Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 35 - Selling 60 million

Chapter 35 – Selling 60 million
“He gave a golden egg to the male and female chickens on the plains of Bahrain to hatch, so that the golden chicken would remain on earth in the future. Every morning, the sun is called upon to rise and remind people to get up and plow. However, there is one demon that likes to give birth to evil thoughts in the dark to monsters that plague the mortal world. It is trying to think of ways to destroy the golden egg. ”

“In order to protect the golden egg, the chicken grandpa and the chicken nanny risked their lives to stop the demon, engaged in a desperate battle with the demon, and died miserably under the Demon Claw. Right at this critical moment, the golden chicken finally broke out of its shell and grew intooster with an imposing air. It released a long cry, calling out the sun and killing the demons. ”

“At the place where the men and women were killed, the blood they bled turned into bloodstones. People remembered the righteousness of the men and women, and they all began to collect the bloodstones like precious gems.”

Yan Tian never thought that the chicken-blood jade had such a mythical story, after listening to Tong Yulin’s story, Yan Tian suddenly became happy, and if it was really as Tong Yulin said, then his piece of chicken-blood jade was definitely worth a lot of money.

At the same time, Yan Tian was regretting his decision. If he had known that this chicken-blood jade was useless against the storage ring, he would not have smashed it.

Looking at the broken bloodstone in the box, Yan Tian felt a little pained. “Then, how much can this piece of jade cost? Also, what did you say about the [Exquisite] chicken-blood jade? ”

“I am not too sure about the price of your chicken-blood jade, anyway it would be fine if there is not a lack, but as for the quality of the, it is divided into different grades as well, and looking at the color, it should be a quality chicken-blood jade.” Tong Yulin caressed the blood jade gently, this wareasure.

Yan Tian was speechless when he heard it. Why are there different ranks for everything? Is my calculation good or bad? ”

“Not bad? To tell you the truth, even if you took out the worst quality chicken-blood jade, it would still breasure. ” Tong Yulin rolled his eyes at Yan Tian and said.

The chicken-blood jadre separated into four levels, and are respectively top-grade, top-grade, treasure grade and top grade. The top-grade chicken-blood jade is called Ying Shan Hong, the top-grade chicken-blood jade is called Red Cloud, the treasured item is called Xue Li Hong, and the top-grade chicken-blood jade is called Manchu Hong. Tong Yulin patiently explained to Yan Tian.

Yan Tian never thought that the chicken-blood jade would have such a name. Seems like the piece in his hand was the Red Cloud of this great beauty.

“Then how are these ranks divided? How do you know that my Red Cloud is one of the best? ” Yan Tian still didn’t know a thing about chicken-blood jade, he was very curious how Tong Yulin saw through it.

“Of course there is a way to differentiate them, and most of them are divided according to the amount of blood in the chicken-blood jade.”

“Blood Consumption?” Yan Tian suddenly thought of something when he heard the amount of blood inside. Could it be that the blood jade was useless against Ring of Qian & Kun because it did not contain enough blood?

Tong Yulin stroked his chin and said: “Hmm, the amount of blood contained in these four chicken-blood jade are different. The blood of a [Beautiful] Red Cloud was usually greater than 30%. The blood content of the rare product was more than 50%. And the highest quality Red Hall contains more than 70% of its blood. ”

After hearing what Tong Yulin had to say, Yan Tian was sure that the reason the ring had no reaction to the blood jade was because it did not contain enough blood.

“Then what are the prices of Snowy Red and Cantonese Red?” Yan Tian really wanted to know the price of this treasure and the highest quality chicken-blood jade.

“Aiyo, let me put it to you this way, chicken-blood jade are very rare. I have been in the jewelry industry for more than 30 years, and I have seen the best among them a few times, but they were all sold for a few million. As for the quality Red Cloud, I have only seen two of them in all these years, and this is the third time. Earlier, I heard that the two of them had sold it for a sky-high price of oveundred million, and as for the value of the precious product, Xue Li Hong, I have never seen it before, I have only heard of it once, and it seems to be in the hands of a super rich person. Tong Yulin laughed complacently when he thought about the Red Cloud he had seen a few times before. In the entire jewelry world, there were only a few who had come into contact with Red Cloud.

