Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 50 - Some Unpleasant Memories

"What are you up to, Hunter? Did you steal Mathew's gun? What for and what are you not telling me? Are you in trouble or something? Did you have a fight with anyone? Why do you need a gun, that too in school? Does Mathew know that you've brought his gun to school? Do you," Hera was saying, but he cut her off with an irritated grunt and Hera looked at him with an indignant expression. 

"Goddess, please stop. How am I supposed to answer when you're not even stopping for me to speak?" He asked, throwing his hands in the air. She kept on asking questions, adding more to his annoyance. 

'How am I supposed to tell her that it's a boner? She's given me a fucking boner!' 

Her smile, giggle and laugh, that melodic music, they always did magical things to him. Every time she widened her big eyes, whenever she hugged him, when they kissed, every single time, she would turn him on unknowingly. Day by day, his situation was getting worse. It had become impossible for him to resist her anymore. He wanted to do so much more than just kissing her, but he couldn't. He'd no choice but to wait. 

'She's only thirteen for God's sake!' 


"Hunter, I swear I'll slap you if you don't answer me now," she threatened him. But her voice gave her away. He could tell, she was scared. Afraid that he might have gotten himself into trouble. He could detect worry as well. And she's angry too, that he's carrying a gun and suspected he was about to commit something wrong. 

Hera knew that Mathew keeps a gun with him. He said it's for Hunter's protection and he had a license to use it. So she assumed that Hunter had stolen his gun and kept it hidden in his pants. 

"The bell is about the ring. Go back to your class, Goddess. We'll talk about it later after school," with that said, he ran away from her to escape the awkward situation. He didn't give her any chance to protest and disappeared just like that. 

Hunter was on his way to the boy's washroom to take care of his stupid problem when someone crashed into his chest. The girl said sorry, not sounding sorry at all. He knew her, she's a high school senior, but he couldn't remember her name. She's two years senior to him. She shamelessly brushed her hands over his chest, his washboard abs and finally stopped at his not so invisible boner. 

"I can help you with that," she stood on her tiptoes, pulled his face down to hers and whispered in his ear before licking the underside of his jaw. She didn't even wait for him to give his consent. Clasping his arm in her hands, she just dragged him along with her to the nearest empty classroom. 

The girl moved her hand all over his torso, exploring the hard planes of his abdominal muscles. Hunter impatiently guided her hand down to where he wanted it, and she didn't complain about his urgency. She touched him intimately and started to work on his boner. She was good at what she was doing to him and gave him what he needed. But he needed it to be quick as he didn't have much time. 

Hunter moved his face away when she tried to kiss him, and she breathed his name in a hushed tone urging him to give in. No surprise there, of course, she would know his name. He's their President after all. 

The girl started to chant his name, and he guessed she was trying to sound seductive. But annoyingly, her voice got louder, and he finally kissed her to shut her mouth. Out of nowhere, a sobbing sounded, catching his attention. He turned to look, and his world froze. 

'And boy did it split open his heart.' 

Tears were streaming down from her beautiful forest green eyes, dampening her rosy chubby cheeks. She had her lower lip in between her teeth, trying to stop her sob. The tip of her nose was as red as a tomato. Her palms were clutching her heart as if she was in great pain. 

There stood his Goddess right in front of him watching everything through the half-open door. 

'When did she open the door?' 

Hunter didn't hear the door creak when she pushed it open. Hell, he couldn't even remember if he'd shut the door in the first place. Little did he know, Hera followed him and watched every bit of a sin he just committed. 

Hera's eyes slid down to his unbuckled belt, to his undone zipper where the girl had her hand, and then with one swift move of her eyelids, Hera locked her gaze with his. The look she spared him at that moment, it killed him. Her face, her eyes, held so many emotions, all at once. 

He saw disbelief, hurt, disappointment, anger, hatred and finally disgust and loathing. 

Hera shook her head slowly back and forth, wordlessly telling him exactly how much he'd disappointed her. 

Hunter watched with shocked wide eyes when she took a few steps backwards before turning on her heels and stormed out of his sight. Away from him. It was too late, and he would never be able to undo what he'd already done. He packed his bruised pride into his pants and was about to go behind her when the girl held his hand, feeling offended. 

"Hey, let me finish it. Where are you going? She demanded in utter annoyance for being ignored, but he wouldn't stay for the world because his world was about to fall apart. Hunter pulled his hand off abruptly and took off following behind his Goddess. 

She ran and ran, so fast that Hunter thought he would never reach her. 

She ran floor after floor, climbing a flight of stairs after stairs. Not knowing where she's running to, Hera kept running aimlessly. Finally, she felt exhausted as her legs gave out, and she stopped. She looked around, not knowing where exactly she'd reached. 

She heard footsteps thumping behind her, and when she saw him, her lungs forgot to function. She shook her head frantically, warning him not come near her. 

"Please, Love. Let me explain," Hunter pleaded. His hand reached out to touch her, and she stepped back in disgust. It shattered all his hopes. Her stomach agonizingly revolted. She didn't have to use words to describe what she's feeling. He could read it on her face. That gut-wrenching feeling, he's feeling it too. 

Hera felt sick enough to puke, and she puked her guts out. Hunter held her from behind, but his touch only intensified her heartache. She puked until she fell into oblivion, losing her consciousness. 

Hunter carried her to the school clinic. She was given medication and asked to take bed rest. Hera was glad to skip the rest of the class for the day. She kept silent, not even sparing him a look. To be precise, she completely shut him off. Her silent treatment was scaring him to death. He carried her to his car. By the time they reached her room, she was burning with a high fever, and she slept the whole day. 

When she woke up, she was in Hunter's mansion. She found herself on his bed, and he was sitting right next to her, holding her hand in his. He never left her side. She jolted up and moved back from his touch as if something burnt her.

"I'm so sorry, Love," he whispered in his broken voice. 

"Don't call me that," Hera spat, and her furious gaze locked him in his place. 

"Sorry!" She repeated it as if measuring the weight of it. "You're sorry for what, Hunter?" She asked. He opened his mouth, but she cut him off before he could say anything. "Save it. I don't need your explanation. An explanation is nothing but a subtle way of manipulating the truth. Isn't it?" She asked rhetorically. He flinched when she looked at him with so much hate it felt like she slapped him. 

As though compelled by the vulnerable, defeated look painted on his tired face, she suddenly changed her mind. "Fine, go ahead and say what you want to say. I'm listening, Hunter," she said, and her challenging gaze was provoking. Hunter groaned and cursed in anger clutching his hair in his fists. Never in his life had he ever felt so frustrated and angry. Hera patiently waited until he overcame whatever inner conflicts he was trying to suppress. 

"You won't understand, Goddess because you don't feel it. It's so frustrating that I can't do anything with you other than kissing and I want more. I get turned on just looking at your smile, every fucking time. Yes, Love, that was a boner in my pants. Not a gun. And you can't do anything to help me with it. Do you know how desperately I want to make love to you? But I know I can't because you won't know a thing about it. You won't feel anything," he said accusingly and Hera swallowed hard. 

"You don't understand what I feel for you. It's difficult to explain or make you understand. It's so hard for me to resist you, Goddess," he admitted, followed by a defeated sigh. 

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