Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

Chapter 52: Chapter 52: Victorious

It took a fortnight for the dead arrive, for some reason the two days of distance that they had to prepare turned into fourteen days. The sound of boots crashing the snow filled his ears, Unsullied marched to their designated position with their dragonglass spears. On top of Winterfell walls arches observed the horizon. Daemon shivered feeling the icy wind against his body. Above his clothes, his white armor, yes… white. It was his sister's idea. At least it had black and red details, black engravings forming two dragons facing each other on his chest, the helmet had two details that imitated two small wings. A black fur ran from the back of his helmet.


Hearing movements beside him, the prince looked at his sides and saw the two Sand Snakes, like him, they were covered in armor too, not much, neither of the sisters enjoyed much. "How can it be even more cold…" Ty grumped.


"He's close… that's why is so cold. I can feel it." Daemon murmured.


"We all can, Dae." 


Not the cold… him.


A loud sound of thunder came from above them, Lyx and Ella were slowy landing, each dragon on one side. He eyed the black dragon and sighed seeing the silver haired figure strapped to the saddle. He knew all his family had to participate of the battle, but he didn't enjoyed a single bit of the idea. Nymeria shared a look with him and her sister, she was going to go with Daenerys and Ty with him. The Sand Snake breathed and turned to him, she kissed him fondly holding his cheek. "Don't die." She pressed her forehead on his.


"I advise you the same." He smiled.


She backed away and moved to her sister, the kiss was deep and slow. "I love you." Both sisters said at the same time before laughing.


"I see you later." Tyene pursed her lips licking them.


Nymeria nodded and walked to Ella. The prince's eyes locked with his wife's, purple on violet. Neither of them saying anything but getting the message. Seconds later Daenerys broke the gaze to help Nym climb. A minute later Ella took the air with Lyx following right after her.


"Just the two of us." He bumped his helmet on her leg.


Ty shook her head. "Gods help me." She muttered.


"Come on." He called walking to the horses.


Riding in between the rolls and rolls of soldiers, he could see the fear on their eyes. Passing his sister who was by the catapults with her dragon, soldiers were loading them with wildfire, logs, stones and oil. 


"What is that?" He heard Ty say beside him pointing at the Dothraki. Narrowing his eyes, seconds later they went wide when all the arakhs from the horselord's light up on fire. "Are you messing around with magic?" She asked when they stopped their horses.


His mouth opened and closed. "…no." 


A figure on a horse appeared in front of them, dressing in a bright red, just like her hair.


"Prince Daemon… I offer my help…" She waved at the Dothraki. "To the Great Battle."


Narrowing his eyes, he cocked his head when he recognised her. "You're Stannis red priestess." 


She gave him a nod. "I was. But it doesn't matter, he's dead. I shall help the prince that was promised win against the great other." 


"How do you know that?" 


"I saw in the fire. The victory shall be yours, my prince." She smiled before riding pass them. Ty and him looked back at the woman before looking at each other with a frown on their faces.



The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms breathed as she attentively stared at the field. She was beside the catapults, her brother and cousin had passed by a couple minutes ago, in front of them, archers, in front of the archers, soldiers, and then ahead of the soldiers, unsullied and spearmen from the Golden Company mixed in one front. The battlefield were silent, the only noise she could hear was the cracks of the fire close to the catapults, Ella and Lyx hoovering over them and the breathing on her neck.


"It's too quiet." Arya said. "From the wight in the dungeons I expected-" 


Arya was cutted mid sentence when a bright and loud green explosion appeared on the sky, looking at the sky the Queen could see her aunt flying up.


"They are here… they are here! Catapults!" Rhaenys shouted, men and women ran to their positions beside the siege weapons. "They already passed the first trench, the wildfire is on the second." Rhae told Arya. 


"How can they be so quiet?" The girl asked.


"I don't know." She murmured. 


At far she saw Lyx and Ella flying above the second trench, they weren't spitting fire so that meant no corpse were able to pass through it.


Minutes and minutes passed before something happened again. A screech could be heard and Lyx and Ella let out torrents of fire a little far ahead of the second trench, Rhae saw a humongous cloud appeared in the sky behind the wildfire, she wrinkled her nose due the wind, the green fire was still strong, but she could see at far a few spots with a low flames that it just go smaller by the second.



