Gods Universe: Chain Ruler

Chapter 2: Lost Mind

Nicolas suddenly felt lost in his mind. Suddenly he woke up. He found himself in his room. He looked at the calendar. The last time he had been in the cave it had been on the 5th day of the 2nd part of the fall. Now when he looked at the date, it was the 25th day of the second part of the fall. For 20 days he questioned himself, "What have I been doing?"

When he went outside, everything was normal. No one was questioning his whereabouts for 20 days. 

"Hey Harry, what are you doing?" He waved his hand towards Harry standing outside the house.

"I'm waiting for you. We're going to the Dead Rabbit Bar."

 "What? Why didn't I know about this?"

"Are you crazy, Nik? We agreed yesterday that Alex and Emily will meet in front of their house. We'll meet as two groups at the Dead Rabbit Bar."

I don't know when we talked about this, but I won't spoil it. "Oh, that's right, I forgot. I apologize. Let's go." They went towards the Dead Rabbit Inn.

As they walked through the door, the people inside stared at the four people entering - Nicolas and his team. Nicolas looked at the men sitting in front of the bar in the inn. They looked familiar. He nudged Harry. "Aren't those the famous Mountain Killers?"

Harry looked softly towards the men sitting at the bar, staring at them. He quickly averted his eyes. "Yeah, the Zronan Killer, Annie the Esper, I don't know much about the others, these two are very powerful," he whispered.

They sat down at the table. Alex shouted. "Four Sherpsel beers please".

4 Sherpsel beers were on the table. These 4 friends were chatting and having fun at the table.

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