Chapter 80: Dexter the Personal Trainer Ch. 03
Not surprisingly, I dreamt about my Aunty. She was smothering me with her big tits, as I sucked on her amazing nipples. My cock was rock hard, and she was gently stroking it, to what I knew would be a nice climax. Then I suddenly woke up. Somebody was shaking me. For some reason, the bedroom light was on, so I could see that it was Mother.
In a hushed tone, she said, "Keep quiet, we don't want to wake Becky up."
I rubbed my eyes, and then I yawned.
"I want to know what happened between you and my Sister."
"I'll tell you tomorrow," then I turned over and closed my eyes.
She shook me again, this time more violently.
"It's already tomorrow. Turn over."
I did, and when I saw the determined look on her face, I knew that she would not leave me in peace until I had given her what she wanted.
I gave a deep sigh, and then I said, "What do you want to know?"
"Everything," then she giggled.
For the first few minutes, she just sat on the bed listening attentively, then she leant forward and kissed me. It took me by surprise, but I was now kissing her back. My cock responded by going hard, and it got even harder when she grabbed it. As she stroked my cock, I explored her mouth with my tongue, then I reached for her tits. I hadn't been in the mood for more sex, but now I was as eager to fuck as she was.
"You need to suck them."
She then quickly took her nightie off. My mouth was now on her ripe nipple, and as I sucked on it, I could feel it swell in my mouth.
"Don't forget the other one."
When I rolled it between a finger and thumb, she put her head back and moaned. It was an animal sound, and it sent a shiver down my spine.
"Tell me more."
I ignored her. If I did, then I would have to stop feasting on her tits. She then started pushing on my head, and I knew that I would have to stop.
As I continued with the story, she got back to stroking my cock, and I put my hand between her legs. Two fingers slid easily into her wet cunt. I was now slowly fucking her with them. When I got to the part where I had my cock at Aunty's opening, she stopped stroking me.
"She let you fuck her?"
I could hear the amazement in her voice.
"Yes, but I made her bend over."
"I don't believe it."
I nodded, and then I said, "And she loved it."
When she saw that I was grinning, she knew that I was telling the truth.
"I think you need to do the same to me, but we need to keep the noise down."
Becky's bedroom was next to mine, so what we were doing was very risky. If she did wake up, she might come in. We would then have an interesting conversation.
"What are you two doing?"
"Fucking, now go back to sleep so that we can continue."
That would be cool, but it's not what would happen. She would see us, and then freak-out.
Mother was now in position, her top flat on the bed, and her bottom as high as it could be. She was ready to be fucked, but I was going to tease her, to make her wait. When I put my cock at her opening, she pushed back, but I moved back as well. She tried again, but I moved my cock out of the way.
"I need your cock."
I could hear the pleading in her voice, so I gave in. As I slowly entered her, she sighed. When I was fully in her, she grunted.
"I don't think I will ever get enough of your big cock."
I felt the same about her cunt, but the time for talking was over. It was now time to fuck her. We started slowly at first, but then the passion took over.
"Fuck me hard, I need to come."
I gave her a long hard stroke, and it made her groan.
"Yes, that's it."
I then kept on doing it, and as I did the noise from both of us increased. I should have been worried about waking my Sister up, but I had gone past the point of caring. All that mattered now was to reach it.
When I did eventually climax, it was only seconds after Mother's. As her cunt pulsed, I continued thrusting hard into her. I got my orgasm as she slumped onto the bed, taking me with her.
I was now lying on top of her, and she, like me, seemed reluctant to move. It was a while before either of us spoke.
"I think I had better go."
"Yes, if we stay like this any longer, I will fall asleep on you."
That made her laugh. I then got off her, and she put her nightie back on. Before leaving, she kissed me on the lips. It was tender rather than passionate. Shortly after, I was sound asleep. When I woke, I felt refreshed.
Aunty left after breakfast. She wanted to get home early because she had a lot of things to do before Uncle Ted got back from his business trip. I spent the morning in my room, mostly reading. I always enjoyed Sunday, it was a time to take it easy, to recharge my batteries ready for the week ahead. Becky was having her first session at two, but other than that, I had nothing else to do all day. I might even go out later on for a walk.
After lunch I went back to my bedroom.
I had stopped reading, and I was dozing off, when there was a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?"
Before I could answer, it was opened, and my Sister had popped her head in.
"Let's make it three o'clock."
Then she was gone. I looked at my watch, it was quarter to two. I would rather have stuck to the original time, to get it out of the way, but delaying it by an hour would not really make much difference.
