Chapter 84: Chapter 81
--- 20th of April 1897 ---
--- 3rd Person POV ---
--- Imperial Complex ---
As the sun began to rise, casting a faint light over the Imperial Garden, the area was still predominantly illuminated by the lampposts. A number of people, dressed in their morning prayer attire, emerged from the palaces of Sella and Tessa. Emperor Siagu XV stepped out of the Sella Palace, adorned in his white morning prayer attire, intricately embroidered with golden bakunawa. Behind him, his courtiers followed, wearing their less elaborate sonmin garments.
Two court ladies carried a bronze lamp, lighting the still dim pathway through the garden. The courtiers moved gently and silently towards the location of St. Felipe's temple. Emperor Siagu XV appeared relaxed and content, savoring the peaceful silence of the surroundings.
"Papa!" A gentle and bubbly shout reached the ears of Emperor Siagu XV, making him turn his head to the left. There, he saw his youngest son, Imperial Prince Ainesh, dashing toward him, trailed by the courtiers who served the young prince.
A smile of gentleness appeared on Emperor Siagu XV's face as he observed his son drawing closer. Like the emperor, Prince Ainesh was dressed in a white sonmin, adorned with an embroidered green bakunawa.
Following the ancient practices of the Shaja family since its founding, princes below the rank of crown prince were prohibited from wearing gold, yellow, or red embroidered colors on their clothing. In Butuanon culture, only the crown prince could wear these colors; other princes were restricted to green, blue, and purple embroidery. Emperor Siagu XV took pride in these traditions, seeing in them the continuity of their heritage and the dignity of their lineage.
"Good morning, Papa," Imperial Prince Ainesh greeted excitedly, bowing slightly to his father, Emperor Siagu XV, as a demonstration of his respect.
The courtiers behind the emperor nodded approvingly at the young prince's display of courtesy. Such gestures were deeply rooted in the values of Butuanon culture, meticulously documented by the renowned scholar Rajiv Sharma in the late 17th century.
With a gentle smile and a nod, Emperor Siagu XV replied, "Good morning, my dear child. It is early, yet you are already so excited."
Prince Ainesh giggled innocently. "Hehehe… I am always like this, Papa."
With his small appearance, charming personality, and handsome face, yet authoritative aura, Imperial Prince Ainesh quickly became one of the most beloved members of the Imperial family. Therefore, when news broke of the maltreatment the young prince had suffered at the hands of his courtiers, there was a massive outcry for justice and a thorough investigation. The public even demanded a restructuring of the courtiers and tighter security for the Imperial family.
The incident severely damaged the reputation and integrity of the Imperial Police and the Office of Personnel (Himamat sa Katungdanan), both of which were under the supervision of Head Eunuch Isagani and Head Court Lady Putri Chaya of Sipitang. However, the issue was ostensibly resolved with the execution by hanging of those directly involved.
The public execution of the first three individuals involved was merely the surface of a deeper, darker reality. In secret, a total of 50 courtiers were slaughtered by the Imperial Household Guards, their bodies disposed of in the Agusan River, never to be discovered. Only Emperor Siagu XV, Empress Alice, and a select few of the Imperial Household Guards were privy to this brutal resolution.
"We greet the emperor and the pillar of the empire," the courtiers of Imperial Prince Ainesh said with respect and reverence, bowing their heads towards the emperor. The emperor acknowledged their greeting with a nod.
Emperor Siagu XV then began to walk towards his destination, followed by his youngest son and the courtiers who served them both.
"Where are your mother and your older siblings? It is almost time," Emperor Siagu XV asked, holding the left hand of Imperial Prince Ainesh as they made their way towards the Temple of St. Felipe.
"Mama, Kuya Siagu, and Ate Mahati have already made their way towards the temple. I was left behind because I woke up late," Imperial Prince Ainesh replied cutely, causing Emperor Siagu XV to smile slightly at his son's demeanor.
