Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 213: Chapter 212 - Salutation to the King!

[Chapter Size: 3800 Words.]


Third Person POV

North, 297 AC.


Jon, holding both children, was approached by Ygritte in the next moment. She moved closer to the girl while still cradling the baby, who was calmer after the fright he had experienced in Eragon's canal.

Jon turned to her and said, "Look, Lyanna, this is your mother. And this is your brother too." He gestured toward the baby, Brandon, showing him to his older children.

Lyanna looked at Ygritte in surprise, but Ygritte didn't hesitate. She stepped closer, touching the girl's face gently with her free hand in a gesture of pure love as she gazed at her grown daughter.

"Lyanna, my daughter..." Ygritte murmured, her eyes welling with tears. "May I hold you?" she almost begged, and Jon nodded, handing Lyanna to Ygritte, who held her carefully.

"Mom..." the girl murmured, looking at Ygritte with curiosity. She had always known that Seryna wasn't her true mother, but that hadn't affected the love and bond she shared with her since Seryna had taken on the role of a mother. Lyanna considered Seryna her mother too. Seryna had shown her images and paintings of Ygritte, telling her that her true mother would return one day with her father—and now, here she was.

"Yes, my daughter, it's me," Ygritte replied, holding her without hesitation as she kissed her tenderly, overwhelmed by the moment after so much time apart. She felt a pang of understanding for Jon's own pain at being separated from her. Then she pointed to the baby, who was gazing at them curiously. "This is your brother. Brandon Artica."

After a few moments, Jon rejoined the other wives and betrothed women, who had now gathered around.

"Well, Seryna... you already know Rhaenys," Jon said, introducing her to the queen.

Seryna nodded with a smile. "Yes, I'm glad she's here in Artica, especially with one of your children, Rhaenys."

Rhaenys responded kindly, "Seryna, it's good to see you too, and thank you for the warm welcome." She smiled, still holding her son in her arms. The boy gazed curiously at the older children—Jon and Lyanna—who were also his siblings.

"Brother..." little Jon murmured, pointing toward Jahaerys and Brandon.

"Yes, they're your brothers," Seryna said with a smile, gently touching her son's head as he rested in Jon's arms.

"Well, as you know, Arya went to Winterfell," Jon continued to his first wife. "Let me introduce you to Kozuki Hiyori. In Yi-Ti, they use the family name first, but you can call her Hiyori, the princess of Yi-Ti. Beside her is the woman who shares my bloodline, Daenerys Targaryen. They are both my betrothed."

Seryna observed them as they approached, studying them briefly before responding with a pause. "It seems my husband has been very active on this journey," she said lightly. "Welcome to Artica. We'll have plenty of time to talk." She stepped closer to greet them, while little Jon remained in the king's arms. Jon left the women to their conversation and walked away.

Jon moved toward the next group, greeting the ministers. Two of them, who had traveled with him, were disembarking from the ship along with the royal guards who had accompanied the royal family on the journey.

All the ministers, except for Junly, Minister of Trade, and Darius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, were present to welcome Jon. They were the highest-ranking officials in the kingdom, aiding the king in advising and administering the realm. Among them stood the Supreme Priestess of the Old Gods in Artica—a figure akin to the High Septon of the Seven—none other than Leaf, the leader of the Children of the Forest.

Ducken – A human, Commander of the Artican Army, responsible for the kingdom's security and military training.

Brynden – A human, in charge of intelligence and reporting.

Thor – A dwarf, overseeing production and manufacturing (including the Wall, ships, glass, and new structures in the city).

Seraphine – A Child of the Forest, Minister of Magic and Arcane Affairs, including the sacred groves, serving as a bridge between the Old Gods' religion and the kingdom.

Kiera – A human, Minister of Justice and Law, responsible for enforcing the laws and patrolling the city.

Gavron – A human, Minister of Finance and Treasury, who had left with the fleet to negotiate with Braavos but returned to Artica and maintained its relationship with the city.