I was in the Gym bang on time, but almost twenty minutes later, I was still waiting for her. I was fuming mad. I would give her another couple of minutes, then I would leave, and that would be the end of me being her Personal Trainer. A minute later she breezed in, with a big smile on her face.
When I saw her my jaw dropped.
"No way! This has to be a wind-up."
However, when I noticed the puzzled look on her face, I realised that it wasn't.
"Go back and change."
She now had her hands on her hips, and the expression on her face was, 'Make me'. I closed my eyes, and then I counted to five. When I opened them I was calmer.
I gave her my best smile, before saying, "Please."
She shook her head, but most of her defiance had now gone.
"I am not trying to irritate you. I am wearing this because it's comfortable, and it's practical."
It was now decision time for me, stand my ground, or give in.
"I'll work hard."
She sounded genuine. Did it really matter what she was wearing? Was I just looking for trouble because she was my Sister?
"OK, you win."
She laughed, then said, "I always win."
There was some truth in that.
I started her off on the exercise bike. As she cycled I kept looking at her. I had now got over the shock of seeing what she was wearing. I was even beginning to find it amusing. She could have worn shorts or a skirt, but she had decided on a two piece swimming costume, and it was one that was designed for being seen in, rather than for being in the water.
"Can I stop?"
"Yes, and next it's push-ups."
I was expecting, even hoping, that she would complain, but she didn't.
"Give me ten."
I got them, and another three for good measure. When she had finished she stood in front of me, eager for my next instruction.
"How about doing some weights?"
She briefly bowed her head, then said, "Your wish is my command."
I had to laugh. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it.
I was tempted to overload the bar, and then watch her struggle, but that would have been mean.
"This is easy. Will you put some more on?"
I shook my head, and she pretended to look annoyed. I then had a thought, and it shocked me. I was actually enjoying this.
I let her press the weights for ten minutes, then I stopped her.
"Have a break. You've worked hard."
She then sat cross-legged on the mat, while I sat on the bike. I was impressed with her, she had worked hard, and her red face was evidence of that. There were also beads of sweat on her neck, dripping down onto her top. I passed her a towel.
"Thanks, now you see why I chose to wear this. Imagine how sweaty I would have been with a T-shirt on."
"I'd rather not."
For some reason she thought that was very funny, and as she laughed her breasts wobbled. My eyes were drawn towards them, and then to her nipples. I hadn't noticed them before, but they were now hard to miss.
"That always happens when I work out."
"What do you mean?"
"My nipples stand out."
I looked at her wide-eyed, surprised that she was telling me that.
"I think it's the friction from the top."
She then put her hands over her breasts to cover them up. I just kept quiet. Her nipples did look prominent, but there was no way I was going to comment on them.
"I hate them."
From the look she was now giving me, I wished I hadn't asked. Curiosity had got the better of me, but I should have kept my mouth shut. Her face then changed, and I thought she was going to cry.
"They are too big."
She then removed her hands. After thrusting her chest out, she pinched both nipples, and then she pulled on them.
"See what I mean."
I did, even with her top on I could see that they were big. I then felt sorry for her. My Sister, who I had spent most of my life fighting with, was hurting.
"I think they are wonderful."
"Yes, but I should have said amazing."
She was now scrutinising my face, waiting for me to laugh, or to come out with some sarcastic remark. Then she realised that I meant it.
"I wish William had thought that. He never liked them."
I shook my head, and then I said, "If I was him I would have worshipped them."
She then surprised me by getting up and hugging me. It was a firm one, and I felt her tits squash against my chest. As I thought about her big nipples, that were now pressing into me, I realised with horror that my cock was responding. Fortunately she released me before I started poking her.
"Thanks, that was a nice thing to say."
I muttered a quick, "You're welcome."
It was starting to get embarrassing. Time to get her working again. I pointed to the step machine, and she nodded. However, after only doing four or five steps, she stopped.
"It's not fair."
Her moody look was now back, and I was wondering what I had done wrong.
"I've told you about my nipples, now you tell me about your cock."
It had to be a joke, but she wasn't laughing, and neither was I.
"I bet you only have five inches," then she stared at my crotch, before adding, "And it's always limp."
I didn't want to tell her anything, but I knew that if I didn't, she would take my silence as confirmation that what she had said was true.
"Actually it's seven inches, and it's always hard."
She then looked down at my crotch again, and I said, with pride in my voice, "And it's thick, very thick."
Then she laughed, and I was offended. Wasn't she impressed?
"What's so funny?"