Emperor Siagu XV couldn't help but reflect on how different his youngest child was compared to his other siblings. While Imperial Princess Mahati and Imperial Crown Prince Siagu were bold and domineering, Imperial Prince Ainesh appeared more docile. However, the emperor knew that when the situation demanded, Ainesh could be just as authoritative and determined as his older siblings.
Hearing his youngest's words, Emperor Siagu XV looked at his son and said, "Then, we shall make haste. The day is almost upon us, and we might both miss the morning prayer of this trimester." He placed a firm but gentle hand on Ainesh's shoulder, guiding him toward the path that led to the temple.
Imperial Prince Ainesh smiles at his father emperor and nodded, "Hmmm."
The two then made their way towards the temple of St. Felipe, their courtiers trailing behind them. All followed the father and son pair neatly and quietly, admiring the view of the entire garden. This sight brought inward smiles to the courtiers, especially those serving the young Imperial Prince Ainesh.
None of Imperial Prince Ainesh's courtiers felt more delight than Senior Eunuch Mohan. At 35 years old, Mohan was born and raised in the lower Champa region of the empire. He entered the imperial palace at the age of 14 after arriving in Sooraj by ship, slowly rising through the ranks of the eunuchs due to his merits. In accordance with the old tradition, Senior Eunuch Mohan chose to castrate himself.
He had been serving Imperial Prince Ainesh since the prince's birth, staying on guard in the prince's quarters and being one of the few to witness the young prince's first steps and words. Senior Eunuch Mohan treated Imperial Prince Ainesh as his own son, vowing to offer his life for the sake of the young imperial prince.
That is why, the moment Senior Eunuch Mohan learned of what had happened to Imperial Prince Ainesh at the hands of the courtiers serving him, he blamed himself first. He was even willing to die at the hands of the Imperial Household Guard to demonstrate his profound guilt. However, it was the words of the Imperial Crown Prince that made Senior Eunuch Mohan abandon his plan of committing suicide.
"You might have failed to protect my brother this time. But that does not account the truth of you being one of the most trusted servants of the family… With your deep guilt of causing my brother some harm… use it to protect him more. Protect as if your life fully depends on it… You have sworn an oath much like everybody else at the face of God and my father, the emperor.
Be true to your words Senior Eunuch… A master will always need his servant as his friend and aid. But a useless and weak servant is unworthy for safekeeping, not even qualified to be gazed by others… Remember this, Senior Eunuch… same as how you remember your oath…"
'From this day forward… My blood and my Flesh are for the Lord and the emperor. A servant anointed by God in the presence of his chosen… my life is for him to hold until the fall of my bones.'
The resonance of the oath still lingered within Senior Eunuch Mohan as he recalled the solemn exchange with Imperial Crown Prince Siagu. From that moment, his life became a testament to unwavering loyalty towards Imperial Prince Ainesh. With every fiber of his being, he pledged to dedicate himself entirely to his master's welfare.
Thus, when Senior Eunuch Mohan beheld the scene of Imperial Prince Ainesh conversing joyfully with his father, Emperor Siagu XV, a profound sense of contentment washed over him. It was a rare sight, one he knew his master yearned for amidst the relentless duties of the emperor, particularly amid the ongoing conflict with Japan.
As he observed the stolen moments between father and son, a surge of resentment towards the Japanese coursed through Senior Eunuch Mohan. In a muttered breath, he couldn't help but assign blame, "Those filthy Japanese rob the prince of his rightful time with his father." And in that quiet declaration, there lay a silent determination to ensure such theft would not persist unchecked.
Upon hearing Senior Eunuch Mohan's murmurs, Head Eunuch Isagani subtly cleared his throat, signaling for a private exchange of words. Despite the mere meter that separated them from the emperor and his son, Head Eunuch Isagani ensured their conversation remained veiled from prying ears.
