Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

Chapter 50: Chapter 50: The Walk

Daenerys walked with Sansa and Arya beside her, the dark-haired girl was trying to maintain her eagerness, she was a faceless man, but Dany could feel her anxiety of what was about to happen. In the sky Ella let out a torrent of fire making a wave of heat fall above the Dothraki camp. 


That is helping to keep unwanted people away too, the Khaleesi stopped. "What are we doing here?" Sansa questioned looking around. 


Dany eyes went to Arya then back at her, the cold wasn't much of a problem, it seemed that since the arrival of all the dragons and their army the cold seemed to lower a little, to help them get warm, her people were doing what they always did best.


"Oh wow…" Sansa eyes widened a bit seeing what was happening around them. Daenerys nodded at Arya, taking the decision, she nodded back.


"This." The Khaleesi snapped her fingers.


From the left and right, her Khas appeared surrounding them. 


"What are they doing?" 


"Go. Take it off." She ordered in Dothraki. 


Sansas eyes widened when the men held her. "Daenerys! What is this?! Arya! Do something!" She fought but was in vain. Knifes were drawn and the redhead was held still, shortly after, the sound of clothes being teared reach their ears, Dany's eyes went over Arya, who was biting her lip.


"What? No!" Sansa tried to stop them, her dress was quickly destroyed leaving her bare and her boots were taken, a pair of sandals was put on her feet. 


Daenerys walked to Sansa and held her face, her flushed face. "Sansa, you know neither of us would never hurt you." 


The woman blinked, her chest raising and lowering, her nipples hard with the cool air. "Yes… but- but, but why?" 


Dany shrugged. "We want to have a good time." She pointed at Arya with her head.


She frowned. "A-Arya?"


Arya looked down and swallowed, she marched till her sister making Dany step aside. "Oh." Her brow lifted when Arya held Sansa's face pressing their lips, the older sister took a few seconds to respond the kiss, but she kissed back. 


"You know I would never let anything happen to you." She murmured pecking her sister's lips and gaining a nod. "Trust us." Arya moved back.


"O… Kay!" Dany clapped her hands, eyes going between the Stark sisters, her khas spun Sansa and one of them slapped her bum making her give a tiny jump. 


"You're going to walk to the middle of the camp." Daenerys informed her walking to her side. 


"Wha-what?! No!" She stuttered. "This is basically a walk of shame!" 


Dany frowned.


Well, technically yes.


"It's not, do you see people throwing stuff on you? Do you see a septa? No. Look around you Sansa, nobody gives a single fuck for you being naked." The princess gave the Stark a little squeeze on the bum. 


Looking around, Sansa's eyes went to the people who were close, they were a few women with their tits out, and some men and women fucking. Taking a deep breath, she nodded meekly. She was going to say something, but someone interrupted.


"Honestly Daenerys, why you keep putting me aside for the fun things." The husky voice from a woman she knew well came from behind her. "Oh?" Ari raised a brow seeing Sansa's currently situation.


"How did you know we were here?" Dany asked.


Arianne crossed her arm. "Your husband, I know how to extract information from a man, Dany." Her lips raised. 


"Hmm. Anyways, you're free to join us." She waved. "And you, move." Dany hushed Sansa.


The redhead gulped, one of her Khas went ahead guiding her. As the Stark walked, the princess bit her lips watching Sansa's soft arse shake, Arya followed her sister and Dany went behind her.


"So, what are you doing?" Ari intertwined their arms.


Daenerys leaned close to Arianne. "Arya has a kink, she's attracted to her sister, and likes to see her being humiliated." She whispered.


A smile appeared on her lover's face. "Oooo, I guess that she isn't just to simply walk to the middle of the camp." Her eyes shined.


"You will see." She hummed. 


As they walked deeper into her camp, more people started to appear, tents, bonfires, circles of fighting and more people fucking. Dany poked her finger on Ari's arm and nodded at the Dothraki walking on Sansa's direction.


"Remember, she's safe." She whispered, but it was loud enough to Arya to hear.


The horsemen passed Sansa and gave her buttcheeks a harsh slap, the girl grunted and ignored it. They continued for a couple of meters before men walked in their direction, this time they didn't passed by Sansa. She stopped staring at both men. The two stared down at her body before exchanging a few words.


