was thinking we would be a bit more subtle. You could say that you wanted to go to the toilet, and I would then ask Jane to take you because I needed to do the cooking."
"You think that is subtle?"
"It will work, but only because she is very keen to see it."
"I am not sure, but what is in it for me?"
"She told me that she split from her boyfriend six months ago and hasn't had sex since then. She isn't missing him but she is missing the sex. Her exact words were 'I am desperate for a good fuck'."
"So I might get lucky?"
"Yes I think you will."
I wasn't sure, it sounded possible but it might also go horribly wrong. However when Jane returned I decided to chance it.
"I need to go as well, Ava will you please take me?"
"I have to go back to the kitchen, you will have to wait."
I tried to look as if couldn't wait, that I needed to go urgently so that when Ava suggested that Jane should take me it would sound plausible.
"I can take you."
We both looked at her, Jane was one step ahead of us.
When we got to the bathroom she gave me a nervous smile then said, "What do I do?"
"It's easy, just unzip me then point it at the toilet."
"I can do that."
She sounded relieved, as if she had been expecting it to be difficult. As she pulled it out I watched her face change, she was now open mouthed, then she spoke.
"Your Sister said it was big but I wasn't expecting it to be this big."
"Hold it, then after I have finished shake it."
She nodded, then she held it. Her tiny hand on my cock made it look massive. I looked away. I didn't want any distractions while I urinated. When I finished she let go and I turned around.
"Can I touch it again?"
"Yes, but if you do it will get bigger."
This time she held it much firmer, and she was squeezing it. When it started to grow she started to move her hand, nice firm strokes to help my cock rise.
"Wow, how big is it?"
They all ask that.
"Nine inches."
Her eyes opened wide, "I have never had more than six inches before, and that felt big. It's too big for me, it will never fit."
"Would you like to try?"
Her initial reaction was shock, then I could see she was considering it.
"What about Ava?"
I was tempted to say "Ava suggested it, she thinks you need a good fuck," but instead I said "She is busy in the kitchen, if we are quick she will not suspect anything."
"I don't know."
"It's up to you, but I would like to do it. You are so beautiful."
When she smiled I knew it was a yes.
"OK, but be gentle, I am only small."
She quickly pulled her knickers down then stepped out of them. I hadn't given any thought about how we would actually do it, there was no comfy bed for her to lie on. Should she lean against the sink and I take her from behind? I was going to suggest it, but then she took control by lying on the floor and opening her legs wide. When she hitched her dress up I knew she was ready to start.
My cock was now at her opening. I was also eager to start, but her cunt looked so small. I wondered how much of me she would be able to take, there was only one way to find out. As I pushed in she grimaced, but I continued.
"Stop, it's too big."
She had managed most of it, but there were still a couple of inches waiting for her. I was hoping that when we started fucking she would loosen up and be able to take more, perhaps even all of it.
"I think I am OK now."
As I fucked her I was careful not to go any deeper. She was now enjoying it, her initial discomfort had gone. Her cunt felt very wet and very tight, the perfect combination.
After five minutes I risked going deeper, that extra inch made her moan louder but she didn't complain. There was still another inch left before I would be up to my balls in here, but I was saving that for later when she was ready to come.
"Fuck this is good. Are you giving me all of your big cock yet?"
"Most of it, perhaps eight inches."
"I can't take much more of this, fuck me hard with all of it. I am ready to come."
I was now giving her what she had asked for, and the look on face told me it was exactly what she needed.
As her eyes rolled into her head I felt her cunt contract, it was like a hand squeezing my cock, it gave me the climax that I needed as well.
It was at least a full minute before I pulled out of her. When I looked at her she seemed embarrassed, I wondered if she was regretting what we had just done, but then she smiled.
"That was some fuck, I love your big cock."
"Yes it was, and I love your little cunt."
That made her giggle, but she stopped after she had looked at her watch.
"Shit, we have been in here nearly twenty minutes."
She sounded horrified.
"Ava is busy, I bet she hasn't even noticed that we are still here."
I got a weak smile from her, obviously not convinced by what I had just said, however five minutes later when we got back she relaxed, my Sister was still in the kitchen.