Daenerys stared in shock at the trench, bodies and bodies started to fill them to douse the flames, allowing the wights to pass the trench without being burned. 


"Dany!" Nymeria shouted pointing at the Sky, a huge fog quickly reached them. The force of the wind sent them to side and Ella roared trying to balance her body. 


"We have to go back!" She shouted, she still could see the bright spots from Winterfell. Her dragon flew quickly out of the storm. 


"I can't see them!" Nym said looking around, Dany frowned and looked back, all she could was the storm. 


The storm is blinding us.


"Dracary!" She shouted, her dragon let a ball of fire sending the signal to the ones on the ground, Lyx roared flying beside her. The dragon was looking down, Dany knew the beast wanted to go to Dae, but it couldn't, her husband had to fight the Night King and Lyx would be vulnerable with him. Flying above the unsullied and spearmen, she reached the position were Rhaenys was, slowly Ella landed beside Aeli, Dany nodded at Rhae then looked forward watching the small explosions of the wildfire at far.



"I can't see anything!" Ty yelled with her hand in front of her face.


Daemon groaned doing his best to control his horse, the storm came from nowhere and had engulfed them, the wildfire was moving wildly due to the wind, he knew the substance was a strong one, but he was afraid that the cold and wind would put the fire down.


The prince flinched when his dragon let a shriek, Lyx was trying to reach for a few minutes.


'Stay…' He closed his eyes reaching their bond.


Opening his eyes. "Fuck." He murmured trying to see something at the the horizon.


A loud thud made him flinch, looking at his left a long tree was crashing a dozen of men. 


What .


"There!" He heard a shout, his gaze went to the field again, at the sky a log was flying on his direction, the prince quickly jumped from his horse falling on the snow with a thud. His horse let a pained and quick cry when he was crushed by the log. Getting on his knees, Daemon looked at his paramour who was looking at him with wide eyes.


"They are throwing things at us!" She shouted, as she had summoned, a rock fell right beside her startling her horse, the animal neighed raising its front pawns and sending her to the ground.


"Fucking armour…" Daemon groaned getting up, he stumbled as he walked till Ty. "Eyes in the sky! Protect yourselves!" He shouted orders and holding her hand and helping her to her feet. "Are you well?" 


Tyene nodded pressing her hand against her chest. 


"Shieldwall!" He heard screams. The unsullied and spearmen from the Golden Company lowered their spears and raised their shields. Seconds later Daemon heard shrieks and thuds from the wights clashing against the shields.


"How…?" Daemon murmured, his eyes wide open in disbelief.


How did they passed the trenches and wildfire… and the catapults too. 


"Daemon!" Ty shook him. "Snap out of it!" 


Blinking, the prince shook his head. "Archers! Give them everything you got!" He ordered. With the order all the archers aimed their bows to the sky and released thousands of arrows on the dead, Daemon saw the bodies falling as the arrows fell upon them. A pitchy scream came from his side and his head snapped in the direction of it. A skeletal body ran into his direction with fury in its eyes, the wight had one goal: take his head off.


His hand went to the pommel of Blackfyre and unsheathed his sword, with a single swing in the middle of the corpse's body the prince took it down. Dae looked around trying to spot a breach, seconds later he spotted a gap in the shieldwall, soldiers were trying to fight the dead that was infiltrating their defenses. 


"Men! With me!" He shouted running to the breach, a dozen of soldiers ran after him, Ty quickly was at his side, another wight went on his direction but fell shortly after his lover threw a dragonglass dagger on him, Daemon dodged a axe and waved his sword at the next corpse killing it, looking back, Ty was with her spear through the head of a wight.


The soldiers ran pass himgoing to the breach with their shields raised, when Daemon thought the breach would be close, even more wights passed through. 


A roar came from above and a torrent of fire passed through his eyes, the fire followed the shieldwall line taking down the zombies. Dae frowned, not because of the aid, they needed it, he frowned because it was Aegon and Rhaegal burning the wights, his plan was to his brother stay on the flank. Rhaegal flew till the end of the shieldwall and turned around flying back to the flanks.


"Daemon!" Ty shouted, the Sand Snake was with her teeth gritted trying to dodge the teeth of the bulky wight on top her, her hand holding tightly on his exposed collarbone and the other holding his neck. Daemon groaned and went to her; he took the head of the wight and pulled the body from the top of his paramour. He helped her up and held her face when he saw a streak of blood falling from her forehead. "I'm fine, I hit a rock when I fell." She held his wrist.


