Chapter 7: School hustle
"Let me text Noah real quick to check if he wants to join up for lunch."
Moana looked up from the bag she was rummaging through. "Who's Noah"
"My best friend."
Moana waggled her eyebrows.
"Suuuure he is."
I laughed. "He actually is okay? I've known him since we were babies. He's like my younger brother that I'm super protective over and grateful to."
I nodded and focused back on my phone. Moana seemed to get the hint because she didn't ask anymore questions.
I stared at my text as I waited for a reply.
roomie and i heading to the dining hall for lunch. wanna join? it's cool if no.
I did not want Noah to see me as the clingy best friend who didn't want to socialize with anybody else. Though that had been literally me after my parents died, I was ready to break that pattern.
I was ready to break out of my shell.
But that didn't mean that Noah wouldn't be my best friend who I would forever drop everything and run to help. And right now he might need help in getting out of his room if Aiden was there.
My phone pinged and I read his text.
sure. lemme change real quick and i'll be ready in 10.
I looked down at my baggy top and joggers.
I was ungrateful to Noah who had put it in my head the need to spruce up but I knew it needed to be done. Especially standing next to people as good looking as Moana and Noah.
I could be pretty too if I really tried.
I walked into my room and stared into my vanity mirror, pinching my cheeks to give it a bit of color. I applied concealer and powder, rubbed my favorite cherry red lipgloss then brushed back my long hair.
I took off my clothes and intentionally deciding not to over think it too much, put on a peasant dress that Noah's mum had bought for me on one of her many trips.
The dress stopped right above my knees and I especially liked it because it was a bit loose and flowy and my boobs didn't seem to be bursting at the seams.
I slid on my flats and sprayed some perfume.
I walked out of my room at the same time Moana came out of hers.
"You look so good Ellie!"
I blushed and tried to play it off. "Thank you and you look amazing."
She did, even in a simple black crop top and maxi shorts. Her face card made it vogue standard.
Moana smiled at me and put on a pair of medicated glasses. Her hair was in a silk scarf and highlighter put at specific points on her face gave her a glowy, ethereal look.
She looked effortlessly stunning.
I was so grateful to Noah for the idea to change.
Moana grinned at me. "First of many times walking out this door to be a part of the school hustle and bustle."
I nodded, her words making me excited at the possibilities.
I wonder what lay ahead this year.