Closing remarks
Today I asked the editor about the completion and the internal voting.
I plan to publish a new book in early to mid-April.
It's incredible that I wrote 1.77 million words for my first book.
But it's also because I'm a new writer. I was trying to figure out how to write in the beginning. I tried to write about food, love, settings, etc.
The subsequent part is almost an original plot.
This drove away many of my familiar book friends.
I got to the point when it was close to being released.
The next book won't be like this.
I've been watching it recently. Fan fiction can still be written. There are still fan fictions on the light novels.
So, the next book will still be fan fiction.
Harry Potter is the main world, interspersed with other fantasy movies.
Please join the group I created so that we can discuss it.