Fairy Tail: Jinchuriki

Chapter 74: 74. Magic vs Curse

Alex's fire attacks are much faster than his water attacks. But he needs to use more power to counter the demon's Fire Curse using his Fire Magic compared to when he used his Water Magic because element-wise, his Water Magic has more advantage against the demon's Fire Curse.

Cana moves her floating Magic Cards to help Alex chase the demon woman. Both of them work very well together and finally Alex's attacks start to hit the demon woman. The demon is very surprised that Alex's Magic attacks can hurt her so much even though her Curse power should reduce the effects of magic attacks.

At least that's what Demons from the Book of Zeref believe. They always think that Curse power is superior than Magic. But they forget that their creator, Zeref himself doesn't use Curse, he uses Magic. Even Dragons and God use Magic.

Eventually, it all comes to the differences in raw power, skills, mastery over their abilities, and other factors. Sure, some abilities have advantages over others against specific targets, but most of the time, higher power can solve the issue.

For example, Dragon Slayer Magic is more effective against Dragons than other Magic. But it doesn't mean other Magic can't affect Dragons because in the past, humans still could fight Dragons even without Dragon Slayer Magic. Although it was significantly more difficult.

Magical beings such as Dragons and Demons also have higher affinity with magic. They can use magic with less effort than humans and they are more resistant to it too. That's why their own magic has more effects to them.

Curse has a similar principle because it's basically just the magic of Etherious Demons. They might say it comes from negative emotions, but Magic itself also comes from emotion. To use Curse and Magic, the users need to have good physical power and emotional or spiritual power.

As Mavis says in the series, Magic is the power of feelings and feelings can be positive or negative. Alex was sceptical with that theory at first, but then the Tailed Beasts confirmed that it's true by comparing it with Chakra.

Both Magic Power and Chakra are similar. They are the culmination of Physical Power and Spiritual Power. Both power accommodate the Ethernano or chakra that Mages absorb from the atmosphere to be used by them.

That's why Mages need to train their physical power too. Strong Mages usually have strong physiques and they also have strong minds or spirits. Both Ur and Gildarts taught the importance of physical power to Alex for this reason.

Thanks to that, his power grows rapidly. Having the Tailed Beasts also helps a lot with the growth of his raw power. They enhance his physical and spiritual growth like the growth of his bones, muscles, senses, and magic power.

Thanks to that, he can be an S-Class at 14 y.o even though he wasn't born with Magic Power and has just learned magic in less than 8 years. Now he has a great amount of Magic Power for his age and can use powerful magic spells.

His Matatabi Fire Magic attacks have less effects on the demon that also uses Fire. But because Alex's Fire Magic is much more powerful than normal Fire Magic, he still can hurt the Dragon-like demon with his Fire spells.

"WHY?! WHY DOES IT HURT? IT'S JUST MAGIC, DAMMIT!" The demon woman flies away in pain after getting hit by a Fire Arrow.

"Just Magic, huh? Magic is the basic, you know. Even your Curse power is based off of Magic. Curse might have a stronger start, but Magic has much more potential. Or else, your creator, Zeref would stop using Magic."

Alex says it calmly while shooting some flying Fire Cats at the demon. The demon destroys them with her claws, but the Fire Cats explode and push her back. Then another Fire Cat that she didn't see suddenly bites her wings from the back and explode.

It creates a big explosion that sends the demon woman fall onto the ground. Alex knows it won't kill her although it injures her, and it surely has angered her so much. "ARGH! ENOUGH!"

The demon woman screams while releasing her massive amount of energy. It causes a very powerful shockwave that spreads everywhere. Maybe it can be said to be a heatwave too because it is very hot.

It breaks all of Cana's expanded Magic Cards, so now Alex won't have any footholds anymore. The Fire Blades that Alex sends from his claws are also destroyed by the powerful hot shockwave.

"I'll show you lower beings the power of Demons from the Book of Zeref, the power of Curse!"

The Dragon-woman demon extends her hands to the front like she wants to shoot kamehameha. A fireball appears and grows bigger in her hands. It keeps getting bigger and bigger as the room temperature rises greatly.

Alex and Cana can feel how powerful this attack will be. So Alex stands in front of Cana and asks her to prepare a defensive spell while he will fight the demon's attack.

A dark purple magic circle appears in front of Alex's when he opens his Mini Matatabi mouth. Blue and red bubbles appear around the magic circle and merge into a Dark Purple ball. He is making a Tailed Beast Bomb.

"Fufufu! Die, you lowly humans! Evil Fire Dragon's Judgment!" The demon shoots a very big and powerful fire blast at Alex and Cana. It destroys everything around it even the ones it doesn't touch because of how powerful it is.

Alex watches it coming and he suddenly takes the Tailed Beast Bomb into his mouth. His cheeks bloat very big because the Bomb explodes in his mouth. Then he opens his mouth, releasing the energy from the explosion into a blast.

The Fire Blast and Tailed Beast Bomb blast hit each other. Much to the demon's surprise, her Fire Blast is pierced and destroyed by the Tailed Beast Bomb blast without much fight. Then in just a moment, the Tailed Beast Bomb blast engulfs her whole body after destroying her strongest attack.

The blast keeps going and hits the underground room wall. The wall starts to collapse and the ceiling also starts shaking. Cana warns Alex about it and he curses inwardly when he realizes it.

"Crap!" Alex quickly transforms into Shukaku. They might not have enough time to escape from this cave because the exit path is very long. So he uses Shukaku's ability to strengthen the whole underground room.

Everything around is made of soil and rocks, so Alex can use Shukaku's ability to control earth to fix the broken walls and ceiling. He doesn't have much magic power remaining after using the Tailed Beast Bomb, but luckily, he has enough to prevent the underground room from collapsing and burying them.

Alex reverts back to his human form because his magic power is very low now. He slumps on his back tiredly. But he still doesn't know whether the demon has been defeated or not, so he is still on high alert.

Annoyingly, the demon woman is still alive. But she has taken too much damage. Her dragon-like wings are broken, many of her scales are also ripped off her body, and most parts of her body are also damaged badly.

She can only lie on her spot while coughing some blood and grunts in pain. Her eyes are still filled with disbelief because she has just been defeated by mere humans, young humans at that.

Cana helps Alex approach the demon woman to finish the battle. He can sense that the demon still has a lot of energy even after using that kind of powerful attack. But her body condition makes it impossible for her to continue the fight.

If she can heal herself or she is sturdier than this, then she will still be able to fight and Alex won't be able to do anything about it. Cana won't be able to fight her alone because she has spent a lot of magic power too, so they would be defeated if Alex's Tailed Beast Bomb attack failed.

That was the 1st time he used Tailed Beast Bomb in a real fight. So he doesn't know its effect, especially against such a powerful opponent like this demon. He's really glad that even though he can only use a weak version of the real Tailed Beast Bomb, it is still very strong, truly living up to its reputation as the Tailed Beasts' ultimate attack.

Alex grabs the demon woman's head and starts absorbing her remaining energy. In the end, Curse or Magic, they all are fueled by Ethernano. It only changes to match their abilities, but the basic energy for Curse and Magic is still Ethernano.

So Alex doesn't have any problem absorbing the demon's Curse energy because it's basically just Ethernano. As for the negative emotion that is mixed with the Ethernano to form Curse energy, the Tailed Beasts can absorb them without any side effect because something like this won't corrupt their powerful minds.

The demon woman loses consciousness after Alex absorbs all of her energy. He recovers some power while also defeating the demon. So with this, their 1st S-Class job has finally finished successfully.



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Ch. 124. Fairies vs Fairies

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