The prince shuddered when the temperature seemed to low, the mist was now above them and not stopping, making him put his hand in front of his face due the wind. His head turned to the castle, and he breathed, he couldn't see it anymore, the huge cloud was taking all the vision.


"He's blinding us…" He whispered realizing the Night King's plan. 


"What?" Ty asked.


"He's blinding us, he's taking out our dragons without killing them, we can't fly if we can't see." He looked at her with apprehension in his eyes. 


"He took out biggest advantage…" She murmured.


A chorus of screams made both of them flinch, the Sand Snake and the Prince's eyes almost jumped from their sockets, on the shieldwall where it supposed to be soldiers, it didn't have any, a full front roll was missing, their eyes went down to the bodies sprayed on the ground, the floor shook and both set of eyes moved again, this time going up.


"That's a giant." Ty choked out, her grip on her spear getting tighter.


Daemon just nodded dumbly watching the giant wave the log he had on its hand and take five men at once.


"A-Archers!" He shouted. "Aim at him!" Dae pointed at giant, four archers that were close to him draw their bows and loosened their arrows, the giant let a loud scream turning his attention to them. "Fuck." 


Daemon and Tyene jumped to different sides when the piece of tree was thrown at them, the wood sent a couple archers flying. The giant's attention went to a spearmen running off his direction, the giant picked up the man on its big hand and a second later squeezed it, the soldier let pained cries then his head exploded.


"How do we kill that?!" Ty yelled getting up.


Daemon closed his eyes thinking for a few seconds, his eyes opened suddenly with a plan. "You." He pointed at her. 


She frowned. "No! Are you out of your mind?!" 


He shrugged. "I trust you, grab your spear." He nodded at Ty's dragonglass spear. "You will know what to do." 


I think. 


With that the prince sheathed his sword and picked a bow and arrow from a dead archer, he walked in direction of the giant and pointed the bow at him, the arrow hit the beast right on the shoulder making him let out a scream, the giant turned to him and let out a growl. Daemon's eyes went wide, and he took a step back when the gigantic began to run on his direction, he gulped feeling the ground shake with each step the giant took.


Daemon narrowed his eyes as the distance between them shortened. 


"AH!" He heard a cry from behind him, an object flew above his head hitting the giant right on the face, the beast let a grunt and went still before it fell right beside the prince. Daemon eyed the giant and kicked it to see if it was dead. Content with the result, the prince spun and came face to face with a clearly upset Sand Snake. He gave her a small smile. "You're an idiot."



Rhaenys didn't know how that happened, at one moment she was on top of her dragon and on the other she was on the floor fighting dead bodies, it wasn't hordes, but it was a lot, her brother seemed to be doing his job at the front, what worried her was the huge fog around them, they couldn't see shit and due that their dragons were practically useless. So, because of that, she was on the ground with her spear in hand fighting the dead, Arya was beside with a weapon that seemed to be like a spear but it disconnected on the middle. 


Aeli was close to her burning as many wights she could, Rhaenys lowered her spear on a wight making the being fall. The attention of the Queen was caught when her dragon let a cry, her eyes landed on Aeli and they got wide, a bunch of wights were around the beast trying to climb on it, her dragon shook her body making a couple bodies fell from the top of her, the dragon waved its tail breaking the few skeletons close to her, as more Aeli fought, the more the dead came in waves. 


Rhaenys felt a chill in her back and shivered, as a shadow appeared from the fog with an ice spear in hand. Its eyes locked on her dragon. 


White Walker.


Her body filled with dread when she realized what the ice creature intended to do. "Aeli! Sōvegon! Sōvegon!" She yelled. Rhae felt despair, and she knew that was what her dragon was feeling. Aeli let a screech and began to open its wings.


Her gaze went to the white walker, the creature was with its ice spear in the air and aiming on her dragon. 


Oh no you won't!


With fear of having her dragon taken down, she took impulse and raised her own spear and throwing on the white walker's feet giving broke to her dragon to take the sky. The Queen unsheathed her two dragonglass daggers and walked on its direction. The white walker cocked its head and lowered the spear, taking a step forward the ice man walked on her direction. Rhaenys let a grunt blocking the attack with the two daggers, she pushed the spear up and tried to stab the creature. 