"You are. I knew that if I goaded you, you would tell me what you had between your legs."
Then she laughed again. I just shook my head, she had got me.
I ended the session after she had done fifteen minutes of steps. I didn't tell her, but I was impressed. She had been enthusiastic, and she had worked hard. After she left the Gym, I stayed behind to tidy up the weights. It didn't take me long, and then I sat down on the bench. There was a lot on my mind.
What she had worn was practical, but also too revealing. Growing up I had spent a lot of time staring at my Mother's tits, or my Aunty's whenever she was around, but I had never really been interested in my Sister's. They were on the small size, and I had dismissed them as not worthy of my attention, but now I couldn't stop thinking about them. Yes they were small, but they were still a nice handful, and they were topped with big nipples. The swimming costume had also let me see how narrow her waist was. My Sister was slim, but I hadn't realised how curvy she was. And her bottom could only be described as peachy.
I was now hard, rock hard. I reached into my shorts. As I stroked my cock, I imagined sucking on her big nipples, making her moan with pleasure. I would then put a hand between her legs. The bottom part of her swimming costume would be easy to get into, and my fingers would quickly be inside her. I would then finger her, and she would beg to be fucked.
Suddenly I climaxed, and it was a big one. As I waited for my cock to go limp, I couldn't believe what I had just done. I didn't have a problem with fucking my Mother or my Aunty, but masturbating while thinking about my Sister didn't feel right. I shook my head, I was never going to do that again.
Monday was an easy day, two clients in the morning, and just George and Mildred together in the afternoon. I was now on my way to that last appointment. When I got there, they were dressed ready to start, and they were eager.
"This time will you push us more?"
Then Mildred chipped in with, "We have decided that we want to get as fit as we can."
"Yes, but remember this is only your second session. You need to learn to walk before you can run."
I got enthusiast nods from both of them. I then started them off with push-ups. I had asked for ten, but they did more.
Looking at Mildred, George asked, "How many did you do?"
"Unlucky for you, because I did fourteen."
He was now pleased with himself, but Mildred wasn't happy. She might be a lot older than him, but she was capable of matching, or even beating, him.
Next, I had one cycling, while the other did steps. Then they switched over. We finished on the weights. They had been competitive while doing push-ups, but we were now in a different league, both eager to lift at least a pound more than the other. I had to stop it after ten minutes. When I left, they were staring daggers at each other. As I walked to my car, I wondered what they would be doing now. I laughed out loud, they would either be punching each other, or they would be fucking like crazy.
The next day was a complete contrast, back to back sessions for most of the day. Lunch was a sandwich eaten in the car, while I drove to an appointment. At four o'clock I was ready for going home, but I still had another client to see. Despite being tired, this was one that I didn't want to miss. It was Julie. As I thought about her I got hard. When I got to her house, I had to wait five minutes before she answered the door. I was shocked when I saw her. I had been shocked before, but that was when she had opened the door when she was naked. This time it was different. She was hunched over, and the expression on her face told me that she was in pain.
"I injured my back this morning. I thought it would be better by now, but it's worse."
"Have you seen a doctor?"
"No, but I think I need to. I'm going to call him now."
She leant on me as we walked to the living room. I stayed with her while she made the call.
"He's a good doctor, and he's a friend. He said he will be here within the hour," then she gave me a nice smile, before saying, "You don't need to wait."
I did though, it didn't feel right leaving her on her own. He examined her in her bedroom. After he had left I asked what he had said.
"It's nothing serious, just a strain. I should be OK in a few days. He has given me some strong painkillers."
I wanted to stay but she insisted that I go. As I was leaving, curiosity got the better of me.
"How did you injure your back?"
"I blame Carlos."
"The gardener?"
"What did he do?"
"He bent my legs too high while he was fucking me."
Then she laughed, but I just shook my head in disbelieve. Carlos was eighteen, working part-time to pay for his studies. He was a tall well-built man. Thinking about him made me shudder. Was he going to replace me?
When I got home, the day got even worse. Mother had left a note on the kitchen table.
'I am out with a friend. No food cooked.'
It was short, and to the point. As I was rummaging through the fridge, looking for something to eat, my Sister got home. I showed her the note.
"I've already eaten."
Then she started to leave the kitchen, but she stopped when she got to the door.
Turning to face me, she said, "How about my next session?"
I groaned, which made her laugh.
I could see she was keen, so I gave in.
"OK, but this time you will have to wear something different."
I was now waiting for her to argue with me, but I was determined to stand my ground.
She smiled, and then she just said, "OK."