Haran – A giant, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Aemon – A human, responsible for education and the integration of educators.

These figures stood ready to welcome their king back to the capital, embodying the diverse strength of Artica's council.

"My king, welcome. I am certain you will be very pleased to see the reports on our relations with Braavos," Gavron greeted him immediately as he noticed the king approaching with his eldest son. The minister was dressed in a simple noble's attire.

"I hope the king had a pleasant journey here. We've heard about your adventures in Yi-Ti. In Artica, justice always prevails," Kiera said, bowing slightly to him with a touch of respect. She was dressed in a judge's robe with a large black cape.

"Your Majesty, we are at your service," Thor added, dressed in simple yet sturdy garments. "We've had some major constructions during this time. I hope you'll appreciate them when you visit."

"Our fields continue to yield a bountiful harvest as always. Our barns are full, ready to begin trade, my king," Haran said, wearing a cape tailored to his massive size. The giant was remarkably well-dressed.

"It was about time you returned, King Jon," Ducken remarked calmly, breaking into a smile. He was clad in armor as finely crafted as that of the royal guards, though it bore a different color while still displaying Artica's emblem prominently on his chest.

"Jon, finally, huh!" Seraphine exclaimed cheerfully to Jon.

Beside her stood Leaf. "Welcome, Your Majesty, Prince Loki," she greeted Jon and his son. She wore a cloak adorned with intricate designs of the Old Gods' religion, featuring engravings of weirwood trees and other symbols.

Jon ignored the issue of Leaf referring to his son as Loki—something he had heard along the way. He decided to address it later. The next minister to greet him was Aemon.

The older man stepped forward. "My boy, you're finally back home. And you've brought our family with you. That brings this old man immense joy," Aemon said with a smile, glancing between Jon, the Targaryen women, Rhaenys and Daenerys, and the others around.

Jon nodded, exchanging a few words with Aemon, then moved on to the final minister. This one greeted Jon with a smile, though Jon could see he seemed a bit tense.

"Is something wrong?" Jon asked.

"A little..." he admitted. "The group of a hundred thousand wildlings under Mance Ryder is moving south as we speak... but what worries me is the activity north of them," he explained.

"So the enemy has begun to move?" Jon asked in a very serious tone.

"Yes... The temperature has started dropping suddenly in the region. A snowstorm has begun covering the area, and even I can't approach it with the animals..." he said.

"We'll discuss this tomorrow," Jon replied with a sigh, already calculating how much time they had until the enemy's arrival.

After greeting all the ministers, still holding his son, Jon returned to his wives. They were conversing amongst themselves while holding the children. The ministers who had traveled with Jon passed by him and greeted the others after the long journey, exchanging words as they went.

Jon spoke a few more words and then turned to a royal guard organizing the troops in Artica.

"I want you to prepare our procession to the castle. My wives and betrothed will go ahead with my children. Make sure the chests and valuables are taken to my quarters on the ship, along with the armor and weapons for my collection room in the castle. Also, arrange for the dragons to be released immediately—they are getting restless," Jon ordered the royal guards responsible for managing Artica.

As he spoke, Jon could hear the dragons beginning to roar from within the ship. Clearly, they were becoming agitated by the noise and commotion around them, confined as they were in the ship's stables.

"Yes, my king. It is being arranged," one of the guards replied.

"I'm not worried about that," Jon countered. "I'm worried about the dragons heading this way."

Jon could feel the five-meter dragons attempting to fly toward the city. Curious yet drawn by his presence, they began to damage rooftops during their short flights, scaring the remaining townspeople.

"Eragon!" Jon called to the dragon, which had been standing in the corner, observing everything all along.

Immediately, he began sending mental commands, and Eragon, sensing them, started guiding the other dragons away from the area. The great dragon rose to lead the smaller dragons back to the castle before they caused any more damage.

The people stepped back, pushed by the wind generated by the large dragon's wings. Eragon moved toward the city to rein in the eight smaller dragons, which were causing minor chaos as they tried to reach the port.

