Chapter 172: Ch-165
"You have around $900 million in stock, give or take a few tens of millions," Andrew Cohen said with a smug grin.
Meanwhile, I sat there dumbfounded, unsure what to do with all that money.
"That," he added, "when combined with your 20% stake in Crocs, 70% in YouTube, and more than $100 million sitting in your bank account after accounting your earnings from [Echoes of You], officially makes you a billionaire now. Because it's difficult to value those two companies, I'm not sure how much your net worth will come out to be exactly. And this is just the funds readily available to you. I'm not even considering your trust funds and the passive income you accrue annually in them. Nonetheless, I think congratulations are in order for becoming the youngest self-made billionaire in the world—and also the richest actor."
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, summing up the situation perfectly.
"Indeed," Andrew agreed with a grin.
"Will everyone know that I'm a billionaire now?" I asked hesitantly.
"Not until you turn 18, no," he replied. "You became a billionaire a few months ago if you want to be precise. I had called your father to give him the news, but he thought it was better if you didn't know about it until you asked because you were running your Oscar campaign at the time. Were you 18, this would have been international news already because you would be the youngest self-made billionaire in the world ever."
"But the media accurately guessed my net worth at $400 million a few years ago," I said.
"That's exactly what it was," Andrew said. "A guess. If you go to these media sources, your net worth is quoted as $500 million now, which is not correct as you can see. Most of the time, these estimates are wrong when money is not held in stocks. Currently, your shares are held in a trust, and since you are a minor, no one knows who the trust belongs to. When you turn 18, the control will publicly be transferred to you, and everyone will know then. Your name will be printed in magazines like Forbes and Fortune."
That was too much information for me to take in all at once. I wasn't the type of person who liked flaunting his wealth to anyone. But now, within less than a year, the whole world would know about my real net worth.
"I thought you had some future stock suggestions for me when you called me to London?" Andrew asked suddenly. "Because talking to you about future investments makes me a lot of money as well. I didn't use to do it initially, but ever since you made your first million on Yahoo, I have been investing a portion of my own wealth in the same companies you invest in. So I'm very eager to know what you have in mind next."
"I had called you for that," I replied honestly. "I didn't know at that time that I had so much money already. Seriously though, a billion dollars is more than enough for me to do whatever the fuck I want for the rest of my life. Heck, I could even adopt a hundred children and still be unable to spend it all."
"Then follow your passion," Andrew said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "If you have another tip to make more money, do it, then invest in good companies like you did with Crocs and YouTube. That will be good for everyone because it will generate more jobs. Use your star power to promote those small niche brands and make them big. You can even buy controlling shares in a company like Netflix since you already own a significant portion of its value. And because you're also in the movie business, I guess it would be the perfect opportunity for you."
That was an excellent idea. I hadn't even considered buying out Netflix because it was already a listed company. Acquiring any listed company—other than buying small amount of shares in the stock market—was a nightmare because of all the legal ramifications and public disclosures involved. But if I were to buy the company in its entirety, that was a different matter altogether. Then it would cease to be a public company, and I would be the de facto owner, just like I was for YouTube.
"By the way, you'd also need funds to invest more money in YouTube as well. We need more cash to keep it running when it's such a big loss-making company at the moment."
Suddenly, I had the greatest idea of all time (at least in my humble opinion). Something that would ensure I remained at the top of the entertainment world for years to come. No one like Barry Meyer would ever be able to challenge me if I did it carefully.
"Alright," I said after collecting my thoughts. "Here's what we'll do. Liquidate all my assets in every company except Apple, Netflix, Crocs, and YouTube."
I needed my stake in YouTube and Netflix intact for my next plan. As for Crocs, I was heavily involved in its marketing and product development. I also had a sort of emotional attachment to the first product I built using my endorsement. Crocs could easily be valued at $1 billion if we raised an IPO, but I had stopped that because of future market factors that only I knew about. As for Apple, that was my safety net. If anything went awry with my investments because of unforeseen events or the butterfly effect due to my presence, Apple shares would remain golden for decades to come.
"Okay," Andrew agreed as if I had asked him something very basic.
"How much will we need for YouTube's expenses?" I asked.
"At least $50 million," he replied.
I nodded. "So that investment would give me even more shares, right?"
"Yes," he agreed.
"Do it then," I said. "Earmark that $50 million for YouTube. Also, how much money will I need to buy out Netflix in its entirety?"
"At least $1.3 billion," he replied with an apologetic face. "But you don't have to buy it out in its entirety. You can still get a 40% stake in it for $600 million, which will give you the controlling share of 51% right now."
