For My King

Chapter 17: 17| Cloud the Ghost Hunter

King Adonis

Whilst I stared at the parliament members debating whether or not it would be a wise idea to change the budget for agriculture, I had an epiphany. What if I just never explained to Cloud who I really was? What if I just played along until he got to know me better?

It was a fact that I did not have much friends because of my position as King. Sure I had 'friends' but could one really call them that. Most of them were 'yes men' that just wanted to please me because I could throw them into a prison cell if I wanted too.

Apollo and Ezekiel were truly my greatest friends, even though my brother was extremely annoying he was my best friend. I figured befriending Cloud would not be a terrible idea, I enjoyed his company, the fact he was forever suspicious and incredibly dense was extremely entertaining. He did not seem like the type of person to say yes just because.

Plus the fact he was nice to look at it was an added bonus. I just had to make sure the day I did reveal who I truly was I had to control the narrative and make sure it was in a way he would understand.

"Can we leave?" Apollo whispered to me snapping me out of my thoughts, "they probably won't notice."

I stared at my brother and rolled my eyes at him. We normally never complained about sitting hours upon hours in the parliament but today just seemed to be draining. Maybe it was because we were in a room filled with people that were a decade or more, older than us.

At times they could drag a simple issue on for hours just because they felt they had nothing better to do.

"Adonis end this, any way your decision is final. This democracy thing will keep us here until the early morning," he whined but making sure to keep a composed expression so that none of them noticed our gossip.

"You know I can't simply do that," I frowned, "They'd be all prissy about it."

"Just make something up. My ass is becoming one with the chair," I could practically see the tears of boredom forming in his eyes as he looked at me.

With a sigh I stood up alerting the whole room of ministers and government officials that I had made a decision, "Thank you for your insights on the issue but I have come to the decision that the budget will stay the same for this year as it has for the past three years."

"But my King the funds," the Minister of Agriculture complained.

I tilted my head and looked at him in surprise. My decision was never up for debate, "I think we can find room in the final budget. Maybe we can cancel the luxury cars and private jets to make more room for the budget."

Apollo pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing at the man's reaction.

The minister opened and closed his mouth clearly not knowing what to say, "of course my King."

"Exactly now since the decision has been made we can end the day early. Please have a restful day," I smiled.

They all stood up and bowed, "Of course Our King."

Apollo and I curtly bowed to show respect before leaving the room.

As we drove back to the Palace, Apollo deliberately turned his body so he was facing me. Just from his smile I knew he was about to stress me. "Whatever you're about to say think long and hard if it's appropriate before I push you out of this car."

"For the King you are so violent. Lead by example Adonis," he rolled his eye and clasped his hands, "Are you going to see Cloud tonight?"

I dramatically sighed and prayed I would keep my sanity for just a bit longer, "No."

"Why not!" he pouted immediately and looked at me as if I was an idiot, "I thought you liked him."

"You like him!" Ezekiel screamed from the driver's seat. I had completely forgotten he was driving us today and unlike my usual driver he did not know how to keep his opinion to himself.

"He even lied to him and told him his name was Ezekiel," Apollo blabbered like a house wife who had found out juicy drama.

"Adonis, are you crazy?" Ezekiel looked back at me causing the car to swerve to oncoming traffic. Apollo and I screamed before he quickly went back to the right side of the road.

"Focus on driving!" Apollo yelled as he placed his hand over his heart as he tried to calm down his frantic heartbeat

"You do realize that was a dumb decision," he yelled. Told you he was not a 'yes man'. "What if he traces this back to me?"

"He won't, because I don't plan on seeing him again," I stressed.

"You just sound like someone who has not gotten laid in a while," Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Probably because he hasn't. When was the last time? You were twenty-five yeah, with that Princess from Bulgaria," Ezekiel chuckled.

"Oh I remember her," Apollo nudged me with his shoulder and wiggled his eyebrows, "you barely slept."

"Don't remind me. I've been too busy and Cloud is not gay."

"He looks pretty gay to me," Ezekiel shrugged.

"And how would you even know that?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Gay-dar duh," he chuckled.

