Chapter 83: Glory Hole Ch. 02
When I woke the next day, I could still taste the whisky in my mouth. Against my better judgment I had stayed for a third, and then a fourth. And they had been doubles. However, despite being the worse for wear, I could still manage a smile when I thought about what had happened at The Tavern. I had fucked both my Mother and Sister through the Glory Hole, without them realising who I really was.
As I showered, I wondered how I had got home. I remembered somebody helping me into a car, then it all got a bit hazy. It must have been a taxi, but I had no recollection of the journey, and more worryingly, no recollection of how I had got into bed.
I took my time dressing. I wasn't eager to go downstairs and face the music, but I knew that it was better to get it over and done with now, rather than hiding in the bedroom until they had left for work.
When I entered the kitchen Mother greeted me with, "Are you OK?"
She sounded concerned.
"I'm a bit hungover," then I gave her a weak smile before adding, "But I'll live."
I shook my head, even just the mention of food was making me queasy. I would eat later when I was feeling better.
"Drink this."
I took the coffee from her. I winced when I sipped it, she had made it strong and sweet. It was her cure for a hangover.
"You are up early, considering."
I turned my head, it was from Chloe who had just entered the kitchen.
"What do you mean?"
"You were in a bit of a state last night," then she shook her head, before adding, "And you were singing."
I groaned, I had obviously embarrassed myself.
"Your Father was out, so we had to put you to bed."
My Sister then glanced at Mother, and they both laughed.
"I am glad you found it funny."
"It was hard work. You are a big boy," then she giggled.
My Sister nodded in agreement, and I felt my face redden. There had been a slight emphasis on 'big', so it sounded as if they had taken the opportunity to have a good look at my cock after removing my underwear. They might even have stroked it, and then watched in fascination as it climbed to its full length. If they had, then it was a waste, because I had no memory of it.
"Just after we had undressed you, Charlotte turned up. She was concerned because you hadn't answered any of her calls."
Then my Sister chipped in with, "She stayed for an hour just to make sure you were OK."
So nothing had happened. However, I got the feeling that if my girlfriend hadn't interrupted them, they would have made me climax, probably by hand, but perhaps even by one of them fucking me.
"I think you had better call her."
Mother was right. Charlotte had been worried about me, so I now needed to call her to let her know I was still alive. After ten minutes of ear bashing I wished I hadn't. I lost count of the number of times I apologised.
At work I kept being asked if I was alright. I told them I was feeling a bit under the weather, probably a virus. That got me a lot of sympathy, but I felt guilty for telling a lie.
For the next few days I got a lot of ribbing from my Mother and Sister, and the cold shoulder from my girlfriend. It was Sunday before Charlotte agreed to see me again. I made it up to her by taking her to an expensive Italian restaurant. After some good food, and even better wine, I was significantly poorer, but I had been forgiven. We ended the evening by making love, and I made sure she had a big climax.
The next day, after work, I went to The Tavern. I needed to see Rick to apologise.
"And how are you today sir?"
I mumbled, "OK thanks," as I handed him the admission fee. I think he was working last Wednesday, so he must have seen me making a fool of myself.
"Simon, nice to see you again," then he paused before adding, "Whisky?"
I shook my head, and he laughed.
"Sorry Rick, it won't happen again."
He gave me a nice smile, then he shrugged his shoulders, before saying, "Some people are angry drunks, but you were a happy drunk."
"So I didn't do anything embarrassing?"
"Apart from singing, no."
I groaned. I must try to stop doing that when I have drunk too much.
"Who put me in the taxi?"
He pointed to the large man at the door. The one who had greeted me when I had arrived.
"I think you owe him a drink."
I nodded. Then, after finishing my beer, I went over to thank him. He was surprised that I was apologising, and even more so when I mentioned getting him a drink.
"It's all part of the job."
He said no to the drink, but at least I had offered.
When I got back to the bar there was another beer waiting for me. Rick was busy with other customers, but as soon as he was free he joined me.
"Are you not seeing any of the girls today?"
"No, I just came to make sure I hadn't been barred."
"It takes a lot more than what you did before that happens," then he glanced towards the back room, before adding, "We have some new girls."
That got me interested, and five minutes later I was seeing who was free. Out of the four, three were new, but all their rooms were occupied. The only green one was Rose, who I had seen before. Should I go back and wait? Then I remembered her massive tits, and her unbelievable nipples.
"Rose, it's Simon. Do you remember me?"
"Are you the Simon with the monster cock?"
"Then I remember you, I never forget a big cock."
As she laughed, I shook my head. This woman didn't care how loud she was, and who could hear her.
The panels were now open, and her very large breasts were pushing into the room. I didn't waste any time before getting to work on them. I spent five minutes just sucking on one nipple, before moving to the other.
"You can nibble on them, but not too hard."
I then did what she had asked, and I was careful to only do it gently. She was now moaning a lot, obviously enjoying what I was doing to her. We continued like this for several more minutes.
"That's enough for me, I now want something else."
Good, she was ready to be fucked.
"I want you to fuck my tits."
That surprised me. I had done it before, when I was younger, but only to women who would not let me go all the way. It was a way of keeping me happy, without having to open their legs.
"Don't you want to?"
I would rather fuck her, but I was happy to go along with what she wanted.
"Yes, but do you want me to come on them, or save it so that I can fuck you after?"
"I want you to pour it all over them, then I want you to rub it in."
I was now standing on the chair that had been in the corner of the room. It was a little too high, so I had to bend my knees a bit to get the best position.
It felt good to be between her tits, almost as good as her cunt. As I fucked them, I played with her nipples.
"I have three fingers up my pussy, and I am rubbing my clit. Let me know when you are going to come so that I can finish myself off."
