Going Into the World!

Chapter 357

14 volumes

When people are excited, their judgment is slightly impaired. Moreover, if there is something that strongly stimulates human nature, it cannot make even more violent judgments.

It was the same for Kerry. Despite knowing what it meant to nationalize the central bank, I was completely overwhelmed by my encouragement. It is because the desire for power and honor has clouded reason.

The power of the world’s most powerful president is enormous. However, if you lose the election soon, you will truly go back to your normal life. It is not that there is not a very little road, but it is not easy to accept.

Moreover, the temptation to be respected by the people was added to history. It was just too much to give up.

Now that I am 65 years old, I don’t know what kind of president I want to eat. If I ask him if he wants to risk it again, he won’t know.

People who have tried it once want to know more about it. Dictators who do not let go of power to the end show that it is addictive to power.

Moreover, the older you get like President Kerry, the greater your fame will be. I came to an agreement with him at the meeting because my judgment was clouded.

Even so, I’m a human being, so I think I’ll think of something else in the morning. Early the next morning, President Kerry called me.

“Chairman Kim. I was thinking about the bear last night.”

“Huh? What brings you here at dawn?”

As soon as I saw the clock on the wall of my office, it wasn’t past 8: 00. It’s not the dawn, but it’s very early. Of course, there’s a three-hour difference between LA and Washington, so it’s probably too late in the morning for Calling President Kerry.

“It’s 11: 00 already. I was trying to call earlier, but it’s too early, so I’m doing it now. Actually, I don’t sleep in the morning, so I get up at 5: 00 in the morning.”

“Haha. I’m not that diligent. What’s going on? That’s why you called me in the morning.”

President Kerry makes useless excuses about how nice it was to call earlier. I had a hunch, but I didn’t know. It’s like it’s morning, so I have no idea.

“Planning to nationalize the central bank. “

As I expected, I draw last night’s conclusions again. I hurried to answer before I said anything else.

“Oh, that? Don’t worry! Who am I? Already distributed to the press. One process is quick and uncertain? Haha.”

“Uh-huh. Oh, yeah? Have you already released it to the press?”

The embarrassing voice that came over the phone, I couldn’t help but think I wanted to see the look on his face.

One and a half thousand.

Lose the horn, too.

There are many good proverbs in Korea. In fact, when you sell something, you have to make them buy it right away. If you don’t want to hear the word ‘I’ll think about it,’ there are nine chances.

People’s desires usually increase at night, so I persuaded President Kerry to drink and sweet-talk for a while last night before getting permission. Of course, before I changed my words, I had already finished my work and returned to LA.

‘Huhu. Just in case I took care of it quickly,,, I was right.’

I endured smiling inside myself. Luckily, I can’t see the smile on my face because it’s on the phone. Similarly, it was a pity I didn’t get a good look at President Kerry.

“If you called because you were concerned, please relax. And I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

“W-what did he say? I’d like that…”

There is something about your voice that seems to be on the phone, but you can’t say anything. Perhaps, given what you said yesterday, there is a 99% chance that you were going to say, “Let’s hold off for a while.” The original person wakes up in the morning.

But!! I’ve already crossed the water.

“I’m going to send you a separate phone to make sure you have more security, so if you want to contact me, please call me at that.”

“You’re sending me a cell phone? So my phone is wired?”

I already cleared up last night’s debrief quickly, and quickly turned to something else. President Kerry is very concerned that his calls will be intercepted.

“Not necessarily, just in case. My phone is 100% secure with a special security chip.”

“Yeah? Well, I hope all my people can change that, too.”

“That won’t be a problem. Just tell us how much you need and we’ll take care of it.”

In the end, Kerry was unable to say what he wanted to say and had to hang up the phone. It’s because the rice is already cooked and has become food.

[The Federal Reserve Bank (Federal Reserve) is the total oversight of the finances of the United States. However, it turns out that the members of the Federation misjudged this situation as a ‘light crisis passing short’ at the beginning of the financial crisis last year.

