Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 75 Barbarian Slaves (please read more)

The drizzle gradually stopped.

The ground became flatter.

Returning to Bay Village again, Adam Smith was in an extremely uneasy mood, not as ambitious as when he left.

Guard Captain Meren looked at his boss with such a sad face, and chuckled with a little evil intention:

"Do you need to be so worried? The lord of Bay Village shouldn't care about their number, right?"

Adam Smith rolled his eyes at him angrily, rubbed his nervous face vigorously, tried again to force out a smile, and then said helplessly:

"Don't you understand yet? It is necessary to complete the task for the lord, and additional contributions are worthy of reward, but if it brings trouble, then..."

Leon, who was leading the way, heard Adam Smith's intentional or unintentional discussion. He was looking at the tall and muscular figures out of the corner of his eye.


To be more precise, their identities are - barbarian slaves!

These barbarians are all strong and strong, and even if they haven't eaten enough in the past few days, they still have a strong aura.

According to Adam Smith, the number of professionals who agreed to settle down was greatly reduced, and the recruitment of manufacturing talents was also very sluggish.

In order to better complete the task, he purchased a large number of barbarian slaves, mainly for a barbarian master-level talent.

The barbarian master is willing to work for the lord, but requires him to take away 1,000 barbarians, including 800 old, weak, women and children.

The barbarian slaves themselves were no trouble.

But the more than 800 old, weak, women and children who cannot create any value and can only become a burden are a minor trouble.

Moreover, Leon remembered quite clearly that the vast majority of barbarian slaves were "good at causing trouble" and could always cause some trouble.

Over time, few territories were willing to accept and accommodate barbarian slaves.

However, there are often barbarian professionals who enter the human world to take risks and become adventurers.

As members of the adventure team, the barbarians are quite popular. They are short-sighted, straightforward, brave in battle, and not afraid of sacrifice. They are very good teammates.

However, the current barbarian team of a thousand people may not be accepted by the lord, which will affect the lord's doubts about his senses and ability to do things.

This is what Adam Smith was worried about!

The members of the barbarian tribe seemed to know this and remained silent along the way.

Regardless of men, women, old or young, everyone should behave as harmlessly as possible and eat as much as possible when eating.

Because, maybe after a while, they will have to find food by themselves.

Along the way, the gradually smooth road made Adam Smith worried.

The pace of Lord Lord's development has never stopped, which means that if he delays, there is a high possibility that he will be abandoned.

How could Adam Smith be happy under such circumstances?

Just when Adam Smith was very worried, a large group of kobolds rushed over.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, densely packed pebbles fell on the roadside at their feet.

Moreover, these kobolds also used tools to skillfully push away the stones one by one and smooth the surface of the road.

Even all the barbarian slaves, looking at the kobolds coming and going in a hurry, had countless doubts flashing in their minds.

Those pushcart drivers who had heard about it long ago also looked at the scene in front of them with amazement.

They felt more confident about the treatment Adam Smith had spoken of.

Only the large number of adventurers who had gathered could not wait to discuss.

"I don't know if the news is true or false. Can a troll really sell for 50 gold coins?"

"Trolls in other places will definitely not be able to do it, but there should be no problem here..."

"I have received news from the Adventurers Guild. This must be true. I heard that they are planning to move a branch here..."

"I also admit the last news, but the latter one is definitely false..."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if there is an adventurer branch, we don't have to worry if there isn't one, as long as the bounty is enough..."

"50 gold coins per troll, this is an unprecedented reward..."

"Does anyone think about transporting trolls from other places?"

"Hahaha, this idea is very good, but the lord is definitely not a fool..."

"It's better not to be so clever when you can discover something with a simple lie detector spell..."

"I heard that this lord has a dragon!"

"This is absolutely true, it has been spread in Blood Moon City..."

"I heard from some spellcasters that it should be a dragon beast..."

"That's also a dragon...much more powerful than ordinary dragons..."


With various moods, everyone came to the gate of Bay Village.

A neatly arranged phalanx of soldiers greeted their arrival as before.

This time, the number of phalanxes increased to five.

More than 200 soldiers with astonishing momentum gave everyone who arrived a small show of strength.

After recalling the land that had been reclaimed along the way, Adam Smith finally understood why the lord kept recruiting people.

At the same time, he also felt that the situation he would face next was even more difficult.

Among the barbarian slaves, a carriage slowly stopped and watched the barbarian shaman walking along the way. He stared deeply at the towering wall, with a little loss on his wrinkled face.

A tall barbarian walked over and lowered his head respectfully, with a little bit of shame on his face.

He was tall and strong, with rough tattoos on his face and a big mouth full of fangs. He raised his calloused hands to help the old shaman, who had some difficulty in moving, get out of the carriage.

"We have survived such a terrible battlefield, so we won't give up so easily. Let's see first..."

These words made the barbarian even more ashamed, and he couldn't help but blame himself. He looked at the soldiers with a little forbearance and uneasiness, as if he saw those terrible opponents.

Other barbarian slaves also gathered, led by barbarians and barbarian shamans, and slowly approached the door.

The other people in the caravan couldn't help but turn their heads, as if to see what the barbarian slaves wanted to do.

The soldiers lined up did not react at all, as if they did not see them coming.

Old John narrowed his eyes slightly, and the muscles of Jinya next to him tightened. They all felt a little pressure from the barbarian who was walking slowly.

But Butler Ralph acted very indifferently and asked Adam Smith who hurried over:

"Is this a master-level talent, Ms. Tana?"

While asking this question, Butler Ralph turned his head and faced the old barbarian shaman.

He had a plain smile on his face, and he didn't seem to be prejudiced because the other party was a barbarian.

The unprecedented attitude made the old shaman hesitate. Before she could say anything, Adam Smith nodded directly and answered:

"Yes, this is Ms. Tana who I specially invited here. She is a master breeder and is proficient in the cultivation of high-end war horses, camel beasts, and Komodo beasts."

Before the old shaman Tana could reply, Butler Ralph made a gesture of invitation to her.

For the vast majority of talents, Bay Village welcomes all comers!

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