Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Chapter 144: Chapter 144

As Varrus was walking towards the Night Elf, and the disgusting brown colored lake, the 3 Dragon souls flew towards him, and were absorbed into his body. 

The spectacular light show, and Dragon corpses suddenly losing all their flesh must have been quite eye-catching, as the Green Dragon disguised as a Night Elf turned in their direction. 

"Rho'dan?!" The girl said almost hysterically. 

"Hail, fair maiden, is this the Rho'dan you are looking for?" Varrus said with a big grin on his face as he walked out of the treeline, and shoved Rho'dan forward. 

"Rho'dan!" The lady ran into his chest, and embraced him. 

Rho'dan squinted his eyes, and gave Varrus an uncomfortable look. 

Varrus merely winked in response. This would be considered sexual harassment back on Earth, but this was a fantasy world. Besides, he wasn't above using his employees good looks and rugged disposition to get an edge in negotiations. 

"Ahem. Greetings, I am Varrus Vandercross of the sin'dorei. We came to this realm due to a magical accident, could you explain what is going on, or how we might return home?" Varrus cleared his throat and did his best impression of a generic shounen protag that wanted to get home at all costs. 

"Rho'dan, who is the twig? Can you tell him to leave so that we might spend some intimate time together." The lady loudly whispered. 

Rho'dan inclined his head at Varrus, yet said nothing. 

All joviality and smug superiority left Varrus's face as he glared at Rho'dan. 

"Well Rho'dan. I suppose I'll leave you to it then." Varrus clapped his hands and started to walk away. 

"Highlord, do not be in such a hurry. I am certain Merithra would love to share with us such vital information. Wouldn't you, Merithra?" Rho'dan gently, yet firmly pushed the seemingly crazy woman away, and took a step back to Varrus's side. 

Varrus raised an eyebrow. Merithra sounded like a somewhat familiar name. If he remembered correctly, this should be Ysera's number one lieutenant and the 2nd in command of the Green Dragonflight, what was she doing out here alone? 

"As you know, my name is Merithra. I was scouting nearby, and felt a disturbance. Following the trail, I found my Rho'dan, unfortunately, so did the others. 

But you don't care about that, or the safety of your friend, do you? All you want to know is how to escape. Typical men. Unlike Rho'dan, what do any of you know of loyalty?" Merithra scoffed. 

Varrus rubbed the bridge of his nose in consternation. He really and truly felt like blasting this snarky bitch back to the dark ages, but since she was the literal #2 Green Dragon, using her proclivities towards Rho'dan could be useful to overthrow the Green Dragonflight from within. 

So for the sake of peace, he decided to temporarily put up with her loud mouth. 

"While it may appear that way, my Lady, I assure you, my first priority was finding Rho'dan. And here I am. Now that we are reunited, I simply wish to know what ailment has transpired within this realm, and how to exit. Perhaps, we might even be of some assistance in eliminating this pestilence?" Varrus spread his arms wide, and plastered 'sincere smile #2' onto his face. 

"I've seen your dreams, Varrus Vandercross. There isn't a more fraudulent Elf that walks this plane. Unlike Rho'dan, your loyalty is to your first self, others later. But enough of small men and small matters, the realm is in danger, and I can use any help that I can get." Merithra smiled gaily, and stepped closer yet again, this time instead of hugging him, she squeezed Rho'dan's bicep. 

Varrus felt a vein on his forehead thrumming. 

Did this woman really just berate him about loyalty?! He was tempted by supermodel looking Elves every day, yet remained monogamous. He could be King, yet preferred friendship. He supplied the entire army with enchanted equipment free of charge. True, he was a selfish bastard who abused the law, placed his hand picked loyal men on the cabinet, and made unilateral decisions regarding foreign affairs, but that did not mean she had the right to call him disloyal!!! 

Varrus very nearly blew a gasket then and there. 

However, what truly had him concerned was that she had seen his dreams. What did this Green Dragon know about him that he did not want shared? Did she have easy acess to his drrams as all times, or, as his Illusion tree and perks became active, was she-and others-kicked out of his sleeping mind? 

The implications were stunning. 

While he knew the Emerald Dream was important for balancing the ecosystem in the real world, Varrus, for the first time, very seriously considered destroying it. 

The Emerald Dream should not have always existed. Azeroth survived without it before, who was to say the planet would be worse off without it? 

While Varrus was internally fuming, Rho'dan had said something to Merithra, and the Green Dragon began to actually answer Varrus's questions. 

"A war is going on between the Satyr, Xavius, and Ysera, the Aspect of Dreams. A slave of three surnames, Xavius has hoodwinked the powers of the ancient Highborne, the Demons, and the Daedra. His lies and false promises have led to a doomsday scenario for the dream world. Self-titled the Nightmare King, his influence blocks all portals out of the Emerald Dream." Merithra explained. 

Varrus frowned. It seemed he would have to solve this Xavius problem, then possibly throw down with Ysera. All the while, his only access to magic was practically limited to Illusion magic, since that 100% nerf on all other schools was pretty serious. 

