Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Chapter 129: The Fall of Eisenwald

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Oshibana.

June, x784.

By the time Cana, Gray, Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy arrived at the train's next stop, Kunugi, they heard the town's folk talking about some mad men who took over the train and left without letting anyone board. On top of that, they kicked everyone else off the train.

So, instead of stopping, they continued driving toward the next stop in Oshibana . By the time they arrived, not only had Eisenwald taken over the train station, but apparently an army platoon, consisting of fifty troops stormed station before they arrived. Though, they are yet to return.

Currently, the Fairy Tail wizards were running, while Happy flew while carrying the still sick Natsu, through the station's entrance. And as they did, they saw the bodies of the countries soldiers strewn around, some with missing limbs, laying in pools of their own blood.

"This is terrible." Lucy said in a dejected tone.

"Indeed." Erza said through gritted teeth. "Only a Dark Guild would do something like this."

"So, what's the plan." Gray asked.

"If I know Erza as well as I think I do." Cana said, surprisingly, there was no alcohol in her hands. "Then, we'll go at them with full force until they either give up or unconscious."

"You do know me well, Cana." Erza replied.

"Yeah, I don't even know why I asked." Gray said.

'Seriously, that's considered a plan?' Lucy asked herself while giving the other three an unsure gaze.

Before long, the group found themselves in a large open area. All the empty ticket counters were lining the walls. There were signs that pointed toward the different platforms scattered around the hall, as well.

Standing opposite the wizards of Fairy Tail was a group of wizards, the members of Eisenwald. Standing at the forefront was Erigor with his scythe leaning on his shoulder.

"Well, well, well… If it isn't the Fairy Tail flies." Erigor said in a mocking tone. "I was really hoping there would be more of you. Putting more of you Magic Council lackeys to sleep at once would have been spectacular."

"I take it you're Erigor, correct?" Erza said, taking a step forward. "What are you planning?"

"I'll give you a hint." Erigor said with a confident smirk on his face.

The wind picked up around Erigor as he began to float into the air. A few moments later, he was next to a cluster of four speakers that were hanging from the ceiling.

"What's something that all train stations have?" Erigor asked in a teasing tone.

"A broadcast system…" Lucy muttered. Then, she raised her voice. "You're gonna play Lullaby's song over the station's broadcast system!?"

"That's right!" Erigor said with a manic expression on his face.

"Why would you do this?" Erza asked, clearly angered by the revelation.

"To give a wake up call to the brainless lambs who have given up their freedom." Erigor said explaining Eisenwald's goal.

"[Card Magic: Thunderbolt's Fate]." Cana chanted, interrupting Erigor's explanation.

A moment later, from the five cards in her hand, several powerful lightning bolts shot forward at Erigor, who dodged away effortlessly, and the rest of Eisenwald. Unfortunately, many of the members standing up front were not as agile as their ace, resulting in many laying on the ground and twitching with foam coming out of their mouths and their eyes rolled back in their sockets.

"Blah, blah, blah." Cana said disinterestedly. "Let me guess what you're gonna say next. The people are unaware of how the Magic Council takes away the rights of the wizards so they need to be punished. Or some dumb shit like that, right?"

"Are you mocking our goal?" Erigor asked through gritted teeth.

"No shit." Cana replied disdainfully. "Oh, boo hoo. The Magic Council told us we can't kill people for money anymore. Now we're gonna kill everyone for our rights. Please, you're worse than children."

"You Bitch! How dare you mock our ambitions!" A member of Eisenwald shouted as he raised his hand to fire a spell at Cana.

"[Card Magic: Random Throwing]." Cana said as she reached into the two card pouches on her waist.

A moment later, far faster than the dark wizard could fire his spell, several throwing star-like cards sank into his flesh. All in non-lethal areas, of course. Still, one was dangerously close to turning him into a eunuch.

"Now, now, now… That's not how you should speak to a lady." Cana said, flicking her hair out of her face as she spoke.

"What are you fools waiting for?" Erigor barked angrily. "Kill those Fairy Tail flies. I'll go set up Lullaby."

With that said, Erigor blended in with the wind and disappeared from the hall.

"You heard the man." Kageyama said with a malicious smile on his face. "Let's go, It's time to swat some flies. But the pink-haired one is mine."