"No," I shook my head. "I want complete control of at least 70% of the capital, probably even more. So we'll wait for the takeover until I have enough money to buy it out in its entirety."
"Then what do you want to do with that $700 million you'll have in cash?" Andrew leaned forward eagerly, instinctively knowing that something big was coming from me.
"This will sound strange and stupid as investment advice, so bear with me until I've completed telling you about the idea," I began slowly. Seeing his nod, I continued, "Before I go into the details, I need you to sign this NDA." I offered him the paper I had come prepared with for exactly this moment.
"Seriously?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I am bound by my ethical duties to not give out your secrets."
"The same ethical duties that tell you that you shouldn't invest in the same portfolio as your client?" I shot back with a grin. "I don't mind you doing that, but this is something I must insist on. Sign that document, or I won't tell you the next part."
He didn't need to be told that I'd find someone else for the job. He signed it off, though he hesitated when he saw the payout of $1 billion in case of breach of the NDA. I had to be sure about this.
"Good." I kept the document away in a folder before turning back to the man. "So the reason for this secrecy stuff is that I met an insider. I can't tell you who, but I have it on very good authority that the housing market in the U.S. is going to crash very soon, thanks to subprime lending. Within less than two years, this whole thing will go kaput."
Andrew's eyes widened as I revealed the information. "Are you sure about this?"
"100%," I affirmed. "So here's what you'll do. Use that $700 million in its entirety and buy Credit Default Swaps for me. As much as you can, from any big bank that will sell it to you, although your top three preferences should be Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and AIG. Don't buy from Lehman Brothers at all."
Andrew silently stared at me for a minute before saying, "If we do this, we won't have any money left for any of your future film investments."
"Don't worry about that," I assured him. "I'll get a payout from Warner and Paramount later this year when my two films are released. One is [Harry Potter], so obviously it will make a lot of money. Even then, don't forget that I'm still a minor, and my parents have more than enough money to support me and even make investments in my movies if I wanted."
He nodded in acceptance. "Alright. Let's do this."
"Just like that?" I asked in surprise.
"Yes, just like that," he replied. "It must be legit if you're staking $700 million on it."
I shook my head in disappointment. "If only my parents and my assistant were this trusting of my decisions as well."
Michael Gambon and I stumbled onto the tallest tower of Hogwarts.
"We have to get to the Hospital Wing, sir. To Madam Pomfrey," I said urgently. Gambon was clutching onto my shoulders, leaning his body weight almost entirely on me. As I looked at his face, I couldn't help but feel pity for the old man. He looked so frail and withered, especially with the makeup he had received for this scene to bring out his wrinkles even more.
"No," he declined my offer, speaking in a weak voice. "Severus. He is the one I need. Wake him up. Tell him what happened. Speak to no one else. And don't remove your cloak."
"You swore to obey me, Harry—go!" he said firmly.
Reluctantly, I pulled out my cloak, but before I could don it, Gambon pulled out his wand and waved it in my direction, silently casting the petrification charm.
My body froze over, and I fell back against the wall behind me, still able to see the entire room.
"I'm sorry, Harry," Gambon whispered before flicking his wand in my direction. My cloak, which had fallen to the floor, floated over my body and covered me from head to toe.
As soon as it did, I heard another chant across the room. "Expelliarmus!"
"Cut!" Rian Johnson called out. "That's perfect, Troy. You can come here now."
I pulled off the cloak covering me and walked behind the cameras. Because I was supposed to be invisible in this scene, they wouldn't show me at all until after Dumbledore was dead and my petrification was undone.
The one who had shouted Expelliarmus was none other than Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy. Dumbledore's wand had been sent sailing through the air and was lying on the floor a few meters away from him.
"Good evening, Draco," Michael Gambon continued the scene.
"Who else is here?" Felton said sharply. "I heard you talking to someone."
"I often talk to myself," Gambon said brazenly. "I find it extraordinarily useful to gather your thoughts."
As I watched the scene play out, it became clear that both actors were bringing their A-game, but Tom Felton was nothing compared to Michael Gambon, who was on another level entirely. He perfectly embodied an empathetic old man wanting only the best for his student, while Felton portrayed a scared teenager tasked with something horrific that he didn't want to do at all, yet was forced to because of one Dark Lord Voldemort.
Dumbledore offered him safety, but Draco declined his offer.
Then came four more Death Eaters, led by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. In the books, Bellatrix wasn't part of the contingent that came to Hogwarts, but this was changed for the movie because Helena Bonham Carter was far too brilliant in her role in [Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix].