After a few more minutes, she spoke again
"It's now four. You had better hurry up."
It sounded as if she wasn't going to last much longer. I was now fucking her tits as hard as I would have fucked her cunt. In another minute or so I would reach it, perhaps even before she did.
"I'm nearly there."
She was now moaning almost continuously, and I could hear the squelching of her fingers as they moved inside her.
It was as loud as her laugh was, then she climaxed. Her tits were now jiggling about as her orgasm surged through her body. A few seconds later I spurted onto her. I then waited until my cock started to go limp, before removing it from between her magnificent breasts.
"I hope yours was a big one, mine was."
Then, before I could answer, she laughed. I just shook my head, then I started to massage it into her tits. It was five minutes before she asked me to stop.
When I got back to the bar, Rick was eager to know who I had seen. He seemed disappointed that I hadn't seen one of the new girls.
"You should have waited. Next time, if you can, see Alice. I want to know what you think of her."
He wouldn't tell me any more than that, but it would be wise to take his advice and see the new girl. But that would have to wait, the next time I would be here was Wednesday, to see my Mother, and hopefully my Sister as well.
On Wednesday morning we all ate breakfast together, even Father.
As casually as I could, I asked, "Are you two going out tonight?"
"I am, but your Sister is undecided," then after glancing at Chloe, she said, "I want her to, but she has other plans."
I left it at that. Any more questions might make them suspicious. Hopefully Mother would persuade her.
Five minutes after getting into work, my boss called me into her office.
"This needs to be done today," then she gave me a brief smile, before continuing with, "You might have to work late."
"Not a problem."
When I got back to my desk I read all the documents she had given me. It was a tough ask, but I could manage it if I gave it my full attention. However, there was no way I could finish it before seven, and that was being optimistic. As I started on it, I tried to look on the bright side. Seven, or even a bit later, would still give me time to visit The Tavern.
By lunch time I was still on track, but I couldn't afford to slacken up because I still had some tricky bits left to do, so I got a sandwich to eat at my desk.
I was on my second mouthful when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jim coming towards me. I put my head down, hoping he would walk past.
"Did you know that the largest dinosaur that ever lived was Argentinosaurus huinculensis?"
I gave him an intimidating stare, then in a firm voice I said, "No."
"Some people think it's Bruhathkayosaurus, but that's only speculation."
He looked pleased with himself. I was tempted to tell him to piss off, but that would have been harsh. A five minute break wasn't going to do any harm.
"No Jim. That was very interesting."
It ended up being fifteen. When he left I gave a deep sigh. He was definitely the office bore, and I was grateful that his desk was at the other end of the office. I pitied the person who had to sit next to him.
It was ten past seven when I eventually finished, everybody else had already left. Half an hour later I was at The Tavern.
"You're late."
"Yes Rick, it has been one of those days."
"So you need a whisky?"
I shook my head, and he grinned. We both knew it would be a long time before I would be back on the spirits.
I finished half of my beer in one gulp. Now it was time to go to the back room. As I approached the door I had a sinking feeling, I just knew that Mother wouldn't be there. It had been a shitty day so far, and it was going to get worse. However, Lizzy was working, and she was free now.
"It's Simon."
I heard a giggle, then Mother said, "We thought you weren't coming."
The mention of 'we', sent a shudder of excitement down my spine, my Sister was here as well. So it wasn't a shitty day, it was a good day, and I was going to make the most of it.
"I hope you ladies are ready, because I am going to give you both the best fuck you have ever had."
This time they both giggled.
"Yes, Mummy would like that."
Then Chloe chipped in with, "And your Sister would like that as well."
As I undressed, the panels were opened, and the holes were quickly filled with their tits. I looked at one, then the other. I now had a huge smile on my face, I was going to enjoy this.
I was now sucking deeply on my Sister, and pinching Mother's nipple. My cock was rock hard, ready to fuck, but I was going to wait as long as possible before doing that.
Every few minutes I switched. I was now sucking harder, and pinching rougher, but they didn't complain, instead they responded by moaning louder. It felt as if this would never end, that none of us were willing to stop. However, five minutes later, Mother wanted a change.
"Simon, stop now."
I smiled, their tits had been good, but I knew there was now going to be something much better. I put my cock through the hole, and closed my eyes as I waited for one of them to push themselves against it. Who would it be?
The panels were now closed, and I could hear whispering. When I heard them giggling I knew they had decided who was going to be first. I couldn't tell, but it felt good. It was warm and wet, and it was tight against my cock, but it wasn't a cunt, it was a mouth.
I hadn't expected that, but I wasn't going to complain, and I was definitely not going to ask them to stop.
"Do you like Mummy sucking your big cock?"
That was my Sister, so I was in my Mother's mouth.
"We are going to take turns until you reach it. Then you are going to fuck both of us to a climax. You need to come twice, once in each of us."
I liked the sound of that, but I wasn't sure I could climax twice in such a short time. However, my Sister had made it clear what was expected from me, so I needed to perform.
I knew my Mother had many talents. She was a superb cook, good at DIY, and an expert gardener. But I didn't know that she was also a champion cock sucker. Her oral skills were up there with the best I have ever had, and I have had lots. She was taking at least seven or eight inches, and she wasn't gagging. I was being slowly taken towards a climax by an expert. Then it changed.
It was now my Sister's turn, and it felt different. It was good, but she hadn't yet acquired Mother's skill. However, she was only twenty, so lots of time to learn. One thing she needed to learn was to only take in as much as she could manage. Young women see it as a challenge, that they have to swallow all of it, even when it is too big for them. What happens then is that they gag a lot and therefore there is no rhythm. That was what my Sister was doing.