"Let's go. I want you all to head ahead since I need to take the dragons to ensure they don't get hurt," Jon asked his wives, handing little Jon back into Seryna's arms. He then returned to the ministers.

"Organize the city. Announce that I will speak about the journey tonight at the banquet in the main square," Jon instructed. Though he initially planned to use the arenas, even they could not accommodate all the inhabitants of Artica, so an open space was necessary.

"Yes, my king. We'll prepare it," Brynden said.

Carriages were brought in to clear a path through the crowd while Jon watched his wives boarding them in pairs, each drawn by elk with luminous antlers. Once the carriages had space to move, they headed toward the castle, where Jon would later meet with the other leaders.

The crowd at the port remained dense. Some groups were reuniting, searching for family or friends among the disembarking passengers. Jon also noticed that the port was becoming too small to accommodate everything. Alongside the 400 Carracks and 200 Galleons Artica had when they first departed for the south, an additional 500 ships had been constructed by the dwarves during the journey. The fleet now surpassed a thousand vessels.

"Artica can now be considered invincible at sea," Jon murmured to himself with admiration. No one in the world would have a more powerful fleet than theirs. "But we're still only at 20% of the final goal." Jon envisioned hosting 5,000 ships at this port. His plans didn't even include foreign vessels here, but he knew they'd have to build additional ports in areas beyond the Wall, like Hardhome. First, however, they had to address the current crises.

A group of dwarves had gathered at one end of the port, drawn by the news of the Valyrian steel forge. Word had spread among the dwarves from the ships, which had brought news of the Yi-Ti war before it ended. The result was a group of frenzied dwarves eager to see the Valyrian steel fleet.

Soon, the dock was filled with thousands of dwarves, creating a comedic uproar with the clanging of pots as they fixed their eyes on the special ship carrying the enchanted forge.

"It's finally here! So beautiful! I'd love to strike my hammer on it!" one dwarf exclaimed.

"Do you think you're worthy? That forge belongs to the king!" another dwarf grumbled, though envy glimmered in his eyes.

"Can we steal it from him? I doubt he'd miss it," someone suggested.

"I'll take it to my home!" another dwarf declared, sparking an absurd argument among them, all enchanted by the approaching forge.

Meanwhile, the dwarves on the ship maneuvered the forge toward the dock.

"We've brought back a long-lost treasure. Let's move it to our mountain," one of the ship's crew declared.

Jon overheard all this through the animals wandering the port. He sighed deeply, already foreseeing the headache it would cause. He needed the forge for the production he planned to commence that very night, and it seemed conflict with these treasure-obsessed beings was inevitable.

Setting the dwarves' commotion aside, Jon continued analyzing the port's situation. Many people were searching for their relatives; some found them quickly and exchanged warm embraces, while others wept upon hearing they would never see them again. They gazed upon the preserved bodies brought back on the ships for burial in Artica.

Momentarily ignoring the people's grief, something he would address later, Jon turned his attention to the crowd, most of whom awaited him to speak.

"People of Artica," Jon spoke in a calm tone, his voice quickly spreading across the port thanks to his magic. "I am officially declaring the end of our journey along the trade routes we have established. We will continue to strengthen these trade connections with sales and exchanges with the cities we have negotiated with from now on."

He paused before continuing, "At this moment, the ships are already restocking Braavos, but Pentos, Myr, Tyrosh, and Volantis will soon become part of this effort, as will the empire on the other side of the world, Yi-Ti."

"For this reason, I am happy to finally be home after this accomplishment. We will talk more tonight, but I thank all of you for maintaining the kingdom and continuing the work of building a new era for this nation. May we work together for a better future, for our legacy, for our children, and for the children who will come after them. May they live in a world better than ours!"

Jon's words were followed by applause from the crowd. Meanwhile, the guards had already opened the stables, allowing the dragons to begin emerging from the ship's deck. They were immediately guided out as Jon worked to control them.

