Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 32 - Crown of Sphinx

  The lion girl came, waving her lion claws frantically at Ziegsei. Ziegsei dodged and retreated, shouting in her mouth: “Flying!”

   A piece of dust rose into the air, making Manda seem to be back in the dense fog of the valley. Unlike the valley, under the dense dust, Manda could not open his eyes at all.

   Sphinx waved his wings vigorously, trying to fly away from the dust. Ziggsell stepped on the dust, as if stepping on a ladder, step by step to catch up.

   Where there is soil, there is a path underfoot. This is the gift of Gaia believers. Ziegsei ran through the dust, faster than the flying Lion Girl.

   Blindly fleeing is tantamount to death, the Sphinx’s wings instantly became several times larger, and a gust of wind blew away between the swings, blowing away a dust, and blowing Ziegser back a few steps.

   The dust on the ground is still surging, and Sphinx’s physical strength can’t compete with Ziegsei’s skills. Seeing Ziegsei rushed up again, Sphinx suddenly had a golden crown on his head.

   “In the name of my god, gain the power of my god, and get the light of my god!” The golden crown of Sphinx issued a dazzling golden light, shining at Ziegsei, and black smoke appeared on Ziegsei’s clothes.

   This is the power of the artifact, this is the power of the demon **** Sphinx.

Ziegsei crashed down along the dust, and when he fell to the ground, his long-growth beard pounced on him. Ziegsei took the opportunity to hide behind his beard. Under the golden light, the beard was full of smoke. , Lying on the ground unconscious.

   The golden light failed to support it for too long, and the lion woman’s physical strength reached its limit. Ziegsei’s offensive was not over yet, the dust dissipated, and rubbles, large and small, floated up.

   Manda hid behind the big tree and hugged his head. The demigod Lioness was still so strenuous facing the Tier 3 Ziegsah. This level of battle was beyond his reach.

   Sphinx was flying in the air, and the rain made her hair stick to her cheeks, making her more charming than usual.

She raised her head and let out a long roar, as high as a crane and as heavy as a lion’s roar. Both voices echoed in her ears at the same time. Manda had a sharp pain in her chest, and she felt that her heart was about to break. The bearded man who was originally unconscious Suddenly he hugged his head and rolled all over the floor.

   It is the little boy and his mother who have not been affected too much, and the hearing of mortals is not so sharp.

   This voice also caused a lot of influence on Ziguesai. He took two steps back and watched Sphinx’s next move. As long as Sphinx dared to attack, he would immediately sift her with rocks.

   The two sides faced each other for a long time, but Sphinx did nothing. She seemed to be delaying time.

   Ziegsay looked back at the barracks, he heard some noises.

   is the sound of shouting and killing, and the sound of biting from hell.

   Three-headed dog! He was attacking the barracks, and Ziegsel was shocked, but he didn’t dare to leave easily. He didn’t want to leave his back to the Sphinx.

  The best option at the moment is to launch an offense with rocks. There is a high probability that the Sphinx will be hit hard, but it is also possible to encounter a fatal counterattack from the Sphinx.

   Torres was surrounded by only one first-tier guard, and he could not support it for long in front of the three-headed dog. More than a hundred soldiers might be able to withstand it for a while, but if the Viscount’s precious son was killed, Ziegser’s trouble would be great.

   At the time of the dilemma, Manda suddenly jumped behind the mother and son, stepped on the ground hard and said: “Your swamp is gone!”

   The marshland of Ziegsai has long since disappeared. Although he still has a great advantage over the Sphinx, he cannot maintain such a huge spell consumption in battle.

   “You swore like the goddess of the earth, you must let us go, otherwise it would be infidelity to the goddess!”

Manda’s remarks seemed to be threatening, but in fact they gave Ziegsser a step. The rubble floating in the air slowly fell. Ziegsser looked up at the lion girl and squeezed a smile: “I don’t want to Participate in your war, and this is not a battlefield, I’m just a bounty hunter.”

   The Lion Girl smiled and said, “You treat us as prey?”

Ziegsei shook his head and said: “It’s a pity that there are no prey in this mission. My mission is to protect Torres’s safety. He is the son of the Viscount. It has a bearing on my reputation and livelihood. If you have to ruin my livelihood. , I can only kill you.

   Now you have ascertained the location of the barracks, and the three-headed dog can kill a lot of soldiers. You made a lot of money. If you want to stop here, I don’t mind letting you leave. “

   This is a wise choice, but Manda is worried that the lion woman’s IQ will be off-line, so she has to be reckless with the other party.

   Unexpectedly, the Sphinx promised very happily: “You go, go back to your camp.”

   Ziegssey shook his head and said, “I may not be clear enough, I am asking you to leave.”

Sphinx smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I will not attack you from behind. The chance of success is too low, and the price paid is too high. Go back quickly. If you can’t see you, the three-headed dog won’t stop. .”

   “I like your wiseness.” Ziegser nodded and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

   Sphinx touched Manda’s head: “Be careful, you have completed another task.”

   Manda looked up at the Lion Girl: “Is there any difference?”

   “Of course there is a difference. Without you, who can lead Ziggsell out of the camp?”

   “What if I don’t want to escape at all and just want to stay in the camp and wait for death?”

   The Lioness squeezed Manda’s small face: “Are you willing to die?”

   “It really made you right!” Manda wanted to laugh, and after brewing for a while, he didn’t laugh.