To her bad luck, the Walker jumped back and waved the ice spear, the ice clashed with the pauldron of her armor, the metal shattered making her gasp in shock. With a swift swing her other pauldron was hit having the same faith as the other. Rhaenys let a huff and felt the air being knocked out of her lungs, she hissed when she felt something cold on the back of her neck, the Queen blinked and frowned seeing the dark sky and snow falling.


How he knocked me down?


The first thing she felt was a great amount of pain on her chest, then she felt herself lighter, she sat down with a grunt and looked at her chest. 


Her breastplate wasn't there anymore.


The sound of snow being crashed made her look up, the white walker was walking on her direction with its weapon in hand, its blue bright eyes staring right at her soul. Rhaenys gulped when she patted her belt and her daggers weren't there. Quickly she tried to get to her feet but a kick on her side sent her rolling, letting a pained cry she clutched her belly, Rhaenys felt a freezing hand on her neck and then she was raised in the air, she held the white walker's wrist trying to free herself from its grasp. The grip on her neck become tighter and she could feel the pressure on her head while she batted her legs desperately, fear ran though her body with the thought of dying, she wasn't going to be able to have a child, being queen and live happily beside her family as the rulers of the seven kingdoms.


Slowly her eyes started to close and feel dizzy. Suddenly her back reached the ground again, her mouth opens wide trying to collect much air as she could. "Rhaenys! Rhaenys!" Someone shook her. The Targaryen blinked gasping for air, a few seconds went, and the person knelt beside her helping her sit down. Finally looking at the person's face, Rhaenys let a hurtful laugh due her sore throat.


"Of course, it's you." She rasped staring at Arya. 


"Are you well?" The Stark pressed, her hand brushing on her red neck. 


Rhaenys gave a short nod. "Help me up." Arya passed her arm around her waist and helped up. "Ah!" She flinched holding the middle of her body. "Ah… my ribs." Rhae grimaced. 


Slowly Arya helped her up, Rhaenys bent with a stinging pain. "We have to go back to the castle." She said.


Rhaenys shook her head. "No. I will fight…" She let a gritted her teeth due the pain. Arya breathed and pressed her hand on her rib. "Ouch!" She cried.


"Your rib is broken… we have to go back to the castle Rhaenys." Arya said.


It makes sense of why it's hurting so much.


Stubbornly, she shook her head again. "N-no, I have to help here, help Dae." She choked out. 


Fucking stupid rib.


"No. We must get you back at the castle, you will hinder more than help. Please Rhaenys." The girl pleaded, a worried look on her face. Rhaenys swallowed looking at the girl's face, the face that resembled so much her brother's. "Daemon need his head clear, if he sees you like this it will get him distracted." 


That was the nail on her coffin. 


Shutting her eyes, the Queen nodded gaining a relieved breath from the Stark. 


"You." Arya called a soldier. "Help me." 


The man quickly ran to them and held passed her arm around his neck helping Ary take her back to the castle.


With bitter taste on her mouth, the battle was over for her.



Almost two hours after the start of the battle, Aegon roared as he Darksister and the ice spear clashed forming an X. The King pushed the white walker back and swinged his sword left, just to be blocked, with a snare he moved back. The two rounded each other eyeing the other warily, alive were fighting the dead around them, steel clashing against steel, shrieks and screams, blood and bones. Rhaegal was in the air aiding the Dothraki hold the waves of dead that were trying to reach Winterfell.


The white walker waved the spear again and Aegon leaned back dodging it, the king moved to the side and kicked the walker on the side making it stumble and fall on one knee, the ice man supported his spear on the ground for support and tried to stand up, seeing an opportunity Egg raised his sword and with a quick jab he buried Darksister on the white walker's shoulder, the walker shattered like glass in front of him making hundreds of wights fall dead around them. The soldiers cheered.


Aegon heard a shout and a scream followed by a choking noise, he spun around and grimaced watching the wight bite the man's neck, Arthur walked to the scene and killed the wight, he kicked the skeleton from top of the man and the king's eyes went round. He knew the man with his throat ripped off and blood gushing from it. 


Euron Greyjoy.


The Sword of the Morning buried his Dawn in the pirate's head killing him off. 


Well, let's root that Theon Greyjoy is not dead.