It was now Mother's turn again. They then settled on switching every two or three minutes, and each time my Sister was getting better. She was obviously watching what Mother was doing, and taking notes.
I was now getting close to climaxing, and it was going to be a good one. I was even finding it difficult to know whose mouth I was in. When they switched over it was seamless. They even managed to take me to the edge a couple of times before finishing me off. When I eventually came, with a loud grunt, I had no idea who was swallowing it, but it almost choked them.
"That was a lot," then she giggled.
It was my Mother, so my Sister was going to get my second climax, that is if I could manage another one.
They let me rest for five minutes, then they were eager to start again. This time when I pushed my cock through the hole it was only semi-erect. That made them both laugh. I guess it did look funny, but laughing wasn't going to help me to get it firm enough to fuck. However, when I thought about where I was go to put it, into my Mother, it stiffened up.
When she pushed against it, and it slid in, I knew that I could dismiss any worries about going limp. I was now eager to fuck her, and then to get to work on my little Sister.
I was now thrusting into her hard and strong, and she was taking my full ten inches without any problems. At the end of each stroke she grunted, and she was getting louder.
"Hurry up."
It was Chloe, and I could hear the frustration in her voice.
"If you don't finish soon I am going to play with myself, and it won't take me long to come."
"NO," then Mother added, "Rub my clit, that will help me."
A few seconds later I heard a low moan, and I smiled. My Sister was now helping us out.
"That's good, but a little lower."
This time Mother purred.
"That's the spot. Now don't stop."
She was now being fucked by me, and her clit pleasured by her Daughter. That was a winning combination that was definitely going to make her climax. It did, but surprisingly it took at least another five minutes. When her orgasm surged through her body, and her cunt contracted, it almost made me come as well.
As soon as I was out of her I felt my Sister's opening touch the head of my cock. She wasn't just eager to be fucked, she was desperate. When I was fully in her she gave a long low sigh, it was the frustration melting away.
"Now fuck me hard," then she paused before adding, "And I mean REALY hard."
So this wasn't going to be gentle or subtle, it was going to be fast and furious. It took me a minute to get into my stride, then she was getting what she had asked for.
I upped the pace, and the noise of my balls slapping against her as I went in deep, got louder.
"Chloe, are you OK?"
Mother sounded concerned.
"Yes," grunted my Sister, then she added, "I'm going to fucking come."
As Mother giggled, Chloe climaxed, but I continued with the fucking. Thirty seconds later, while my Sister was making whimpering sounds, I emptied my balls into her. It was my second climax, but it felt as good as the first one.
As I was getting dressed, I could hear them whispering. I had no idea what they were talking about, but there was a lot of laughing and giggling as well.
"Thank you ladies, that was good. No, it was VERY good. Same again next week?"
I was expecting a quick yes from them, but there was just silence for a few seconds, then my Sister said, "Should we tell him?"
My heart sank, it sounded as if this was the end.
"We need a favour from you."
I now wasn't just worried, I was also curious. What favour did they want from me?
"Don't come to see us next Wednesday."
"We are going to get my Son to come here instead, and arrange it so that he sees me. But he won't know that he is fucking his Mother."
"How are you going to do that?"
"We have a plan."
Then my Sister added, "But we don't want to say any more than that."
When I got back to the bar I was in a state of shock.
"You look as if you have seen a ghost."
I gave Rick a weak smile, then I said, "It's Lizzy, she has worn me out."
He laughed, then he got me another beer. I hadn't mentioned Chloe, because from what my Mother had said before, Rick didn't know about her.
For the next half hour I tried to guess what their plan was. They needed to get me to come to The Tavern, and then to pick Lizzy, without me knowing who Lizzy really was. It sounded impossible. Eventually I stopped, thinking about it was giving me a headache.
After my third beer I decided it was time to leave. However, as I was about to get up, I saw Jim from work coming out of the back room. I turned my head away from him, then I held my breath, but fortunately he walked past me, heading towards the exit.
"Who was that?"
I guess what I had done wasn't subtle. It hadn't fooled Rick, so there was no point in denying it.
"Somebody from work."
He nodded, his face was now serious.
"I understand, it would have been embarrassing for both of you."
He then leant towards me, and said, "He has been in a few times. He always sees Mary."
Then, with a smirk on his face, he continued with, "Last week he told me he is going to ask her out. I think he is in love with her."
"Does he know that..."
Rick cut me off with a quick, "No," then he shook his head, before adding, "For some reason he thinks she is a similar age to him."
Jim was mid-thirties, but Mary was over seventy. I looked at Rick, why hadn't he told him?
He must have guessed what I was thinking, because he shrugged his shoulders, then said, "I hadn't the heart to tell him."
On my way home I thought about Jim. I just hoped that Mary wouldn't agree to see him away from The Tavern, that would shatter his dreams.
The next day I didn't see Mother or Chloe. When I went down for breakfast they had already left, and after work I was out with Charlotte until late. However, they were constantly on my mind. Not just what had happened at The Tavern, but also trying to work out what their plan was.
By Monday morning I had given up thinking about it, whatever it was I was going to find out soon. When I got into work there was a note on my desk from my boss.
'Simon, please come to my office'.
I looked at my watch, did I have time for a coffee? No, I had arrived late for work so I needed to go and see her now. When I entered her office, her face was stern. I was in trouble.
"This bad timekeeping has to stop."
I was about to apologise, but then she smiled. It was her idea of a joke.
"George has seen the work that you did for me last week. He was very impressed."
Back at my desk I was buzzing. Victoria was a good boss, easy to work for, but George could be difficult. He very rarely praised anybody.
"Do you know what I did last night?"