   He turned his face to look at the little boy, stared at him with cockfighting eyes for a long time, and saw the golden light on his face.

   A gold coin, the little guy appreciates.

   The lion girl urged Manda to leave, and Manda asked her to wait a while because he had something urgent to do.

   He turned around, lifted his robe, and peeed on the ground, carefully admiring the reflection in the stagnant water.

   A pile of silver coins appeared next to his reflection. There should be no one hundred coins. He seems to be cheaper than the little boy.

   is also right, he still has his mother, he is hiding in the arms of his mother, at least in the eyes of his mother, he is more important than anything.

  Manda glanced at the big beard smoking on the ground, if luck, this little guy might still have a father.

   “Are you rich?” Manda asked the Lion Girl.

“How much do you want?”

   “Two gold coins are fine.”

   The Lion Girl gave Manda two gold coins. Manda walked to Bearded, took out a gold coin and said, “Your name is Ogg, a believer in Prometheus, I remember correctly, right?”

   Ogg nodded.

   “Looking at you like that, there shouldn’t be a wife, right?”

   Ogg flicked his hair and calmly said to Manda: “I’m still very young.”

   “How young can you be?”



   After a long look at each other, Manda confirmed that the other party had not lied, and then looked at the other party’s thick beard and wrinkles. It turned out that followers of Titan God still had an exceptional time bonus.

   Manda pointed to the mother and son, and said in a low voice: “It’s not easy to live. Take them to live together, okay?”

   Ogg shook his head first. He didn’t want to carry a pair of burdens, which would affect his practice.

But looking at the gold coin in Manda’s hand, he still agreed. This gold coin is very important to him. He once sold himself for two silver coins, and he owed Manda a favor. After all, Manda Helped him get his life back.

   Manda stuffed the remaining gold coin into the little boy’s hand and smiled: “What’s your name?”

  The boy said: “My name is Toka.”

   “Toka, I like your name, how can I remember you?” It seems to be asking the little boy, but in fact it is looking for the inspiration of the gods.

   Toka did not know how to answer, but the voice of the **** of life appeared in his ears: “Leave your blood to him, and you will remember your own taste.”

  Blood is easy to say, all over his face, Manda dipped his blood and smeared the boy’s face: “Live, don’t die.”

   Sphinx was not in the mood to watch Manda sensational. She grabbed Manda’s clothes from behind and disappeared into the night sky with Manda.

   Ziegsah ran back to the camp, the three-headed dog had disappeared, and there were more than 20 dead bodies on the ground.

   “Where have you been?” Torres angered, “That guy almost destroyed the idol.”

   “I blocked a demigod and didn’t let her approach the camp.”

   “You mean the Sphinx?” Torres thought for a long time, and took Ziegsel back to the tent.

“Hydra (Old Yaman) took refuge in the Marquis, and the Sphinx and the three-headed dog came here to sneak attack on my camp. Except for the Earl and Ladon, there are only a few first-order believers and a group of white ducks in the valley of the grievance haze. According to the Marquis’s fortune-telling, both the Earl and Ladon were seriously injured. If we attack the valley tonight…”

   Ziegset dipped in water and wiped the wound on his arm. He was thinking about what tone of voice should be used to respond to Torres:

   “If we attack the valley, we may have crossed the distressed river and went to another world. The earl dared to send all hands out to prove that he was not injured and he was confident of winning against us.”

   “Just rely on him and those miscellaneous soldiers?”

   “You don’t need those miscellaneous soldiers, the earl is enough. The power in the valley will make him even more terrifying!”

   Torres shook his head and said: “I really don’t understand, why are you so afraid of him?”

“I hope you can learn to be afraid too,” Ziegsser made a simple dressing for himself with cotton cloth, and stood up, “Outside the valley, I can protect your safety. Once in the valley, I can’t do anything for you. UU看书www”

   Torres was silent for a long time, and sighed: “The sacrifices are all gone, what will you give to the nymph tomorrow?”

   “Isn’t there another old woman? Use her blood first, and then I will go and catch a few others back.”


   When the dawn was about to dawn, Sphinx took Manda back to the valley. According to the rules, she must first cash out the reward for Manda.

   “Achievement, fetish, gold coins, choose the same.”

   “I choose gold coins.” Manda’s choice remained the same.

“It’s a pity. I originally planned to give you that brace.” Sphinx asked the waiter to bring three gold coins. “You deserve it, but you still owe me two, so I can only Give you one.”

   “Either one is better than my life!” Manda accepted the gold coins and turned and left. The Lioness exhorted, “Go to Portia to get some medicinal materials. I think you have suffered a serious injury.”

   Manda did not respond. In the corridor, he met Eudora the Harpy, with a gentle smile still on his face.

   “Shall I take you to Portia’s cave?”

   “Okay.” Manda did not refuse. Climbing down from the castle on the cliff and then into the cave on the other side of the cliff was not easy for the exhausted Manda. He didn’t need to have trouble with himself.

   As for why he was sent to the enemy camp as a bait, Manda was not even interested in asking.

   Eudora carried Manda and did not fly directly to Porti’s cave. She deliberately circled the valley a few times.

   Manda inadvertently put his hand on Udora’s neck.

   Eudora smiled: “I really like you, don’t do stupid things, good boy.”

   Manda smiled and said, “I like you too, let’s not do stupid things, good sister.”


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