Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 30 - escape

The priest lights the candles and leads the maid to dance and dance. The sacrifice begins. The first sacrifice is a deer. The blood of the deer flows into the container in the lower room of the altar. The body of the deer is burned, and the smoke is enveloped from the bottom up. Up the stone statue.

   The priest finished chanting a series of spells, and then it was the second sacrifice.

   When the soldiers opened the wooden cage, the group finally understood what was going to happen.

   They are not here to do part-time jobs. They are sacrifices to the goddess. Each person is only worth two silver coins, which is cheaper than the previous deer.

   The soldier waved at the wooden cage and motioned for an old woman to come over. The old woman was so frightened that she cried, grabbed the hair of a young girl next to her, and pushed her hard to the door.

   The soldier doesn’t care, just be a woman.

   They tied the girl to a rope and hung it from the stone statue with an iron hook. The girl was so scared that she couldn’t speak, until a spear pierced her chest, she let out her first scream.

   The mother hurriedly blocked the child’s eyes with her hand. A group of people shrank into a cage, shaking with tears, but did not dare to make a sound.

   Manda was also shaking, half was really scared, half was pretending, he was observing every detail of the sacrifice in his fingers, trying to find a chance to escape.

  The situation is not optimistic. All the soldiers prayed under the altar. Unless Zhao Zilong possesses his body, it is impossible for him to break out of a hundred people.

   Inadvertently, he noticed the statue of the god. The girl’s blood flowed on the statue, but there was no trace of blood left. The blood that fell on the statue disappeared instantly without a trace, as if it had been drunk by the statue.

   What a terrible nymph! Is the evil spirit sealed inside or a demon entity?

Uncle Beard was the only person who did not show any fear. He shouted: “This is blasphemy! You are blaspheming the hunting goddess! There is no glory and majesty of God in this idol, there is only a bloodthirsty demon inside! You guys! You are not worthy to recite the name of God, you are not worthy!”

   The girl struggled on the hook for a long time before she died. When her blood drained, the third round of sacrifice began.

   The soldiers opened the cage again, and Uncle Beard walked straight up.

   “Let me come! I am not afraid of you! I am not afraid of that demon!”

   Manda hates the roots of his teeth, not because of the brutality of these people, but because of the stupidity of the beard.

   It doesn’t make any sense for him to do this. It is impossible to change the fate of these people by dying first, but Manda is missing a helper.

   The others are very thankful. Although they don’t know who will be the next one, at least they can live a little longer.

  Unexpectedly, the soldiers didn’t look at the beard, they pushed him back to the cage: “It’s still early, you have to stay until the end, change to a man!”

The soldier looked at the annoying young man. The young man paled with fright. He grabbed Manda and said, “He! He always wanted to escape, let him go first. I am the clerk chosen by the Lord Knight. I swear in the name of the Lord, what I said is true!”

   The soldier shook his head and said, “He is even more special. Change another one!”

  As if playing a game, the soldier kept staring at the young man, watching his funny and shameless behavior.

   The young man turned around and grabbed the little boy again: “This little guy can’t do anything, let him go!”

   Mother desperately held the little boy, the little boy cried out loudly, Manda cut the boy’s thigh with her finger while she was messing.

   Blood shed, the young man screamed, and the two soldiers looked at each other.

   “He was injured? He shed so much blood?”

   “Hurry up and dedicate it to the goddess, and you will die if you don’t get it right tomorrow.”

   The soldier dragged the young man out and hung up. The spear quickly pierced his chest, and the blood flowed on the stone statue. It disappeared cleanly as before, but the young man’s shout did not stop for a long time.

   “I am the clerk selected by Lord Knight, Lord Knight can testify for me, I am a nobleman, I understand words, please help me, please…”

   The heavy rain came, and the priest asked the waiter to make a few more holes in the boy to let his blood drain quickly.

  Zigsell standing under the tent smiled and said, “Heavy rain means rebirth, and we have received a response from the gods.”

   The bearded man sat in the cage, and made the same noise that no one else could detect: “You are really vicious, he really doesn’t die.”

   “It was not I who killed him.” Manda shrank in a corner of the cage and fell asleep.

   At dusk, the soldiers gave each of them a loaf of bread, and everyone was munching on it. The desire for food made them forget the threat of death again.

   In the middle of the night, the heavy rain still didn’t stop. Only two soldiers remained outside the wooden cage, and the others all hid in the tent.

   Manda leaned close to Beard and gave him an elbow.

   The beard opened his eyes. He didn’t sleep, and he knew what Manda wanted to do.

   Manda pointed to the door and moved his finger, meaning that he could open the door of the cage.

   After opening the door, one by one, kill the guards. It is best to keep silent and run away immediately.

   The bearded man shook his head and said, “It’s not the time yet.”

   “When the rain stops, it will be too late.”

   “It won’t stop tonight.”

   Manda’s voice caught the soldier’s attention. One soldier turned his head and pulled the long sword halfway out of the scabbard, which was regarded as a warning to Manda.

   Watching them drowsy in the rain, they actually maintained a high level of vigilance. The beard’s judgment was correct, and it was really not the time.

   Manda sat back in his corner. The little boy who had been sleeping in his mother’s arms suddenly opened his eyes and crawled quietly to Manda’s side, and gave Manda half of the bread in his hand.

   The soldiers only gave them mother and son a loaf of bread, obviously not wanting to waste food on them. The mother divided the little boy in half. There was a gap on the half loaf of bread. The little boy bit. He only ate one bite and left the rest for Manda.

   This is his only wealth. He stared at Manda, his eyes full of longing, he wanted to live.

   Manda took a bite and returned the bread to the little boy. The little boy refused to accept it. This was his bargaining chip to buy his life. He knew that he couldn’t bargain.

   His eyes were wide, staring at Manda closely, and looking at the little guy’s eyes, Manda couldn’t help but smile.

   He made a cross-eyed, staring at the little guy for a while, and seven silver coins were shown on his round little face.

  Life has a price, and most of the time it is cheap, but people who live desperately can always enhance their value.

   Such a person is worth surviving.

   The heavy rain is like a note, UU reading www. Manda sat in the corner waiting for the movement of the bearded man.

   After waiting for a long time, Manda couldn’t help kicking him. The guy still didn’t respond, as if he had already sat down.

   Manda has prepared Goldfinger. He has to make a difficult choice. Should he make a hole in the beard’s leg? Or just open the door of the cage?

When    was hesitating, he suddenly opened his eyes when he saw the beard, and said solemnly: “The time has come!”

   Manda looked at the sleeping little boy, pointed at him, then at herself, indicating that he must follow closely.

   The little boy nodded and shook his sleeping mother.

   Manda quietly came to the cage and clamped the chain with his fingers.

   There was a crash, the chain broke, and Manda took a deep breath. The voice was louder than he thought.

   The soldiers outside the cage did not respond, they fell asleep.

   Manda opened the cage door and signaled the others not to move. He and Beard walked out of the cage quietly.

   The two came separately behind the two soldiers. Manda cut a soldier’s throat with a gold finger. The soldier was struggling and clutching his neck, awakening the other soldier.

   As soon as the awakened soldier opened his eyes, he was covered with a big beard and twisted his neck.

   Manda looked back at the boy in the cage. The boy was very scared, and his mother was even more scared, but he still took his mother out of the cage.

   A young man woke up, saw that they had all escaped, and quickly followed.

   Only the old woman was left in the cage. Manda didn’t want to care about her, but the beard stepped forward to wake her up.

   The old woman opened her eyes, stared at the beard for a while, and suddenly shouted: “Come on! Lord Knight, Lord Soldier, come on! They are going to run away!”


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