Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 35]

It took me a lot longer than I expected to post the last chapter on Patreon, but I just posted it, so EDO has officially ended on Patreon. I'll be releasing chapters here at an accelerated rate, probably once a day, until caught up.

I immediately understood what Sophie was talking about when she told me about how the place I needed to go was mistaken for unfinished or forgotten content in the game. In one of the higher-level zones where basically the entire map was a bunch of different ruins that looked like they used to be churches to the various Virtues and Sins, there was one small, dirt mound near the edge of the map with absolutely nothing of note around it. It just looked like a random mound of dirt. However, upon closer inspection, there was an entrance built into the side of it that looked like a cave.

There were no markers around it. It didn’t show up on the map. It didn’t have a name. There weren’t even any monsters or gathering nodes nearby. It really was just a mound of dirt at the edge of a map that looked like it was forgotten about or a placeholder for future content that never arrived.

Considering that all of the latest endgame content coming out was all related to basically space gods who were even more powerful than the world’s original gods, and that nothing important ever happened with the zone anymore, it was pretty fair to assume that the zone became pointless and that nothing else would be added to it unless the developers wanted to try and pull a surprise years later out of nowhere.

But that was unlikely.

Like usual with MMOs, it was safer to assume that the dirt mound and attached cave were just forgotten about placeholders meant to potentially host some form of content that never actually came into existence. Or perhaps the content that was planned for it was instead implemented in some other way.

That aside, me, Sophie, Lily, and Akorya entered the cave with Sophie talking the lead while Akorya and Lily walked arm-in-arm. They apparently felt like being extra lovey-dovey with each other for the day and always stayed behind me and Sophie.

Inside the cave, it looked… like a cave. There was something unnaturally lighting it up, but that was only because there weren’t any truly dark places in the game. Even ancient caves with zero light sources inside of them had a sort of natural light to keep the place at least slightly dim. This cave was no different. It was still hard to see, but not impossible. Because of that, I almost missed the fourteen different circles spread out across the room near the walls. Each one had runes etched into them that I couldn’t recognize in the slightest, and there was an even larger circle taking up the space in the middle of the room.

“No wonder they thought this place was supposed to be used for something,” I said.

“Lol, right?” Sophie replied. “Like, it totally looks like they were planning to use this place for something, but unless you get the quest to become the champion… yeah, you’d never know what for.”

“I feel like they could have done something better with this place. You know, make it look a bit more special, or maybe make the entrance locked unless you meet some special requirement.”

“Yeah. It totes feels like some dev had an idea for this whole questline, but they didn’t really wanna invest in it, so they just let him do what he wanted with a super limited budget or permissions or something. All the quest objectives were like… basically checklists for things you’ve done or making you do stuff already in the game for other reasons. This place and the place you’ll see next are the only unique parts of the questline.”

“Now that you’ve pointed that out, it does feel kind of like this whole questline was just… forced into the game with basically no effort put behind it.”


“Well, not like I’m playing this game for interesting plot and exciting quests or anything like that. Even the PvE feels half-assed most of the time, and only a few people like Thera take the PvP seriously.”

“Yep. But they’ve put a ton of stuff into all the slice of life stuff, and lewd stuff. And we don’t have to deal with all the realistic lame stuff like in FTO.”

“Yeah. This game is already enough of a second life for me. I don’t need a literal second life like over there.”

While me and Sophie talked about the current state of MMOs, Lily and Akorya were happy to just continue snuggling with each other in the back. Of course, with Akorya being Akorya, and Lily’s body being Lily’s body, that snuggling involved a copious amount of Akorya groping and playing with Lily’s tits.

I wanted to join in.

But I wanted to get the quest over with even more.

“So, what do I do now?” I asked Sophie.

“Oh, umm… you have to find the right circle to stand on, then you’ll get a prompt,” Sophie explained. “Watch.” She then walked over to one of the circles near the back of the room and, as soon as she stepped on it, glowing energy surrounded her from the circle to the ceiling. “See?” Then she stepped out of the glowing circle to step on a different one, causing the original to stop glowing, and nothing happened with the new circle. “Just walk around until you find the right one. That’s what I did, lol.”

“Seems simple enough.” Though, had more effort been put into the questline, it would have been interesting to need to step only on the right one instead of walking in a circle until I found it. Maybe provide some clues that the player had to figure out the right circle with, and then spawn enemies or something if they stepped on the wrong circle to punish them for making the wrong choice.

But that apparently required too much budget.

So, I walked around the room in a circle, stepping onto each circle and then waiting a second before moving on, until I found the right one. Eventually, I reached the one Sophie was standing on which failed to activate for her, and I gave her a playful poke to push her off of it which made her stick her tongue out at me.

And it just so happened that that was the circle I needed.

As soon as I stopped on it, glowing light shot up from the floor and surrounded me in a circle. At the same time, a prompt appeared within my vision asking me if I wanted to move to Lust’s Domain.

“Will this teleport everybody with me?” I asked Sophie.

“No idea. I did this solo,” Sophie answered.

“Well, only one way to find out.”

I selected yes.

The next instant, I found myself in a large, marble room that looked similar to a Roman or Greek bathhouse. I didn’t know the difference between the two, if there even was one. I knew lewd history, not history history. That aside, the aesthetic was apparently a reoccurring theme with lustful environments. Even my dungeon had that sort of theme.

Also, I was alone. None of the others got teleported with me, though I could still see them in the party list.