Their hands went to her body, one passing his hand in her tits and the other on her bum. "I'm about to take my clothes off too." Ari murmured.


Dany held back a snicker. Sansa let a little whimper when one hand went to her cunt and a finger entered her pussy, Daenerys let the duo have their moment with her for a minute.


"Push them off." She ordered her Khas, the five men pushed the two and pushed Sansa to walk again. 


Making their way to her the middle of the camp, her tent was in the center, Dany could see it at far. As they approached their destination, more men and a few women took advantage of Sansa's current state, slaps were given, squeezes, rubs, kisses and even a couple of fingers on her bum. By the time they arrive to their destination, the woman was with her face red in embarrassment.


Daario was waiting for them; she smiled and kissed her lover. "Your grace." He murmured, he pointed to the short wooden stand, Dany made her way up climbing the steps and sitting on a long cushioned bench. Arya sat on her right and Ari on her left, Daario sat beside Ari. Sansa hadn't move, she tried to follow them, but her men held her in place.


Dany intertwined her hands with Arya's, the girl's eyes were black. "You said you would like to see her being lowered, and embarrassed. Everything that happens from now on you can't stop." Arya just wanted her sister to walk through the camp, nothing more, but Dany had other ideas. "Are you sure you want this?" 


Arya looked back at her sister, her eyes stood on her for a few seconds before going to the Khaleesi. Making her decision, she nodded.


"I want to hear." 


She swallowed. "I want this." 


Daenerys smiled brightly, she nodded to her left and seconds later a canvas was put on the ground, her bloodriders appeared a moment later. "Blood of my blood." She stood up drawing the attention. "You followed us too far, far away from your home, you helped us to take the Seven Kingdoms." Her voice echoed; cheers were received. On the corner of her eye, she could see Daario translating to Ari. "You were recompensed with gold and horses, but now I wish to give my brave bloodriders a gift." Daenerys' lips raised. "They will have the red-haired bitch for the night, and they will fuck her in front of every single one of you." 


Her bloodriders looked surprised but smirks appeared in their faces quickly, she heard Ari murmur a 'fuck'. "Celebrate as much you can, because a hard battle with soon come." She finished and sat down. Immediately the drums were hit again, fights started, drinking and sex. 


A soft squeeze on her hand made her head go to the side. "What did you say? What is she going to do?" Arya asked. 


The corner of the princess mouth twitched, she nodded to Sansa. Arya's eyes widened when she saw Qhono, Moro, Rhakaro, Qarqo, Dono surround her sister. "They are going to fuck your sister, in every way possible, if they want to just fuck her mouth they will, if they want just her cunt, they can have, if they wish to fuck her till the dawn, I will allow it." Dany leaned pecking her cheek and felt her hand shake a little. 


The Khaleesi looked at her Khas and called them, the Khas were the ones who had to protect the Khaleesi, so they were all young, just a few years older than herself. Daenerys pointed at Ari with her hand and soon two Dothraki was pulling her to her feet, cushions were put on the side on the bench, so the two took Ari there, two Khas stopped in front of Arya, both eyes' eyes went to their Khaleesi, Dany glanced at the Stark who seemed in deep thought, moments later she nodded, Daenerys smiled giving them the permission. They moved away from her and hopped on the bench that was long and wide enough.


Daario moved closer, one last Khas was in front of her, he was lean and tall, his braid reached his shoulder, and a small mustache reached his lower lip. "Off." She ordered, and began to undress, Daario didn't need to the told, when her eyes landed on him most of his clothes was gone.


The Khas, Rargo was now bare in front of her, his cock brown and soft with tight balls, Dany felt the laces of her dress being loose by Daario, she tapped the bench beside her and Rargo sat down. Her dress got loose and her paramour slid the material down her arms, her tits were now out, her nipples getting hard quickly. "Hmhmm…" She hummed when two mouths got attached to her nipples.


Looking down the stand, a grin formed on her lips, Sansa was on her knees, one cock in her mouth, and one on each hand, Daenerys had to admit, as much Daemon had bedded Sansa and Nym and Ty thought her, she still sucked and stroked cock a little awkward. Daario bit her nipple making her moan, Rargo held her tits and squeezed as he sucked her pink nub.