Senior Eunuch Mohan shifted his attention to the resolute figure of Head Eunuch Isagani, prompted by the signal.
"Mind your words, Senior Eunuch Mohan," Isagani cautioned, his tone carrying authority yet tinged with understanding. "I understand your frustration regarding the war with Japanese interference with the young prince's audience with the emperor. However, let us not taint this auspicious occasion with negativity."
Without so much as a glance in Mohan's direction, Isagani held his ground firmly.
Unwilling to relent, Senior Eunuch Mohan persisted in a subdued voice, "But am I wrong in expressing my concerns? The war with the Japanese have indisputably disrupted His Imperial Majesty's schedule."
"You might have forgotten something here, Senior Eunuch," remarked Head Eunuch Isagani, his tone tinged with reproach. "You and I, just like the rest of the courtiers in this palace, are here to serve the emperor and the Imperial Family. It is not our job to comment or speak wantonly about issues concerning them, unless we are asked to."
Senior Eunuch Mohan felt a pang of realization at Isagani's words, his thoughts now muddled with uncertainty.
"But..." he attempted to interject, only to be swiftly silenced.
"Enough with that already," came a stern voice from behind them. They turned to see a high-ranking female official, her demeanor leaving no room for argument. "We are nearing the temple area. Further discussion would only spoil the solemnity of the occasion."
A woman in her early 50s strolled alongside Head Eunuch Isagani and Senior Eunuch Mohan, her perfectly tanned skin, dark hair, and black eyes complementing her strict demeanor, impeccable posture, and elegant poise. Despite her unassuming appearance, one would never guess that she held the esteemed position of Head Court Lady within the Imperial Household.
In truth, her origins were not far removed from her current reality; hailing from a modest noble family in Sipitang, she had entered the palace at a tender age, under her father's direction, harboring hopes of capturing the attention of a member of the Imperial family. Yet, despite her fervent aspirations, she had fallen short. Nevertheless, undeterred by initial setbacks, she persisted in her service to the Imperial Family, steadily ascending the ranks through her unwavering dedication.
"Forgive me, Head Court Lady Putri Chaya," Senior Eunuch Mohan uttered, bowing his head slightly, a gesture of deference signaling his reluctance to engage in further disagreement with Head Eunuch Isagani.
Silence envelops the entire entourage as they proceed towards the temple of St. Felipe. Only the hushed conversation between Emperor Siagu XV and Imperial Prince Ainesh breaks the quiet, their words mingling with the chirping of crickets in the surrounding darkness. The journey concludes swiftly as they finally reach the temple, poised for the commencement of the Morning Prayer.
Encircling the temple are statues of various saints of the Aylashanism faith, standing tall amidst the temple garden, adorned with creeping vines and blossoming flowers. The soft glow of lamps illuminates the area, casting gentle shadows on the bamboo and towering narra trees. The beauty of the surroundings is undeniable, a testament to the meticulous upkeep of one of the most revered locations in the Imperial City.
Outside the grand temple, rows of Aylashan nuns stand in perfect formation, creating a path for Emperor Siagu XV and Imperial Prince Ainesh to traverse. Each nun holds a pristine white rosary, their lips moving in silent prayer, infusing the atmosphere with an aura of sanctity and tranquility.
According to the temple's regulations, only members of the Imperial family and the appointed bishop are permitted entry—a decree established during its construction.
Emperor Siagu XV and Imperial Prince Ainesh wasted no time stepping into the temple, leaving their retinue to wait outside, much like Empress Alice, Imperial Princess Mahati, and Imperial Crown Prince Siagu's entourage. The nuns, who had formed a path for Emperor Siagu XV and Imperial Prince Ainesh, now made their way to the temple entrance, taking their places on the floor and reciting prayers fervently while clutching their rosaries.
