Halfhand's Legacy: A Dance of Dragons - A Self-Insert Tale (Completed)

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Temper violence with wisdom

129 AC

As Aemond was donning his plate and mail for his visit to the Stormlands, Daeron burst into the armoury and began to prattle before Aemond could even raise his eyebrow, "Aemond, you need to help me convince Aegon not to go about this ridiculous nonsense of allowing Daemon to destroy Oldtown. They are our kin, our greatest supporters, the Faith and the Citadel are as integral to Westeros as the air is for a man to breathe. He can bring the Most Devout and the High Septon to King's Landing later on his own without having Daemon kill them all. This new centre of learning that he wishes to establish can be done without having to destroy the Citadel. You need to help me convince him Aemond, this is ridiculous, it is needlessly cruel for no reason."

"For fucks sake, Daeron, slow down," Aemond said to Daeron, stopping him before he could continue, Aemond held him by the shoulders, "Take a deep breath and calm down." It was a good thing that the armoury and the training yards were empty today. Nobody ought to hear the words that came out of Daeron's mouth.

"Calm down!!" Daeron incredulously exclaimed, "How can I calm down when Aegon is so flippant about the lives of our kin, he is allowing Daemon to kill more than three hundred thousand people in Oldtown, some of whom are my friends. It is bad enough that we have to sacrifice the Lannisters but our kin, our flesh and blood."

"Nobody is going to allow Daemon to attack Oldtown, we will catch him by the Oceanroad if we are lucky," Aemond calmly said to him.

"But, Aegon said that-" Daeron replied quickly before Aemond cut him off once more.

Aemond waved off Daeron's concerns, "Aegon is just playing with you, he will say whatever he wants to say. His bloodlust will decide what his mouth says but he will not do anything without properly thinking things through. Trust me, he will not allow Daemon to burn Oldtown. Did you know that Aegon intended to have Otto killed for refusing to follow his orders, for a moment I wondered if Aegon would kill Otto right then and there in the Small Council Chambers but he didn't. He merely gave him a broken nose and destroyed his dignity and kicked him out the Council publicly and has placed him in house arrest in the Red Keep and took away all the influence he once held overnight."

"I am not sure where you are going with this," Daeron said bemusedly.

"What I am trying to say is that if Aegon wanted to follow his base desires he would have killed Otto then and there but he didn't. Similarly, he will not let Oldtown be destroyed even if he wishes to for he knows that it is not in his best interests." Aemond explained. Everyone considered Aemond to be the hotheaded and dangerous man when it was Aegon whose thoughts ran the darkest, they were so dark that even the night fled from him. No wonder Aegon drank so much, the drunkenness kept him from thinking such dark thoughts much less enacting them.

Aemond explained further, "The only reason he says such things is because he hates Otto with the skin of his teeth and since Aegon and I haven't associated with any other Hightowers other than Mother and Uncle Gwayne. You will find that we are not very positively predisposed to our cousins for we have never met them as you have. So whenever Aegon says anything about the Hightower or Oldtown it is about Otto and how much he hates him. Not that I blame him, the fool thought he could control Aegon only to realize too late that Aegon is a dragon. A half-mad one at that who can be twice as cruel as Daemon should he wish."

"So everything boils down to hating Otto, even the Blacks hate Otto, especially Daemon and Otto is our grandfather," Daeron protested as Aemond sighed. Why won't this boy understand?

"Yes, Daeron, we all hate Otto because he is a cunt who thinks that he can use us for his ends," Aemond rolled his eyes. "Aegon has hated Otto since he tried to use our maiming for his political benefit. Then there was the incident about Aegon and Helaena's marriage, Otto wanted to have them married as soon as Helaena flowered and it would have happened if not for Aegon's protests which culminated with Aegon invoking the memory of Aemma Arryn in front of our father to have him push back the wedding finally. Aegon came narrowly close to beating the shit out of Otto then and there that day if not for Ser Criston, you were not there to witness it."

Aemond continued, "Tell me, do you think that our 'beloved' cousin Ormund likes Otto?"

"Umm, Cousin Ormund hasn't said anything much about Otto, he does respect him though," Daeron replied thinking.

Aemond snorted, "Yes, respect, a diplomatic way of saying that he would rather have Otto miles away from sight. He could scarcely deal with his father and he had no intention of having Otto add to his misery in Oldtown, no doubt he was happy to see the back of him."

"I don't understand," Daeron asked even more puzzled.

