Football singularity

Chapter 9: Free

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'Thanks' Seeing a small google map floating in front of me I wasted no time following it as I have a good fifty Kilometers to cover. If I was walking it would be a good 11 hours before I reached my destination but thanks to the bike I should be able to cut that in half.

It's gonna be a long journey, I guess this is what they mean when they talk about taking it one step at a time. Well with me it's more like a pedal at a time, it's all semantics in the end, and I'm not gonna be a big fan at the end of this.

First things first let's get as far away from her as possible. I did just that as I hightailed it on my bike as fast as my body would naturally let me. If I'm being honest I think I was still scared that those monsters masquerading as dogs would get loose any second and continue the hunt for little old me.

The map led me through a trail along the countryside, although it was dark I could still recognise the subtle beauty of the country. There were mostly trees and the occasional tobacco fields along the way, I did see a lot of horses and cattle which surprised me if I'm being honest. I recon the countryside looks quite calming during the day, what with all the nature and little as possible industrial impact on the occasional forests.

It felt like this was the system's way of making me get some cardio in and it seems like I really need it my breathing is starting to get really rugged. I was sweating buckets here and it felt like my body was in overdrive as all my muscles felt active and burning like a car whose engine is about to overheat. Two hours into the journey every bone in my body felt like it was made of lead and It was a struggle just to continue lifting my legs.

I felt like I was fighting an uphill battle at this point and my whole body was telling me to just give up and relax to take a rest. But I knew if I took a break right now I won't be able to push myself to keep going through this torture so I just gritted my teeth and fought through the pain, even if the ground started to look really comfortable at some point in the journey.


After around five or so hours of nonstop pedalling, I got to a diner and decided to stop to get some breakfast, because most of my journey had been powered through by sheer determination and willpower.

At some point, my left shoulder started feeling numb and when I came to a stop I finally started feeling the weird sensation. It felt like I had slept on it with how much like dead weight it felt, except it wasn't getting back to normal any time soon.

I parked the bike at the side of the diner, the outside of the building was coloured with white paint that seemed to have seen better days and had red tiles on the roof which could also use a coat of paint. There was a big neon green mike lighting up on the windows, I guess that's the guy that owns the joint then.

I wasted about a few seconds looking at the flickering mike logo that looked like it would give up on shining any second now. Before promptly walking into the joint, the place was deserted except for the waitress at the counter so I sat down in an empty booth by the window and checked out the menu. Oh, what I wouldn't give for an English breakfast right about now, with some hash brown and some smoky bacon.

It didn't take long till the only waitress in the place approached me with a smile which made no sense this early in the morning. She looked to be in her mid-twenties and had a yellow worn-down name tag with the name Lana printed on it, she was around 1.70 m with brown eyes, and she had shoulder-length black hair to finish the look.

She was wearing a beige colour uniform and a black skirt which honestly did her beauty no justice. "Hello, what can I get for you?" she asked in a friendly tone as she beamed a smile towards me. Guess the saying that clothes don't make the woman does apply here, as her personality seemed to be a total contrast to the dull employee uniform.

The menu was written in Spanish and with the time I've spent here in my past life, it was easy to understand after giving it a once over I settled on what I wanted.

"I'll get the toast with scrambled eggs and a cup of tea to go with it please," I answered her with a smile on my face as she wrote down my order on her notepad. It's no Full English breakfast but considering that it looks like this body hasn't had a proper meal in a few days it will do.

"Excuse me can I use your toilet?" I asked her before she could turn around because I really need to check out my shoulder this numb feeling is starting to bug me.

"yes of course it's just over there to the left," She told me while she pointed towards the far end of the counter.

"Thank you" I answered her before making my way towards the bathroom following the direction she pointed out.


I took off my hoodie to get a better look at my shoulder, and all I saw was the dried-over blood that has been running down my arm all night. I turned on the cold water and started slowly washing off the blood, it stung when the water got onto the claw marks.

I ripped up my shirt before tying it around the wound to create some pressure on it. After completing my little medical procedure I put my hoodie back on and splashed some water on my face. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I saw myself smiling, even though I was in so much pain from the claw mark and loss of blood all I could do was smile.

{maybe you've finally gone crazy} Eva chimed in with a teasing voice as she commented on my smile, it seems she is still angry with the Siri comment from earlier.

'Well If insanity is the price for freedom, I'll pay the piper any time of the week' I answered her as the smile on my face fully bloomed before I headed back to my seat.

It didn't take long for Lana to come with my scrambled eggs with a toast and a cup of tea, it honestly surprised me how she was carrying all of it.

I gave her a fifty-dollar note because she was giving me the look that you get when they're not sure if you can foot the bill. That seemed to work as she beamed me a smile before turning around and starting to hum a tune. She really is way too happy at five in the morning, guess some people are just morning people.

I started munching down on the eggs while enjoying the tea as I contemplated my next move now that I have gained a sliver of freedom.


The clock read 6:30 am when I finished my food, looking out the window I caught a glimpse of the sunrise which was just peaking over the horizon. The morning dew was still hanging in the air outside guess I didn't notice it during my journey here.

After I gathered my thoughts together I quickly made my way outside making sure to thank Lana for the breakfast. Luckily for me, my bike was still there so I quickly took off towards Havan, wanting to get there as early as possible to stake out the going merry.

Pedalling down the open road made me feel kinda weird especially when the morning traffic started zooming past me. I got some odd looks from some drivers who felt like I was wasting their time, oh and they let me know it by honking like maniacs whilst zooming past me.

I finally spotted the wide ocean after an hour of nonstop honking that almost drove me crazy. The air had a slightly salty aftertaste to it and the sky was being overcrowded by pigeons and seagulls fighting each other for breakfast.

The Havan pier was surprisingly buzzing at eight in the morning, with fishermen unloading ships or leaving for an honest day's of work.

"Let us Find the going Merry," I muttered to myself as I started cruising along the pier.

[An: Almost didn't write this chapter, but I thought it was important to the story so I hope you enjoyed the read.]





[Mass Release Goals]

[ A Magic Castle = One extra Chapter]

[ Two Magic Castle = Two extra Chapter]

To Be Continued...

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