Three roars made his head shot to Winterfell, Aeli, Ella and Lyx were flying above the castle, the trench around Winterfell was lite a hour ago, in the midde of all this mayhem he was able to receive the information of the fall of the left flank, that flank was being taken cared by the knights of the Vale alongside the northern, so it was not a big surprise that that side fell. They couldn't send a dragon to that side either. 


"Aegon! We must go to the castle, something is happening." Arthur called, he pointed at the sky and crows were wildly flying above them. The king nodded and began to run to the castle.



Daemon hadn't the slightest idea of how it happened, he just knew he took off his armor and ran to the castle after he saw the trench being lighted, it took him and Ty a hours to be able to reach the castle. Ty had killed a walker, he killed a walker too and now they were on the ruins of the walls of Winterfell, most precisely on the ruin of the Godswood wall's, where the a large part of the trench was filled with the dead bodies and the fire extinguished.


The prince looked up seeing three dragons hoovering above, Ella flapped its wings lowering the high and aiming to the walls, his wife's dragon let a screech when a spear made of ice pierced through the membrane of its wing. Daemon flinched and Ty covered her mouth, Ella pended to the side and with an awkward flap of its wings the dragons stabilised its huge body and flapped its wings flying up away from the Godswood.


Letting a long breath of relief, the prince watched the black dragon join the other two at high in the sky. Daemon didn't want Daenerys here, and judging by Ella trying to land, his wife must had thought of joining him in battle, and again, he did not want that. 


"They're inside." Ty said gripping her spear tightly.


He nodded. "You can go back if you wish." 


She cocked her head. "Too far now." 


Getting a better grip on his sword, he swallowed and made way to the hole in the wall, he dodged the huge grey broken stones and entered the Godswood. Daemon tightened his jaw eying the Night King, its skin light blue, its eyes the color of the ocean and armor black like the night. On his hand an ice sword.


His paramour trembled before she gave a step to the side throwing her spear to him. The Night King moved to the side catching the weapon mid-air, with a tilt of his head the dragonglass spear shattered in a thousand pieces. Their eyes went wide. "Daemon…" She whispered taking a step back. 


When the prince was going to look at his lover, she was pulled back making him jump, Tyene was throw at the floor and rolled with a gasp, a white walker appeared from the corner behind a broken stone and eyed him, the ice being seemed to smile at him before it started to go at Ty's direction. Daemon went to swing his sword but a hiss stopped him, he looked back at the Night King who was slowly walking till Bran.


Ty stood up with a groan. "Go! I have my daggers!" She pulled two daggers and got in stance waiting for the white walker. 


The prince squeezed his eyes shut and breathed, his legs moved automatically, his eyes opened and his gaze locked on the Night King. When Daemon realized, he was attacking the Night King, his Valyrian sword against the ice sword. The King blocked the attack of the prince with ease, Daemon pulled his sword back and raised in defense stance. The Night King calmly cocked his head staring at the prince. 


In a blink, the king waved his sword at Daemon, the prince barely had the strength to hold the attack, the ice sword almost scratching his face, pushing the king back, Dae let a grunt and began to circle him, the ice creature just watched as the prince rounded him. With a new attempt, he striked once again, the hit was blocked. Suddenly a crow hit the Night King in the back of the head, the king hissed in anger looking back a Bran. 


Taking advantage of the distraction, Daemon tried another attack, this time raising Blackfyre above his head and attempting a strike. The Night King dodged and striked back, Dae defended with a grunt and pushed the ice sword away once again, this time he didn't waited, he swinged his sword quickly after. The king stepped back as Daemon unleashed his attacks, left and right, up and down, the prince kept his assault, the ice creature stumbled back on a root of the heart tree giving the prince an advantage. Daemon jumped forward and kicked his foul in the chest, if it was not for the adrenaline on his body and current fear of dying, he would've made surprised face with the grunt the Night King made. Dae pulled his sword back before he thrusted forward, to his chagrin the tip of his sword just grazed the Night King's armor, Daemon's eyes widened when his wrists was held and squeezed.


"Ah!" He let a pained cry, the prince got yanked forward and was greeted by a headbutt, his head shot back and the king pulled him back giving another headbutt. His forehead arched and he felt the urge of close his eyes, unconsciously he let his Blackfyre drop from his grasp falling into the snow. With a swing of his ice sword, the weapon clashed with the side of Dae's head sending to the ground.


