The “Key” to the Dream World!
Coriana smiled at my dumb face and said,"What do you not want me anymore?" She gives me Shrek cat eyes.
I panicked and blurted,"I WANT!" And I realized she was just messing with me....damn. "But why am I reacting to you so much?!" I don't get it....
Coriana tells me,"Just look into my eyes and come with me......" I see her eyes get unfocused...then I feel like I fell asleep.......
A moment later.......................
I am currently holding Coriana's hands just like a moment ago, but What is shocking me is where we both are....In the dark under a full moon at the place I sent off the giant fox! This is my trial space!
Coriana just tells me,"This place is your inner-world of lucid dreaming! I have the power in my devil blood to bring you here and take you back! This space is tied to your Eyes of Creation sacred gear. When we last met I was sucked into this world but you were unaware of it. I was here for a while learning about the lost power of my devil heritage that was almost extinct!" She lets go of my hands and walks to where the crater was.....
She waves her arms and the castle that I leveled was fully restored! She then came back to me and took my hand again,"Come on and don't look so surprised it is just your dream world, you can make any changes you want....The two important thing to know is one you can use this place to train...and two, you can bring in others with you!" This is really surprising this why my gear wanted me to touch her?!
We get to the throne and she pulls me into it, then she sits her ass in my lap....OK now this is really a dream now! She just smiles at my awkward face because she damn well knows her actions are embarrassing me....She then waves her hand again in front of us and what I see is the image in anime colors but looking 3-D!
"Your gear showed me some of your visions that contained my actions in an alternate world, however your visions could not show the events in real detail but in a cartoon fashion...." Fuck what we are watching is the fight between her and Issei and her damn strip teas! So she thinks my memory of the show was a vision...Well I guess it could be right?
"This is why I wore this secretary outfit for you today...After all this is how you viewed me here!" She then waves her hand again and this time it is a real-life image of me talking about her with Sirzechs..Oh shit I am blabbing about my secretary fetish!!!! Now my face is truly red! And she is smiling like a cat holding a mouse...I am busted!
"I am just showing you some images your gear wanted me to see...this also helped me develop my powers, now watch this and do not freak out...We will not be interacting with this vision...." She once again waves her hands and the events of ALL three of my dream trials played back to back as though we were ghost spectators watching a play......I am just amazed at her dream powers!
She rubs my face and she said,"You have had it hard.....But now I am here to be your muse. I will let you use this world to help you defeat all of our enemy's!"
I just thought of something big,"Hold on, what is going on around us with our real body's!!!!???" I think this will be weird to explain just standing there for a while!
She just rubs the top of my head and says,"Dont worry time in the dream world is faster than reality....Even if we are here for an hour our time it will only be a moment or two in reality!" That makes me feel better!
"Also I have some other minor powers associated with my devil powers, like I was always good in management hence why you saw me as a secretary...Well it seems it was because it was literally in my blood. However it has awakened and I can manage things that would take ten to a sense I will be able to run anything for you like a coach for a team. And for you one more important power was awakened........" She is squinting her eyes at me daring me to ask what it is......
And like the curious chump I am, I bite the bait and ask,"And what is this power that is related to me?" She pulled me up from the throne and held my hands like we did earlier, then she leaned into my ear and said,"I can help manage the relationships of your harem so we and all your women can be happier!" She then steals my lips and begins to kiss me heatedly.......
At first I was going to stop this but then I realized....This is a dream world so even if I am making out with her here it's not like we are actually doing it! So I just hold her tight and feel her warm body in my arms....She is really getting good at this too the more we kiss...this is the power of her blood....damn now even little brother wants to say hi! Yup she can feel it to...Oh well I have gone too far to care!
*COUGH* I am still embracing Coriana with both of our tongues in each-others throats! And I am firmly holding her in my arms as well as her hands are around my neck....But the both of us open our eyes after we hear the very loud cough?! Oh fuck we both notice we are no longer in the dream world and both peerages seem to be watching a cheap romance in progress! The two of us awkwardly release each other. It is apparent she lost control of the dream and while we were returning to reality we started carrying on, in the real world, oops!
Rias looks pissed and asks,"Can one of you two rabbits in heat explain to everyone what you are doing?" yup her arms are under her boobs, that means she is pissed!
I just wanted to point at Coriana and yell 'it was her fault' but that's an Issei dick move! So I say,"Sorry everyone, but Coriana and my sacred gear have a special connection and we were in my dream world for a while....And that there, um was all my I thought maybe the only way to escape was a that is what happened!"
Xenovia and Asia exclaimed,"You were in the dream world where we met you!" I just nod.
But to mess up the fact I covered for her, she just throws my hard work of lying out the window! She just walks up, pulls my arm into her boobs and says,"I will be Matsuda's personal assistant from now on!....Very personal!" What kind of drugs did my gear put into this hot as fuck nut-job? But I am keeping her!!!!!
Rias looks at Sairaorg and says,"This is all your fault!"
Sairaorg just smiles,"I care for my people and if she wants to be with the man that saved my family...Why would I care? Plus he did save your aunt too! ha-ha...."
Before Rias could do some more pouting there was a fight breaking out in the distance.........
Sairaorg says,“Agares and Astaroth have already arrived. Immediately after he arrived, Zephyrdol and Agares started trading insults.”