Inside the majestic temple, anticipation buzzed in the air. The entire Siagu XV family sat with poise, each member a reflection of their esteemed lineage. Empress Alice, draped in resplendent silks, exuded a quiet elegance as she occupied her seat. Beside her, Imperial Princess Mahati emanated a serene strength. Across from them, Imperial Crown Prince Siagu, the future ruler, exuded a youthful yet dignified air.
As Emperor Siagu XV rose and traversed the polished marble floor towards his wife, a hush descended, enveloping the chamber in a cocoon of anticipation. Their silent exchange conveyed volumes, echoing the resilience of their enduring bond. In the midst of this intimate moment, a figure emerged from the shadows, embodying the vitality of youth. Imperial Prince Ainesh, with a buoyant step, approached his elder siblings, his smile radiating warmth as he joined their discourse. Their muted conversations intertwined, weaving a tapestry of familial affection that harmonized with the tranquil ambiance.
Abruptly, the heavy oak doors groaned open, ushering in a cascade of golden sunlight and a cloaked figure draped in pristine white robes. Bishop Ojas, the esteemed overseer of the Temple of St. Felipe, strode purposefully towards the altar, evoking a tremor of reverence within the gathered assembly. With quiet dignity, Emperor Siagu XV stood, followed by his consort and progeny.
From behind a rich tapestry, three figures emerged, clad in unadorned white tunics. One, a youthful sacristan, rang a golden bell, its reverberations piercing the sanctified air. Another, his countenance marked with solemnity, swung a censer, releasing fragrant tendrils of smoke that ascended towards the heavens. The third, with head bowed in humility, bore a chalice overflowing with sacred essence. Their choreographed movements resembled a sacred ballet, each gesture imbued with profound purpose.
The arrival of these figures heralded the commencement of the morning prayer ceremony, a biannual tradition steeped in reverence and tradition. With each cycle, it reaffirmed the enduring legacy and divine favor bestowed upon the imperial bloodline. For thirty solemn minutes, the chamber resonated with the bishop's resonant intonations, weaving prayers for continued prosperity and blessings into the fabric of the morning air. Draped in golden silk veils, each member of the imperial family received a tangible manifestation of divine protection, as hymns and chants from beyond the palace walls lent further sanctity to the proceedings.
Following the ceremony, Emperor Siagu XV and his entire family proceeded to the grand pavilion nestled within the palace gardens, where they partook of their morning repast before embarking on their daily endeavors. Among them were Imperial Crown Prince Siagu, Imperial Princess Mahati, and Imperial Prince Ainesh, each attending their respective classes as befitting their station.
Within the serene confines of the Palace of Sella, Emperor Siagu XV convened with his ministers and esteemed guests in the receiving room, a space suffused with tranquility heightened by the melodious strains of the kulintang resonating from an adjacent chamber. As the music intertwined with the discussions of state, it lent a poignant reminder of the harmony sought within the empire's governance, echoing the eternal rhythm of its people's lives.
Emperor Siagu XV, resplendent in his green sonmin attire adorned with the shimmering golden bakunawa, fixates his gaze upon the window, commanding a view of the sprawling garden and majestic mountains beyond the Imperial Complex.
Peacefulness radiates from the emperor's countenance until a resonant knock pierces the tranquility of the room.
"Come in," the emperor utters calmly as the door creaks open, admitting Head Eunuch Isagani into the chamber.
"The president of the Republic of France is here to meet you, Your Imperial Majesty," Head Eunuch Isagani announces serenely, bowing his head deferentially. The emperor responds with a subtle nod and a fleeting glance.
Head Eunuch Isagani, accepting the request, proceeded to open the door, granting entry to the unwanted visitor. He offered a bow before exiting, leaving the Emperor and the President of France to their privacy.
Emperor Siagu XV made his way to the man standing just a meter from the entrance, a smile gracing his lips. "Ah... President Félix François Faure, it's good to finally see you," he said.
A reciprocal smile appeared on President Félix François Faure's face as he replied, "Your Majesty."