Daemon let a raspy breath hearing a buzz, his vision was blurred and the hot liquid began to leak from his head painting the snow. He watched him walk till Bran and stare down at the boy, Dae tried to get to his feet but he wasn't able, his body seemed to weight as much as horse, his head was pounding and his chest sore. A flock of crows shrieked and began to fly on the Night King's direction, the birds clashed against the being hard dying in the process. The Night King simply didn't seemed bother by it, he raised his ice sword and Daemon's eyes widened and a silent gasp left his mouth. 


Bran's head was cut off from his neck and rolled in the snow leaving a trail of blood. The remaining crows shrieked once again before flying away. The Night King stared at his cousin's headless body and turned to him, Daemon breathed and grunted, he reached for his sword and used as a clutch to stand, he was sure that he used all his will and strength to stand up, slowly and painfully he was able to get to his feet, his legs were wobbly and he was now seeing two Night Kings. 


The Dark Lord walked to him a tilted his head, the prince raised his sword and tried to attack, but it was in vain, the Night King easily dodged and sliced the prince's forearm gaining a pained cry, Blackfyre fell once again. Daemon groaned and tried to punch him, his fist connected with the creatures face and Dae regret instantly, it was literally punching ice.


"Ugh!" Daemon cried when a fist was connected with his gut sending him to his knees, he looked up and the Night King to see two bright blue eyes eyeing him in victory, he raised his weapon and Daemon waited to his destiny.


They had lost, they failed, he failed. And now the world would pay the price, Daenerys face appeared on his mind, her laugh, and her beautiful face. Then it was Rhae and Egg, and then Ty. He closed his eyes and let a tear run down his cheek, the image of silver haired little girl came into his mind alongside the image of dark haired girl. 


The daughters I will never meet.


He hissed when he felt a burning cold on his neck, opening his eyes, the ice sword was right in front of him, the Night King smiled and went for the swing.


Suddenly the blue eyes went wide and he let go of his sword, turning around quickly catching the attacker. Arya gritted her teeth as the Night King squeezed her neck, her dagger in hand and her wrist being held by him, blue eyes stared at the dagger with interest before going to the girl's face, the Night King didn't saw Arya dropping the dagger to her other hand and catching it.


Daemon grimaced when the ice creature let out a loud and pitchy scream, his cousin buried her dagger on the Night King's side making a black liquid leak from it, Arya grunted when she was dropped on the ground. The Night King let a hiss and went to the hilt of the dagger, he pulled out making the dark liquid leak everywhere, he raised the dagger at Daemon wishing to a final strike.


A scream came from behind him before the ice man could kill him, a pale milky steel cut through the King's arm right at the elbow, another loud shriek. Dark liquid cascading from the amputated member. Another scream could be heard and now another familiar sword clashed with the Night King's body, this time his knee. The creature fell letting shrieks and pitchy screams. 


Daemon took a deep breath and groaned when he was pulled to his feet. "Come on, Daemon." Arthur helped him, Arya came to his other side and held him when he stumbled and almost fell again.


"Brother! Go! It must be you." Aegon shouted bringing him to his senses, Egg handed him Blackfyre and the prince took it. A roar came from the sky and Daenerys landed on the Godswood with Ella. Daemon tightened his grip on Blackfyre and drove his sword right on the Night King's chest, a ugly noise left his mouth and the prince pulled his sword back. The five of them watched in astonishment as the ice man began to turn into a normal man, the place where Daemon buried his sword seemed to melt and flesh began to spread to the rest of his body. 


"Daemon! Get off the way!" Dany shouted, Ella moved her head close. Arthur and Aegon held on each side of him dragging him away with Arya running after them. "Dracarys!" He heard his wife scream and then the heatwave, Lyx and Aeli also landed in the Godswood, seeing their sibling laying fire in the foe, the two dragons did the same. All of them watched as the dragons spat fire till they grew tired of it, the three of them roaring and screeching and soon were joined by Rhaegal. 


When the dragons stopped spitting fire and the smoke died down, Daemon narrowed his eyes at the dark burned ground. He scanned his surroundings and realized they were surrounded by silence, the screams from their soldiers and the shrieks from the dead all had died down. A dark skeleton with smoke coming from it was in the middle of the burned ground. 