It was Jim, I hadn't seen him approaching my desk. This was the first time we had talked since I had seen him at The Tavern last week. Had he been back again since then?
"No Jim, tell me."
"I was reading up about dinosaurs."
I inwardly groaned, but I didn't let it show on my face. For some reason he had recently taken an interest in dinosaurs, and he was now keen to share his knowledge to whoever would listen.
"The first dinosaur was Nyasasaurus parringtoni."
"Do you like Mary?"
There was now a look of horror on his face, and I could tell he was desperately trying to think of what to say. I had done it to shut him up, but I was now feeling guilty, so I put him out of his misery.
"My cousin Jenifer has just had a baby girl, and they can't decide on the name. I was going to suggest Mary. What do you think?"
It took him a few seconds to compose himself, then he said, "It's the anglicized form of Maria, which is derived from the Hebrew Miryām. It's a nice name."
I just nodded, and Jim left. I had enjoyed doing it, to see him squirm, but I wouldn't be able to do anything like that again. Jim might be irritating, but he was also very clever. If I mentioned Mary again he would know what I was really referring to, and then he would quickly come to the conclusion that the only way I would know that he has being seeing her, was because I also visited The Tavern.
After work I made my way there, hoping Jim wasn't doing the same thing. I was now going a couple of times a week, so it was only a matter of time before we would see each other at The Tavern, but I wasn't eager for it to happen.
That's all Jim said, then he got me a beer. I thanked him, then I decided to try her.
"I am Angela, who the fuck are you?"
That made me smile. I was still smiling when I shouted, "Simon."
"Have I seen you before?"
"I thought not. Simon is a posh name, I would have remembered it."
I wasn't sure if she had just insulted me, but I let it slide.
"And what perverted sex act would you like to perform on me?"
"You choose."
"Good answer," then she laughed. She was loud, but not in the same league as Rose.
The panels then opened, and two large tis were pushed into the room. They were a nice size, but what got my attention were the nipples. They were thick and swollen, begging to be sucked.
"Do you like breast milk?"
Then she said it again, but this time slowly as if I was an idiot.
"I don't know."
"Well now's your chance to find out."
The first suck was tentative, just enough to get a taste.
"It's sweeter than cow's milk."
"Yes, and it comes in much nicer containers," then she laughed, before adding, "But do you like it?"
I didn't answer her, instead I put my mouth back onto her nipple. For the next ten minutes I sucked long and hard, only stopping so that I could switch over to the other one.
"I think that's enough, you need to leave some for the baby."
As soon as my mouth was off her, she closed the panels.
"I want to see your cock?"
When I pushed it through the hole, she gasped.
"I don't fuck, I save that for my partner," then she paused before adding, "But I am going to make an exception for you. But don't tell him," then she laughed.
I just smiled. I was never going to meet him, so it wasn't a problem.
When I felt her hand grasp my cock, I thought it was so that she could position it to her opening, but then she started moving her hand slowly up and down it.
"It's a big fucker. Perhaps too big for me."
So I wasn't going to get to fuck her after all. Then she removed her hand. A few seconds later I felt something against the head of my cock, and I smiled. Despite her apprehension, she was going to do it. The first half went in OK, but she struggled with the rest. However, she eventually managed it all. She now had ten inches of thick meat inside her, probably more than she had ever had before.
"This isn't going to take long. My pussy is full to the top, and my clit is already tingling."
I started slowly, so that she could get used to it. Then, after a couple of minutes, I gave her full strokes. Each time I went in deep she shouted, "Fuck." When I speeded up, she got louder. A minute later she gave an almighty groan, that sounded more like pain than pleasure, then I felt her body go stiff. She was climaxing, but I still needed more time. A few strokes later I joined her. It was a nice one, and as my balls emptied, I felt the day's tension fade away.
When I got back to the bar Rick was serving another customer. He glanced over at me, and I could tell he was eager to see what I thought about Angela. As soon as he was free he joined me.
"What did you think?"
"She was very good. It was a first for me."
"I tried her out last week, and I didn't stop until she was dry," then he laughed.
If my Mother and Sister were hatching some master plan, then I expected something to happen by Tuesday at the latest. It was now Wednesday, and I was at work, and still nothing had happened. Had they abandoned the idea? I didn't know.
When I finished work I decided to still go to The Tavern, despite my Mother asking me not to. I wasn't sure what I was going to say to her, I might just say I had forgotten what she had said. It was a lame excuse, but I didn't have a better one.
As I walked down the steps to The Tavern, I wondered why the lights weren't on. Then it hit me, it must be closed. However, just to be sure, I tried the door. It was locked. I then noticed a small piece of paper taped to it.
'Closed until further notice.'
I stood there for five minutes, I was stunned. Then, when I started to leave, the heavens opened and I got soaked. When I got home I was like a drowned rat. Mother was sympathetic, but Chloe just thought it was funny.
"How come you aren't out with your friends?"
Mother seemed surprised at the question, and she glanced over at my Sister before replying, "Our favourite bar is having some work done, so we decided to leave it for this week."
That gave me hope, it sounded as if the closure was temporary.
"Will it be open again next week?"
"I think so."
Chloe nodded in agreement.
That night in bed I thought about The Tavern. I decided that I would try again Monday. If it was still closed, then I would do the same again on Wednesday.
When Monday came I tried not to get too excited. As I worked, I kept telling myself that it would still be closed. When it was time to leave I stayed another half hour chatting to Jim. His latest subject was diamonds, and I learnt some interesting facts about them. We even shared a couple of jokes. I had now seen a different side to Jim, perhaps poking his cock into Mary through the Glory Hole was making him more human.
