Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 9 - How many steps do you have to land on a meteorite?

   In the quiet and endless space, the moon is quietly spinning around the blue star.

And not far from the moon’s orbit, a meteorite with a long bright and sparse comet tail is rushing towards the blue star. If there are no other factors, the meteorite will hit the blue star in a few days. , Causing the same blue star species extinction as it was 65 million years ago.

   It’s just that humans dominate the Blue Star today, not the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The wisdom and technology we possess allows us to confront and survive the impact of such a huge meteorite.

   At this time in the lunar orbit, three aircraft that have completed acceleration are flying towards the meteorite with the most powerful weapon of mankind and hope, hoping to destroy the meteorite and prevent disaster and catastrophe.

   “Houston, this is Endeavour. We are close to the meteorite and request approval to start the rescue plan.” On the space shuttle Endeavour, the captain was talking with Blue Star.

   The expressions of the seven astronauts in the cabin were very nervous at this time, but also with a little excitement and a sense of mission.

   Because they carry the hope of all mankind, if the action is successful, they will also be heroes who will save the world.

   Maybe Hollywood has made too many movies to save the blue stars. These astronauts have more or less federal heroism and feel that they are the protagonists and they will definitely be able to save the world.

This confidence gave these seven astronauts a lot of confidence. Together with the other seven astronauts of another Atlantis, these astronauts from the Federation maintained a positive and optimistic mood. Think that you can successfully complete the task.

   Optimism is not a bad thing. After all, if they fail, what is waiting for the Blue Star will be a devastating end. The burden they carry is the survival of the trillions of creatures and species on the Blue Star.

In fact, the astronauts of the Federation Team, Yan Guo Team and Lucia Team who were responsible for this mission had specialized psychologists to give them psychological guidance after learning about the mission, making them feel positive and optimistic. State.

  Because the responsibilities they bear are too heavy, the life and death of all mankind and the fate of the entire Blue Star are imposed on them. If their psychological endurance is slightly weaker, they are likely to be emotionally broken.

Although the astronauts themselves are carefully selected people with good psychological qualities after many levels of screening, the most experienced and best-quality astronauts were selected for this mission, but this kind of thing is related to the safety of the world. Mission, no one dare to bet that these astronauts can really withstand so much psychological pressure.

   In case any astronaut on the space shuttle cannot bear the pressure and emotionally collapses, it is likely to ruin the only opportunity for human beings to save themselves.

   Therefore, the United Nations Action Team deliberately keeps these astronauts in a more optimistic attitude, which not only makes them more emotionally stable, but also allows them to have a better state when performing missions, which can increase the success rate of the mission.

   At this time when the fate of the world’s six billion humans is pinned on this mission, any method that may increase the success rate of the mission will be tried by the action team, as long as it is really effective.

It’s just that although the United Nations Action Team has mobilized all the resources of the world and is doing everything possible to **** and provide support for this rescue plan, hoping to increase the success rate of the mission as much as possible, but in fact everyone knows this time. The task is just a gamble, to use the fate of all mankind to gamble on a near-minimal chance.

   But despite the gambling, mankind still has the hope of winning, that is, the astronauts of the three countries can successfully complete their mission and eliminate the threat of this meteorite impact.

As a result, under the attention of six billion people around the world, the two space shuttles Endeavour and Atlantis, which were replied by NASA, flew toward the meteorite, while the spacecraft piloted by the Yanguo astronauts remained. At the back, they need to wait for the Federation to complete the task before they can start their task.

At this time, on the Blue Star, Chen Xin was using his mobile phone to discuss the topic of the rescue mission with his group of friends in the survival group, while watching the federation captured by the Yanguo spacecraft live on TV. The scenes of the two space shuttles flying towards the meteorite really made them nervous.

   Landing on the surface of a meteorite is not that simple. Even if the Federation uses a spacecraft that has the ability to take off and land like an ordinary airplane, it is very difficult to land on the surface of a meteorite.

   First of all, the space shuttle does not directly rush towards the meteorite. In that case, the space shuttle will have difficulty landing due to the relative speed between the two, and even crash directly on the meteorite.

   So the two space shuttles must keep the same direction as the meteorite, UU reading www.uukahnshu. Com maintains a relatively stable state with the meteorite at sufficient speed so that it can land on the surface of the meteorite.

  Because the orbital intersection point was calculated in advance, Endeavour and Atlantis, after accelerating by the lunar gravity, approached the meteorite in a synchronized flight, and then landed on a relatively flat surface of the meteorite.

   But the meteorite has now formed a comet tail as it is gradually approaching the sun.

   This is the trajectory formed in space by the material on the surface of the meteorite under the influence of the solar wind. If you look at the blue star, this will be a very beautiful light band.

   But if you want to go through it, for the space shuttle and astronauts, it is equivalent to driving in a sandstorm or hail. Life or death depends on luck.

   Good luck, it may just be a sandstorm with a little windier, it will be difficult to land but not fatal.

   But if you are unlucky, it is hail, and you can still smash the window glass and hit the roof of the car with large pits and hail, enough to destroy the space shuttle.

   At this moment, the astronauts on the space shuttle Endeavour and Atlantis are really gamble with their lives, betting on a chance to land on the surface of a meteorite.

   “Houston! We are in trouble. The meteorites are surrounded by debris streams. They are blocking our way. We need help!” The voice of the federal astronaut on TV made Chen Xin’s worries come true.

  Because it is a simultaneous live broadcast of six billion people around the world, there is no such thing as entering the advertisement or cutting back to the studio. The Federal astronaut’s call for help can be described as an instant commotion around the world.

  In the small group established by Chen Xin and his friends, many people have already begun to cry that this rescue operation will fail and feel that they will live in a refuge for the rest of their lives.

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