Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 57 - One Of The Hardest Days

Adelaide snatched the electric shaver from Bianca's hand. "If you don't get out of here in the next minute, I'll go to the school authorities to file a complaint against you," she warned Bianca. Her voice sounded so threatening it surprised Hera. She even ripped Bianca's hand from Clara's hair. 

Hera was confused as well as intrigued by Adelaide's new behaviour. She looked so scared and timid at the dining hall, and suddenly she's acting so brave and concerned for Hera and her friend Clara. 

'Why would be she so interested in my life all of a sudden? She hardly knows me.'

Bianca looked furious. She yanked Adelaide's hair with one hand and with her other hand, she grabbed her wrist and twisted her hand. Helpless Adelaide cried out in pain. "You think you can threaten me? Didn't your boyfriend Noel tell you not to mess with us?" Asked Bianca.


Hera was surprised to hear that. Bianca addressed Noel as Adelaide's boyfriend. They hardly know each other for two days. 

Adelaide's short height gave an advantage to Bianca, who was towering over her. She then pushed Adelaide, making her fall flat on her face. "Alright, you ugly duckling, go ahead and file your complaint. Let's see what happens. Anyways, I didn't do anything. Let me remind you if you don't remember. It was Sam and Hera. They two poured the juice dirtying the Lunchroom. Then why should I share their punishment?" She faced Hera and asked, "Right, Hera?" 

Celine and Brittany helped Adelaide and pulled her up. They inspected her face and saw how the tip of her nose turned red, her chin got hurt too, and it started to swell already. Her eyes were glassy, and she limped slightly, struggling to move her feet. Adelaide had a bruise forming on her knee as well. Hera shook her head, signalling her not to interfere anymore and mouthed sorry to her. 

Hera shot a meaningful glance at Samantha, before smirking at Bianca. Crossing her arms, Hera looked straight into her eyes, "Because Samantha is your best friend. Won't you do this much for her, Bianca?" She asked and the way she cooed made Bianca clench her fists. She knew what Hera was trying to do, provoking Samantha, making her doubt the genuine authenticity of their friendship. 

"And if I tell Hunter that she's the one who started it, then he's going to be pissed with her. You and I both know, I actually did a favour for her by not taking her name and blaming you instead. Do you still want me to tell him the truth? You know what will happen to your friend if I open my mouth," Hera finished and glanced at Samantha, smiling sweetly at her. 

Samantha knew that smile was sarcastic. Hera was mercilessly mocking her. She could clearly read pity as well as a taunt that Hera's eyes were portraying for her. She couldn't stand that gaze anymore, and anger rushed out of her. 

"Why don't you get the message, Hera? What part of 'stay away from my boyfriend' do you not understand?" Samantha asked. Hera arched her eyebrows up, eyeing her with an 'Are you serious?' expression. Again, her eyes were mocking Samantha. 

Hera smiled before answering her. Her tone was soft as if she's talking to a small kid. "Maybe if you and your friend were not so dead set on proving your abilities of how good you two are in licking the leftovers on others plate, nothing would've happened in the first place," Hera paused for a few seconds to breathe before continuing. Lips turned downwards in a scowl, Hera shrugged. "Can't blame you though, you being your usual self, that is being the female dogs you two are," Hera smirked in satisfaction watching their faces turn into an ugly shade of red in anger. 

"Did you enjoy my boyfriend's attention, Hera?" Samantha asked in a biting tone. "I know that's what you always wanted. You're doing all this drama because," before she could finish whatever she's going to say, an abrupt rapping sound distracted her, and she stopped. 

Hera sighed in relief when a knock on the door interrupted their conversation but immediately scowled after seeing the person who entered the room through that door. "Think of Satan, and he appears," she muttered inaudibly, but Celine's smirk said she'd heard it. 

'Huh, here goes my serenity out of the window. Guess it's one of my hardest days.'