"Do you know that there was a person that Aegon hated just as much as Otto if not more?" Aemond asked Daeron.

"Who? Rhaenyra or Jacaerys," Daeron stupidly replied.

"What? No, you idiot, I meant Hobert Hightower." Aemond replied with annoyance.

"Hobert, old Hobert, the fat and slow knight. What the fuck does he have to do with Aegon? Better yet when did Aegon ever meet him," Daeron asked with more confusion.

"What?! Fat, slow, who the fuck are you talking about?" Aemond asked with increasing annoyance.

"Old Hobert, one of the older cousins from the minor branch, he must be around sixty namedays. Lyonel and I used to play pranks on him," Daeron replied with fond remembrance.

"What? Minor cousin, what the fuck? Why would you possibly think that I was talking about him, a minor cousin that I didn't even know existed until now," Aemond ranted as he lost his composure. "I am talking about Ormund's father you idiot, Otto's older brother. The very fact that Hobert Hightower did not register to you as your grandfather's older brother is a clear sign that nobody fucking liked him because he was a colossal prick."

Aemond continued, "He was a man that even Otto didn't like which is saying something, you are too young to remember but I remember just one meeting with that man after losing my eye and Aegon and I fucking hated him so much. The condescending and patronizing way he talked to our mother as if she was lesser than him. She was his Queen and he still acted as if she was some minor cousin of his family that he could order around. He preened around as if I claimed Vhagar for his fucking sake."

Aemond then took a deep breath, "The more I speak the angrier I get, so do me a favour and never speak of this again. All you need to know is that our Hightower kin are just as pretentious and proud as the Lannisters, they have an inordinate amount of influence and power that Aegon doesn't like. But unlike the Lannisters they are related to us by blood. And they are our greatest supporters so Aegon is grudgingly tolerating them."

Aemond continued, "The Hightowers may have been kind and nice to you but it is all under the expectation that you will champion their cause in court and Aegon's ear. Now more than ever since Otto has been brought low. Trust me when I tell you this, Aegon hates these nobles, especially the ancient noble houses who act as if they have a place to stand with the House of the Dragon. You would do well to remember that, Daeron, you are a Targaryen, not a Hightower."

As Aemond was about to leave he turned back to Daeron and said, "Don't worry, I talked with Aegon earlier this morning, he is not going to abandon Oldtown to Daemon."

"Why the fuck didn't you just say that first?" Daeron angrily exclaimed as Aemond chuckled and left.

"I just want to reaffirm that you will not sacrifice Oldtown needlessly," Aemond asked Aegon as they rode into the Dragonpit.

"Yes, I won't sacrifice Oldtown needlessly though I am not at fault if Daemon decides to abandon his army and fly over to Oldtown to destroy it on his own," Aegon replied with a roll of his eyes. "I am just so over my head with all this, plots in the shadows, enemies in the open, that fucking prophecy on the bloody dagger, and I have the wretched honour of dealing with it all," Aegon admitted as they dismounted. "As far as I am concerned, anyone who is not us is an enemy with a dagger behind their backs."

Aemond replied as they began walking over to the lairs, "To believe all men true is folly but to believe none is even worse. I am sure that whatever plots are being weaved against you and our house will show their true colours after this war."

Aegon replied with a yawn, "No doubt Otto and Larys are plotting my death the minute the war is won. Otto wants revenge and Larys wants whatever he wants. Otto believes that once I am dead, our mother will bring him back as Hand where he can better control Jaehaerys."

Aemond nodded and asked, "What is your plan for dealing with them?" Every fool in court knew that Otto was plotting to regain his standing only for it to be hampered by Aegon's victories and Tyland Lannister was not the kind of person to let go of his gains.

"Isn't it obvious, kill them? I just need an excuse to kill Larys as for Otto, something more drastic is needed, perhaps I need to frame him for treason or something." Aegon replied thoughtfully. Aemond couldn't care less about Larys but killing Otto proved difficult for Aemond wasn't sure how to lie to their mother that they had killed their grandfather, perhaps an exile back to Oldtown would be better.

"Let us keep all the counterplotting to after we arrive from the Stormlands, shall we?" Aemond asked as they were about to split off to their dragons' lairs.

"Sure," Aegon quietly replied as he walked over to Sunfyre's lair ruminating. Aemond could only hope that he didn't do anything stupid.