At that moment, Natsu finally seemed to get over his motion sickness. And after hearing Kageyama's voice, he looked in that direction. Seeing the crowd of dark wizards, Natsu smiled with battle intent radiating from every fiber of his being.

"Wow, it looks like we're gonna have a party." Natsu said excitedly. "Now, I'm all fired up!"

"What are you talking about, Natsu?" Lucy asked. "We're about to fight an entire guild."

"Yeah, like I said, a party." Natsu said.

"Gray, Natsu, go after Erigor. "We can't let him play Lullaby's song over the speaker system. If the volume is loud enough, he could wipe out the entire town."

"Are you telling me to go with that fire breather?" Gray asked in a discontent tone.

"Yeah, I could take him alone." Natsu said in atone of complaint as well.

"What was that" Erza asked in an angry tone.

"Aye!" Gray and Natsu said simultaneously before turning around and running into one of the nearby corridors.

"You're not getting away." Kageyama said as he sunk into his shadow.

From there, things went a lot like they did in the canon. Though, Erza's magic power was not as exhausted with Cana's assistance in fighting Eisenwald. Gray defeated another wizard in the broadcast room and was told that Eisenwald's true aim was to play Lullaby's song in Clover, the next and final stop on the train line. More specifically, at the guild Master's meeting.

Angered that Makarov was being targeted with the rest of the guild masters, Gray froze his attacker, his life or death unknown.

At the same time, Erza sent Lucy to find Gray and Natsu and provide any support that she could. Meanwhile, Cana and Erza split up to search for Erigor as well. Before starting her search, however, Erza found a megaphone and walked out of the station to address all the onlookers.

She then proceeded to tell the people what Eisenwald was planning, resulting in panic among the people. However, once the crowd had cleared, a barrier of swirling wind surrounded the train station. Then, Erigor swooped down from above, kicked Erza through the barrier, and explained the same plan that Gray had just heard.

"Wait, you're attacking the Guild Master's meeting?" Erza asked with a bit of pity in her tone. "Well, I guess you're out of luck then."

"Do you think those old fools can do anything to stop me?" Erigor asked, clearly angered by Erza's statement.

"That's not what I meant." Erza said, shaking her head gently in response. "But there's someone there even stronger than I am with Master Makarov. And you probably couldn't even beat me."

"Don't underestimate me.!" Erigor shouted before flying away.

"*Sigh* Now I feel like I wasted all that magic power for nothing." Erza said, slumping her shoulders. "Well, I guess I better go tell the others what's going on. This really was a waste of time. Even if the whole Dark Guild attacked Clover, Alfonzo and Ultear could take them out on their own. *Sigh* Elicia was right. I really need to investigate more before jumping into action."

Meanwhile, all the conscious wizards in the train station felt the surge in magic power when Erigor erected the barrier. However, that did not stop the ongoing battle between Natsu and Kageyama.

Just like Natsu declared while Happy carried him away from the train, Natsu easily defeated Kageyama. However, just as he was about to start questioning Kageyama about where Erigor had gone, another member of Eisenwald appeared behind him and drove a hand through Kageyama's back and out of his chest in order to silence Kageyama and stop him from dispelling the barrier under torture.

Angered by the fact that Kageyama was attacked by one of his own, Natsu attacked the newcomer with his flames burning brighter and hotter than ever. In the end, the attacking wizard was smashed through several walls and into a satue with severe burns all over his body.

Not long after all the fighting stopped, Cana, Gray, Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy regrouped outside of the station. They were still trapped inside the barrier, though.

"I found out Erigor's plan." Gray and Erza said simultaneously. Though their tones were markedly different.

While Gray seemed to be seething with rage, Erza sound calm and a bit annoyed.

"If you know what he's planning, why are you so calm, Erza?" Gray asked angrily.

"Gray, calm down." Cana said. Then, she looked at Erza and continued. "Gray still has all his clothes on, so this must be serious. Erza, what's going on?"

"Now that you mention it, he does have all his clothes on." Lucy said, looking at Gray with surprise in her eyes. "I've never seen him stay fully clothed this long."

"Erigor wants to play Lullaby's song in Clover." Erza said nonchalantly. "he's targeting the guild masters."

Hearing that, Natsu showed anger like Gray. Meanwhile, Lucy and Happy looked astonished. Cana, on the other hand, showed an expression of pity.