Daenerys pushed both men from her chest and stood taking the rest of her clothes. "On your back." She said to the Khas, the man laid on the bench and opened his legs, the princess crawled to between them and held his cock, she raised her bum and spread her legs. With a gasp her eyes rolled feeling Daario's soft tongue on her folds. Dany mewled when Daario sucked her clit, she looked up and her eyes locked with Rargo's. 


She wanted to giggle seeing the eager look at his face, with a soft peck on his balls she started her quest, her tongue brushed on his sack till his tip, the Khas shuddered and twitched, the princess wrapped her hand around his soft cock and started to stroke it. 


"Oh yes…" Dany mewled when Daario sucked her clit, his tongue lapped on her folds then entered her.


Looking at Sansa, a grin appeared on her face, Moro pushed all his cock inside her mouth then pulled seconds later, Rhakaro took his place doing the same, the act repeated till each cock was sucked. Dany moaned louder as Daario fucked her with his tongue, the shaft on her hand quickly became hard, wetting her lips, she observed the seven-inch fat cock, Daenerys puckered her lips and spat on the shaft easing her hand movements.


A loud grunt came from her side to her surprise, Arya was on her knees sucking the man's cock, he was sitting on the bench, aiding her head as it went up and down, the other one was feeling her round arsecheeks. The wet sound made her throb, she knew very well what noise, looking with satisfaction at Arya, she drifted her attention to Ari. 


The princess was already busy, she was with her back to the Khas, her hands on his chest and her body going up and down on his long cock, her head turned to the side as sucked the other man, Daenerys throbbed seeing her big tits bouncing. The Khaleesi put her attention back on the cock on her hand, she wrapped her lips around the head and sucked gently, the musky taste making her hum, she ran her tongue around his flesh.


Rargo's hand went to her head pushing her down on his shaft, allowing him to push her head down, she took her hand from his cock and let him bury his dick on her throat, her nose was pressed against his thick pubic hair. Daenerys moaned due the cock deep in mouth and her lover's tongue on her cunt. 


Almost twenty seconds when she started to become breathless and raised her head from his crotch, the Khas moaned as she ran her pink lips around his girth. "You like it don't you?" She teased stroking his cock again.


"Yes." He said roughly.


"This is an honor, your Khaleesi sucking your cock…" She raised her head, stroking him. 


"Rargo is honoured, Khaleesi." He breathed. Dany smirked and took him in her mouth again. Feeling the tongue leave her cunt, she frowned, but quickly whimpered feeling the shaft being pushed inside her. The Khas groaned feeling the vibration of her mouth as Daario buried himself in her and began to fuck her. 


A pained cry came from below the stand, she let go of the cock with a pop and raised a brow seeing Sansa being slapped, Rhakaro was with her on her fours hammering his cock into her, Moro knelt in front of her and held her cheeks, he squeezed making her open her mouth, his cock entered roughly making her gag, her bloodrider he didn't wasted any time, as soon he pushed all in, he started to fuck her mouth. Her other bloodriders stood there around her patiently waiting for their turn while they stroked their cocks lazily.


"Gods…" She heard a gasp, Arya was on her feet with a man behind her pounding into her, she was bended and the other Khas was aiming and pushing his cock on her mouth. 


What was happening to Ari didn't surprised her, her friend was raised in the air by the Dothraki, his hands holding her arsecheeks apart as the other man thrusted into her arsehole, they didn't have any oil here, so she was getting fucked with spit. 


Daenerys smirked when she realized that Sansa would be getting the same treatment, she had the girl prepared and she must have thought that they would do something together.


How wrong. Being fucked by hung bloodriders was definitely not on the Stark girl's mind.


Feeling the cock in her hand stiff then throb, she let a short gasp when the first shot of cum hit her cheek, not wanting to waste any of his seed, she swiftly turned her head and wrapped her lips around the purple cockhead, the salty cum was dumped into her mouth quickly almost filling it. 


Waiting till the last drop, the princess pulled back slowly and then swallowed with one gulp. 


"Slut!" Daario slapped her bum earning a whimper. "You like cum don't you? Whore." He gripped her arse tightly. 


