Halfhand's Legacy: A Dance of Dragons - A Self-Insert Tale (Completed)

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Aftermath

130 AC

High Tide

"Ser Alfred Broome has surrendered the castle," Criston informed me as I stared into the burning hearth in High Tide unblinking. Even if I wanted to talk I couldn't, my face was wrapped in bandages. I merely nodded, wondering how I would face Alicent and Helaena after getting Daeron killed. Aemond and I spent hours destroying one of the many rooms in the High Tide but it didn't change what happened. My baby brother was dead and I could do nothing to stop it.

"Sers Steffon Darklyn, Erryk Cargyll, and Lorent Marbrand, my former brothers in the White Cloak along with Ser Robert Quince sought to fight to the end but Ser Alfred had them killed in the night and surrendered the castle," Criston explained. "It was a truly revolting act for which I put Ser Alfred to death as Your Grace commanded me." I may like the fruits of treason but I have very little good to say about traitors.

"Do we have the last Strong bastard and Daemon's spawn with the Rhaenyra?" Aemond asked from the balcony of the Hall of Nine where we were gathered. I wonder why Joffrey didn't take part in the battle, I was certain that he would. Even if his mother told him to stay put, he was careless enough to rush into a dragon fight. He was the little sprog who swore an oath of vengeance against Aemond and me for killing his Strong brothers.

Criston shook his head, "Unfortunately, it seems that Rhaenyra has sent away her remaining sons to safety. According to Ser Alfred, once they realized His Grace wasn't going to the Westerlands despite Prince Daemon's attack. They immediately understood that the next attack would occur on Dragonstone. They accordingly planned to send the children away before the Triarchy attacked them. They are long gone."

"Where have they gone?" Aemond angrily asks as he rushes into the hall. Sending the children away was a canon event and I did anticipate something like this. I hoped the Graftons would catch any ships that sought to escape the pincer attack on the Gullet. I had a good feeling that the children could be on those ships but with the Vale's naval strength at the bottom of the Bay of Crabs, I forgot the plan.

"We don't know, no one in the garrison knows where they have gone. Perhaps it is Pentos, I believe Prince Daemon is friends with Prince Reggio Haratis of Pentos." Criston replied thoughtfully.

"No matter, we can always ask the Sea Snake." Tyland replied with a shrug, "We have captured him. He must certainly know."

Ah yes, the venerable Sea Snake, Lord Corlys Velaryon was captured alive during the fighting that took place in the waters whilst the dragons danced in the air. The sea battle was a close thing until a landing Vhagar destroyed Corlys' flagship tossing him into the water and making most of the remaining Velaryon ships surrender. He was captured after he swam to shore. Pretty spry for an old man.

"I doubt that old cunt will say a word." Criston snorted, "It would be better for us to simply execute him. He was one of Rhaenyra's most powerful supporters he must be made an example of."

"I thought we were pursuing a policy of reconciliation with the Black lords. Making Lord Corlys reconcile with the King will be a major victory for us and convince the other reluctant Black Lords who fear vengeance from us into bending the knee."

"Those who rise against the King and deny his rights must have their heads placed atop spikes on the city gates, they must most certainly not remain with their castles," Criston argued back. Great, the old question of a hardline or merciful approach when dealing with rebels always comes around.

"Those who rise against the king must be met with fire and blood, but once they bend their knees they must be raised back up else they never bend the knee and keep fighting till the bitter end." Tyland counters.

"With Daemon ravaging the Westerlands as we speak, one would expect you to be more vengeful against the Blacks," Aemond offhandedly remarked as he looked over one of the many barnacled relics in the Hall of Nine. Yes, Daemon, I had to deal with him now after this, alone unless Hel decided to fight.

"The coming decades will be painful for the realm, the least we can do is prevent more suffering on the people. The people are the King's subjects regardless of what their Lords have chosen and the King must protect his subjects." Tyland replies. He was one of the more moderate voices in the Small Council asking for clemency against the defeated Blacks, Alicent, and Orwyle were in that group. Then there were the hardliners like Criston and Jasper who wanted a more punishing stance against the Blacks.

I raised my hand to silence them all, I motioned for Tyland to come closer, and as he bent his head closer to me I quietly whispered, "There are three people I need you to capture. They are in the Hull. They are Corlys' bastards and his mistress. She is a ship captain of a ship called the Mouse and six other ships. Her name is Marilda, her father was a shipwright. Her sons' names are Addam and Alyn Waters. They look exactly like Laenor. Having them in our custody will convince Corlys to bend the knee."