The initial agitation of the dragons started to subside as they were led away. Even so, some people grimaced at the sight of more dragons, as many still harbored fears due to incidents caused by the existing ones.

Shortly after, Jon mounted Ghost, his giant wolf, who was clad in armor. They moved toward the city gates, followed by the dragons. The scene embodied the glory of the King of Artica, something the people needed to see, as suggested by his ministers and advisors.

Accompanied by the crowd clamoring for their king, Jon advanced toward the castle. The royal guard paraded alongside, mounted on horses bearing Artica's banners. The dragons roared constantly but walked step by step, flapping their wings occasionally yet unable to fly due to their upbringing aboard the ship.

Meanwhile, the three carriages, guarded by royal soldiers, followed some distance behind Jon. They also made their way to the castle, carrying Jon's queens, betrothed, and children.

Seryna shared a carriage with Ygritte, discussing various topics after being apart for so long, with the three children inside with them.

In another carriage, Hiyori and Daenerys gazed at Artica through the windows, marveling at the city as the group passed through the main streets.

In the last carriage, Rhaenys conversed with Aemon, sharing memories of the tragic fate of the Targaryen family before this generation.

"I want to see Daddy!" little Jon murmured from Seryna's lap in the first carriage.

"All right, son," Seryna said as she opened the window for her son to stick his head out, catching a glimpse of his father advancing in the distance atop his three-meter-tall giant wolf.

In the second carriage, the women occasionally commented as they admired the city. "Artica is just as magical as I imagined," Daenerys remarked, recalling her dreams. "My true home..."

She had once said she wanted to go home when her brother announced her marriage to Khal Drogo, believing Westeros was her home. Now she understood that this was truly her home.

"The place is incredible, isn't it?" Hiyori asked, laughing as she too looked fascinated by the city. She had left the other side of the world to marry the hero who saved her land and couldn't help but be amazed at how developed Artica was compared to her homeland of Yi-Ti.

In the third carriage, Aemon continued speaking with Elia's daughter, seizing the opportunity to discuss their family.

"I see... So you feel some bitterness?" Aemon commented, sensing Rhaenys's thoughts during the journey. Her son with Jon sat nearby, looking confused by the conversation as Aemon smiled, seeing the boy's healthy and robust appearance.

Rhaenys had just recounted how she met Jon, how he had taken her in Dorne, and their reconciliation after a fight. Aemon knew about all of it. He also understood the pain she felt in admitting the truth: that her brother, the father of the child she carried, was the son of the She-Wolf of the North.

"So, you hate Lyanna Stark?" Aemon asked.

Rhaenys pressed her lips together at that moment. She couldn't say she didn't have some resentment, but as she looked at Jahaerys, she knew nothing could change what had happened, even if she had the power to alter the past. It made her feel sorrow for her brother and her mother, but at the same time, she would do anything to protect Jahaerys. He was the most important thing in her life alongside Jon, and now they were all here, living among dragons, in a land Jon claimed to be the most powerful kingdom in the world.

Aemon could sense Rhaenys's conflicting thoughts and offered a gentle smile.

"I understand how you feel," he said. "I can feel your anger, but I received letters from your father back then. I don't think he abandoned your mother the way you believe."

"Letters?" Rhaenys asked.

"Yes," Aemon replied. "I had those letters, but I had to burn them because it was dangerous to keep them. In one of those letters, I clearly remember him saying he was annulling the marriage so he could have more legitimate children. I don't know what he saw in his visions, but he felt he needed another child. Certainly, Jon was born for all this—to build what surrounds you now—and I don't think your father was wrong about that, no matter how cruel the consequences were..."

Aemon paused before continuing. "Jon was the third child he wanted, even though he hoped for a girl... Your mother could not bear another child without dying. Yet, he never stopped having her by his side as queen, even if he was forced to do so. He also never ceased to consider you and your siblings heirs to the throne, as the letters he wrote to me asking for advice made clear," he said before looking at her. "I don't know how you'll handle this, but I don't believe Lyanna is the monster you think she is."