As I watched her leave, I wondered why she had given in so easily. That was not like Becky. However, later on, when she joined me in the Gym, I realised that she had got the better of me.
After twirling round, so that I could get a good look at what she was wearing, she said, "I did what you asked."
I was annoyed, but I couldn't help smiling. She was wearing a different outfit, but it was the same costume as last time, but in red rather than blue. I didn't say anything, but I got my own back by working her hard on the bike. After ten minutes she was flagging.
Between deep breathes, she said, "Can I stop?"
"Yes, but I want you to sprint as hard as you can for one minute."
She was now peddling at a furious pace, and she kept it up for the full minute.
"Well done."
And I meant it. My job would be a lot easier if all my clients worked as hard as my Sister.
When she had recovered, she got off the bike. I then threw her a towel. It was going over her head, and she reached up, only just catching it. As she wiped the sweat from her face, I stood there with my mouth open, waiting for her to notice that her two piece costume had now become a one piece. The top had come off, and it was on the floor near her feet. When she did eventually realise what had happened, she freaked out. She screamed, and then she quickly crossed her arms across her breasts. I bent down and picked the top up.
"The strap has broken. I guess that's the end of the session."
She shook her head.
"OK, if you tell me where the other top is I'll go and get it."
"No, it's not suitable."
I was confused.
"You wore it last time."
"Yes, but I can't wear it now. A blue top with a red bottom, it doesn't match."
I laughed, then I realised she wasn't joking.
"I'll just exercise topless. You have already had a good look at my tits, so it doesn't really matter that they aren't covered up."
She then removed her hands, and she even thrust out her chest, to make the point that she wasn't bothered that they were exposed. I shook my head in disbelieve, then I watched her as she started on the step machine. As she exercised, my eyes kept getting drawn towards her nipples. They were only slightly smaller than Aunty's, but they looked more impressive because her tits were smaller. I was enjoying the view, but my cock was enjoying it even more. It was semi-erect, and I was struggling to stop it getting even bigger. I did eventually manage to get it under control, by not looking at her, and thinking of other things.
"Can I stop?"
"Yes, but do some slow steps to warm down."
When she had finished, I got a quizzical look from her, then she said, "How did I do?"
"You did well. You are becoming my star pupil."
That pleased her. I then passed the top to her.
"Cover yourself up as best you can, then go and take a shower."
"I will, but I have a question for you, and I want an honest answer."
"OK, what is it?"
"Do you really like my nipples?"
I quickly said, "Of course I do, they are good enough to eat," then, without thinking, I added, "Or good enough to suck."
I knew I had overstepped the mark, and I waited in silence for her to slap me down. It was a while before she spoke.
"OK, but be gentle."
I knew I should say no, and I think I wanted to say no, but my cock was throbbing, and it was in charge. I moved towards her, and then I bent my head. When I was on her nipple, she gasped.
I was now sucking hard, and pinching her other nipple. She wasn't my Sister now, she was just a woman that I wanted to enjoy. When I raised my head, so that I could switch nipples, she pushed me back onto it. I wanted to feed on the other one, but I was happy to wait until she was ready. I didn't have to wait long.
When she said, "Yes," in almost a whisper, I knew what she meant.
I changed over, as quickly as I could, so as not to break the spell. If we stopped, even briefly, she might come to her senses and end it. After having my fill of it, I switched again. She was now moaning almost continuously, and all I could think about was her cunt. What was it like? I didn't know, but I was desperate to find out. I managed to get my hand between her legs, but as soon as I did, she pushed me back so hard that I almost fell over.
We were now a short distance apart, facing each other, and I could tell she was thinking the same as me. What should I say? I was the first to break the uneasy silence.
"You didn't do any weights, how about doing some now?"
She took her time thinking about it.
"Yes," then she smiled, before saying, "And this time put more on the bar."
I just nodded. We were now back to normal. I was her Personal Trainer, and she was my Sister who was eager to exercise.
I stopped her after only five minutes. Standing over her, and looking at her tits, that only a short while ago I had been sucking on, was too much for me. I thought she would object, and want to continue, but she was happy to stop.
"Do you think running would help me?"
"Yes, but don't do too much. Just a mile for your first one."
"I can do more than that, lots more."
My suggestion of just a mile had offended her, and she was now angry. I couldn't believe it. We were getting on so well, and then in an instance, she had become hostile.
"I know you can."
She was now less angry, but she was still defiant.
"I am going to run four miles."
I shrugged my shoulders. I could only offer advice. It was up to her if she took it or not. I thought that was it, and that she would now leave, but I was wrong.
