Dreamland Guide

Chapter 29 - Mirror pyramid

   “You know what, the thing you sent me…it’s just… a ghost symbol!”

   Mei asked to take off the experimental protective clothing, and with the help of his personal assistant, Ms. Mei Ziqing, she changed into casual clothes and brought Aoki to his office.

   “But you are lucky. I happened to be studying some strange things recently. I’m not sure if that thing is yours. If it is, it’s a big deal!”

   Aoki was waiting for him to say that big backing, but Professor Mei changed his mind and talked about other things.

“I’m invited to go to Copenhagen next week to attend an international academic conference. This conference was convened temporarily. The participants included top experts in the fields of archeology, architecture, biology, genetics and physics. The reason is that In the study of the pyramid, a significant new discovery was made.”

   Meiyi asked the professor to hold his pipe and show Aoki a few photos.

   The first few photos are blurry and look like they were taken underwater. The gray rock structure is covered with algae, corals and other unknown plants.

   The last two pictures are composite pictures, which can be clearly seen as a cross-section of the pyramid, clearly marking the location of the tomb and the ventilation ducts.

   “This is the Pyramid of Khufu.” Aoki said very positively. This picture is widely circulated on the Internet and is accompanied by many mysterious legends.

   “You can see that it is the Great Pyramid too! But I tell you it is not.” Mei Yiqiu laughed, “These two pictures that look exactly the same do not refer to the same pyramid.”

   “Oh?” Aoki didn’t have much research on pyramids. “Are the pyramids in Egypt made the same?”

“No, no, the other one is not in Egypt.” The professor shook his head and said, “Remember Verne’s “Mysterious Island”? In the book, a small island in the South Pacific is made up. The reason why he is said to be a fiction is because We all know that there is a large basin with a water depth of five kilometers, and there can be no small islands.”

“However, from 1843 to 1902, French ships have recorded the islands that appeared there more than once, and there are only four with clear names and locations. Influenced by Verne’s novels, people have explored on a large scale after World War II. I crossed that sea area, but I found nothing. Therefore, those islands became ghost islands.”

“Not long ago, the ghost island there appeared. This time, people not only found the exact location of the four coral reefs, but also found some ancient architectural relics in the north of them and the seabed between the Tubuai Islands, among them A submarine pyramid exactly like the Great Pyramid, just the few previous photos that looked very blurry.”

   “Under the sea?”

“That’s right! It’s on the bottom of the sea, and it’s an inverted pyramid.” Professor Mei’s facial expressions are extremely rich, as if he himself didn’t believe it. The sea floor. For this reason, its detailed dimensions have not been fully measured until recently.”

   “One is in the Sahara Desert at the top of the African continent, and the other is on the bottom of the South Pacific. The two pyramids are not only the same in structure, but also the same in size and size. Isn’t it amazing?”

   “It’s really strange. The South Pacific and Egypt seem to be out of reach!” Aoki said.

“There is something that surprises you even more.” Mei Yiqiu continued, “The scientific community pays attention to this pyramid and invests huge manpower and material resources to study it, not because it looks like the Khufu pyramid, and it was also I don’t know they are exactly the same. People pay attention to it entirely because of its peculiar coordinate position.”

“Egypt’s pyramids are concentrated near the intersection of the 30°N and 30°E lines, and this is the location of the underwater ruins between the Maria Teresa Reef and the Tubuai Islands in French Polynia. It happens to be around 30° south latitude and 150° west longitude. Do you know the relationship between these two coordinate positions?”

   Aoki thought for a while and said, “It seems to be on the opposite side of the earth, one on this side and one on the other side of the ball?”

“Well, although your expression is unscientific, it means that. If you connect these two coordinates with a straight line, the straight line just passes through the center of the earth. As you said, the two points are on the opposite side of the earth. , Just like the North Pole and the South Pole.”

“Although the positions of the two pyramids are not at the exact coordinate point, considering the plate displacement and volcanic movement, we have reason to believe that when the two pyramids were built, they were on a certain diameter of the earth. On both ends. What does this show?”

   Aoki blinked his eyes and said, “It shows that the pyramids are made by aliens. It is impossible for the ancient Egyptians to know that the earth is round, let alone go around half of the earth to the South Pacific.”

   At this time, the beautiful assistant Mei Ziqing just came over with a tea set, and laughed when Aoki’s answer “Puff”.

Mei Yiqiu shook his head and said, “No, no, I don’t care who made it! Maybe the goddess of the Nile was moved by the piety of the Egyptians, or maybe the aliens happened to come to the earth for a day trip and helped the Egyptians by the way. ,who cares!”

   “Then what do you care about?” Aoki took a cup of tea from Mei Ziqing, said “thank you”, and waited for Mei Yi’s next message.

“What I care about is what they want to do?” The professor bit the pipe and spit out white smoke. “The pyramid is the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh. We all know that. But what we don’t know is that these four thousand years ago Why did the emperors build their tombs like this? You have to know that such tombs have no other benefit except for saving the time of digging for tomb thieves. In addition, unlike other tombs in the world, the pyramids The internal structure is too simple, the small tomb, the pitiful burial objects, and there are almost no murals and decorations in the passage. This is too disproportionate to the majesty of the project! Can you imagine that there are only a few inside the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang A bare passage and a room where the coffin can barely fit?”

   Aoki remembered that there was a live TV show in the past. It was a robot carrying a camera into the pyramid ~www.mtlnovel.com~ At that time, it seemed to be broadcast all night, but only the stone passages and stone gates were seen, nothing else.

   “And then?” Aoki asked with his tea, “What does this have to do with the pyramid under the Pacific Ocean?”

“Good question!” The professor added some shredded tobacco to the pipe. “Before that, some similar monuments of megalithic buildings were found on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, some of which looked like pyramids. People regarded it as a lost Atlanta. Evidence of the Tees civilization. But now, we have to wonder if every pyramid on the earth has a mirrored pyramid exactly like ourselves on the other side of the earth.”

   “This kind of mirroring or reflection may be more appropriate. It must have a special meaning. My friend, Professor Silva from Mexico, sent me a very interesting photo. Come and see…”

  Mei asked to open the phone’s WeChat and pull out a photo.

   Aoki saw a transparent three-sided pyramid hourglass. Although it is not a moving picture, it can be seen that the fine sand inside is rapidly flowing from the upper cone to the lower cone.

“They found a damaged crystal hourglass on the bottom of the sea, which is a restoration. This time, they have advanced the invention of the hourglass by more than three thousand years! But the point is not this, the focus is on the many unexplained stone carvings on the bottom of the sea. In, I found this pattern.”

Professor Mei’s finger swiped on the screen to open another picture.

   Aoki saw a stone wall on the bottom of the sea with something very similar to the pattern he sent to Professor Mei: a triangle with two vertices connected, a thin line passing through the intersection, and both ends inserted into the triangle.

   Aoki can be sure at a glance, this is the pattern painted on the table by the woman full of scent.

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