GOT Thor Travelling

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 : New Recruits And Lannister Brothers

Jon stood there as he observed his new brothers in the Night's Watch. All his ideals of serving an honorable order that guarded the realm of men were shattered the moment he saw them.

Murderers, rapists, thieves—he saw only them. No honor, no valor.

"It's a mistake..." Jon muttered to himself as he dodged an attack from one of his fellow Night's Watch recruits. He didn't let his thoughts dull his movements and immediately parried, following up with a punch to the man's face.

They didn't get much rest, as all new recruits were thrown into training immediately. The one conducting it was Alliser Thorne, and if the others were to be believed, this time, the training for new recruits had been made stricter manyfold.

Jon was able to handle the recruits easily enough; it wasn't hard for someone who had learned swordsmanship in a castle. However, he could feel it—something was wrong here.

Unlike in the TV series or the books, here, Alliser wasn't breathing down Jon's neck from the start. Perhaps it had something to do with what was inside the cellar within Castle Black.

Even after Thor had caused quite a commotion upon his arrival, many within Castle Black had yet to lay eyes on the White Walker. Mere word of mouth wasn't enough for these lowlifes to believe their sworn brothers.

This was especially true for the new recruits. The Lord Commander didn't want word to spread too far, fearing more defections. There had already been many after Thor brought the undead. The new recruits were the most likely to flee.

Thus, the cellar was off-limits to almost everyone. No one was allowed near it, and for good reason. Those with sharp ears could hear it at night—alongside the howling wind, a voice so unnatural it kept them awake.

Jon could feel it—there was tension in the castle. He wasn't an idiot. He knew something was going on. Both his father and Uncle Benjen hadn't wanted him to join the Watch, but he had come nonetheless.

After arriving, he had heard whispers among the brothers. He couldn't help but remember what that man had told him.

"To the Wall, aye? Planning on taking the Black?" Jon recalled a muscular, handsome blond man walking up to him while he was preparing to depart from Winterfell.

"I see you didn't," Jon observed the man. He was imposing the moment he arrived. Imposing and charming.

"Yes... I haven't. I wouldn't join a group of murderers, thieves, and rapists even if it was my last option."

"The Night's Watch is an honorable order. We protect the realm of men." Jon immediately got agitated and replied.

"Says who? A boy who hasn't yet stepped outside this castle's walls?" Thor glared at Jon, making him calm down.

"I came from there, Jon Snow. I know the reality. The Black is not the order it once was. I came here to you because Benjen asked me to; he seems to be tired of you Pestering to join the night watch."

"My mind is set, I'm—"

"Sure, go ahead," Thor interrupted him. "But before that, ask yourself one thing: Do you need the Wall, or does the Wall need you? Because if it's the former, you won't last long when the time comes."

Thor had turned away after saying those words.

Jon hadn't understood what he meant then. But now, maybe, he was beginning to connect a few dots.

While heading back to their quarters, he asked one of his fellow recruits, "What's in the cellar?"

"Chaaaaa..." A terrible sound rang out in the dark cellar, sending a chill creeping beneath their skin. The dull, damp walls seemed to vibrate every time the creature from hell let out its unnatural scream.

"By the Seven, what are we looking at?" Jaime Lannister muttered in disbelief. He had known what to expect when he decided to come to Castle Black. He hadn't believed the old stories, even after seeing a severed hand move on its own.

However, now, he had no choice but to accept the truth. He had never claimed to be a man of knowledge. He wasn't well-studied, nor was he always right. He couldn't call himself wise. But for once in his life, he was disappointed to realize he had been wrong.

In front of him stood a spawn from hell itself, just as described by that man. Thor had warned them, but Jaime hadn't believed him—until now. Cersei hadn't been happy when he announced his trip to Castle Black, but at least now, he had a good reason to justify his actions.

"That's a White Walker. The first of its kind seen in thousands of years. They were the reason the Wall was built and why the Night's Watch exists." Lord Commander Jeor Mormont spoke with a stern expression. He had clearly had time to come to terms with the fact that the childhood tales of White Walkers were no myth.

"Did that man really capture it?" Jaime asked, now wondering whether he could have done the same. He had never fought Thor, but he had seen what the man had done to the Hound and that bear. Would he be able to fight a White Walker?

Before the Lord Commander could ask who Jaime was referring to, Tyrion, standing to the side, finally spoke up.

"Have you found any way to kill it? Any information about their numbers? How many we can expect? Do we know anything at all?" Tyrion asked. He was just as horrified as the others, but he was always prepared to accept the unexpected. Being a dwarf had taught him that, who knew when his father might decide he was no longer needed?

Jeor Mormont glanced at the Imp with a steady gaze before finally replying. "We don't. Besides the meagre knowledge we possess from the old tales, we know nothing."

"I wanted to assemble a scouting party soon, but I can't leave the castle unattended—not with that thing here."

"Why? Afraid your entire order will be wiped out by the time you return?" Tyrion asked, his usual flair and mockery laced in his words.

"The other way around..." Jeor Mormont replied sternly, unfazed by the jibe.

"So you have found a way to kill it?" Tyrion asked, a little hopeful.

"No. More like—we don't know. The stories speak of fire and dragonglass, but we can't test them on it just yet."

"Why not? Shouldn't we know if we even stand a chance against these things? We'll be sitting ducks, ready to be slaughtered if we don't find a way to kill them!" Jaime asked heatedly. Ever since he had seen that severed hand, he hadn't been able to rest.

Now that he knew they existed, he was even more anxious.

"You think I don't want to know that?" Jeor Mormont raised his voice to cut Jaime off. "You Southerners know nothing of how long we Northerners have kept the Wall safe. So don't dictate to me what I should and shouldn't do."

His outburst finally brought silence to the room, giving Tyrion a chance to speak.

"I agree..." Tyrion said, making Jaime glare at him as if asking whose side he was on.

"I understand why you haven't tested it. If we didn't believe it at first, chances are others won't either. This here is our only proof to convince the lords of the Seven Kingdoms that a real threat exists beyond the Wall—not just some bloody wildlings."

He looked at Jaime, who, too, was beginning to understand why they were keeping the White Walker alive.

"However, we need to know how many are out there. We need to learn how to kill them. Do you have any plans, Lord Commander?" Tyrion asked, his gaze steady.

Though they had initially been suspicious, both Lannisters now understood the gravity of the situation. The North might be the White Walkers' first target, but how long until they reached the South, to the Casterly Rock, or even King's Landing?

They knew this news had to be passed to the lords of the North soon.

"A war is coming, A war we are not prepared for."


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