Tyland looked surprised but he nodded, "Yes, Your Grace." I could only hope that none of them were killed during the fall of the Hull which according to Aemond was a vicious thing. Then again, if Corlys still doesn't bend the knee, all four of them will lose their heads.

Tyland immediately leaves the Hall of Nine while Criston and Aemond look at me curiously, "Is Seasmoke still here on Driftmark?"

"Yes, the dragon is roosting here on this island," Aemond nodded, "What do you have in mind?"

"Something foolish yet something that must be done to tilt the balance in our favour," I replied. "Corlys has no reason to keep fighting for Rhaenyra. She is dead and her last bastard is betrothed to a Manderly. Hence I assume that the children are heading for the North." Of course, there is the matter with Rhaenys and the fact that all his biological grandchildren are dead. Need to smooth over that as well.

Criston then answered, "According to the raven missives from Winterfell to High Tide and Dragonstone, the Dustins have captured the Rills while the Umbers and the Clansmen have defeated Karstark in open battle by the Last River and Lord Karstark is dead. Karhold is now under siege while a Bolton force heading for White Harbour was crushed by Cregan Stark and Desmond Manderly." Looks like Cregan is kicking Bolton's ass across the North.

"Daemon is the bigger problem," Aemond answers, "Once he is dead, the rest of Rhaenyra's dogs will fall in line."

"The biggest problem is what Daemon will do once he finds out," I whispered as loudly as I could with the bandages around my face. "Should Daemon fly off from the West to the North to join the children, we will have lost this war."

Aemond nodded, "We need to catch him before that happens." A hunt for the Bismarck indeed. "We need Hel to join this war. She is bound to join once she finds out about Daeron. She will drop any pretensions of kinslaying." I doubt that.

Helaena was a kind and sweet soul, killing and fighting was never her forte at best she would be like Rhaena just well-trained with Dreamfyre. Dreamfyre herself was the dragon to protect, she was the dragon that could lay the most eggs that had the highest chance of hatching. Silverwing, Syrax, and Meleys did not come close.

I quietly spoke, "Let us see if Corlys decides to bend the knee."

Corlys looked remarkably well for a person who barely survived a fiery explosion on his ship and was thrown into the roiling seas and somehow managed to make it to shore clinging to a piece of his wreckage with his life. His clothes are torn and burnt, but he is alive. His eyes are ever defiant as he stares at me, the man who killed his wife and granddaughter. A proud and arrogant man indeed even in his lowest moment.

"There is no reason to have animosity amongst us. Your wife and granddaughters are dead, they died in battle like true dragonlords. It was unfortunate that they fought in a war that they shouldn't have bothered with. You share no blood with Rhaenyra's brood. The only reason why your family was involved in this mess is that Rhaenyra betrothed your grandchildren to her bastards to keep that speck of Velaryon blood on the Iron Throne and now her bastards are gone. To the North I assume."

Corlys gave out a rough laugh, "Don't bother me with your honeyed words boy. I know what you want and I will stop any further discussion by saying no right now. Nothing you say will ever convince me to bend the knee to you. You are seizing the lands of all houses that oppose you, are you not? I would assume that Driftmark has made a pretty little morsel to your ever-increasing gluttony." Much more than a morsel I would say.

"You and your brother killed my wife, you killed my granddaughter Baela, and your brother killed Rhaena though not without a steep price I can see," He said with a grim laugh. "You are a fool to think that I will ever bend the knee to you." His sea green eyes had a calculating look to them similar to Otto only this time they were ready and resigned for the headsman's block.

"There are many in my court who wish to punish the Blacks severely for their support of Rhaenyra while others seek to forgive and move on. Your answer could decide the fate of many others." I replied slowly.

Corlys barked out a laugh once more, "You knocked your grandfather down from the apex of his ambitions. The very day you were crowned before the first Small Council meeting, you kicked him out. I wish I could have seen that, it would have been hilarious. The wishes of your courtiers don't matter, yours do. All this while, we feared Aemond and Vhagar when we should have been looking at you. The drunken fool of House Targaryen, you played us all and you played as well. Rhaenyra refused to believe that you were the real danger even after you burnt the Eyrie."

He continued, "You need my help for you fear Daemon. He is all that is left but you find yourself alone when you shall now face him. You have killed his daughter and now his wife. He will stop at nothing to kill you and you know it. I saw the rents in Vhagar's wings, she cannot fly of that I am certain and I doubt your sister is much of a fighter. You are alone and I have no intention of helping you. You will die against Daemon there is no question of that."

"I figured that you would say that so I brought some people to change your mind," I replied before Aemond would punch him or something I waved my hand and the door opened and three relatively small people came out bound and gagged. Two of them had the silver hair and purple eyes of Old Valyria. Corlys' face paled upon seeing them.