Storm's End

Storm's End looked remarkably the same except for the destroyed gates, the blackened walls and towers. The stone hadn't melted or deformed as it was said about Harrenhal. Aemond gathered that the castle would be habitable again in a month of work. Work that would be done by the House that received Storm's End from Aegon's judgement.

Aegon and Aemond sat under a large canopy by the burnt gates of Storm's End whilst the surviving Stormlords gathered around. The very ground they stood on was ashen black, the forests that Aemond had hunted in the last time he was here were burnt to ash. It was as if he arrived in a whole new world.

Aemond noticed that the surviving Stormlords were less concerned about the losses they suffered and were concerned about who would receive Storm's End and the Stormlands. According to Grand Maester Orwyle, there were two main claimants to Storm's End. House Connington and House Swann, they descended from the female line of House Baratheon, through the daughters of Ronnal Baratheon. It seemed that House Baratheon was now extinct in the male line. Even the new Lords Connington and Buckler were second sons, their fathers and elder brothers having been killed during the attack.

"How many Stormlanders survived the attack?" Aegon asked once everyone had assembled.

Both Lord Connington and Lord Swann tried to speak first and ended up speaking over each other. Aemond knew where this was going and so did Aegon who immediately thundered, "SILENCE. I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS TUMULT." The two of them immediately quieted down as if chastened children.

"I am well aware that the two of you seek to claim Storm's End but if either of you speak again, you can kiss your claims goodbye," Aegon warned them sternly and both looked like they had sucked a lemon.

"Now, I ask again, how many Stormlanders survived the attack?" Aegon asked once more and Lord Dondarrion stepped forward to answer, Aemond noticed that this man had burn marks on his neck and undoubtedly his arms that were covered by his long-sleeved tunic. He must have been a survivor of the attack.

"Your Grace, an eight thousand men strong army was assembling outside the walls of Storm's End. Lord Borros was just about to issue the orders to march when they attacked. After the massacre, I managed to escape with my life but I returned the next day with my knights to rally what we could of the scattered host. Around a thousand men have been gathered since," Lord Dondarrion answered, "A thousand men that can stand and fight."

"Alright then, around ten thousand men from the Reach will be arriving soon to reinforce the border with Dorne," Aegon announced. Aemond noticed that while some lords were grateful for the support others in their pride felt slighted that the Reachmen would support them.

"Now we come to the matter of Storm's End, Lord Steffon Connington and Lord Byron Swann you both have a claim to Storm's End and you both will be allowed to make your case before me. This matter will be decided today no matter what." Aegon declared before the congregation of the Lords.

Connington spoke first followed by Swann, the two of them talked at length about how their illustrious lineage and whatnot with the erstwhile Baratheons. Aemond had to stifle a yawn, this was the mind-numbing court business that Aemond and Aegon hated. It seemed the Connington's grandmother was the elder sister or something, Aemond couldn't care less.

Before Connington could drag his speech further, Aegon interrupted, "Keep your speech short and to the point. I only need the pertinent details, not the mundane nonsense that you think might help your case but it really doesn't."

Once Swann was done with his speech, Aegon rose, "I have listened to both claims and I shall decide by sundown. For now, we adjourn for lunch."

As Aemond wandered through the black and smoked remains of Storm's End, Lord Dondarrion and Lord Tarth approached him, "Your Grace. We have a request to ask of you."

"Yes, my Lords," Aemond turned to them, "What request do you have of me?"

Lord Dondarrion spoke, "Your Grace, during the campaign against the Vulture King, your brother Prince Daeron helped us decisively defeat the Dornish marauders. While we would have won regardless it would have been a long campaign costly in blood and time. With your brother's dragon, we managed to destroy the Dornish within a day. It has made us and other eminent Lords in the Stormlands realize the benefits of having a dragonlord with us whenever the Dornish come raiding."

"What are you trying to say, my Lords?" Aemond pressed, "Say it upfront."

Lord Tarth then revealed, "We humbly ask you, My Prince, to convince your brother, the King, to annex the Stormlands into the Crownlands. It feels like a more peaceful solution and I am sure that many Lords will accept such an arrangement wherein the Crown shall govern the Stormlands."

Aegon was sure to like this, but Aemond needed to be sure, "Do you realize what you are asking for, my Lords?"

Lord Dondarrion nodded, "We are, my Prince, we have thought this over many a time. Most of us would rather have the Crown rule over us with the guaranteed protection of dragons against the Dornish instead of having either Connington or Swann rule over us. House Baratheon ruled the Stormlands through the power of Storm's End which has now been extinguished by the dragons. Only the dragons can protect the Stormlands now."

