God Of Shadows

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Deal and Departure

I had been looking forward to getting a decent amount of money from the Nova Corps, then I planned to meet up with Captain Marvel on Earth. I wanted to establish Asgard as an ally very early and give them a warning about 2011.

I don't really care about any changes to the timeline, if the TVA were to be interested in stopping whatever I'd had planned, they would've atepped in when I was still young. If for some reason they only become aware of me later, well by that point, they should've stopped me a long time ago, because there is no way they can win against me now.

Not only do I have my powerful weapon, I have all of my magic and an army of over 800 soldiers with me constantly, so they'd be hard pressed to fight me regardless. If they ever make that mistake, I will gladly accept their gift of more soldiers for my Shadow Army.

They would also be able to provide me with access to TVA technology which is very powerful as some of it coincides with Manipulation of time which will be helpful once the stones are destroyed.

And if by chance I get "Pruned" then I will simply take over The Void, gaining new shadows at the same time, and will be able to see if Shadow Exchange works from the Void. As it stands, I haven't quite gotten the hand of all my Shadow skills, the only skills I have mastered are Shadow Extraction and Shadow Save.

I haven't been able to use Shadow Exchange yet, but unlike my Shadow Domain ability, I can at least feel the skill itself.

It's hard to explain, but even though I already know the skill exists, but it feels muted, like the skill Is blocked somehow. Maybe I need to meet some sort of requirement before I can access it.

Regardless of my current situation, I will need to conclude this deal quickly and gain access to the Jump Point network to go to Earth/C-53/Terra. Once I am there, I will try to meet up with Fury and Captain Marvel.


(Next Day)

"3 Billion Units?!?! You must be crazy!!" Of of the Nova Corpsman shouted after he heard what I had asked for selling the ships.

"You have a problem with the price?" I asked sardonically.

"Do I have a problem?!? Of course I do! First of all, the ships aren't even in perfect working order. Secondly, That is a ridiculous price for only two ships, if we had a fleet, then maybe." The Corpsman explained his thoughts.

I paused looked slightly down and placed my fingers on my chin as if I was thinking, then I looked up and said with a smirk.

"I see what you are saying, but, who ever said I only had two ships?"

"You have more?" This time it was Nova Prime who asked as her second in command had been speaking to me up to this point.

"Of course. As I am sure you are aware, each ship contained various smaller individual crafts that are meant to be used for smaller excursions. When I destroyed the two ships, I cut them both in half, I only lost around ten smaller ships from each battleship. If my count is correct, then it should be two battleships, and I believe around 600 fighters." I replied with a smile before pausing to look at their reactions.

After gauging their reactions, I decided to co tinue with the negotiations to possibly get more for it.

"Does that feel worth my original price?" I asked.

"O-of course, we can easily transf...." The Corpsman started before I held my hand up to stop him.

"I belive I deserve a good faith payment for the blatant disregard for my words. How about 6 billion and I am given access to the Jump Point network?" I asked.

Nova Prime knew what I was trying to do so she made sure to stop her people from talking and walked forward.

"I realize we made a mistake, but I belive 6 billion is too much. We can give you 4 billion, which is 1 billion more than your original price, and we wave any fees that may have occurred with the transaction and provide you with access to the network and 10% off for any purchases made in the market for free?" I knew what she was trying to do, but I needed a little extra for my future plans.

"Make it 4.2 and you have a deal and I will even promise that if the need arises, I can request that my father send soldiers in the event of an attack on Xandar. Barring that, merely I would be enough as reinforcements." I explained.

"Merely you? What could you alone do?" The Corpsman asked snidely.

"I'm never alone." I said calmly.

The Corpsman seemed confused, Nova Prime included, until they saw what happened next.

"Come forth." I said as part of my Shadow Army appeared inside the room, at least as many soldiers that could fit inside.

"This is only a glimpse of my true power and I have my shadows with me always." I explained, giving them a hint at my true power, without making them too scared and wanting to attack me for fear of an attack against them.

My Shadows then returned to my shadow and I looked at the group who had yet to recover from the shock.

Nova Prime was the first to recover, she smiled and extended her hand.

"4.2 is fine, we look forward to a long-term partnership in the future."

"Thank you." I replied.

"You will have your units transferred within the hour, and we will walk over to your ship to install the navigation system that connects to the Jump Points." Nova Prime added before she began to walk out the room.

"One more thing!" I said.

"Yes." She replied as she turned around.

"I would like to request the coordinates for a specific world to be included as well?" I asked.

"Hmm, what world?" She asked.

"It's called C-53, but you may know it as Terra or Earth." I explained.

Nova Prime seemed interested in why I wanted that specific information, but agreed and nodded all the same.

"Very well, it will be included in the new navigation system, if you would follow Denarian Saal." She said.

I nodded and followed Denarian Saal towards the port. When we arrived I waved my hand to undo the enchantments, causing the ships to be uncloaked, and lifted them away with Ruler's Authority towards the ships that had come to tow them. This was another demonstration of my power, just in case they thought that my army was my only strength.

If my actions shocked Denarian Saal, he didn't show it. He simply waited for the tow line to be attached to the ships as the pulled the ships away and nodded to me and left after the technicians arrived to install my new navigation system.


(1 Hour Later)

I thanked the technicians and they left. I went through everything and saw that the coordinates were there as promised. I also checked my account and saw the 4.2 billion Units. I had asked for 4.2 so I had 200,000 Units to play with while I saved the 4 Billion for when the Guardians would be trying to sell the Orb.

Now they might not want to sell for the exact price, but if I also sell the ships I will try to get from the Dark Elves, which contain ancient and powerful technology, I could probably get another 5 to 10 billion Units as the Dark Elves had very powerful ships and there is no doubt in my mind that the Nova Corps would be very interested.

Honestly, what I sold recently wasn't even worth a billion, let alone more than 4. What I was actually selling them was a guaranteed ally and help in the event that they would need it. I decided to leave a shadow with Denarian Saal so if I end up unlocking Shadow Exchange, I will have a way to teleport to Xandar.

After making sure everything was fully functioning and settled, I started my ship up and began my journey to Earth. I hope to get there the same time as Carol so I can meet Fury at the same time.

I saw the Jump Point beginning to open up in front of me as I headed towards it.

"Earth here I come." I said excitedly.


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