"I want to see your cock."
She had surprised and shocked me, so it was the only thing I could think of saying.
"Because you have seen my nipples."
While I had been greedily sucking on her tits, I would have gladly shown her my cock. However, this was different. She was now trying to bully me.
"I will, but I want to see what you have between your legs."
I was expecting that to end it, and Becky to leave in a huff, but she wasn't moving, and that defiant look was still there. It was a while before she spoke.
"OK, but no touching."
I wanted to back down, but I couldn't. If I did, then she would tease me mercilessly, and I would never hear the end of it. It was best to get it over and done with.
Pointing at her, I said, "You first."
Without any fuss, she took what was left of her costume off.
"Now it's your turn."
"Not yet. You need to lie down and open your legs."
She shook her head.
"That wasn't part of the deal."
"Standing there with your legs together is no good. I can't see anything."
I could tell she didn't want to do it, but I had backed her into a corner. She had to decide to give in, or lose face. Then she did what I had asked.
"Is that good enough?"
It was. I had expected her to only open her legs slightly, but they were now open as wide as possible, and she had even put her knees up, as if she was going to have a gynaecologist examine her.
I was surprised that she was shaved, and it had been done recently. However, I was more surprised by the size of her labia. They were long and chunky, far bigger than any I had ever seen before. They were a nice mouthful, but you would have to be careful that you didn't choke on them. I wanted to see more of her cunt, but her lips were obscuring her opening and her clit. She would probably say no, but there was no harm in asking.
"Part you lips so that I can have a better look."
She did, and without any hesitation. I now had a perfect view of her most intimate place. Her clit was clearly visible, and so was her pink opening. As an added bonus, I could even see her puckered anus. Then she closed her legs.
"It's your turn."
Before, I had been reluctant, but now I was eager to show it to her. When it was out, I moved closer so that she could get a better look. It was now as hard as it had ever been. I just hoped that she would be impressed.
"It's big, very big," then she paused, before saying, "Too big for my little pussy."
That sent a shudder of excitement down my spine.
"Stroke it."
I did, then I watched her open her legs again, so that she could finger herself. It was now a competition to see who could reach it first. My hand was moving quickly up and down my shaft, and she was furiously rubbing her clit, occasionally stopping so that she could lubricate her fingers with the juice from her cunt.
"Fuck, I'm going to come."
When she did, she gave an almighty moan, and then her body went stiff. She even arched her back, only slumping back down when her orgasm had subsided. But I was still going, watching her climax had put me off my stroke, but I wasn't going to last much longer. Seconds later I got there, and when I did I spurted over her stomach. I was disappointed, I had been aiming for her cunt.
As soon as she had recovered, she wiped herself with a towel. She took her time, making sure that she hadn't missed any of my semen. She then quickly put her costume back on, securing the top by putting a hand behind her back and holding the broken strap.
I got a mumbled, "Thanks," from her as she left.
I was now sitting on the floor trying to make sense of what had happened. After ten minutes I gave up, there was too much going around in my head.
I didn't see Becky again until the morning, when we all had breakfast together. For some reason, Mother was bright and cheerful, but my Sister was the complete opposite. She was moody, and we hardly got a word out of her. From how she was acting, it looked as if she was regretting what had happened yesterday. She was the first to leave the kitchen. When she had gone, Mother muttered something under her breath. I only just managed to make it out.
"I just wish somebody would fuck her, and soon."
I pretended not to hear, but she was right, that's what needed to happen. Then I realised, that I desperately wanted to be the one to do it. That shocked, and excited me, in equal measures.
After yesterday, I knew that today could only be an anti-climax, and it was. The only thing of note was what happened at the end of the session with George, the young man who was overweight and very unfit.
"Dexter, I know you are trying your best, but let's face it. You are flogging a dead horse. We could do this for a year and I wouldn't get any fitter."
I was about to object, to give him some encouragement, but he put his hand up, and I closed my mouth without saying anything.
"I do have a plan though."
He was now smiling, and I looked at him, curious to know what that plan was.
"I am going to lose weight. I think it will take me six months, then I want you to be my Personal Trainer again."
When I left, I wished him well. He was optimistic, but I had a nagging feeling that he would find it too difficult, and that I would never hear from him again.
My working day ended with a new client. A young woman called Meghan. The session was an hour, but it felt a lot longer. Every time I asked her to do something, she insisted on doing something else. When we talked, it was always one-sided, her telling me how good she was at something. Apparently, before she was married, she had been an actress in a television series. She was irritated when I said I hadn't seen any of it.