Emperor Siagu XV extended his hand for a handshake, which President Félix François Faure accepted. Gesturing to the couches nearby, Emperor Siagu XV invited President Félix François Faure to sit. Another gentle knock interrupted the moment, heralding the entrance of courtiers bearing Butuanon delicacies. They bowed before proceeding to place the delicacies on the small table between the Emperor and President Félix François Faure, then exited after bowing once more. With the scene set, the two leaders began their discussion, each harboring their own hopes and intentions for the future.
Head Eunuch Isagani, Head Court Lady Putri Chaya, and two more court ladies remained in the room to serve the two important individuals.
"So, how was your stay here in Sooraj for the past few days? I must guess that you have spent quite an enjoyable time in this little old capital of ours. Rich in its culture and traditions," Emperor Siagu XV inquired, injecting a hint of pride into his voice as he labeled the capital of his nation, Butuan, as old, unchanged since its founding and even before the era of the clans.
President Félix François Faure, noticing the subtle emphasis, smiled in response. "Yes, indeed… I must say, I was actually amazed by the beauty of this city. But our nation has moved past the stage of glorifying the monarchy and has instead embraced democracy. Our people have found it to be more reliable than the old ways."
Emperor Siagu XV found himself unsettled by the turn of events, as the atmosphere in the room shifted abruptly. He had anticipated that President Félix François Faure's visit was aimed at extending an olive branch, seeking peace and negotiation amidst the escalating tensions between Butuan-Siam and France over contested lands.
However, Emperor Siagu XV's expectations were swiftly shattered. Despite the murmurs and speculations surrounding President Félix François Faure's arrival, it became evident that the French president was not one to acquiesce easily. His response to Emperor Siagu XV conveyed strength and resolve, devoid of any hint of weakness or submission.
Despite the palpable tension, Emperor Siagu XV maintained his composure, unwilling to betray even a hint of displeasure in the presence of his counterpart. Yet, within his mind, a seed of discontent began to sprout. President Félix François Faure's demeanor conveyed not a shred of respect or deference; instead, he seemed to regard them as equals, a notion that rankled deeply within Emperor Siagu XV's thoughts.
With a genial smile, Emperor Siagu XV responded, "Hmm... It seems history repeats itself in your nation once more. Your country truly is a fascinating one, Mr. President." His amusement echoed in the room, met with a reciprocal chuckle from President Faure himself.
"Indeed... France has grown tired of accommodating monarchy and has embraced the presidency instead," President Faure remarked, his tone light. "Perhaps you should consider it, Your Majesty. All things old must yield to the new in due course." He lifted his cup of tea, taking a sip with a thoughtful air.
Discomfort and unease settled upon Head Eunuch Isagani and Head Court Lady Putri Chaya upon hearing President Faure's words. Not only did the president's remarks belittle and jest at the monarchy and the emperor's enduring reign, but they also perceived it as a veiled threat to the longstanding tradition of monarchy in Butuan, hinting at its imminent replacement by a presidential system. As they exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment passed between them, a shared understanding of the potential upheaval awaiting their cherished institution.
In the minds of Head Eunuch Isagani and Head Court Lady Putri Chaya, the monarchy and the emperor were more than just institutions—they were the very threads holding the empire together. Butuan's identity as an empire was intricately woven with these pillars, known not just to those within the capital, but to all across the lands. Despite any reservations they might harbor, they remained silent, recognizing the delicate balance of power they occupied.
As Emperor Siagu XV comprehended the implications behind President Faure's words, a knowing smile graced his lips, and he inclined his head thoughtfully. "Indeed," he murmured, "everything must undergo change. However, not all replacements are deserving of the positions once held by their predecessors. Meticulously crafted engravings cannot be simply replaced by mere trinkets; they offer a depth and significance that cannot be replicated by the new." And with that, he left his words hanging in the air, a poignant reminder of the irreplaceable essence lost in the winds of change.