GOT: A Transmigrator's Conquest

Chapter 29: 29. War in Shadows

After speaking with his Wildling warriors about their roles on the upcoming journey, Stannon gave them his final instructions.

Once their tasks were assigned, Stannon left the bar and entered the castle, through the same way, he had arrived.

When he entered his room, the familiar scent of burning firewood filled the air. He took off his boots, removed his belt, and poured himself some ale. After drinking, he moved to the washbasin. The cold water woke him up as he cleaned himself.

Afterward, he lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts drifted to the place he was leaving behind.

For nine years, Winterfell had been more of a home to him than the place he was born. He had trained in its yards, fought on its grounds, and built friendships with the people who lived here.

He would miss Jon and Robb, his closest friends and the brothers he never had. He would miss Arya, the little shadow who had begged him to teach her how to fight. He would miss Sansa, who dreamed of a life at court, and even Bran and Rickon, the youngest ones.

But no matter how much Winterfell meant to him, he had never truly belonged here. His future lay elsewhere. In King's Landing.

As he thought about the King's landing, his mind drifted towards the one house he particularly hated, the Lannisters.

For years, he had fought a hidden war against the Lannisters. He had built a network of spies, informants, fighters and assassins, turning the very walls of the Red Keep against them. It had started small—passing whispers into the right ears, bribing guards and merchants, and forming secret alliances.

Soon, he had people inside the castle itself. Servants and guards, the kind of people most people barley noticed except for a few, became his informants. From the kitchens to the throne room, from the dungeons to the royal chambers, secrets were always waiting to be uncovered. He learned of Tywin's movements before they happened, of Cersei's plots before she acted, and of Joffrey's cruelty before anyone else whispered of it.

Of course all this wasn't possible just with the profits he earned from the soap business. He had to expand his business in order to have huge amount of resources to counter the Lannisters who were literally the richest people in the Westroes.

First, he had introduced scented soaps made with lavender, rose petals, and wild herbs. These attracted the attention of the nobility, who had never considered the luxury of fragrance in soaps. This became a small symbol of status among them.

Next, he created medicinal soaps to help with common skin ailments like rashes, acne, and dry skin. These soaps became highly sought after, particularly in the poorer areas of King's Landing, where disease and infection were prevalent. As the soap business grew, so did Stannon's wealth and influence. His profits helped him form connections with merchants and influential people, expanding his reach.

Recognizing that not everyone could afford soap, Stannon introduced "soap rations"—small, affordable bars for the working class. This made him even more beloved among the common folk. His products were now sold throughout the city, from streets to noble homes.

One of his most profitable innovations was the "soap powders"—small packets of soap that could be mixed with water to create a cleaning solution. These were cheaper to produce, easier to transport, and became an immediate success, significantly increasing his profits.

Stannon didn't stop there. He introduced other personal care items, such as natural tooth powders made from charcoal and herbs to freshen breath and clean teeth. He also developed hair oils from olive oil and herbs like rosemary and thyme to treat dandruff and promote hair growth. His oils became popular among people with dry, itchy scalps, and many in King's Landing began using them to maintain their hygiene.

Bath salts were another major success. As scented soaps gained popularity, Stannon created aromatic bath salts using salts from the Narrow Sea mixed with lavender, rose petals, and citrus zest. These salts became a luxury item, and Stannon earned a fortune from their sale.

With his growing wealth, Stannon funded his campaign against the Lannisters more effectively. His products also allowed him to launder money and gain influence in circles previously closed to him, including merchant lords, traders, and noblemen.

Stannon had taken something as simple as soap and built an empire that gave him the resources to challenge the Lannisters.

He first targeted their money, cutting off their trade routes, bribing merchants, and funding rival businesses to weaken them. Slowly, he made them bleed without ever drawing a sword.

Knowing the future significantly helped Stannon in this endeavour.

But the Lannisters were not fools.

Tywin Lannister, always thinking ahead, set traps for him. More than once, Stannon followed false leads that wasted his time and cost him valuable allies and money.

And still, Stannon did not stop.

He spread whispers that made the Lannisters seem untrustworthy. He bought land and businesses, making sure their influence in the city weakened. Even the Gold Cloaks, the city guards, started to shift sides.

It was a battle fought in the dark, where daggers were drawn behind closed doors and poison replaced swords.

The tug of war between them continued, as both of them tried their best to counter each other.

Tywin turned the game against Stannon, planting false spies in his network and feeding him lies. The merchants and nobles who once supported him started cutting ties, afraid of the Lannisters' wrath.

Then came the killings.

Some of his most trusted informants disappeared overnight. Some were found dead in the slums, their tongues cut out. Others were hanged from the city gates as a warning.

Tywin had struck back.

But Stannon was not someone who gave up easily.

He had spent years building his web, and even with the Lannisters fighting back, he still had the advantage. Their grip on King's Landing was slipping, their enemies growing bolder.

And now, with his Wildling warriors by his side, Stannon was ready to make his next move.

The storm was coming.

And when it hit, the Lannisters would fall.


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