As soon as I woke the next day, I thought of Meghan, and then I smiled. Yesterday it had been an ordeal, but now I realised that it was silly to let her get to me. I was in a good mood, because I was seeing Aunty tonight, and no matter what happened with the clients today, that wasn't going to change.
I got to Aunty's house at seven, and by five past I was sucking on her nipples. We hadn't bothered with the exercising. When I put my hand up her skirt, I got a pleasant surprise, her cunt was naked.
"I didn't want to waste any time taking them off."
As my fingers went into her, she reached into my shorts, eager to get to my cock. This was going to be quick, but we might have time for seconds, and then we could do it more slowly.
"I'm home."
She gasped, but it wasn't caused by my fingers, it was because my Uncle had come back early. Then it got worse, we heard him on the stairs. When he opened the door, I was sitting down, with a towel draped across my lap to hide my erection. Aunty had her T-shirt on, and her arms were folded across her chest, to hide the fact that she didn't have her bra on. That was in a corner of the room, under a towel.
"Hi Dexter, your Aunty always tells me what a great job you do. If you don't mind, can I watch?"
Aunty looked as if she was going to cry, but Uncle didn't seem to notice. We couldn't say yes, but if we said no, would he become suspicious?
"Let me make myself a coffee first."
Then he was gone, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. He had taken our silence as agreement. When he got back, my cock was limp, and Aunty had her bra on. However, there was an outstanding problem. She didn't have any knickers on, and there was nothing we could do about it, because she hadn't brought any with her. I was praying that he wouldn't stay long, but he did. He watched her cycle, and then do some steps. While she exercised, I noticed that she kept her legs together as much as she could.
"I've seen enough."
I almost hugged him, out of relief that he was leaving us. We waited until we were sure that he was downstairs, before speaking.
I said, "That was a close shave."
"Too close," then she smiled, but it was forced.
Half an hour later, we ate together. Uncle did most of the talking, and he even told a couple of jokes. I laughed with him, but my heart wasn't in it. I couldn't help thinking about Aunty. We would have to arrange another session, and it would have to be soon.
The next day, after my first client, I decided to call her.
"Hi Dexter, I was just about to phone you."
Good, she was as eager as I was to complete our unfinished business.
"Ted surprised me last night. He has booked a holiday. We are going away to the Caribbean tomorrow for two weeks. It's for our wedding anniversary."
I was genuinely pleased for her, even though it would mean not being able to see her for such a long time.
"As soon as I get back, I want another session."
"It's a deal."
"And this time, without any interruptions."
My last client for the day cancelled at short notice. I wasn't happy, but it did mean that I would be able to go home early.
Mother was surprised to see me.
"I wasn't expecting you for another hour at least."
"Somebody cancelled."
"That's good."
Why was it good, and why was she smiling? I was confused.
"Because we can now go to the Gym."
This time I only had to wait a few minutes for her. She then exercised with an intensity that I hadn't seen before. When I asked her to do push-ups, she didn't complain. After forty five minutes she had done everything. Her face was now bright red, and her top was soaked with sweat.
Looking at me, with her hands on her hips, she said, "If you don't mind, can we skip the sex?"
My jaw dropped. I did mind. Then she laughed. I just shook my head, she had got me.
I was so desperate to have her, that I went straight for her cunt, forcibly pushing two fingers into her knickers.
"Take them off."
As soon as I had them down, I was fingering her. First with two fingers, then with three. She purred when that extra finger went in.
"Fuck me with them, and play with my clit."
I was now giving her what she has asked for, and she was moaning appreciatively.
"Rub harder, I want to come."
"No, let me fuck you from behind."
I then took my fingers out, and she went over to the exercise bike. When she leant against it, I went behind her and lifted her skirt up. I quickly pushed into her, and she gasped.
"I'm not going to last long."
Me too. I might even get there before her.
I was now giving her big strokes, as fast as I could. The sap was starting to rise in my throbbing cock. Suddenly I climaxed, and fortunately, she did as well. It was perfect timing, but more by luck than good judgment.
I stayed in her as long as I could, but when my cock went limp, it popped out. Both of us seemed reluctant to move, but eventually we did.
"Becky will be back soon, and I need to cook."
I then got a quick hug from her, and a peck on the cheek. We left together, but she went to the kitchen, and I to my bedroom. I stayed there reading, until the meal was ready.
"Have you and Mother been in the Gym again?"
I had a mouthful of food, so Mother answered for me.
She gave Becky a nice smile, before simply saying, "Yes."