Aegon turned to him. "We won." He said breathlessly. Daemon looked around and it was true, all the fight had stopped and a haunting silence was what remained. The prince smiled at him brother and nodded, a second later the smile got weak and darkness took over.



Daenerys caressed the hair of her husband gently, Daemon was unconscious for two days and now was the third, he fought wights, white walkers and the Night Kings himself. Her husband received harsh blows from the Night King, his eye had started to deflate, the side of his head was cutted and his forearm had nasty cut. But taking off all of that, he was fine. 


The dead was taken to their respective castles to be bury, the other ones were burned in the pyres. Till this day they were still identifying the bodies, as of now, the ones who died was: Brandon, Euron, Ser Gerold, Black Balaq, Quentyn, Yohn Royce and many other. Rhaenys had her a rib shattered but she was fine, Obara had a dislocated arm and Arya had a large bruise on her back. Tyene was acting oddly for some reason, she seemed deep in thought and wished to be left alone, she understood her. 


Daenerys took her hand from Daemon's head and pressed on her belly, with the sintoms she was, the maester said that she was with child. Dany pursed her lips and smiled, bitting back her tears she leaned and pressed a gentle kiss on Dae's lips."You must wake up, I'm with child. And I need you. I can't wait to see your face when I give you the news." She whispered planting a kiss on his cheek. 


The door squeaked and she looked at it. Ty entered closing the door quietly, she gave her a small smile and sat across her. "Did he awake?" 


Dany sighed. "No." She murmured. "But he was doing small moves minutes ago." 


Ty nodded. "I… I wish I could had helped him." She bit her cheek. Dany could see the guilty on the Sand Snake's eyes.


The princess let a sad chuckle. "It wasn't your fault, you were fighting a walker. And Dae had to be the one to kill the Night King. Don't blame yourself, I wish I had helped him too, but instead of that I kept flying in circles while he face the Night King." 


Tyene pursed her lips and nodded, she lowered her head and took a deep breath. "Dany I need-"


Ty was interrupted by Daemon cough, her husband let a series of dry coughs and held his belly. "Water…" He rasped, Daenerys stood up and picked the jar from the nightstand and poured in the cup, he spun and handed to him. He drank in big gulps and breathed after he finished. "Uhm, my head…" He whimpered resting his head back at the pillow.


"You took a lot hits in your head Dae…" Tye held his hand and brushed her thumb on the back of his hand.


Dany nodded. "And the cut on the side too. I will order the master to give you dreamwine later." 


Her husband closed his eyes and moved his head to a side to the other, his eyes shut tightly. "What happened?" He mumbled opening his eyes. 


"We won, you killed him." She leaned and fondled his cheek. 


Daemon nodded. "Good, because I would be really upset if got my arse kicked for nothing." 


Both women laughed. 


"He made you his bitch." Ty giggled. 


Dae rolled his eyes. "I'm glad that my pain amuses you." 


Daenerys wetted her lips when they fell in silence. "I have something to tell you." She said drawing the attention to her. "I… with child." She told him.


Daemon's eyes went wide, and he sat in the bed with a groan. "Are sure?" He whispered.


She nodded. "The maester confirmed, I went to healer and she also confirmed. I'm with your child." Dany could feel her eyes filled with tears.


Daemon grabbed her hand and pulled her to a gentle kiss. "I love you." He told her. 


"I love you too" She said back and saw his eyes watering. 


Ty cleaned her throat and stood up. "I will fetch Aegon and Rhaenys." She informed receiving nods.


As she watched Ty leave, Dany called her. "Ty, what were you going to say?" She asked.


The Sand Snake stared at her. "Oh, it was nothing." She waved and left.


Her eyes went back to her husband who was staring at the door. "She's hiding something." He hummed. 


Dany frowned. "Like what?"


He shrugged. "Dunno… ask her later, just press her a little and she will spill it out." She nodded.


The door opened once again and this time his siblings entered, Rhaenys with her hand on her ribs and Aegon giving her support. Big smiles appeared on their faces, as fast as she could, the Queen went to her brother quickly wrapping him in an embrace, Aegon joined the hug alongside with Daenerys. At that moment they shared their warmth and love, the fours dragon together, they had defeated enemies at Essos and Westeros, from sellswords to magical creatures.


And now they are going to rule the Seven Kingdoms for years to come

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