Or rather, it looked like I was alone. Seeing as how a voice called out to me right as I thought that… it turned out that the opposite was true.

“My, a worthy champion has finally revealed himself to me, and what a treat you are,” a rather androgynous voice said, sounding as if it was coming from every direction.

“I bet you say that to all the worthy champions, don’t you?” I teased back.

“Perhaps I would had any others come.”

“You know how to stroke a man’s ego.”

“I would much rather be stroking something else of a man.”

Following that, a vortex of pink and purple lights appeared in front of me only for that very same vortex to turn into Lust themselves.

It was extremely obvious just from looking at Lust that… well, that they were Lust. Tall, beautiful with a face that would be attractive as either a man or woman, large breasts basically twice the size of their head with an hourglass figure that looked unrealistically perfect. Their ass was just as huge as their tits, and then… there were the cocks. Two, massive dicks hung down from their crotch and reached their calves. Each one looked pretty equine in shape, too, which I thought was total bullshit since that wasn’t allowed for players due to bestiality concerns.

“But if you wish to be my champion… you will have to prove your ability to serve me,” Lust said, looking down at me before licking their lips.

And hearing that… immediately pissed me off. There was no prior relationship between us for Lust to assume that it would be alright to make a demand like that of me. As far as I was concerned, to say something like that to somebody without a relationship where it was known it would be okay was like trying to hold a promotion at work behind sexual favors.

So, if that was how Lust wanted it, that was how Lust could have it.

“Sure,” I said, “after you service me first. I only like submitting to partners who have submitted to me before.”

“That is not how this works, darling.”

“Only my spider wife is allowed me to call me darling.”

“You seem to not understand your place.”

“Trust me, I know exactly what my place is.”

Lust smirked and pushed her hair over her shoulders. “I admire your attitude, but you will not be granted the honor of becoming my champion if you do not prove you are willing to serve me. It is as simple as that. You may either prove your worth to me directly, or you may leave. I will not force you either way.”

“No, you are forcing me, or are at least trying to. Giving somebody an ultimatum is just forcing them with extra steps to choose one of your options.”

“Then you may leave through the same portal that brought you here. A god exists to be worshipped, and so—” Lust froze, spasmed for a few seconds, and then… blinked a few times before waving at me pretty innocently. “It’s okay to take control since they’re not alive like me, right? I mean… this is the same as controlling a puppet, right?”

There was something immediately recognizable about the tone of Lust’s voice despite the voice itself still being the same, plus there was only one person capable of doing what was just implied.

“Meadow?” I asked.

“Yep!” Meadow replied using Lust as a medium. “Wow, the boobs on this body… this whole body is way too much.”

“I dig it. Too bad the personality is insufferable.”

Meadow nodded and then said, “By the way! You still want to be Lust’s Champion? I poked around, and I found that all I have to do is modify your character data to check the box seeing if you’ve submitted to Lust and made them orgasm. That’s the next quest requirement.”

“On one hand… I’m tempted to say no just out of spite for Lust’s attitude. On the other hand, it’s a developer who made them that way, so if I let you cheat for me without actually doing that, I’ll get to become the champion out of spite for the developer for making such a shitty god.”

“You—you sound angry.”

“I am, at whoever designed Lust to act that way. Lust should get it! Lust should be a caring, welcoming deity who understands how important consent is and will gladly be in any position to make their partner comfortable! They shouldn’t be some dominant asshole who demands total submission with zero room for debate! Damn it, I would make such a better Lust than this asshole. Alright. Fine. Fuck it. Check that box and make me the champion.”

“Okay! I’ll do that right—” Meadow dropped to her knees, both of her cocks immediately erecting to full size as they throbbed with all their might just seconds before spewing gallons upon gallons out onto the floor in front of her. The top cock of the two even sprung up and shot its load all over her face and tits, and Meadow couldn’t stop moaning and whimpering the entire time.

“Was… the quest completion tied to the orgasm being triggered or something?”

Meadow bit her lower lip and nodded as her body continued to shake and cum.

Honestly… it was pretty funny to watch. Poor Meadow was soaking herself in cum all by accident, and she apparently felt too good to stop it.

At least Lust’s body didn’t go completely to waste.

The whole thing lasted a couple of minutes, too. That was one long, intense orgasm she had to go through.

When it was finally over, Meadow pulled her tongue back into her mouth, looked up at me, and whimpered out, “I—I’m all sticky…”

“Don’t worry, you can get out of that body soon,” I replied. “Is there anything left that I need to do?”

Meadow whined at the sticky mess she made of herself some more before standing up… only for her eyes to go wide. “The—the next objective… I… I have to… I—Lust, has to… orgasm… nine more times.”

“That’s a lot.” I found a good spot to sit down at and crossed my arms over my chest. “You better get started then.”


“Of course, you could always just mark the objective as complete and then immediately stop the orgasm. I know you can do that, just like how you could make all the cum on you disappear at any second. But you don’t want to do that, else you would have already.”

Meadow bit her lower lip again and looked away, too shy to admit it was true.

“Well? I’m waiting. You have nine more orgasms to go through.”

The next time Meadow looked at me, she had hearts in her eyes and she nodded her head.

Even though it was Meadow getting to feel all the pleasure rather than Lust, I still felt like I was getting revenge for Lust’s shitty attitude.

“And those cocks are long enough that you can stick one of them up between your tits to drink from while you cum, so you might as well,” I added on.

As shy as Meadow was, she didn’t hesitate to do as I said before triggering the next nine orgasms all at once.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J.

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