"Hmm, very well, Lady Merithra. We shall help you resolve this crisis. But why do I sense such heavy animosity towards Xavius from you, is it because he corrupted this land, or is there something more?" Varrus crossed his arms, and interrogated her. 

"...Xavius was considered the second strongest mage to have ever lived amongst the Highborne. If Queen Azshara was number one, then none other than Xavius could claim to be number two. As skilled as he was, I had visited his dreams many times. We had grown infatuated with one another. At least, I thought it was so, but then he betrayed me to the Legion." Merithra spat with an unbridled amount of venom that only a spurned woman could muster. 

Varrus shared a glance with Rho'dan as the crazy lady looked off into the blank white void on the horizon. 

Perhaps he wouldn't be using a honey pot method to win over the Greens. While he had come to see such behavior as endearing in Syra, watching such obsessive behavior from the outside was worrying to say the least. 

Could he really subject Rho'dan to such a one-sided relationship? 

Shaking his head, Varrus couldn't help but sigh. Destroying the Green Dragonflight was just making more and more sense the more he thought about it. But he would still give them a small chance to prove themselves. 

From what Ysera said when summoning them, it almost sounded like she was relieved to have Varrus come aboard. So while maybe it wasn't an intentional summoning, she likely hoped he could act as some sort of Hero for the Emerald Dream. 

Depending on how Ysera acted, he might just team up with her, but if Merithra, the second in command was acting like this, it did not paint a pretty picture for the Greens outlook. 

Shaking his head once more, Varrus decided that before he cast Clairvoyance to seek out Xavius, he would try out some of his spells on the environment. 

Just because his other schools of magic were nerfed, didn't mean Varrus couldn't see for himself how strong his spells were. Back on Azeroth, he could power wash corrupted land like it was nothing back before he had these 300% buffed enchantments. Perhaps this nerf made his spells about as weak as a low-tier Hero, such as Koren, or Telonicus? 

"Before we leave to destroy Xavius, I'm going to test something. Neither of you be alarmed." Varrus warned Rho'dan and Merithra ahead of time, so that when they saw him casting BIG MAGIC out of nowhere, they didn't overreact. 

Seeing that they weren't saying anything, Varrus started experimenting. 

Dropping down Frozen Orb, Forbidden Sun, Apocalypse and other massive AOE spells, Varrus determined that in terms of raw destructive power, they were indeed around the low-Hero tier. This also meant his Ebony Flesh would be weaker. However, the enchanted protection coming from his gear should be unchanged. So while his defenses were weaker, they weren't tragic. 

The one spell category he didn't test were his long distance teleportation spells that might return him to Azeroth. For one, he was in a soul form, and didn't think they would work. Plus, if Merithra was to be believed, Xavius had something going on that prevented people from leaving this realm. Secondly, he knew that this would be his best chance to kill Xavius. There would be no better time to clean up the Emerald Dream than now. 

Now, all he wanted to test was to see if he could purge his surroundings of corruption. 

Swapping to Infinite Light, Varrus sprayed the surrounding woodlands, and lake. The power washing ability of his Master tier Restoration spell still worked! 

Spraying the beam of pure light all over the place, Varrus had a satisfied feeling as the nasty cancerous overgrowth took on a green, healthy hue. Trees lost their purple grey bark for fresh, healthy brown. The foliage, clouds, everything his beam sprayed became clean. 

Aiming towards the lake, Varrus watched it bubble, and start to change from brown to teal, to clear. 

"What are you doing?!" Merithra said in shock, and moved toward Varrus in a frenzy. 

"Huh?" Varrus glanced at the crazy Night Elf woman in disbelief. 

"Stop." Rho'dan ordered, and held her back. 

"Do not do this!" Merithra shouted hysterically. 

What was wrong with purging this corruption? 

Varrus narrowed his eyes. He had thought this girl had been acting suspiciously for a while now. Was she revealing her true colors? 

He was considering if he should conduct a more thorough interrogation when suddenly, he felt the ground rumble, and the howl of a dog that shook the world resounded in the air. 


Emerging from the lake, a two headed dog the size of a two-story building directed four menacing, red eyes at Varrus. 

Blinking his eyes, Varrus thought he recognized this mutt from the Lunar Festival event he had taken part in long ago. 

The pressure of a demigod emanated from the dog, and comets erupted from the sky upon the completion of its howl. 

Fiery white celestial bodies fell indiscriminately as the dog grinned, and saliva slobbered down his twin chins. 

Explosions cratered the area, and the dog began to howl. Corruptive Fel energies began to radiate from him, and Varrus had the feeling he would pounce on them any moment now. 

"I tried to warn you." Merithra scolded as she transformed into a Dragon, and took flight. 

"I'm with you till the end, Highlord." Rho'dan drew his sword, and stepped in front of Varrus. 

Varrus could only chuckle at his misfortune. 

"I recognize this beast. What we fight is a demigod who once served Elune, but was transformed by the Fel 10,000 years ago during the Burning Legion's first invasion. What we face goes by the name: 


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