Tarth added, "It is well within the Crown's power to take Storm's End and the Stormlands for itself, especially with the lack of a clear claimant."

Aemond looked around the burnt husk of Storm's End, it looked strong from the outside and Aemond was certain that this castle would remain just as strong as was before after a little bit of reconstruction. A good number of people sought refuge in the huge drum tower of the Storm's End for while the flames did not reach through the castle, the smoke and heat certainly did. Nearly all the corpses found inside the tower including that of his once betrothed Floris and her sisters were found dead of choking on the smoke.

"I shall talk with my brother and see what I can do." He said to them with a nod before leaving them.

"Aegon, I wish to speak with you. It is of utmost importance," Aemond said to Aegon as he was reading through the book of lineages of both families.

"Yes, what is it, Aemond? Did you know that I just had the biggest epiphany a few minutes ago?" Aegon said with a gleam in his eyes.

"About what?" Aemond hesitantly asked, he did not like the look in Aegon's eyes.

"I just remembered that Ormund's son Lyonel is in love with his stepmother, Samantha Tarly. Once Ormund dies, Lyonel will seek to marry Lady Sam and the High Septon will naturally forbid the marriage for it is incest. That will cause enough and more tension between the Hightower and the Starry Sept for me to convince the High Septon to relocate to King's Landing with the Most Devout. I don't need Daemon to burn down Oldtown."

"Yes, that is good," Aemond warily remarked before it dawned upon him, "Wait a minute, what the fuck? Lyonel Hightower is in love with his stepmother? And more importantly, how do you know that?"

Aegon looks at Aemond for a while before saying, "That is not important."

"Yes, it is," Aemond countered, "It is very much important."

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that we need Ormund to lead the army that goes to Lannisport," Aegon replied waving off Aemond's question.

Aemond sighed, "Looks like Hightowers will die for us in the end, won't they."

"Yes, they will. They wanted all the influence and power in the world, did they not? Let them bleed and die for it," Aegon responded vindictively before asking, "What was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes, that," Aemond pinched the bridge of his nose, "The Stormlords would rather have you rule over the Stormlands instead of giving it over to Connington or Swann. They don't like either one of them."

"Please, they don't like their peers being elevated above them," Aegon snorted, "But yes, you are right. I have noticed the same as well which leads me to ask you the question, Aemond. How would you like to have Storm's End as your seat?"

Aemond's sole eyebrow went up, "You are giving me the Stormlands?" The Entire Stormlands? That was something that Aemond would have never dreamt about.

"What? No, what gave you that idea? I said Storm's End as in a singular seat for you. Don't worry, it will be repaired at the expense of the treasury and by the looks of it, this castle is relatively strong and it looks untouched despite the attack. Call it an early nameday present. I, of course, will be ruling the Stormlands and the Stormlords will be sworn directly to the Red Keep as the Lords of the Crownlands."

Of course, it was never going to be that good but Aemond was never one to reject a gift from his brother, "Of course brother, I humbly accept."

"Don't be humble about it, Aemond, it doesn't suit you," Aegon scoffed as Aemond rolled his eyes. "Feel free to rename the castle at your convenience. Besides your presence in Storm's End will make any Dornish raider think twice before raiding and make the Martells more hesitant in turning a blind eye to them."

Once the Stormlords were gathered once more inside the tent. Both Connington and Swann looked hopeful but both were about to have their hopes dashed.

"Lord Steffon Connington and Lord Byron Swann, step forward," Aegon announced.

As they took a step, Aegon continued, "I understand that both your families have a strong claim on Storm's End but neither can be favoured which is why the Crown will govern Storm's End and the Stormlands and receive its due in taxes."

Both Lords look shocked but approving murmurs go around in the tent which is silenced as Aegon continues, "My brother, Prince Aemond, here will be the new Prince of Storm's End." Aemond took a step forward with a hand on the hilt of his sword.

"My brother will lead a new council for the administration, security, and safety of the Stormlands and you both will be proud to serve under him and you will take that opportunity if you are wise to heal the differences between you. The same goes for all you other Lords."

"Does anyone have any objections?" Aemond loudly demanded as Aegon stood up from his chair. Then Vhagar roared a terrible and powerful roar that shook the foundations of Storm's End outside. Aemond and Aegon alone stood unmoved even as all the Lords showed their acceptance of the new order as they began to kneel in awe and fear.

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