"*Sigh* If he's targeting Clover, I could have stayed home and had a drink." Cana said, sounding annoyed that she had been dragged along.

"Oh yea, because you haven't been drinking the whole time we've been gone." Lucy said as she watched a bottle of alcohol appear in Cana's hand. "And where is all that alcohol even coming from?"

"Oh, I have a [Storage Card]." Cana replied as she popped the top on the bottle.

"Why are you two so calm?" Natsu asked angrily. "He's trying to kill Gramps!"

"Calm down, Natsu." Erza said. "Did you forget?"

"Forget what?" Natsu asked in an irritated tone.

"Fonzie and Ultear went to Clover with Gramps." Cana said after taking a swig from her bottle.

With that, Gray and Natsu froze. Then, they both sighed in exasperation.

"Seriously, why are we even here?" Gray muttered in annoyance.

"Aw, man!" Natsu shouted in envy. "Alfonzo's gonna get to fight the wind guy. I'm so jealous."

"From the way you're all acting, I guess we don't need to hurry after that Erigor guy, right?" Lucy asked, surprised by the changes in demeanor of her companions. "So, what do we do now?"

"First, we need to find a way to dispel this barrier." Erza replied. "Then, we need to contact the Magic Council to take all these dark wizards into custody. None of you damaged the station, right?"

"Just a few burn marks from the lightning attack earlier." Cana replied before starting to chug her bottle.

"Nah." Gray replied. "But I did leave an ice statue in the broadcasting room.

Erza then turned toward Natsu, who was shivering and dripping cold sweat.

"Natsu, you didn't damage the station, right?" Erza asked again. This time, in a much more solemn tone.

"Well, you see… What had happened was…." Natsu said, clearly not wanting to answer the question.

"Out with it already!" Erza said, a tick mark appearing on her forehead.

"Aye!" Natsu replied instinctively. "Well, after I beat the shadow guy, I was about to ask him where the wind guy was. But before I could, this chubby guy appeared and attacked the shadow guy. And I got so angry that he attacked one of his friends that I might have hit him a teensy-weensy little bit too hard and knocked him through three walls and destroyed a statue."

"Haha! You're definitely gonna lose points for this, Flame brain." Gray said, laughing at Natsu's misfortune.

"Don't forget about that train car you destroyed, too." Happy chimed in.

At the same time, Natsu's face paled.

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Clover.

With no interruptions, Erigor only took about an hour to arrive in Clover. In fact, the sun was just starting to set.

Wasting no time, Erigor flew toward the building where the Guild Masters were meeting. Upon arrival, he noticed Alfonzo's Escalade parked outside, however, he paid it no mind. Instead, he started laughing uproariously. Then, he started monologuing, loud enough that everyone in the building could hear him, about taking power from the Magic Council.

"Shut the fuck up!" Alfonzo shouted after rolling down the Escalade's window. "[Electromagnetism Magic: Lightning Cannon]."

As Alfonzo chanted the name of his spell, he stuck his left arm out of the car window and pointed his palm at Erigor who was floating in the air. Then, he condensed a ball of sparking, purple lightning on his hand before shooting it at Erigor.

Meanwhile, Erigor, surprised that someone would curse at him in this situation, stopped his speech and looked in the direction the voice came from. However, instead of a person, what he saw was an orb of purple energy. And based on the chant he just heard, he deduced that it was lightning.

However, before Erigor could counterattack, he was struck by the high-speed attack and carried further into the sky. A moment later, the lightning ball exploded, causing purple sparks to fly in all directions, looking as if someone had just fired of a large firework.

"Ahh~~~~~~~~~~!" Erigor screamed as the ball of lightning both burned and paralyzed him.

After the explosion, Erigor's figure could be seen falling toward the ground leaving a trail of smoke behind. On top of that, the Lullaby flute fell alongside him.

Meanwhile, Alfonzo was rolling the window back up.

"Fucking son of a bitch." Alfonzo muttered angrily. "We were just getting to the good part."

As he spoke, Alfonzo glanced toward the passenger seat, only to see Ultear straightening out her clothes with a blush on her face.

"All of you humans are worthless!" An angry, demonic voice shouted from nearby. "I don't even know why I relied on you. I should have started the devastation on my own."

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