"Kill him, Draco!" Bellatrix yelled excitedly after a few minutes of trading barbs with Dumbledore, a bloodthirsty grin spreading across her face. She was no longer Helena Bonham Carter. Her wild hair and crazed eyes made her the perfect portrayal of such a dark and chaotic character.
"No," a raspy voice called out as Severus Snape walked onto the set slowly, his face devoid of expression. Yet, I couldn't help but notice the indecision behind every step he took.
Alan Rickman had changed a lot over the last few years. He had lost a significant amount of weight, and even his face looked more radiant and youthful than before—a surprising transformation for his age.
"Severus…" Gambon called out weakly. "Please…"
"Avada Kedavra!" Alan raised his wand, his voice cold and deliberate, as he cast the curse. A flash of green light erupted, and Dumbledore fell back, plummeting from the Astronomy Tower into the darkness below.
Immediately, the group of Death Eaters turned and began their retreat, disappearing into the castle. As they left, the petrification charm on me wore off, a side effect of Dumbledore's death breaking the spell. I was free to move again.
I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Shock turned to fury as I threw away the Invisibility Cloak and rose to my feet. Fueled by righteous anger, I sprinted after the retreating group, my heart pounding in my chest.
Downstairs, chaos reigned. A full-blown battle was underway, which was another aspect that Rian Johnson wanted to include in the film, along with some action scenes. I fully appreciated his approach because the original movie was devoid of any action and instead focused on comedy for some reason.
"Stupefy!" I bellowed, aiming my wand at a Death Eater's back. The curse hit its mark, and the man crumpled to the ground.
"Crucio!" Amycus Carrow snarled, hurling the torturous curse at Ginny Weasley, who dodged with remarkable agility.
"Impedimenta!" I roared, my voice shaking with rage. The spell slammed Amycus against the wall—currently padded with a green mattress for safety—though CGI would later transform it into cold, unforgiving stone. He groaned in pain, clearly out of the fight.
Around me, McGonagall, Ron, Hermione, and members of the Order like Lupin and Tonks battled furiously against the remaining Death Eaters.
"Harry!" Neville shouted, his voice filled with venom. "Draco, Snape, and Bellatrix ran off!" The hatred in his tone was palpable, particularly when he spoke of Bellatrix—his reasons for despising her ran deep.
"I'm on it!" I yelled back, pushing through the chaos as I ran in the direction they had fled.
"Harry! I heard—" someone from a group of students began, but I cut them off.
"Out of the way!" I barked, shoving past them. Bursting out into the open, I spotted the retreating figures of Snape, Draco, and Bellatrix. My blood boiled as I saw Bellatrix gleefully set Hagrid's hut ablaze.
"Stupefy!" I yelled, aiming at Snape. He tilted his head slightly, dodging the spell with infuriating ease.
"Run, Draco!" he commanded, his voice calm yet urgent. Draco obeyed without question, disappearing into the shadows.
I turned back to Snape, my wand trembling with rage as I unleashed a barrage of curses. He countered each one effortlessly, as though it was nothing more than a child's tantrum.
"Fight back, you coward! Sectumsempra!"
The spell tore through the air, but Snape flicked it away with ease. He sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Using my own spell against me, Potter? Yes, I'm the Half-Blood Prince. The book you found that spell in was mine."
Before I could respond, Bellatrix shot a curse at me, and imaginary pain exploded through my body. I crumpled to the ground, helpless.
"No!" Snape barked at her. "Remember your orders, Bella. He belongs to the Dark Lord."
Bellatrix glared at me, clearly wanting to finish me off, but she relented, her obedience to Voldemort overriding her bloodlust.
The three of them turned and fled, crossing the castle boundaries before vanishing one by one.
"And cut!" Rian Johnson called out, his excitement cutting through the tense atmosphere. "Congratulations, team, we just finished shooting [Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]!"
"We did it!" Josh, the first assistant director, cheered, his voice echoing across the set. The sentiment was contagious, and soon the entire crew erupted in celebration. For many, the end of filming meant temporary unemployment, but there was an unmistakable sense of pride and accomplishment in the air.
Despite that, no one was happier than me. I was finally free from making a Warner Bros. movie for at least a year. With [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows] book not yet released—and still over a year away—production on the final films wouldn't begin anytime soon to avoid spreading spoilers. For now, I could enjoy the rare luxury of freedom.
Visit my Pat reon to read ahead, or read my second Hollywood story set in the 80s.
Link: www(dot)pat reon(dot)com/fableweaver