When I stood at the top of the steps I couldn't believe it. The Tavern looked to be open. However, when I pulled on the door I was still expecting it to be locked, but it wasn't.
"Why were you closed?"
"And nice to see you as well Simon."
"Sorry Rick, I forget my manners."
He then grinned at me, before saying, "For refurbishment."
I thought that was the end of it, but after getting me my beer, Rick leant towards me.
"Don't tell anybody. We were closed down by the law."
I looked at him wide-eyed.
"We thought we had a licence for the girls, but apparently we didn't."
"What do you mean?"
"I was paying a middleman, but he wasn't passing the money on."
"Are we talking bribes?"
Jim looked uncomfortable, so I didn't press it.
"But it has all been sorted out now."
He left it at that. Ten minutes later I went to the back room. They were all taken except for Anne, but I was happy to see her again.
"I am Anne. You can do whatever you want with me."
That's what she had greeted me with last time, it must be what she always says to the customers.
"Hello Anne, it's Simon."
"Yes I remember you."
Then I waited for her to say the rest, 'And I remember your cock', but she didn't, instead she gave a girly laugh that sent shivers down my spine.
We started the same way as last time, with me playing with her small breasts.
"Would you like to know what I am wearing?"
I mumbled, "Yes", then I continued sucking on her.
"My old school uniform, it still fits me, even the knickers."
That made my cock grow even bigger. I was now eager for more, to get my cock into her tight little cunt.
"Can we fuck?"
"I thought that would get you going."
As I undressed I wondered if I would ever get to see her. I knew she was twenty five, and I had been told that she was tiny, with the face of an angel. I was tempted to ask her out, but for now I was just going to enjoy fucking her.
She had struggled with my cock the last time, and this time it was the same. I was now up to my balls in her, and she was breathing deeply, as if she was in pain.
"I am going to be sore later on, but I don't care. Fuck me hard."
I wanted it hard as well, but common sense told me to start slowly, so I did. However, that only lasted for a couple of minutes. I was now giving her long hard strokes, and she was grunting every time I went deep into her. Her cunt had my cock in a vice like grip, and I knew it wouldn't be long before it squeezed all the seed out of me. If she was going to climax, then it needed to be soon, because mine was rapidly approaching.
"Harder, I'm going to fucking come."
Then she did. As I took another stroke, I thought about her wearing her school uniform, that finished me off. It took me a good thirty seconds before I was done. Her cunt must now be flooded.
When I got back Rick was busy. I had to wait ten minutes before I got another beer.
Before he could ask, I said, "Anne."
He nodded his approval, she was one of his favourites.
"I guess you will be in Wednesday."
"What do you think?"
He just laughed, then he went off to serve another customer.
On Wednesday morning, at breakfast, I knew something was going on. My Mother kept looking over at Chloe. After ten minutes I could tell she was getting annoyed. It looked as if she wanted my Sister to do something, but she wasn't responding, then eventually she did.
"Simon, I need a favour from you."
"What is it?"
"I need some advice, I am thinking about getting a new job."
"What do you want to know?"
My Sister then glanced at Mother, before saying, "Can we do it later. How about I take you for a drink after work? I will pick you up."
I scrunched my face up, to make it look as if I was thinking about it, then I gave her the answer they both wanted from me.
"OK. But don't be late."
From the look on their faces you would think I had just agreed to something very important. Both of them were now smiling.
I had a lazy day at work. I was finding it difficult to concentrate, so I didn't bother. My mind kept returning to what had been said at the breakfast table. I assumed Chloe would be taking me to The Tavern, but how was she going to get me to see Lizzy? I had lots of questions, but no answers. Eventually it was time to leave. When I left the building I spotted my Sister, she was waving at me from her car.
"Where are we going to?"
"Just some new place I have heard about."
That was all we said until she had parked up. We were now just a short walk from The Tavern.
"It's just around the corner."
When we got there she paid for both of us.
The doorman grunted, "We don't get many women coming here," but she just ignored him.
As we approached the bar I tried to get Rick's attention. I wanted to greet him as if I was a new customer, not a regular. Hopefully he would realise what I was doing. However, when he came to serve us, he just ignored me, giving all his attention to my Sister.
"Hello, I'm Chloe, and this is Simon."
"I'm Rick, what can I get you?"
While he got the drinks I wondered what was going on. I hadn't said anything, or made any gestures, but he was doing what I had wanted him to do.
Five minutes later we got the drinks we had ordered. Chloe then talked about what sort of new job she was looking for, and I gave my opinion on whether it was a good idea or not. We had just about exhausted the subject when Chloe got a call.
"You will have to excuse me, it's one of my friends."
She then moved away towards the exit, so that she could talk in private. When she returned she looked worried.
"She needs my help. I have to go."
"I'll come with you."
There was a quick, "No," from her. Then I got a brief smile, before she added, "You stay and finish your drink."
I gave her a hug, then she left. At first I thought the friend in need was genuine, but I now realised it was all part of the plan. So what next? A few minutes later I got my answer when Rick joined me.
"Simon, I wish I knew what was going on."
"What do you mean?"
"Yesterday, that woman you came in with had a word with me. She said that she would be coming back today with a man, and that she wanted me to persuade him to see Lizzy. And that when I saw her again I was to treat her like a stranger."
"She is somebody I work with, it must be her idea of a practical joke. Tomorrow she will rib me about it."
He didn't look convinced, but it was the best I could come up with at such short notice. Then he laughed, and I looked at him as if he had gone mad.
"She was worried that I wouldn't be able to convince you, but I don't need to. Lizzy is your favourite," then he paused, before continuing with, "I almost forgot. When you see her you have to give a password. It's Butterfly."