Yan Tian almost knelt down when he heard it, what was going on? The Cherry Blossom Valley and Red Hall that he was looking for were actually so rare. There was only one precious Snow Cherry, and it was in the hands of a super rich person. There wasn’t even a single Red Hall.

How was Yan Tian supposed to find them? He couldn’t just go find the rich man himself and assassinate him, right? In fact, if Yan Tian found his, he would be able to do so. That girl London had sucowerful family, but she couldn’t find a single person.

Not to mention whether or not he could find that precious Snow Cherry, even if he could, Yan Tian would be useless towards his storage ring. Since this storage ring was so powerful, how could it be possible to use a chicken-blood jade with 50% blood essence to remove the seal? Therefore, Yan Tian determined that if he wanted to remove the seal, he would need at least the highest quality Red Hall or higher.

“Then how much am I wortiece of Red Cloud?” Yan Tian thought about it and decided to dispose of this chicken-blood jade in his hands. He was in need of money.

“That’s hard to say. If it wasn’t for the broken shards, we would have auctioned it for oveundred million yuan. However, this broken shards of yours is way too cheap, but I think it’s worth at least forty million right now.” Tong Yulin felt that it was a pity. Such a good piece of jade had shattered just like that.

After hearing the price, Yan Tian felt so regretful that his intestines were about to turn green.

At the moment, the most important thing was to find a way to exchange this broken chicken-blood jade for cash. Yan Tian felt that he had to slowly develop his own forces in the Feng’an, and the number of people he had attracted recently was too many, if he wanted to stay in the Feng’an for the long term, he had to establish his own support first.

“What can we do to hurry up and sell this piece of jade?”

“You want to sell it?” Upon hearing that Yan Tian wanted to sell it, Tong Yulin looked at him excitedly.

“Yeah, I’m in need of money right now.” Yan Tian shrugged and said.

“Then don’t sell it, I’ll buy it. I’ll give you fifty million, I’ll buy it.”

Tong Yulin immediately became green with envy when he heard that Yan Tian wanted to sell it. Although it wareasure, although it was broken, it could be used to make ring earrings and other such things, using it to increase the profits by a few times. There were still a lot of rich people in this world, it was normal to buy jewelry with tens of millions.

“Sixty-five million.” Seeing Tong Yulin’s excited look, Yan Tian immediately said a price.

“Five thousand and five hundred.”

“At least sixty million.”

“Fine, 60 million it is. Deal.”

In the end, Yan Tian sold the chicken-blood jade for sixty million, Yan Tian thought. If the person who owed Along money knew that this chicken-blood jade was worth that much, would he die from spitting blood?

“Then when will the deal be made?” Yan Tian asked impatiently.

“Let’s do it now. I’ll transfer the money to you now.” Tong Yulin said as he took out his phone to transfer the money.

Yan Tian naturally had no problems with that, he wished that he could change it as soon as possible. However, Yan Tian thought about it again. He didn’t have a bank card yet, but he did have a few when he was overseas.

“Uh, I don’t have a bank card in Huaxia, could a Swiss bank do that?” No matter how he thought about it, Yan Tian only remembered the Swiss bank card number.

“Yes, most large banks can do it.”

Yan Tian took out his Swiss bank account number and read it to Tong Yulin. He did not expect that Tong Yulin was alsich man, with only 2-3 minutes and 60 million RMB transferred into his bank account, Yan Tian’s mood immediately turned good when he saw that he was now a rich man.

After the trade was over, Yan Tian drove back to the Avalon of Five Elements. Now that he was rich, it was time to consider expanding his influence.

“Along, tell us about your current situation. How much power you have and how many properties you have. Ever since Yan Tian accepted this Along as his little brother, he still did not know his background.

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