Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 427: New Heaven

"We won!" Exclaimed some god in the army, as if he could not believe that they had survived a war with beings older than their universe, cheers followed and praises for Yunan filled every mouth and took the lion's share of every conversation.

As the gods celebrated, Yunan opened Dreamscape to the prison planet, allowing the gods who stayed inside for all this while, to finally have a look at the planet of the gods, veritable heaven, now that only one faction ruled the place, the planet suddenly seemed to be thrumming with life force.

Sometime later, Yunan sat down with the creator and the two talked for nearly a week before they allowed anyone to come close. Their conversation was one that happened between allies who lost their common enemy.

"So, now that you, won, what do you plan to do with my universe?". The creator was looking sharpers than ever, this was by no means a friendly talk, this was an opportunity to declare intentions and them maybe work out something that is in line with the interest of all parties.

"Nothing", said Yunan as he downed his cup "this universe will now follow its natural evolution, I will no longer interfere after I set up a few rules to keep this universe prosperous". Giving the creator a knowing look he continued "do you plan to sit around and watch or do you have some other things to do? I always felt that a planet inside a rift made so little sense".

There was a slight twitch in the face of the creator, he really was starting to hate this brat, even if his insight was remarkable, he should not flaunt his ability so in-your-face, this brat was an anomaly, in all his years and from all the oddities and weird things he knew about, Yunan was the oddest of them all.

"So you want out? It can be arranged, assuming you have the strength … " he was interrupted by Yunan "I don't want out, I want a bridge to hop into other universes, my mission to screw up everything is not over yet, the primordials are still out there laughing at my shenanigans". There was obvious aggression in Yunan's tone and not just a hint of it.

"I don't want to know, as long as you have no intention to destroy my universe, then you can do whatever you feel like" waved te creator, he truly did not like knowing things that might bring him danger.

The two talked about a great many things, mostly about what to expect when leaving the universe and intruding upon others, how to tread in the void and such things, most of this information was compiled by the creator during his last walk, and Yunan absorbed all of it greedily.

"Right, I never asked, what did you think I made that planet for?" the creator asked towards the end of their week-long conversation, Yunan was really good at picking on small clues, he thought that since he had spent some time with Yunan, the brat should have picked a thing or two.

"At first, I thought you wanted to start a new universe, but then, Death told me about the council and some other things, at the time I thought you were looking to make yourself a base to defend fate inside, but now I know for certain, the time flow gave it away, you wanted this place to become a platform for invaders , you planned it to become what holds the worst of the culling giving time for the universe to fight back, if even Death did not pick on the time compression, then it should have been used to hold something temporarily, I assumed you knew that the over-gods would fail at consuming fate, leaving the universe a bit fragile, vulnerable to invasion, thus the planet was to give the universe a chance to fight back by holding the invaders on the planet, a great war tactic".

The creator nodded slightly "well, not entirely true, I also wanted it to be a springboard to help the local gods invade other universes, but since you came around, things have changed, I suppose, we should find another use for it before you depart, that way it won't be wasted".

"Agreed" responded Yunan, "maybe we should restore its time and make it true heaven, currently it houses enough realms to restart most divine kingdoms, Dreamscape is going with me, so there is no need to fear the loss of control, we make so that all gods are to reside in it, other than training and spreading faith, all gods are to be on the planet all the time, that way when new gods ascend, they can find a place ready for them, we can also forget about many conflicts due to all gods being on the same side".

The creator listened intently and took a moment to think it through, the changes Yunan asked for were not particularly hard or took very long to do, so he agreed. "Fine, since you helped my first universe, I'll give you at least that much, you can hammer out the details with your friends, it is they who will reside in there, no go on, I need some time with myself". Yunan promptly left, leaving the creator toying with fate between his finger, he suddenly looked up and as if answering some question, he said with confidence "you'll see!"

Yunan returned to his friends, the party seemed to have yet to stop, many gods were having as much fun as they could, for a moment Yunan though that they would never laugh again if they stopped now, he shook his head and found the four friends sitting in an open field away from the hubbub and whispering something to each other, as soon as Yunan arrived they turned to welcome him.

"I got you a planet to live in, now is the time to start making laws", Luna dropped a few tears when she heard those words, the rest sighed too. "You guys are no fun at all," said Yunan, "we can party after we get all the work out of the way, I promise it won't take long, I will even take everyone back to the private dimension to have fun, that way you can be sure there will be no work for a very long time".

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