Fortunately, some more customers arrived, so Rick left me to serve them. I took my opportunity to go to the back room. All four were green, but I was only interested in seeing one of them, my Mother. Before entering I took a deep breath.
"I'm Lizzy, what's your name?"
"I'm Simon, and I've been asked to say Butterfly."
"Nice to meet you. Do you know what happens here?"
I could hear the excitement in her voice.
I played dumb, "No."
"Anything you want," then she giggled.
The panels were then quickly opened.
"Do you like them?"
"Yes. Can I touch them?"
That made her laugh, and I watched her tits jiggle until she had finished. When I put my hands on her she gasped. I then slowly moved my hands over them, gently touching all parts, except for the nipples. As I stroked her breasts my eyes kept going to the Band-Aid that was covering her birthmark.
"You can suck on them if you want."
That was for later, after I had played with her nipples. I wanted to take it nice and slowly. For Mother this was the first time with her Son, so I wanted it to be special.
When I pulled on her nipples she gasped again, but this time louder. I then rolled them between my fingers and thumb.
"That's nice. I have a Son called Simon, will you please be my Son?"
I made her wait a few seconds before answering.
"Yes Mummy."
"Good boy. Now you must always do what Mummy says."
I didn't reply, I just continued tweaking her nipples while I waited for her to tell me what to do next. I didn't have to wait long.
"Mummy's tits need sucking."
Before she had even finished speaking, my mouth was on a nipple, and I sucked long and hard. I was now being rough with her, but she wasn't complaining, instead she was moaning. For the next five minutes I abused both nipples, with my mouth and fingers.
"That's enough. I need you inside me."
"Yes, Mummy."
That made her giggle, and she only stopped when I started to put my cock through the hole.
"My Son is a big boy, a very big boy. Would you like to fuck me with it?"
She had said it slowly, and in a seductive voice.
"Yes. I have always wanted to fuck my Mummy."
It was a few seconds before we started. Her opening was now against my cock, and she was slowly pushing back against it. It felt as if she was taking her time, so that she could savour the moment. However, as soon as I was fully in her, she started rocking backwards and forwards.
"Mummy needs a good fuck."
We had done this before, but I was as eager as her to start. The first couple of strokes were gentle, and she purred with pleasure. I then upped the pace, and she was soon getting my full length.
"I have waited so long for this," then she gasped as I pushed deep into her, before adding, "To fuck my Son."
Five minutes later we were still going, but I could feel the sap rising, and from the noises she was making, she was close as well. I needed to be careful. If she didn't reach it she would be disappointed, and I didn't want that. I wanted her to be proud of her Son.
"Is Mummy's cunt going to come?"
"Yes, but you need to fuck me harder."
For the next few minutes that is what I did, and it worked. When I felt her orgasm start I smiled, now it was my turn. A few seconds later I joined her. My cock twitched six or seven times before I finished.
It was at least a minute before either of us moved, then I pulled out. My cock was still hard. It was a shame that my Sister wasn't here, I would have loved to fuck her as well.
"See me next week. I will have my Daughter with me."
I just smiled, she must have read my mind.
"And remember to use the password. I have another Simon, so I like to know which one of you is fucking me."
"Can't you tell by the size of our cocks?"
As soon as I had said that I regretted it, that was a stupid thing to say. She might now realise that there was only one Simon, her Son.
"It's difficult. You both have impressive cocks, but I think you are bigger."
I almost laughed. I was her Son, so I must have the bigger cock.
I had intended to go straight home, but Rick talked me into having another, then another after that. I didn't get drunk, but it would have better if I hadn't stayed, because I saw Jim, and Jim saw me. I don't know what my expression was, but as he passed me the look on his face was a rabbit caught in headlights.
At breakfast I got extra bacon, and two eggs. It felt as if Mother was rewarding me for what I had done to her yesterday at The Tavern. And she kept smiling at me. I was worried that Father would notice, and pass some comment, but he was oblivious to it, only interested in reading the newspaper.
When my Sister joined us it got worse, I now had both of them looking at me. Mother had obviously told her what had happened.
"How's your friend?"
That startled her, and it took her a few seconds to compose herself.
"She is OK now. Boyfriend trouble."
I just nodded, and she looked relieved that I wasn't going to continue quizzing her about it.
When I got to work I was apprehensive. It was going to be awkward the next time I met Jim. While I sat at my desk, drinking the first coffee of the day, I wondered if it would be best to go and see him, but he beat me to it. He was now walking towards me.
"Hi Simon. I have an interesting fact. Do you know the expression, 'What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas'?"
I nodded.
"This clever slogan was actually the product of a marketing campaign by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, shortened to LVCVA."
"Thanks Jim, I always wondered where that came from."
"You're welcome."
Then he left. He had been very clever. Without either of us having to say it, we had come to an understanding.
'What happens in The Tavern stays in The Tavern.'
On Friday evening I went out with a couple of friends from work, and I didn't get home until late. I had drunk a bit too much, and the next day I was nursing a hangover.
I groaned, then I turned my head away. Even the sight of food was making me feel queasy.
"Thanks Mother, but no thanks."
She just shrugged her shoulders, then she served my Father.
"Any plans for today?"
"No Sis. What about you?"
"We are going shopping."
After lifting his head from the newspaper, Father said, "And I am going to the Tennis club."
An hour later I had the house to myself. I called Charlotte. Five minutes after she arrived we were in bed together. We then spent the next hour there, ten minutes fucking, then the rest sleeping. When I woke I felt a lot better.
On Monday I was in two minds about going to The Tavern. Did I really want to have sex, or could I wait until Wednesday? I wasn't desperate, but I thought that if I didn't go it would be a wasted opportunity. No man on his deathbed ever said, 'I wish I hadn't fucked as much'.