This is the fact that the reporter obtained the minutes of the annual meeting at that time. If they had made the right decision at this point, the Federal Reserve would not have been able to avoid responsibility because there was enough time to prevent the current chain dominoes from going bankrupt.]

Since a few days later, criticism articles about the Federation have been circulating through various media. Phase 1 has spread the location of the Federation and has provided people with some hidden minutes of meetings in vain at the beginning of last year’s crisis to get their attention.

People say, “Oh, that’s where the Federation is? It was about the same as,” The Federation of Assholes have gathered together. “It has a distinction between ordinary citizens and the Federal Reserve Bank.

Why didn’t you blow something big in the first place? That’s it. I need some warm-up time.

There are a lot of people who don’t even know what a Federal Reserve Bank is, and all of a sudden, the Federation is a servant of financial financials, so we need to get them back to the government!

If someone talks like this, it’s not very likely that it will work. I can’t reach my chest. So I decided to step three.

The second step was to show that the Federation, which had been accustomed to many articles, was not simply stupid, but in fact an unfair evil institution.

This also, of course, stimulated the victims’ complaints by mixing 5% of plausible claims based on 95% of the facts.

[The culprits that caused the financial crisis are large banks. Nevertheless, it turns out that the Federal Reserve has given them priority on urgent loans.

On the other hand, what about small banks and manufacturers who have suffered great damage?

SMB has turned away because it is only small, and manufacturers have left the financial markets to collapse.

There is a hidden reason why this is happening. It is because the Federation is called a coalition of financial institutions, but large institutions do not control a large stake. This is when we need to do something about it.]

[Until recently, it has been known that the Central Bank has provided more than $100 billion in funding to bankrupt financial institutions. Several large banks, among other things, emergently raised billions of dollars each.

What is even more absurd is in its use. Reporters have found that government grants are useful for executive bonus payments in Morgan Stanley and City.

Paying bonuses on national blood taxes is amazing. Funnier, the Federal Reserve only provides funding and lays a hand on its use supervision. I’m just pathetic how this is happening.]

[Meaningful civil society groups and legislators raised their voices to disclose the names and amounts of large banks that were funded by the Federal Reserve and their use.

The surprising thing is that the Federal Regulations state that there is no need to disclose the list and details of emergency funds. This opacity is the result of the emergencies leaking into the bonuses of banking executives.

Federation that pays bonuses from big bad banks! Some have doubts about whether large financial institutions have a federal stake and have not caused this outcome.]

I peeled the onion and burst the corruption of the Federation in two steps. And this time it was more that the people could feel.

After the financial crisis, news about large banks has spread in the newspapers, but many of the small financial institutions and non-financial institutions have actually gone bankrupt due to money shortages. No, it is no exaggeration to say that when money is scarce, they are more influenced.

The wrongdoers are being bailed out, and the places they’ve avoided are bankrupt? Since the financial crisis, more than a million people have become unemployed, so people started to feel overwhelmed.

[What are the Federal ranks? Why are you spreading everything around?]

[Bastards, didn’t you get backed up?]

[So you gave these guys a bonus for the money I paid them? They’ll kill you.]

[That’s amazing. Lending it to the IRS, not disclosing the list. What the hell is the Federation?]

I can’t believe there’s a rule that says you don’t need to lend money to other people and tell them where you lent it to them…]

Initially, the condemnation bathroom was focused on the unfair conduct of the Federation and the ridiculous cycle of puffing. It makes me angry. His company collapsed into a recession, and the worst of them are still alive.

There was a lot of angry comments on the Internet. And after some time, more people started digging about the Federation this time.

[Is it true that there are other people moving behind the Federation?]

[It’s true. Rockefeller and Rothschild are holding it.]

[Large financial institutions are embedded in the major shareholder of the Federal Reserve. One of them is Citibank, which has been given bailouts. In the end, I cleaned up the debts I owed to Dongwon and the National Tax.]

[I can’t believe there was such a thing! I told you it was spreading. Then why does the government leave it like this? What’s President Kerry doing?]

[Capital markets in the United States are managed by the Federal Reserve. The president has no authority.]

