For My King

Chapter 19: [Bonus chapter] 19| The Uncomfortable Truth

King Adonis

Today was the day of the Royal party and even though I was the King, I was a bit nervous. Not due to the fact I would have to interact with people but due to the fact I would be seeing Cloud for the first time during the day. I knew it would be the first time he would see me as well so the pressure to impress in a way was high.

The party would take place in a few hours, therefore whilst everyone was too distracted with preparations I snuck off to the garden and placed another note for Cloud. I felt terrible I was doing this to him but in the end it would all make sense. He just had to bear with me.

"Adonis, do you think I should wear the blue dress or the yellow one?" Iris walked into my room carrying two large dresses she was too tiny to carry.

"Why don't you have help?" I rushed to her and took them from her.

"I didn't feel like I needed it," she huffed and smiled at me. "So tell me the yellow or blue one?"

"I think the blue one. It has always been your colour," I smiled as we compared the dresses.

"You think so?" she looked into the mirror as I held the dress in front of her, "I think you're right. I tried to ask Apollo but his sense of style is as lame as well himself."

I chuckled and walked back with her to her room where a whole team of stylists were waiting to start with her. "Are you going to wear the jewellery I got for you?"

"Of course. It's too beautiful for the world not to see," she gushed, "I can't thank you enough," she hugged me tightly.

"Anything for you Iris," I kissed her forehead and she playfully swayed forcing me to dance with her. I sighed since we were in front of royal staff and being the King I always had to be a proper. Yet during these rare occasions when I loved seeing Iris so happy I happily danced with her with no music playing just because we could.

"Iris I have to go get ready," I laughed as she attempted to moonwalk.

"Go, go we will continue with the party," she giggled as the other women and men in the room cheered her on. I simply laughed and kissed her forehead one last time then left to go back to my room.

My own cosmetic team came along, giving me a haircut, making sure my eyebrows were a mathematic miracle and helping me pick out a suit. I debated with myself if I should have shaved or let my under shave reign supreme, I chose the latter. Plus Iris always insisted it made me look more handsome.

By the time I was done I was confident I would knock the socks off Cloud's feet. We waited for all of the guests to arrive before making our appearance. When we walked out to the garden my eyes were searching for Cloud. At first I could not see him anywhere until I stood at the podium and made my speech.

He stood next to what seemed to be his parents; the resemblance was high. I wondered how I had not noticed his father was our Royal Chef. Now that they stood next to one another it was so painfully obvious. He seemed to look at me with a daze and a lazy smile. I wondered what he thought of me.

I wished I could speak to him first but it would seem a bit odd for me to ignore everyone and go straight to him. Yet as my siblings and I mingled about I always kept an eye out for him. I always made sure to keep him in my line of vision and at some point I really grew bored of being the 'King'.

What worried me was the interaction between Cloud and his friend. I later found out from one of my staff that his name as Adriano. He was some millionaire from a large business network here in Kommos. They continuously laughed and teased each other slightly putting me over the edge.

Had Cloud failed to notify me he was dating someone? If they were why did he feel that he could not? From then on my mood was slightly dampened and I could tell Apollo had noticed.

"What's going on? You look like you just saw someone kick your puppy," Apollo chuckled as we had a short moment alone.

"I think Cloud is dating the man he is with," I sighed.

Apollo stared at them for a few seconds then smiled, "It's his best friend."

"How would you know?" I frowned. Apollo always loved to play with my feelings.

"I did a background check," he shrugged like it was a normal thing to do.


"What?" he shrugged, "If my brother is going to like someone after almost ten years I had to make sure the person had a clean background."

"How didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you would have the same reaction you are having now," he chuckled. Whilst we continued talking I noticed Iris walk away from the crowd and towards our family tree. At the same moment, Apollo noticed Cloud at the tree getting my note.

We looked at each other with large eyes then quickly rushed over towards them. It was obvious something was going on by how hard Iris was blushing and Cloud was smiling from ear to ear.

"Iris you need to stop sneaking away," I calmly said hoping the slight panic in my voice could not be heard, as I climbed down the small hill with Apollo by my side.

Iris sighed and looked back at us with a slightly irritated glare, "I know I just wanted to speak to Cloud." I was surprised she even knew who he was. From what I knew they had never met. How in the world did she figure out who he was before I did?

Cloud bowed as we approached him and I just found him to be so beautiful. In the sunlight he practically seemed to glow and I would be lying if I said my heart did not swoon.

"Cloud Belmont, lovely to meet you," I shook his soft hand. Everything about Cloud was so delicate that I worried I might hurt him if I was too rough. He seemed a bit shocked I had so easily shook his hand.

"The honor is all mine, Your Highness," he smiled with flushed cheeks.

I was amazed he wore the necklace so publicly. It looked even better on him during the day. I would never regret getting it for him but I just hoped Iris did not notice it. She knew jewelry better than any of us and she was incredibly smart. She would easily piece together that the necklace was from Sweden and we had just come back from there. "Your work with the plants always amazes us. You are truly a talented scientist."