"You have to be queer in order to detect that," I sighed. I was literally surrounded by airheads. "Nothing will ever happen between Cloud and I, and that is final."

"This isn't parliament idiot. You are going to see Cloud tonight, I forbid you from not seeing him," who the hell did Apollo think he was?

Hours later there I was sitting under our family tree after being bullied by Apollo and Ezekiel. I was pretty sure if I did not willingly walk over by myself they would have dragged me kicking and screaming. So there I was sitting with a pout as I waited for Cloud to appear. Within minutes I heard footsteps behind me.

"Good evening Cloud," I quickly stood up and smiled.

"Hi Ezekiel," he smiled but I could tell something was off. He looked at me shyly with a slight blush. Maybe he could see me better tonight?

"You look nice today," I chuckled as he laid his equipment on the floor. It was true. Tonight he had put in more effort into his appearance. He was dressed in a thick white hoodie and light blue jeans that hugged his legs, with blue converses.

"Thank you," he smiled nervously and continued to dig in his bag. A sound from behind us grabbed my attention for a few seconds. When I looked up to the Palace I noticed Apollo and Ezekiel peeking through the window.

My heart nearly fell when I noticed a flash. The idiots were taking pictures of us. Though my shock was short lived when I smelt a burning substance from behind me. When I turned around I noticed Cloud pointing what seemed to be burning leaves in my direction. "What… are you burning something?" I asked in shock.

"It's a test for the plants," he laughed and just from the look on his face I knew he was trying to make something up, "I wanted to… umm check their carbon intake."

"I think you would need a controlled environment in order to do that," I tilted my head to the side and walked past him to one of the trees.

"Would you like a fruit salad?"

"You're offering me food?" I laughed once again. I had no idea what had happened to Cloud but he was acting extremely strange. It was like he was both extremely careful around me and nervous. Maybe he figured out that I was lying about my identity.

"Yes, aren't you hungry?" He chuckled softly.

I kept quiet for a few seconds before answering. To say I was in shock was an understatement but none the less I did not want to be rude, "I guess so."

"I have a more berry kind and a more mango infused fruit salad. Which one would you like?" he took out the two bowls with individually wrapped utensils.

"Berries. They're my favorite." He handed me the bowl and we sat down. Distance between us again as we ate silently. "So why the sudden night picnic? Is this some sort of date?"

My teasing must have shocked him as he started choking. After he had composed himself he cleared his throat and laughed, "I don't date ghosts."

I nearly dropped the bowl in my hands once he had said that. Here I was thinking he had figured out I was lying about my identity but in reality he thought I was a supernatural being! Even though it was unexpected, it was highly amusing.

"Wait you think I'm a ghost?" I crackled up and laid down on the grass unable to sit straight from how hard I was laughing.

"Well it only makes sense. You only come out at night and I don't even know what position you work in at the Palace. Plus one of my friends said the same thing…" he was rambling at that point and even though I was still in amazement I was surprised he had told his friends about me.

"You told one of your friends about me?"

"Yes, then I also told Gino who told me I should just let it go, but once I have something in my head it's hard to let it go," he scratched the back of his head seeming to be filled with regret.

"Gino? The Royal publicist?" I often had meetings with Gino Lauren and I was surprised he was friends with Cloud. He was so composed and professional it made sense why he had shut the idea down.


"Hmm interesting," I shrugged, "Well to answer you. I work close with the Royal family. You have nothing to worry about. I am very much alive."

"Well that's good. It would have been a shame. You are a very nice person."

"Thank you very much Cloud," when I noticed another flash from the window I knew I had to stop them. If he noticed it he would figure out that I was not the Royal guard I had portrayed myself to be. "I have to leave, do not fear I'm not going to wonder off into a cemetery or something," I stood up and stood next to him since he was still sitting down. "Have a goodnight Cloud. I look forward to our next meet."

He seemed surprised I had ruffled his hair as he stared up at me with large eyes like an amazed little boy and smiled, "Goodnight Ezekiel. Sorry about the whole ghost thing."

"It's understandable. I can be a bit mysterious. Thank you for the fruit salad it was delicious."

"My pleasure."

With that I nodded and hurriedly walked back to the house to kill Apollo and Ezekiel.

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