"Hi Simon. I didn't get a chance to talk to you about last Wednesday. How did it go?"
I gave him a nonchalant, "OK," hoping that would be enough for him.
"What's all that about a password?"
Then before I could reply, "And was it a practical joke by your colleague?"
I was about to speak, but he said more, "And did they rib you about it at work?"
I held my hands up, as if I was surrendering.
He laughed, then said, "OK, I'll let you speak."
"It was just a joke, and yes I got teased by some people at work who were in on it. Is that enough for you?"
Rick nodded, he must have realised that his questioning was starting to irritate me, because he didn't mention it again.
All four women were available. I chose Ada, only because out of the four, she was the only one I hadn't already seen before.
"Welcome to my pleasure dome. I am Ada, and you are?"
"Good, now that I know your name we can fuck."
I thought she was being serious, that we were going straight for it without any foreplay, but then the panels opened.
Her tits were big, and it was obvious that they had been enhanced.
"I hope you like them, they cost me a fortune," then she laughed.
I did like them. They were firm, but they didn't feel unnatural. Her nipples were small, but they were sensitive, because as I played with them she moaned continuously.
"Would you like to finger me?"
Now that's a question I never say no to. As soon as the panels were closed I put my hand through the bottom hole, then I waited for her to position herself so that I could get to work on her cunt.
"Push your hand in a bit further."
I was now touching her cunt lips, and they were large and meaty, just how I like them. This woman had by far the largest labia I had ever had the pleasure of playing with. I longed to get them into my mouth. Was that possible? Only one way to find out.
"I love your lips. Can I suck on them?"
"I thought you would never ask," then she laughed.
As soon as she was in position, I had them in my mouth. I then searched for her clit, it was big and swollen. Each time I sucked on it she grunted. This woman had a nice cunt, and I was going to take my time with it. However, I must have got her too excited, too quickly, because she climaxed after only a few minutes. I tried to look on the bright side, I would now get to fuck her.
My cock was now through the hole, and I was waited for her to push against it.
"Sorry Simon, it's way too big for me."
I then felt her hand on it. After a few seconds my disappointment disappeared, as she slowly stroked it. She was good. After a couple of minutes I could feel my climax building, then she eased off. When I came close again, she slowed down. For the next ten minutes she kept doing it.
"I need to come."
"No," then she laughed.
She continued torturing me for another five minutes.
"Please, I'm begging you."
This time she took pity on me, and I got one of the best climaxes I have ever had.
While I dressed, we chatted. She seemed a lovely lady, and I would definitely see her again.
When I got back to the bar Rick came over.
"Who did you see, I bet it was Rose?"
I shook my head?
Rick guessed again, "Mary?"
"I can't remember who else is working. Give me a clue."
"She is good with her hand."
"Then it must have been Ada."
I nodded. I didn't bother asking him if he had been with her. I think he tries all the girls.
When Rick served me with my second drink, I got the impression he wanted to say something. He did, but I had to wait until he gave me my third beer.
"I am not sure if I should tell you this. Can you keep a secret?"
I moved my fingers across my lips, as if I was zipping them up. That made him smile.
"Ada used to be Adam."
My first thought was, 'That's a strange name for a woman'.
"He cut the 'm' off from his name, and he also had some other stuff cut off."
When I realised what he meant, I nearly choked on my beer. I was stunned, I didn't know what to say. That's why her tits were enhanced, and her large lips had probably been constructed from what had been chopped off. It was also why she was good at playing with my cock, because before the change there had been one dangling between her own legs.
"Rick, are you OK?"
I had now got over the shock of it. Had I enjoyed it? Yes, and I might really see her again. I then thought of something my Father is always saying,
'If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck'.
When I didn't know any better, I had thought she was a woman. That was good enough for me.
"Yes Rick, I am OK."
The next day at work I kept thinking about Ada. She had certainly fooled me. I also wondered if Jim had been with her. If we ever meet again at The Tavern, I might ask him.
As I was packing up to leave, Victoria came over.
"Just to let you know. I have a little project for you. It's important, and it needs to be finished before you leave tomorrow."
"Do I need to start now?"
"No. You should be OK for time," then she gave me a nice smile, before adding, "But it might be a good idea to come in a bit earlier tomorrow."
I took her advice, and the next day I was in at eight, rather than the usual time, nine. At eight fifteen I saw Jim arrive. He must have some important work to do as well. We didn't speak, but we waved at each other.
Some of the work I had to do was quite complicated, but I don't mind. It was well within my capability, and it stopped me thinking about The Tavern. When it was home time I had finished.
Victoria glanced through it.
"Thanks Simon, it looks to be exactly what I want. I will go over it tonight."
I was now done for the day, and my reward for working hard was a visit to The Tavern.
"Who are you?"
"Very funny Rick."
After getting me my drink, he leant towards me, then he whispered, "What's the password today?"
I whispered back, "I can tell you, but if I do I will have to kill you."
For some reason he thought that was very funny. Surely he must have heard it before?
As I entered the back room my heart was beating fast. Please let her be free. When I saw Lizzy on one of the doors, and the sign was green, I punched the air.
"It's Simon," then I remembered that I needed to give a password, "Caterpillar."
Mother laughed, then my Sister said, "It's supposed to be Butterfly."
Good, they were both there.
"My Daughter is here, say hello Charlotte."
"Nice to meet you Simon, I am your Sister," then she giggled.
I made a mental note to not refer to her as Chloe, that would give the game away.
In my best posh voice I said, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
That made her giggle again, and as she did so, I muttered under my breath, "And it will be a pleasure to fuck you."
We started as before, with each of them showing me one of their breasts.