[The central bank doesn’t do what the president wants?]

[The Federal Reserve is an independent agency with an administration. Rather, it’s a coalition of banks, so you have to look at the large banks.]

Do you own the Federation at Rockefeller Street?]

[You’re sharp. Behind the financial crisis is Rockefeller.]

‘Hehehe, what an extraordinary bunch. What do they do with this stuff?’

As I was reading the comments since morning, I smiled faintly. Along with the angry voices of the people, even though I did not speak, I have found good friends who embrace the conspiracy theories of Rockefeller and large financial institutions themselves.

“Chairman, are you feeling well today?”

Chief Crimson, who came into my office to report whether it was time or not, smiles and says hello. I nodded.

“Well, yeah. There are so many smart people these days.”

“Yes?! What’s that supposed to mean?”

You don’t understand what I’m saying. He told me that there were some ordinary people who were digging into the background of the Federation. Meanwhile, Chief Jason and President Johnson come in and take their seats.

“Chief Jason, is there any movement over there yet?”

“From what I understand, there was a meeting at one of the Rockefellers’ safe houses. It was too late to figure out what they were discussing.”

“You missed your chance! Be prepared in advance Next, we need to be thoroughly prepared and send out a few immediately to find out what they’re talking about.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll have them standing by 24 hours for immediate deployment.” ”

Rockefellers and other financial financiers prefer an oddly classic approach. They seem to be gathering together to negotiate, but they don’t even use their phones, rather than the Internet. I’m having trouble collecting information.

The only way to do that is to get a drone that resembles a dragonfly or a bird close to the meeting point. Fortunately, we can use state-of-the-art satellites to roughly figure out which room they’re in, so if the drones approach the window, they can be intercepted.

In fact, it wasn’t easy to tap through walls before. Laser detected the slight tremor in the window caused by sound waves generated by human voices, and even found a way to pick up voice signals, but the limitations were so high that they became impractical.

The techno center’s researchers compensated for these weaknesses by attaching a spy drone to a glass window to detect waves directly through the body. When I used this method, my listening rate increased dramatically.

“By the way… I want it to explode. What do you think?” ”

“So the President is stepping up?”

I’m telling you, Jason, the Director of Intelligence is on the line. I nodded slightly.

“Already? Isn’t it a little early for that?”

“I know you’re worried, but I think things are going well. There are only three or four months left in the election. If it explodes too late, the effect will be counterproductive.”

“I still have four months left…”

I’m still worried about Director Crimson, but I don’t think so. It is already in the first week of July, and this year’s election will be held on November 4, so there is only four months left.

America grows up and takes time to boil…

I thought it was a little funny. The same in Korea is enough in a month or two, and in the United States, where the land is large and the nationality is slightly different, there seems to be less than four months.

We need to raise national winds, but we don’t have enough time for President Kerry to safely reverse the financial crisis because his support rate is so low.

“Then I’ll be ready.”

Chief Jason, who received my gaze, nods and utters meaningful heartfelt words. My mouth goes up without me knowing it. I dug through the drawer and pulled out the dice on the other side.

Bloop, bloop!

All of a sudden, Chief Jason, Chief Crimson and President Johnson look at me confused.

What are you looking at? You threw the dice, right? ‘

I know it’s a little crazy… but I’m the boss. Tsk, I tried to have a sense of humor, but it didn’t work.

Artwork Reviews

The Federation Chairman, including the Chairman, appears to have initially underestimated the risk of the financial crisis, according to the minutes of the Federation’s meeting at the time of the financial crisis, which was unveiled after the resignation of the Chairman of the Association, who was evaluated successfully to overcome the financial crisis.

Since 2002, one percent interest rate has been maintained for a long time, promoting housing price bubbles, neglecting regulation and market oversight on mortgages, and even after the initial crisis, it has been compromised.

Moreover, the special benefits for large financial institutions in the Federation have been placed on top of the cutting board. It’s because there’s a big difference between small businesses and non-financial institutions.

This was further criticized by the executives of the financial institution, who also recorded the last rates of support among state institutions.

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