Genetic Ascension

Chapter 926: System Rewards (1) [Ko-Fi Donation Bonus Chapter]

Sylas wasn't sure how to take what he was seeing properly.

He had only ever seen one System Reward at a time. He had certainly never seen two. And he had most definitely never seen a row of ten like he was seeing now.

It was so ridiculous that he had to scroll intentionally before he finally got to the Merits. But when he stopped there, he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

This wasn't because of complicated feelings he had after being stuck in the red for so long, nor was it because of the overwhelming sense of almost… loss he felt.

With so much Merit, he should have been seeing stars and rainbows. But because Earth had fallen into a state of dormancy, its Aether levels plummeting and its laws not carrying the life and vitality they should, the weight of Merits, even Progenitor ones, wasn't felt as heavily as it should be.

While in any other situation, Sylas would be showered with rare Quests and stumble upon Treasures with every step he took, Earth couldn't sustain such a thing right now.

No, the real reason he was feeling a bit complicated was because he wasn't sure if this was a good thing for him or not.

Arcane Madness had said he needed a Gold Demerit in order to become a Level Three Madness Disciple. Would he have to erase all these Merits first to do that? What sort of atrocities would he have to commit to get down there?

'Hm…' Sylas' eyes narrowed. Was he overthinking it? Was this actually a good thing instead?

Arcane Madness had said he needed a Gold Demerit, but he had never said that he needed to be in a Gold Demerit State. In that case, could he take on this Gold Merit without suffering the ill effects that would come afterward?

Sylas' eyes glowed.

He had gained both a Legendary Merit and a Progenitor Merit. If the pattern was still the same, then he needed ten of the former to form one of the latter, and thus ten Gold Merits to form one Legendary Merit.

With enough breathing room, he might even be able to become a Level Five Madness Disciple before he had to worry about building up Merits again.

But with this sort of buffer, why allow himself to fall into a deficit again? If he could help it, he would avoid it at all costs.

After some correspondence with the Madness Key, and suffering a Taboo backlash that doubled the required Genes again, Sylas was able to confirm that he was right.


Sylas expected his System Rewards to be like all the others, only triggering when the situation was right. But he was unexpectedly caught off guard when the first activated on its own.

[System Reward Activated]

[World Scepter (???) (World Treasure)]

[Abilities: World Sight; World Travel]

[Place sights on any location on Planet Earth]

[Teleport to any location on Planet Earth]

Sylas was pleasantly surprised by this. This was more important to him now than ever before.

He was just one man, and as powerful as he was now, Earth was still so large. It made it hard to fathom just how large a star system, a galaxy, or even a cluster of galaxies beyond might be.

He was already having trouble managing just Earth alone, and it took him hours to get to the Africor Continent even with his speed and the help of portals.

But now, portals wouldn't be here any longer, not with the System Cities no longer able to scramble things.

He had only just had the thought when the second System Reward triggered. Discover stories with My Virtual Library Empire

[Free Experience: 177 000 000 000]

[System Reward Activated]

[Free Experience Multiplied by 1 000 000]

[Free Experience: 177 000 000 000 000 000]

Sylas had only just gotten this Free Experience from destroying the System Cities—something he also couldn't help but be surprised didn't come with Demerits. He had been almost certain he would be screwed in that aspect. But it was like the system had completely turned a blind eye to it.

Looking at this shocking number, Sylas was a bit overwhelmed… until he remembered just how ridiculous the requirements for his Legendary Profession were. Would this be enough?

'No. It's still not enough to get Taboo Bond to Level 50. One Kind For Me is already at Level 41, and it still isn't enough to get it to Level 50…'

The difficulty of maxing out a Legendary Profession was simply too high.

But this Experience amount was still a great deal. He also had a few left over from his last amounts too. He also had a feeling that he would have a chance to destroy more System Cities very soon. Right now, that was still his most efficient way to gather Experience regardless.

[System Reward Activated]

[Progenitor Professional (???) (Title)]

[Forge your Profession with your own hands, mold it, and craft it into something new. Peek into the future of your Profession, comprehend it, and lower the Experience requirements]

Sylas' gaze flickered.

What exactly did this mean? Could he change Vipermancy into something else, potentially? But what was this part about peeking into the future? Did it allow him to use higher aspects of his Profession for brief instances to comprehend it?

Sylas wasn't sure about the former questions, but the last one… he was fairly certain that he was correct.

But the requirements were likely quite high, just like Palms of Fate was. What would it take to successfully peek into the future?

Just as Sylas was lost in thought, something happened.

[One Kind For Me has been Temporarily Enhanced by Progenitor Professional]

[One Kind For Me has Temporarily reached Level 42]

Sylas' eyes widened. Wasn't the requirement supposed to be… high?

'Oh… my Progenitor Flame Ability…'

It clicked for Sylas. Peering into the future and the shifts in Runes that took place? Didn't he already have that ability?

He couldn't even ruminate on this for long before the next System Reward triggered.

[System Reward Activated]

[E-Grade Race Upgrade Available]

>[Shedding Human]


>[Devouring Human]


>[Primal Human]


>[Fairy Human]


There was a sudden glitch as the screen scrolled down and Sylas' mind went black for a moment.

[Learn Location of Genesis Forge?]

[Yes] [No]

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