"Remember Simon, I want you to pretend you are my Son."
Then Chloe added, "And that I am your Sister."
This time they both giggled.
Where to start, and what to do? Both looked equally inviting. I had to start somewhere, so my mouth went to my Sister's nipple, and my fingers to Mother's. They both gasped at the same time, but my Sister had been louder. For the next few minutes I worshipped both of them. I was sucking deep and hard, then I was rubbing and tweaking them with my fingers. I made sure that both got the same treatment.
"Chlo," then she quickly started again, "Charlotte should we stop now?"
"Yes, my pussy is soaking wet, it needs some attention."
That sounded good to me, but what sort of attention?
"Fingers or cock?"
Both together they said, "Fingers," then they laughed and I joined in.
Last time I had put both hands in, fingering them together. However, when I did that this time, they giggled.
"Just one hand. You are going to give me a climax, then you are going to do the same to your Sister. Then you fuck me to another one, and finally, you fuck your Sister."
"And I want a second climax as well."
"Is that all?"
Mother then said, "For now," then they both had a fit of the giggles.
My two fingers slid into her without any resistance. When they were in up to the knuckles, she gave a low moan. Then when I finger fucked her with them, it became a loud moan.
"I love being fingered. I do it all the time to myself, but other people's fingers are always better, especially my Son's."
She was now ready for another finger. Now that it was in, she felt tighter, and I had to work harder as I moved them in and out.
"You need to play with my clit."
I just ignored her. I would do what she wanted, but she would have to beg me first. Two minutes later she said it again
I shook my head, then I said, "Not yet."
Four fingers might be too much for her, but that was what she was going to get. I had to bunch them up before pushing them in.
"Fuck that's good, and my clit is throbbing now."
I waited another minute, just to show her who was in control, then I rubbed her clit with my thumb. She almost climaxed. I then kept my fingers still inside her as I slowly caressed it. As I increased the pressure on it, she started panting, getting louder and louder. Then she exploded. I tried my best to keep my fingers in her, but when she fell back they came out.
"Are you alright?"
My Sister sounded concerned, and it was a few seconds before she got an answer.
"I think so. It was so powerful I think I fainted," she then laughed, but it sounded forced.
My hand was still inside the hole, sticky with Mother's juices. I then felt a leg touching it, it was my Sister getting into position. I quickly moved my hand up, and when my fingers found her opening, she gasped.
I now had two fingers in her, and despite being very wet, she was a lot tighter than Mother had been when I had pushed two into her. I then started fucking her with them.
"Faster," then she moaned, before adding, "And don't fuck with me like you did with Mother. I want you to play with my clit NOW."
I had planned to tease her as well, but after what she had just said I changed my mind. I was now rubbing her swollen clit, and she was moaning like a bitch. Two minutes later, when I added another finger, it was too much for her. As she climaxed she screamed.
It was now time to fuck my Mother. As I waited for her to get ready, I sniffed my hand. I closed my eyes as I savoured the rich aroma. Then I tasted it. Next time I would have to lick one of them. Then I smiled, no, I would have to lick both of them.
When I pushed into her, she winced. Her clit must still be sensitive from her climax.
"Go easy at first. I will let you know when I am ready."
I started slowly, almost in slow motion. That didn't change for a couple of minutes, then she told me she was ready.
I was now fucking her quite hard, and giving her at least eight of my ten inches. She would get it all when I felt that she could take it. As I continued thrusting into her, she started to moan, and she was getting louder as time went on.
"Can you reach it?"
"I think so, but you are going to have to fuck my pussy harder."
Now there was no holding back. She was getting full strokes of my big cock, as quick as I could manage. Five minutes later we were still going, and I could feel the sweat on my back. I could also feel the sap starting to rise, but then she suddenly climaxed.
"Fuck, it's a big one."
Her writhing about stopped any chance of me reaching it, but I continued fucking her until I was sure that she was well into her orgasm.
When I pulled out of her my cock was still hard and strong, ready for my Sister, but she made me wait. I could hear them giggling, and whispering, what was going on?
"Your Sister wants you to fuck her," then she giggled again, before adding, "While I lick her clit."
It took them a few minutes to get ready. It sounded as if they were moving something about, perhaps it was for Mother to lie on while she pleasured her Daughter.
"Now it's my turn."
Her cunt was already up against the hole. I then took my time pushing my cock into it. When it was fully in she gasped, but I think that was because Mother had now got to work on her clit.
It didn't take us long to get into a rhythm. My Sister was now getting long strokes from me, and her clit licked and sucked by her Mother. Now that has to be a winning combination. It was, but surprisingly she lasted another ten minutes, before giving an almighty grunt, and then climaxing. It took me another few strokes before I managed to flood her cunt. It was a good one, and when it had finished I felt completely drained.
Before I left they made me promise to come back next week. That wasn't necessary, there was no way I was going to stay away.
Back at the bar, I got a quick smile from Rick, then he continued serving another customer. When I finished my drink I went home. I was worn out. All I wanted to do was have a quick bite to eat, then go to bed.
Father was the only one at home. I didn't know if my Mother and Sister were still working, or if they had gone out together, perhaps to another bar to talk about what had happened.
That night in bed I thought about the three of us. I was now two people, Simon the stranger, and Simon their Son and Brother. There was now a time when I knew who they were, but they thought I was a stranger. There was also a time when they knew who I was, but they thought I didn't know them. Also, at The Tavern, my Mother who was really called Judith was known as Lizzy, and my Sister who was really called Chloe was known as Charlotte, the name of my girlfriend.
I laughed out loud, it was getting too complicated. The sensible thing to do would be to stop. Then I laughed again, there was no chance of that happening!