Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 60 - Nightmare Should Never Come True

Hera hissed when he bit her skin right under her collarbone. 

'When did he undo my buttons?' 

She used her fingernails and scraped his skin on the side of his neck to make him stop and pushed him off her with her other hand.

"What the hell, Hera? Can't I kiss you properly at least for once, without you trying to ruin it for me?" Hunter said, gritting his teeth in anger. Hera scorned. "Oh, wow! So this is what our conversation is going to turn into, every time we talk about your Sunshine threatening me?" She lashed out bitingly. 

Hunter glared at her for a few seconds before turning his back to her. Groaning in frustration, he ran his fingers through his hair. When he turned to face her again, they matched the rage for rage. 

"Don't bring Bianca into everything. What do, You and I kissing has anything to do with her?" He asked incredulously.. Hera laughed sarcastically at his question. "Do you think I'm a fool? Of course, everything you do has something to do with her. I said she's threatening me, and you ignored it like my existence doesn't matter at all," she said while pushing him hard on his chest using her both hands, and he staggered back in surprise. 

"And you were doing more than kissing and you did it only to distract me from the context of our conversation," she said accusingly. Hunter took a step forward, and she took one back. "And stop touching me," she shouted in his face. Hunter grinned wickedly and asked, "Why? Is it bothering you? I'm making you nervous, am I not?" He moved one more step closer to her. "Now you're feeling it, don't you? That's what I always wanted you to feel," he admitted, tone surprisingly sounding softer. 

Hera took a step back to keep a safe distance from him and shook her head in disagreement. "You're delusional, Hunter. You don't make me feel anything, except disgust," she managed to sound almost sincere. 

Hera didn't miss the nerve twitching when Hunter clenched his jaw. 

"You know, Goddess, research study says if you're attracted to someone, your heart rate rises. And interestingly, if your heart rate is high, it makes you appear more attractive to the other person as well," he said. He came close enough, leaving only a few inches of distance between their bodies, his face still held that cold demeanour. "And, my Love, your heartbeat goes crazy when I come close to you, giving away your pretence. Needless to mention that it makes you look so attractive, I can hardly resist the temptation," he confessed. 

She never expected what he did next. She found herself getting picked up in his arms bridal style, and then he slowly lowered her into the nearest bed. He was half hovering over her while his large hands arrested her wrists. He kept his body inches away from her and had his feet firmly clamped to the floor. "You know what, Goddess? I actually can tell when you're lying," his tone was dangerously low as if it's supposed to be a secret. Hera watched as his purple orbs burned with anger. 

"But you're forgiven because I know your heart is still mine to rule. And as for Bianca's threat is concerned, you don't need to worry about her. I know, she will never dare to hurt you. She threatened to shave Clara's head, not yours. Am I right?" He asked rhetorically. 

Hera's eyes stung with unshed tears as anger burst through her veins. "Get off me, you useless dick," she spat, and he smirked arrogantly, closing the distance between their bodies. 

"You'll soon know how useful my dick is," he said and shut her up by attacking her lips with his and kissed her hard. No doubt, he was gnashing his teeth in rage, sending vibrations through his lips. 

Hera resisted and tried to pull away, but he held her jaw in place, restricting her movements. He kissed her thoroughly enjoying until he was content while she squirmed under his hold. She felt his right hand, stroking her thigh while his body was pressed against hers, keeping her in place. 

'Déjà vu? No. No, this can't be happening. My nightmare should never come true.'

As her brain cells processed what's happening, it was as if a flash of lightning with a simultaneous crash of thunder hit her brain when she felt something long and hard poking down there. She's painfully aware of that thing since the day of their breakup. 

'A fucking boner!' 

That horrible day when she caught him cheating on her, that hideous image of him doing dirty things with a girl that was not her, rushed floating behind her eyelids. She remembered, how stupidly she'd asked him, why was he hiding a gun in his pants. 

'Could have I been any more idiotic?' 

Was it so hard to believe that a thirteen-year-old girl who knew to use f-words didn't know a thing about a man's boner? 

Hera learned to curse at the age of eight. She'd tried to store every swear word to her memory every time she heard senior students swearing. Her only purpose was to curse Bianca with the most obscene swear words, even though she didn't know the meaning of it. And that's how and why she learned the f-words. It took years for her to come to know the actual meaning of the f-word. 

When Hunter heard her curse for the first time, he was angry and scolded her nicely before teaching her the actual meaning of those slang words.

Whatever Anatomy Hera learned in school was limited to the description of male and female body parts. She'd learnt about the reproductive system, a regular study about sex organs and reproductive cells of both the gender. She knew about the penis but never had she seen one in reality. She had no one to educate her about a man's erection or an erect penis. 

Though she knew what a man and woman do in private when they get intimate, she had no idea how they do it. She never watched porn either. How was she supposed to know about a boner? 

Like as always, it was Hunter who filled in the required knowledge and made her learn about a boner. She saw the real one, moving and doing the nasty. Didn't she watch him performing porn live that day?

'And the best porn performance of the year award goes to Ace Hunter.'

A sickening feeling erupted from her heart, and her hands subconsciously went inside his shirt, digging her nails into his chest muscles, bruising his skin. 

Assuming that she was struggling to breathe, Hunter slightly pulled away, lifting his head. She immediately pushed him away and got down from the bed. His hands reached out to stop her but retreated right away when he saw the menacing look Hera was aiming at him. She righted her clothes while he stood watching her in silence.

"That thing," she said, pointing her forefinger at his crotch, "It never lets me erase those dirty images from my memory," Hera stated, words coated with absolute loathing. Hunter lowered his head in shame. He could sense the hurt of betrayal she's trying to suppress. 

"Your genius brain seems to know about every research study and the reactions of the human body. So tell me, Hunter, what's going on in that brain of yours? Why that disgusting thing in your pants gets activated suddenly? What's the meaning of all this? Your actions lately are very impulsive. You seem to be unable to keep your hands off me," said Hera. 

Hunter didn't know what to say, his brows furrowed as he frowned. His fingers subconsciously scratched his chin. Her direct approach actually made him speechless. He sighed in frustration. Hera watched while he weirdly adjusted his pants. He shoved his hands in his pockets and kind of lifted his pants to readjust them. Hera turned her back to him. It was awkward. 

"I can't bear you and your friends abusing me anymore, Hunter. Please stop before its too late. Can't you see, you're hurting me?" Hera pleaded with her disheartened tone. "Abusing? What the hell, Hera?" She heard him say in an indignant tone before he held her arm and pulled her, forcing her to face him. The vertical lines marred the smooth skin on Hunter's forehead as his thick eyebrows furrowed together. Hera could read the disbelief written all over his face. He seemed offended and hurt. 

"When did I abuse you? Give me one example, have I ever raised my hand on you?" He asked in his furious tone. Hera fixed him with her icy glare. "This," she said and gestured at how his fingers gripped her arm, "You keep dragging me as if you're dragging an animal with its leash. Touching me everywhere and kissing me against my will whenever you want. And don't you know, you're obsessed with my hair? You can't resist pulling it," Hera said with a sarcastic sneer. 

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