Hera looked around, glancing at all the faces in the room. Still dressed in her sleepwear, Brittany rushed back into the bathroom to avoid an awkward encounter. Clara's eyes widened in fear, while Celine sighed dreamily, bashing her eyelashes. Again Adelaide surprised Hera as she looked at him somewhat in hatred. 

Bianca's smile grew wider as Hunter's handsome face came into view and without wasting time, Samantha jump hugged him. Meanwhile, the bad boy had his eyes fixed only on Hera. She didn't bother studying his face for any expression.

Hera rolled her eyes when Samantha giggled like crazy without reason. "Good morning, baby," cooed Samantha after kissing him on the cheek. 

Celine's shoulders shook in a quiet laugh as she watched Hera grimace at the scene. "Oh, thank God! She only kissed him on the cheek instead of making out with him. That would have been grosser to watch," she whispered in Hera's ear. 

"Morning, Sunshine," Hunter greeted Bianca before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Hera observed how delicately his fingers held her arm and Hunter didn't miss how Hera's gaze indignantly followed every movement of his hand. Her face contorted in a disgusted scowl before she looked away. 

'What the fuck! Didn't the bitch say he's angry with her? They were supposed to be giving a cold shoulder or avoiding each other or something.'

"Morning, Ace, what are you doing here so early? Thought you would be in the assembly now," Bianca spoke in her sweetest tone, voice filled with affection, eyes glimmering with content that he let go of the tension between them. 

'Obviously, the bitch switched into an innocent puppy mode.' 

"Why didn't anyone stop him? This is girls' block, and boys are not permitted to enter, right?" Adelaide whisper asked, only to receive a glare from Celine. Her eyes asked the silent question, 'Why are you so dumb?' She should've known by now that Hunter was allowed to do anything and everything as he pleases. No one would ever question him. 

"I need to talk to Hera," Hunter announced. His glance fell on everyone in the room, and he added, "In private." 

Hera's friends exchanged a nervous glance with her and Hera smiled in assurance as if to say, she's going to be okay. She hoped so too. 

"Which one is yours?" Hunter asked Hera, eyes roaming all over the room. Hera understood, he meant which was her bed. She ignored his question while he walked lazily, inspecting every corner of the room. 

He was so tall, walking in the middle of her room filled with short height girls, they all looked tiny in front of his giant form. All her friends were shorter than Hera with five to five-three height. 

Samantha and Bianca were taller than Hera maybe they're around five-seven or five-eight. 

Adding to Hera's annoyance, Hunter stopped right in front of her bed. He discovered it because of Hera's backpack, which was resting on her bed. A slight frown marred the smoothness of his perfect face when he saw two hair ties on the table next to it. 

"Does anyone have a scissor?" He asked no one in particular, yet obediently Celine provided one for him. He took it from her hand with a smile. Hera didn't miss it when her friend's fingers brushed against his in the process. It was purely an innocent act. And her friend blushed before peeking a guilty glance at Hera sheepishly. 

Hera looked at her with an accusing glare. 

'Bitch, you fucking blushed!' 

Hera knew it wasn't intentional. He's so bloody good looking it's like a reflex action for every girl to blush when he smiles at them. Yet sometimes it's hard for her to acknowledge the fact that her friends have a crush on him. Hera bit her lip hard as an unwelcomed thought crossed her mind out of nowhere. 

'Would my best friend betray me if she got a chance with Hunter? After all, Celine has the biggest crush on him since forever.' 

Hera believed Celine would never hurt her and scolded herself for doubting her friend's loyalty.

Meanwhile, picking up the hair ties, Hunter ran the scissor on them, cutting them into pieces before Hera could stop him. Her eyes went wide in surprise. "What the ff..," Hera clamped her mouth shut when his deep voice rung in the room, issuing an order. "You have five minutes to collect your shit and leave this room," said Hunter.

And just like that all of them moved in a hurry like a robot programmed with a command. 

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