"Thank you, I love what I do for a profession," he answered.

"It shows. Will you be travelling to the other side of the island for the new species they found next week?" Apollo asked obviously detecting I was stuck in a love trance and could barely form a sentence.

"Yes, next week Tuesday." My heart fell a bit. I knew he was an employee but I would have much rather preferred he stayed by my side.

"Excellent, if you need anything do not be afraid to ask. We will have a meeting on your findings when you return," I grinned.

"Of course my King," he nodded.

"Come on Iris we have a lot of people to speak to," I turned to face my pouting sister. I had a feeling Iris had a little crush on Cloud. Unlike myself she was unable to hide how she felt when she felt it. I already knew I was going to hear about this later.

"Can't I just speak to Cloud for a few minutes? I need a break," she groaned and slouched her shoulders.

I placed my hand gently under my sisters chin and raised it so she was standing up straight again, "Be good Iris you have responsibilities." I knew she hated having to handle Royal duties and it always took some convincing for her to cooperate, but I knew she just wanted to stay so she could talk to her crush longer.

"I know but…"

"I'll make sure you get that ice-cream you love if you continue for a few more hours," I smiled.

"Fine. Bye Cloud I hope to see you soon," she smiled and gave him a small wave. I could tell he found our interaction unique by how he smiled. Why did Iris love to put me in difficult situations?

"Did you enjoy the party?" I asked Cloud as he continued to try to keep himself awake. I could tell the party had drained him and he was finding it difficult to not just fall asleep next to me.

"I don't really like such large gatherings, but it was nice to meet the Royals," He spoke softly. I was pleased he had enjoyed our short interaction.

"What did you think of them?"

His face flushed for a few seconds as he smiled softly. "I think Princess Iris is extremely beautiful." It bothered me slightly but I knew my sister was beautiful. I did not expect him to tell me that I or Apollo were beautiful.

"And the King and Prince?" I chuckled.

"The King was surprisingly nice. He is huge though I felt like an ant compared to him." Out of all the things in the world he mentioned my size. "He wants us to have a meeting next week when I come back from my mini expedition. I don't know how I'm going to handle that. He is intimidating."

"Just be yourself. He is not as bad as you think." If only he knew.

"When can I see you?" He asked suddenly becoming serious. I frowned when I realized he was disappointed he had not seen me today. I had no idea how I could explain myself to him.

"Cloud, the position I am in is not something you would want to involve yourself with. It is better if we keep things this way. It's for your own good," truly if he involved himself with me there would be so many terms and conditions he would wish he had not. As the King I had to uphold a certain imagine.

Even though in our country it was completely normal to be a part of the lgbtq+ community, as a Royal for whatever reason it was not completely 'normal'. Even if I wanted to take my relationship further with Cloud I had to not be selfish. Would he be able to cope with being the King's boyfriend? I suspected he would not. He hated social gatherings as it was, I had no idea how he would cope with the lifestyle.

Even though I wanted him I technically could not have him and that was the uncomfortable truth.

"But it's not fair," he pouted. He sounded incredibly whiny and I could not help but smile. Even though I could not show my affection for him in public, I would cherish these small moments we had. I had no idea for long they would last but I would make the most of them until the day they stopped.

"I know Cloud, but most of my life has been filled with unfortunate circumstances I don't want you to be a part of that. The time will come when we can meet like normal people, I promise," I faced him and sat closer to him, "Please be patient with me."

"I will try, and also here's your pen. You're an idiot for leaving it so out in the open," he tossed me my pen and I easily caught it with one hand. I had purposefully left it for him because in a way it was a token of my admiration for him.

"I have dozens of these," I laughed at how clueless he was, "in fact you could keep it if you wish."

"So people can think I stole it? No thank you. I'm too soft for jail," he shook his head quickly. I was crushing on an idiot.

"I insist. If it stops you from being upset with me. I can't take it when you're upset."

"That's blackmail Ezekiel. I should report you to the King," he smirked thinking his threat would scare me.

"I'm so scared," I teased. I had no idea what had possessed me but I stood up then sat behind him. His body was between my legs as I wrapped my arms around him. I just wanted to hold him. "Thank you for agreeing to see me tonight."

"It's not like I had much of a choice," he sighed and allowed himself to rest his back against my chest.

"You always have a choice with me. I'll never force you to do anything you don't want to," I said softly just above his ear. Everyone thought because I was the King they had to do what I asked but in reality they had a choice. I never wanted Cloud to feel like he had to like me back because of that as well.

"I'll take your stupid pen if it stops you from being all soft," he rolled his eyes.

"I'm feeling sappy today," I teased and squeezed him tighter.

"Yeah right." We both laughed and continued to talk about what he had experienced at the party. I wished that moment would never end. Just he and I cuddled under the stars.

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