"I see," Rhaenys murmured, without giving a definitive answer.

She then changed the subject, still feeling guilty, turning back to Aemon. "Can you tell me more about this city? Jon spoke a lot about it, but I'd like to hear your perspective. He told me that here you found a cure for your blindness."

"No, my dear, he did much more than that," Aemon replied with a smile. "He gave this old man something special—hope. Here I am, in this magical world, with a family I thought had died, alongside dragons after hundreds of years... But let's talk about the kingdom," he said.

Aemon began describing Artica and his experience as Minister of Education, detailing how the city had evolved and his contributions to the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Jon continued through the city while many people still waited for the other four ships to dock. The group had started unloading the cargo, and a team of workers was tasked with leading the animals out of the city, taking them to the other side of the port, where there was an exit to the fields and forest. Jon needed to manage the peculiar animals he had acquired in Sothoryos.

A few minutes later, he saw some rooftops destroyed in the area where the dragons had passed and sighed, making his way toward the castle. He was already close, and his gaze lifted to the vast Great Weirwood, which seemed even larger. At 150 meters tall, its presence was monumental, and the castle stood just behind it.

As they rounded the giant tree, the castle's towers came into view. Entering through the gates, still marching with his royal guards, Jon saw his family waiting for him. His children, Lyanna and Jon, were there, seeing Ghost for the first time.

"He's so big!" Lyanna exclaimed, enchanted by the giant wolf, far larger than any other wolf they had ever seen in Artica.

"Well, we're finally here," Jon said, dismounting from Ghost. "The first thing I want to do is take a bath in our hot springs. We'll talk as soon as we're dressed more appropriately."

Jon spoke, and everyone nodded in agreement, as the women would need to change their clothes. Seryna called several women who worked in the castle as servants of the royal household.

Meanwhile, the men were bringing the most important goods into the castle. Jon watched as chests were carried in, containing the treasure from Yi-Ti, a special painting he had acquired in Valyria, and a key given to him by the Red God, along with his Valyrian steel armor and weapons, among other items.

"Some of these things should be placed in the castle vault, but I'll leave that for later," Jon decided.

He observed his wives and betrothed entering the castle along with their entourage of ladies-in-waiting, who followed them in carriages. However, he did not join them immediately, as another issue required his attention.

In one corner of the castle courtyard, all the dragons were gathered around Eragon after being reprimanded and brought back to the castle. They had been attempting to follow Jon.

From the castle entrance, 13 new dragons also emerged, bringing the total to 21 young dragons, excluding Eragon.

The new dragons looked around suspiciously, clearly dissatisfied after spending most of their lives confined aboard a ship. Now, finally free, they walked awkwardly, casting hostile glances toward the other dragons. At the same time, they were cautious of Eragon's colossal size, as were the other eight dragons.

Jon realized he needed to intervene immediately to prevent the dragons from attacking each other before he could even take his long-awaited bath in the castle.

He approached the group and, using his control abilities, calmed the dragons. It wasn't a difficult task for Jon, who had full mastery over the 21 dragons through his Warg abilities. Five of the dragons were separated into a corner, while two others stayed among those that had followed him, as only five were directly bonded to his older children, and two were bonded to Daenerys and Rhaenys.

It took some time, but he managed to bring all the dragons to the center of the courtyard. Eragon approached Jon, clearly eager to fly with him. However, Jon shook his head.

"I'm going to spend a few hours with my children and wives first; we can do that later," he said, noticing that while the dragons were still cautious, none of them were fighting over territory as they appeared to be getting acquainted.

Eragon snorted in response, and Jon shrugged as he headed toward the castle.

-------------Nexts Chapters ----------------

Chapter 217 - The Routine of the King of Artica 03. 

Chapter 222 - The Truth 03. 

Chapter 232 - The She-Wolf of the North 02. 

Chapter 241 - Vaes Dothraki.



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