Daenerys gritted her teeth, pleasure filling her body. "Yes, I'm a whore, I love cum." She said through her teeth turning her head back at him, Daario growled and speed up. The Khas moved and walked away.


Her sellsword slapped her bum and twitched. "I'm close." He murmured. She nodded and started to move against him, their skin slapping.


A few moments passed before her paramour squeezed her flesh, he moaned, and she felt the hot spunk being shot inside her, Dany hummed and pressed her bum against him crotch, five ropes of cum was left inside her, Daario twitched one more time and pulled back his softening cock. She got on her knees and turned to him, she kissed him briefly and stood up.


Feeling his seed starting to run down her walls, she quickly looked at Ari, the princess was reversely riding the man, with a small smile she walked till her husband's paramour and held her hair, Arianne hissed, the Khaleesi supported herself on the other Khas and put her leg on the woman's shoulder.


"Clean me." Dany commanded, Ari's eyes got darker and, in a blink, she was with her tongue on Daenerys' cunt sucking Daario's cum, Dany moaned feeling the eager tongue lapping on her sex.


Seconds later Dany backed away, any remains of her lover's seed was gone. Moving away from Ari, she turned to Arya, and it seemed to be right in time, the Khas behind the girl was with his mouth agape and head back with his cock buried on Arya's pussy, the other man was the same, eyes tracing down, a smirk appeared on the princess's face when she saw Arya's throat moving up and down.


Doing her best to swallow his cum.


After both men finished, they pulled away. The she wolf gasped and coughed, a drop of cum leaking down her chin, Arya breathed and sat down breathlessly on the bench. The silver haired woman saw the cum starting to leak from girl's cunt and couldn't hold herself, Daenerys walked till Ary and crouched, she held her legs apart taking her by surprise. "Wha…". Arya tried to say but a moan escaped her mouth at the same time. Dany shoved her tongue on Arya's tight entrance and started to lap her tongue on it drinking the juices from the girl and the Khas.


Dany hummed tasting their combine juices, she swallowed and pulled her head back, giving Arya's clit a peck, the girl flinched. The princess got to her feet and sat down beside Arya. "Did you enjoyed yourself?" Dany grinned at her.


The Stark girl blinked and let a breath, taking her by surprise, Ary leaned and kissed her deeply, doing her best to give the girl a good kiss, she kissed back eagerly. 


"I think this answer my question." She murmured seconds later when the two of them had to break the kiss due the lack of air. Eyes going to Sansa again, her brow raised. "I think you will like this very much." Dany hummed nodding down the stand, Arya moved her head to look at her sister, her eyes went wide.


Sansa was being raised by Moro, he swiftly lowered her on his cock and held her arsecheeks apart. "Uhh…" Dany grimaced.


"What?" Arya questioned.


"Qhono is the one who will be fucking her arse." 


Arya frowned, then narrowed her eyes at the cock of the man who was behind her sister. "Oh." She said after seeing the thickness of the Bloodrider. "Is… is she going to be fine?" 


Licking her lips seeing Qhono pass his spit on his cock then on Sansa rosebud, the princess said. "Uhum, she will get used to it, the first time he fucked me on the arse I couldn't seat the other day," She chuckled. "I fear that your dear sister will have to be carried out the camp after my bloodriders finish with her." Dany was dripping, she hadn't cum yet. Arya nodded; eyes fixed on her sister.


Sansa let a little yelp and gritted her teeth as the thick man pushed his shaft on her little bum, Daemon told her that he had fucked his cousin in the arse, so it wouldn't be that hard for her. Deciding that she also wanted to cum, the former Queen stood up and walked down the stand, looking around her eyes landed on a bulk and tall horse lord who was stroking his cock and watching Sansa getting fucked. "You, come here and fuck your Khaleesi." Daenerys called the man.


His hand stopped and his eyes went wide, but he didn't waste any time, Dany turned around and waited for the strange man, she raised her bum a little, feeling a rough hand on her waist, his cock entered her a second later, he was long but not much thick, after he buried himself in her, he held her arms and let her lean forward, quickly the man began to thrust.


Arianne moaned loudly, the princess was on her hands and knees being fucked by the other Khas, her tits jiggling wildly. Arya was with her hand rubbing her clit slowly while watching her sister get used. 


