Dreamland Guide

Chapter 24 - Escape Room IV

   Ma Fuqing raised his head fiercely, thinking that he was stunned. It took a long time before he said, “So you know all about it.”

   Hu Xing also looked at Aoki in surprise.

   Aoki asked, “Who is that woman?”

He saw that Ma Fuqing didn’t want to say it, so he said, “We are all locked up here. We don’t know if we can go out alive. What else can’t you say? If you can’t get out, can’t you let us be a ghost before we die?”

   Ma Fuqing sighed and asked, “Is there any smoke?”

   Aoki took out a cigarette and gave Ma Fuqing one. He stuffed one in his mouth. He lit Ma Fuqing on fire, and then looked at Hu Xing who was leaning on his shoulder, but after all he did not light himself.

   Ma Fuqing caught fire and took two deep breaths, then coughed violently.

   “Ahem…that’s my wife…cough…cough…”

   “Your wife?” Hu Xing exclaimed.

   Ma Fuqing smoked a few cigarettes fiercely, as if he had made a lot of determination.

“My wife and I met when we were working. We got the certificate a long time ago, but didn’t dare to tell my mother. When my brother was in college, I took advantage of my mother’s happiness and hosted a wedding banquet. Later, after my brother disappeared, I look for my brother all over the world, and I rely on my wife to watch all the shops in the city.”

“After my brother disappeared, my mother kept talking about her son’s disappearance and his son’s disappearance. I just wanted to give her a grandson to make her happy. But no matter how hard my daughter-in-law and I worked hard, we just couldn’t give birth. My mother just I have always disliked this daughter-in-law and asked me to leave and change another. I was reluctant at the time, but now thinking about it, it was better to leave…”

   Ma Fuqing held a cigarette in one hand, and rubbed his face and hair vigorously with the other, his eyes were red.

   “Later, we went to the hospital and found that it was my problem. My mother was almost desperate when she heard it. She cried for three days in front of my dad’s grave, saying that our Ma family was going to die.”

“Later, my brother came back. Although he was crazy, he still had hope. My mother went around as a matchmaker for my brother, but who would want to marry a violent neuropath? I said surrogacy, and my mother didn’t agree with it. I got pregnant and said that it might be someone’s child. I asked someone to find a Vietnamese girl from the south to surrogate, and said that I would include food and housing, and I would take 200,000 people to leave after giving birth. But they live with my brother I couldn’t stand it all night, and I didn’t ask for any money, so I ran away secretly.”

   “My mother said that people outside are unreliable and can only rely on their own people. You can’t give birth to a brother, so it is better to let your brother give birth to one for you. Anyway, it is the breed of the Ma family.”

   “I didn’t agree at the time, so my mother kneeled for me. She cried and promised that she would handle it well and would not let my daughter-in-law know. She kneeled me down, and I agreed to everything.”

   “Later I thought, anyway, I just let my brother sleep once, as long as my wife didn’t know it then, she won’t know it later. When I got pregnant, I said my body was adjusted by Chinese medicine.”

“I called my daughter-in-law home and asked my mother to deal with this matter. I don’t know what method my mother used. My wife’s body is blue and purple. I couldn’t bear it, so I told my mother that there would be a problem with the child who was given more medicine. My mother said that it would go away for a while and let me buy more nutritional supplements for her. Make up. My daughter-in-law just stayed at home, and she told me that my mother had changed and that she didn’t wait to see her as before.”

“I’ve always been cautious, for fear of an accident, but in the end something happened. My brother tasted it and screamed in the cage every day. Only my mother could coax her. My mother went out that day, and my wife heard my brother. I thought he was hungry, so I brought him a bowl of rice and went down… as a result… it turned out to be…”

   Ma Fuqing began to cry as he said, with endless annoyance, regret, sadness on his face…

   “When we arrived, my daughter-in-law was already choked to death by my brother.”

   Hu Xing was very angry. She didn’t expect that in modern society, there would still be such ignorant people who would let her wife and younger brother go to sleep for the so-called inheritance of the family, and for the sake of filial piety to her mother. The key is that this younger brother is still mentally ill.

   In her heart, this Ma Fuqing and his mother are a hundred times more hateful than his brother, and they should be cut.

   “Why do you want to divide the body?” Aoki asked.

   Ma Fuqing stopped crying, the cigarette in his hand had already burned to the filter, he still took the last puff, and smelled a burning sponge in the air.

“Although the people were killed by my brother, my mother can be regarded as an accomplice. I can’t let my mother go to jail. I know that there is a waste fish pond in Lu County. It used to be a mine, and no one went there. I wanted to take the body Sink there. My mother said that if you bury your head under the locust tree, ghosts will not come to pester people. I think that’s fine, so that even if the body is found, others will not recognize who the dead is. Me and my wife She has been working in other places and rarely comes back, and her household registration is not here. Normally, she will not be found.”

   “No!” Hu Xing suddenly remembered something, “The spot on the corpse is not your brother’s, how can you explain it?”

   Ma Fuqing said: “I picked up a used condom from the garbage dump in Lao Yingbi Alley in Lu County…”

   Old Shadow Wall Alley is a famous red light district in Lu County and even the whole Wuzhong. Over the past few years, it has been repeatedly not cleaned. Hu Xing didn’t think that Yang Baoguo was wronged, it was a kind of retribution.

The case of    has almost come to light here, but Hu Xing suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart.

   The deceased was Ma Fuqing’s wife, and the murderer was Ma Fuqing’s younger brother. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com no matter how terrible the death of the deceased is, the neurosis will not be sentenced, and Ma Fuqing and his mother are at best a crime of shelter. Judges usually talk about such family ethical tragedies. Murder turns into manslaughter, and mental illness is not guilty, so the crime of sheltering is probably impossible to talk about.

   The secret room was plunged into deathly dullness.

   Time passed by minute by minute, and the rancid smell came in bursts, making Hu Xing almost vomiting several times.

   Although the basement is much cooler than the ground, in this season, after a long time, it is still difficult to stop the sultry heat. Hu Xing’s body was already covered with sweat, and his thin shirt was wet with sweat, and it was sticky.

   She had been leaning on Aoki, only then did she discover that this guy had no sweat on her body. No wonder she could still wear a windbreaker on a hot day.

   “I really suspect that your body structure is not human, so you are not afraid of heat at all?” Hu Xing said.

   Aoki said, “Do you think it’s a good thing not to be afraid of heat? You can detox only by sweating. If you don’t believe me, stand up and see if you feel better.”

   Hu Xing got up from Aoki and found that his dizziness had been much better.

   Aoki watched her sweat-drenched pants tightly wrap her two slender legs, tilted her head and said, “Try taking two steps.”

   Hu Xing took two steps and felt that the problem was not big.

   Aoki said again: “Take two more steps.”

   Hu Xing took another two steps.

   “Hey, by the way, two steps, two steps, two steps okay…”

   Hu Xing kicked Aoki: “You sell crutches!”

   Aoki said: “If you are like this, don’t kidnap you!”

   Hu Xing chuckled out: “What am I?” Suddenly he felt wrong again, so he tried to beat Aoki, “You dare to molest me!”

   Just then, there was a “bang” shot from above.

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