"I thought so. When am I going to get my turn?"
She was angry, spoiling for a fight.
In as calm a voice as I could manage, I said, "Tomorrow. It's Saturday so I am free anytime."
"Ten o'clock. I want it then."
I think she had just plucked a time out of the air, and she was now hoping that I would say no, so that she could fight with me.
"OK, ten works for me."
She didn't say anything else, but for the rest of the meal it was obvious that she was sulking. She had got what she wanted, but she still wasn't happy. I had recently imagined what it would be like to fuck her, and I had even hoped that it would happen, but now all I wanted to do was strangle her. That would be the easy part, but where would I bury her body?
My first thought, when I woke Saturday morning, was that I had to go to the Gym with Becky at ten. I really wanted to cancel, but if I did, I knew that she would make my life hell for today, and probably tomorrow as well for good measure. At breakfast Becky glared at me, but I just ignored her. There was no mention of the exercising, perhaps she had forgotten about it. However, I went to the Gym on time, then I prayed that she wouldn't turn up, but she did, and only a minute late. That was a record for her.
This time the swimsuit had been replaced by a sensible top, and a short skirt. I didn't ask why, because I wasn't interested in hearing what she had to say. I had decided to say as little as possible, and hopefully the session would end without us coming to blows.
I started her off on the bike. I just pointed to it, and she got on and peddled. Fifteen minutes later, I pointed to the step machine. When she got off the bike, she stumbled, and I grabbed her arm to steady her.
"Let go, you're hurting me."
I wasn't, but I quickly took my hand away.
"Do you always have to be such a bitch?"
I was now staring at her, and she was staring back. Her face was angry, and I thought she was going to hit me. Then it changed. The anger disappeared, and she looked like a dog that had been kicked too many times. All the fight had gone from her, and there was a tear trickling down her cheek. I felt bad, really bad. I moved towards her, and then I hugged her.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it."
"I wish you weren't my Brother."
She had said it calmly, and in a low voice, but it hurt me more than any other insult she had ever said to me before. And there had been plenty of them. She hated me so much that she wished I wasn't her Brother. I let go of her, then I stepped back.
"Do you really hate me that much?"
She now looked surprised, and then she laughed.
"I don't hate you. If you weren't my Brother, we could do things together."
It took me a few seconds to understand what she meant, when I did, I blurted out, "We still can."
She shook her head.
"It would be wrong."
"Yes, but it would be good. We would enjoy it."
That got a nervous giggle from her.
"And I would never tell anybody."
I think that convinced her, because when I kissed her, she didn't pull away. When she started kissing me back, I knew that she wanted this as much as I did. While we continued kissing, I managed, with some help from her, to remove her top and bra. I then went for her nipples, first with my fingers, then with my mouth.
"That's so good, suck as hard as you can."
She didn't have to ask twice. It was good for me as well, but I was itching to get my hand up her skirt, and my fingers into her Honey Pot. However, I needed to wait. Too soon and she might stop me. I needed to get her past the point of being able to stop, even if she wanted to. It wasn't long before that time arrived.
My hand was now moving up her leg, and she wasn't stopping me. When I got to the top, and my fingers were pressing against her knickers, she moaned.
"Take them off, and finger me."
When they were off, I didn't waste any time getting back to her cunt. Then I parted her big lips, frantically searched for her opening. When I found it, I couldn't believe how wet she was. It was just as well, because her cunt was tight. I got two fingers in, but it was a struggle.
"Do you like my little pussy?"
"Yes, but it's so small. Will you be able to take my cock?"
"Yes, but if I can't, then I will blame you for being too big."
She then laughed, but it became a moan when I started on her clit. I was desperate to fuck her, but I was equally keen to get her large labia in my mouth. And I wanted to do that now.
As I took my fingers out, I said, "Lie down, and open your legs."
She quickly did what I had asked, but I think she was expecting me to fuck her, because when my mouth was on her, she started to sit up. When she realised what I was doing, she lay back down again.
I was now exploring every part of her gorgeous cunt. I was licking and sucking it, and when I took all of her large lips into my mouth, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I was enjoying it, but from the noises she was making, my Sister was enjoying it even more. This couldn't last, it was just too good. If we continued like this, we would both soon boil over. It was time to fuck her, before it was too late.
When I raised my head, she tried to push it back down again.
"I want to fuck you."
"NO, I want to do it. I want to ride you."
I was happy to go along with that. She would do all the hard work, and I would just lie back and enjoy it.
