Fated chaos

Chapter 11: Chapter 10:The Devil Or the Deep Blue Sea

The young boy was never at one place. He was just eight and his nanny had had enough of him. The Kid loved to roam the castle, enter rooms uninvited and particularly curious with new things. Mostly swords. It was a shock even that the king merely salvaged his son from minor injuries instead of major. 

It was like any other Tuesday that the young prince slipped from the nanny's watch and begin his adventure in the castle. The cheeky boy then decided to try something new and go somewhere he had never been. A place forbidden by his father not to go.

The king and the house servants thought that the boy never knew where the strategy room was, but they had greatly misunderstood the boy for he had been waiting patiently for the day after he had memorized his father's footsteps by heart.

Left. Right. Across the hallway then right. Alas! At once he knew he was there. The door was just like any other leading to different rooms in the castle, but this one had an emblem of it. A circle, in it a single flower in field with cherry red tops. It was a lotus flower, a red one.

The boy got closer and he knew he was in luck.His worst fear upon arriving, a locked door. But a smile crept on his face as he saw the opening as clear as day,a slight crack for it was not fully closed. It was then he heard noise inside, he leaned closer. It was a conversation, it was his father with another man.


"The east is resilient sire" he heard the man say.

"The easteners are brave with skilled archers and men but few and very proud. All we need to do is strike with more men. Split the army into two, one to take them head on. The other to flank them from around and surround them."

"We can't flank them from closer range sire, they would notice us within seconds."

"That is why you will take the longer route all the way from the south stone wall village."

"My lord that could take days before the second army arrives. The first would be long dead."

"They need to hold on. The easteners are proud they will take their time before thinking about finishing the battle. That will be our wild card."

"But sire, the men are demoralized, they are questioning the reason for this war."

"What do you mean reason for war."

"The rumors, my king of your wife's demise."

Cole's heart skipped a beat for a second as he leaned to the door. 'Mother' he muttered under his breath.

"What are you trying to say, commander Howli?"

"Did you do it, sire?"

Cole's ears perked up as his took a peek through the small opening. The door was not closed fully. His father was standing his hands holding the sides of a table. Dominic lotus's eyes were narrowed into slits as one could feel the Deathly aura from him.

"So what if I did. She was a traitor just like you." It happened quick, Dominic had swung the sycthe as it slashed Howli across the chest. He jumped high as he brought the sycthe down with him aiming for the kill. Howli snapped fast from the realization as he kicked the table before him and skidded to the side.

"Sire..." too late. The sycthe was swung to his side and he ducked jumping back.

"Fight back!" Dominic shouted rather furious. It was then he noticed that the king's eyes shone with another light. It was a dark purplish hue that radiated with deathly aura.

"Sire, what happened to you."

The king swung and the commander evaded. This kept on going utill the end of the curved blade wounded Howli on the left arm. He had no choice, he had to fight back against the own king. He drew his sword. 

"That's more like it!"

Howli then noticed something off. The sycthe seemed to pulsate with power as mini Shockwave blew from it. He realized something as the king swung and he blocked with sword.

Dominic was becoming faster as the strikes became stronger. The blade pulsed even more, as the shock waves grew darker with purplish hue. It was then... Bang! The blade cracked as the sycthe smashed against it.

"Any last words commander."

"May the gods be with you."

"Fine then."

He bent his back backwards as he thrust the sycthe sideways. It was a clean smooth cut as the head spiraled to the side. 

Cole flung to the side upon seeing the sight as he stumbled down. A noise surely had caught the attention. He slowly leaned his head and took a peek. He saw it, purple eyes stared back at him. He turned and and ran as fast as possible. 

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