Daenerys got fucked by the man for ten whole minutes, and watched her men fuck the redhead. It was quite eventful for Sansa, Moro and Qhono worn Sansa out, when they came deep in her, they simply tossed her to Qarqo and Dono, one man laid on the floor with Sansa above him, the other knelt behind her and penetrated her red gapping arse, Qhono did quite the number on her. Both men went for amost fifteen minutes, Sansa had come too in between those moments.


To get themselves distracted and pleased while Sansa was busy, Dany, Arya and Ari fucked the Khas and Daario again, neither of them not taking their eyes from Sansa. 


When Qhono and Dono finished, Rhakaro took place, putting the woman on her fours thrusting into her red cunt. He also went for another ten minutes. 


After he was done, and had stuffed her with cum, he pushed her forward making her fall flatly, from her spot Dany could see the slap marks, her bum and her face were all with handprints, Sansa's rosebud was red and gapping leaking cum, just like her cunt.


Sansa had been used by her Bloodriders.


When the Khas finished, she let they rest for a bit, Daenerys looked at her blBodriders, each of them recovered and with their cocks pointing to sky again. With a smirk on her face, she ordered them to take another round on Sansa. With firm nods and grins on their faces, they gladly obeyed. 


Dany observed as Arya watched her sister weak body being picked up and put atop Moro, his back on the canvas and Sansa's back on his chest, he aimed and pushed his shaft on her bum, Qhono got in position in between her legs and entered her pussy, Rhakaro went to their side griping her red hair tightly and making her suck his cock.


"You want them to sto-"


"No." Arya cutted her off, holding back a chuckle, Dany called Daario and instructed her paramour to suck Arya's cunt. The stark moaned and grasped his hair firmly, her sister getting fucked and the mouth on her sensitive sex making pleasure take over her body.


Her bloodriders continued till a point that Moro told Qhono to stop, the man grinned and took his cock from Sansa's bum, he pressed his shaft against Qhono's and forced his way inside Sansa's entrance, whining and whimpering with two cocks on her pussy, the red head came with a silent moan, well, she couldn't make any sound, Rhakaro was still on her mouth. But it wasn't for much long, as soon he felt the vibration of her mouth, he spills his spunk on her tongue. After that, he made her swallow. 


Moro and Qhono went for five more minutes till they came on her cunt at the same time. Tossing her to the side, Qarqo picked up the barely conscious Sansa and put her on her back, he raised her legs and aimed his shaft into her puckered hole, he fucked her bum for the same time the former men did, Dono was right after, the same hole for the same time.


"Ugh! Stop! Stop! Stop!" Arya's body shook and she pushed Daario away, her toes were curled and her hands in fists. Her lover moved away and she gave him a short peck, waiting till Arya's orgasm passed she looked down at Sansa, she was barely conscious, her breathing deep and her eyes millimetres of getting close. Daenerys hummed in satisfaction, she had been fucked till she passed out before, a treat from her bloodriders, it was tiresome, the amount of pleasure, and the action. If she wasn't wrong Sansa had came three or fours times and she was not used to this type of activities, so it was understandable the girl being on the verge of passing out.


Getting ready to call the night off, she opened her mouth.


"Khaleesi." Rargo said, she looked at him.




"Me, and the blood of my blood want to fuck the redhead." He asked, apprehension on the eyes of the five men, with Daemon at the same place as them, they were more respectful and afraid.


The Khaleesi frowned in thought. Glancing over Arya, who was raising herself with the help of her elbows. "The Khas want a round with Sansa, it's your call." She said.


Arya's eyes went to the men then to her sister, a few seconds passed and she nodded. "They can have it… but just on her cunt." She said tiredly. Dany raised a brow, turning to the Khas she nodded and translated.


They quickly climbed down the stand and put Sansa on her fours. "Can we leave? I'm very tired." Ary touched her arm. 


Daenerys smiled gently and nodded. "Love, stay here and make sure she's fine." The princess informed Daario, he nodded and started to get dressed. Dany stood up with Arya and passed her arm around the girl's shoulder, she kissed her temple and waited to Ari, she went to Arya's other side holding her hand. Not caring about they currently bare state, the three women walked to the Khaleesi's tent and called the night.

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