She took her time accepting my cock. She struggled with the first two inches, and for a while I was worried that she might give in, and stop. However, she persevered, and eventually all my cock was deep inside her.
I was now being fucked. It was hard work for her, having to raise herself high, but she was doing a good job. When she increased the pace, I put my hands behind my head, and then I closed my eyes. This was bliss. I was slowly, and expertly, being taken towards a climax, that I knew would be a big one. I wasn't disappointed. As I spurted, she stopped, and her back arched. I felt her cunt spasm against my cock, squeezing all the semen out. Then she slumped on top of me, and I put my arms around her.
After a quick shower, I went to the kitchen. Mother was making lunch.
"How did you and Becky get on, did you fight?"
"No, it was civilised."
Mother looked relieved.
"I don't like it when you two argue."
Then my Sister joined us.
"I'm pleased that you two are now getting on."
My Sister mumbled something. I didn't catch what it was, but I was sure that it wasn't anything good. Then I got a scowl from her. I was confused, but when Mother wasn't looking, she smiled, then she winked at me. I then realised that she was acting that way for Mother's benefit. If she was too nice to me then Mother might suspect something. You can call my Sister many things, but stupid isn't one of them.
It had been a good weekend, but it was now Monday, and I had to go back to work. As I worked my clients, I kept thinking about how lucky I was. It was every schoolboy's wet dream to sleep with his Mother, or perhaps his Sister, but I was actually doing it, and to both of them. As an added bonus, I was also having my Aunty. Could life get any better, it could, if I had all three at the same time!
My last client of the day was Arthur. He now felt more like a friend than a client. We always spent a lot of time talking, and I think that was more important to him than the exercising. However, this time it was different. He exercised with an enthusiasm that I had never seen before, and there was minimal conversation. At the end he thanked me, and he even asked for an extra session later on in the week. I agreed, but I was itching to know why he was now so keen.
"Arthur, if you don't mind me asking, what's going on? You exercised like a mad man."
He gave me a big smile, and then he said, "I thought you might be curious."
I waited for him to tell me more, but instead, he just took out a photo from his wallet.
Handing it to me, he said, "This is my new girlfriend."
She was beautiful, with a stunning figure, and she was at least thirty years younger than him. As I passed it back, he was beaming with pride.
"I want to get fit for her."
When I got into my car, I shook my head. Arthur was a nice guy, but how had he managed to get a girlfriend like that? They say love is blind. I think I had just seen the proof of that.
When I got home, I was still thinking about Arthur, and I was still finding it hard to believe. Mother was out, but my Sister was in the kitchen. I wanted a coffee, but there were no clean cups, so I went to the sink to wash one. Now that I was there, I decided that I might as well do all the washing-up.
"Do you want to go to the Gym?"
I looked at her over my shoulder, as I said, "No, Mother will be back soon."
I then got back to my chore. When her hand came around me, and grabbed my crotch, I nearly dropped a plate.
I hissed, "No. We don't have time for this," then I brushed her hand away. But it came back, and this time it was rubbing my cock through my trousers. I should have removed it straight away, but I hesitated, and now it was too late. My cock was expanding, and all I could think about was fucking her with it.
When I turned around, she was smiling, she knew that she was going to get what she wanted.
"Let's go to the Gym. I need another session with my Personal Trainer."
"And you shall have one, but I want it here."
She shook her head.
"Bend over the table."
I thought she was going to refuse, but then she moved. She was now in the same position as Mother had been in. Her top was flat on the table, and her bottom was high up, perfect for fucking. As with Mother, we needed to be quick.
I had her knickers off in record time, and then I rammed my cock into her. She grunted when I hit the top of her cunt. I was now fucking her hard, perhaps too hard, but she wasn't complaining. Five minutes should have been enough, but we were still going strong after ten. Then she started to make some strange noises, and I knew she was nearly there. I immediately upped the pace, so that I could climax as well. She got there first, but I wasn't far behind. As soon as I had drained my balls, I pulled out of her.
"You need to move. Mother will be back soon."
Thankfully she did, because just after we were both decent, Mother was back. When she entered the kitchen, we were both sitting at the table. My cock was back in my trousers, and Becky had put her knickers on.
"Give me fifteen minutes, then the food will be ready."
Good, we had got away with it. Then she sniffed the air.
"What's that smell, have you been cooking."
I said, "Leftovers."
Mother looked at me, and then we both laughed, but Becky was just confused. Mother thought that she was sharing a secret with me, about the time that we had sex on the kitchen table. However, the joke was on her. Like last time, the smell was sex, but this time it was from me and my Sister!