"I will check with her to see when the food will be ready."
As soon as I entered the kitchen Ava came over to me and whispered, "What happened?"
I glanced over my shoulder just to check that Jane had not followed me in, "It went exactly as you said it would."
"Good, tell me ALL about it after she has gone."
The day then got even better. I had not been looking forward to the meal but Ava had surprised me, she might even have surprised herself, it was delicious. When we started to eat Jane had been a bit nervous, but when she realised that Ava wasn't going to ask her about taking me to the bathroom she relaxed and the conversation flowed.
It was just after midnight when she left, but before she did we exchanged numbers. I think we were both keen to see each other again but the fact that we live two thousand miles apart was going to be a big problem.
"Now we are alone I want you to tell me about it."
"It's late, can't it wait until tomorrow?"
"It's already tomorrow, tell me now."
I was tired but I knew there was no way I was getting to bed without me giving her all the details.
We both lay on her bed side by side, ready for me to tell my story. As soon as I started her hand went between her legs.
"Stop, let me get ready first."
When she had her fingers were she wanted them to be she urged me to continue. I told her all of it, some of it she made me repeat. All the time I was talking her fingers were moving. When she had finally heard enough she closed her eyes and rubbed herself to a big climax.
Despite the late night I was awake just after eight. I managed to last until nine before I had to wake Ava up, she was not happy, and when she took me to the toilet she was a bit rough with my cock.
"Careful, you are going to pull it off."
"If you wake me up again I might just do that."
She was obviously still tired, but her bad mood might also be because I was going home today. I could understand that, I would also have liked us to spend more time together. My hospital appointment was for ten tomorrow, and because it was a Saturday Mother was able to take me. Ava's final job was to drop me off at home today before Mother got back from work at six.
I thought we might have a final fuck before leaving, but it didn't happen. We seemed to spend the day just waiting for the clock to get to four so that we could be on our way.
We did very little talking during the short journey home. However Ava was now in a better mood, I think she had finally come to terms with it.
"You are now home, and tomorrow your bandages are coming off."
That last part made me wince, they should have come off last week, but she didn't know that.
"We should have done something special before we left."
I looked at her, I had been up for it.
"I know what you are thinking, yes it's my fault we didn't."
"No, I understand."
"What time is it?"
I looked at my watch, "Five fifteen."
"Good, we have plenty of time."
When I saw her grinning I knew what she was referring to.
"OK, let's go to my bedroom."
"No, I want it here in the kitchen."
She must want it from behind holding onto the sink, the same way I had done it with Mother and Aunty, but I was wrong.
"On the table."
"So that every time you sit down for a meal you will remember me on it, with my legs wide open being fucked."
"Wow, when did you think of that?"
"Five minutes before we left my place, I came prepared, I don't have any knickers on."
There was no foreplay, as soon as she was on the table I was on top of her pushing my cock in.
"I want it hard and fast, I want you to fuck my cunt better than it has ever been fucked before."
I didn't reply, I just responded by giving her what she had asked for, and she was helping me by holding her legs wide apart with her hands. I was just getting into a nice rhythm when I heard her breathing change and her moaning increasing. I knew the signs, she was close to climaxing, two strokes later she did. I was now fucking her furiously, trying to catch up.
"Stop I can't take anymore."
I ignored her, I was desperate to come as well, but it had better be soon or I would actually have to stop. I was now nearly there.
"Fuck, I am going to come again, don't stop."
I climaxed just before she did. It seemed to me that her second one was bigger than the first. I slumped onto her, totally exhausted.
"James has never made me come twice."
I felt proud, that was something for her to remember.
When Mother arrived we were still in the kitchen, but we were now sitting at the table rather than being on it.
"Thanks Ava for everything you have done for Adam over the last two weeks, I hope he hasn't been a nuisance."
"No, he has been very well behaved."
"Tomorrow when your bandages come off I bet you will be so very happy."
I looked at her and smiled, then I said "Yes," I just hoped I sounded convincing.
When I had my accident I thought it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me, but it turned out to be the best.
It just goes to show, every cloud has a silver lining!