'You will either bend the knee or their heads will join yours atop the King's Gate," I declared as Aemond laughed. Corlys looked at me, his eyes blazing, he had no idea that I knew about them. Not even the boys themselves or Rhaenys. He did well to cover his tracks but I had higher powers on my side.

Marilda looked at Corlys with tears in her eyes but Corlys shook himself, "No, I cannot. My body strayed away from my Queen and the Gods have punished me for it. I will not betray her again." Did not see that coming, Corlys still looked defiant but I could see that he was close to breaking. The boys were still not understanding what was going on but Marilda screamed into her gag, she understood what was to come.

"So be it," I simply replied and I signalled Criston, Arryk, and Belgrave, "Kill them, they are worthless now." Without a word, all three of them drew their swords and cut off their heads. Three heads rolled and the head of Alyn reached Corlys' leg and he finally broke. There goes my plan of having Addam bond with Seasmoke.

As the once so venerable and mighty Sea Snake wept, I said to him, "Do not worry, Lord Corlys, your name will go down in history. You will forever be known as the Last Lord of the Tides." I nodded to Criston and he walked over with his sword still wet with Marilda's blood and without a word struck his head off. So much for dying with dignity in his old age.

"And thus ends the line of the Sea Snake," I muttered. I then asked Aemond, "What are the chances that one of the remaining Silent Five would be able to bond with Seasmoke?" I believe that three of the Silent Five were killed either during the capture of Driftmark or during the sea battle with Corlys' fleet.

"Is it wise to let Velaryons to have dragons?" Aemond asked as Criston and Tyland walked over to us.

"Do you think that Seasmoke will survive an encounter with Caraxes?" I asked. Perhaps Corlys knew what I would ask of his sons, he knew that I would ask Addam to bond with Seasmoke and I would make him bait for Daemon.

"Not likely," Aemond remarked. "But having another dragon would even the odds for you."

I turned to Tyland, "Hold off on the annexation of Driftmark until the war's end. Call Sers Malentine, Rhogar, Daeron, and Daemien. The Sea Snake's nephews and ask them to bond with Seasmoke. If they successfully bond with the dragon, we might just have a chance to defeat Daemon."

"Is it wise to let the Velaryons with a dragon, Your Grace," Criston asked as he gave his sword to a squire.

"Probably not but I don't see a better choice. We will deal with any troubles with the Velaryons after the war." I replied turning back to the hearth.

Sunfyre's wounds were healing along nicely. The bleeding had stopped and the wounds were beginning to scab, he could still fly despite the holes in his wings which was good and he had no loss of spirit. I had a good feeling about my coming battle with Daemon.

The whole bonding with Seasmoke plan did not go off to a great start, Malentine was burnt and eaten by Seasmoke, and Rhogar was burnt and eaten by the Cannibal who showed up out of nowhere. Daemien changed his mind. Fortunately, Daeron Velaryon managed to claim Seasmoke and bond with him once the Cannibal left after his cameo.

The Cannibal's cameo was a heart-stopping moment for all of us, thankfully he just came for a snack before Vhagar chased him off. Nobody messes with the grumpy grandma's sleep not even the Cannibal. I noticed the Cannibal was about as large as Silverwing and Dreamfyre, larger than Meleys but smaller than Vermithor and Vhagar.

And now, another Daeron joins the group. Granted, this Daeron is a grown-ass married man older than me with a daughter as old as Maelor. Seasmoke looks ambivalently at Sunfyre, he hasn't had any prior interactions with him other than the one encounter during Laenor's funeral. The silver-grey dragon Seasmoke was the new Tessarion, of course, he could never replace the Blue Queen.

"Look at that, we have another dragon on our side," I said to Aemond, Criston, and Tyland.

"How long before he is trained to fly a dragon into war?" Tyland queries, "Because we do not have much time, we have to leave to deal with Daemon immediately."

"No time for training, he will have to learn it on the job," I replied as we saw Daeron Velaryon meet his wife and daughter on the beach.

"You are going to have to explain to his wife and child why their husband and father are dead because you used him as bait," Aemond said to me as the four of us turned away from the heartwarming scene happening before us. The sunset was a nicer view with less guilt. Daeron's death was bad enough, dealing with my family is worse. I don't want to deal with another Daeron's death and his family.

"We can always bring the girl over to the Red Keep as a ward of the Crown, she can become friends with the Princess," Criston helpfully added.

"Who knows maybe we can marry Prince Maelor with that girl and the Crown can claim all of Driftmark once her father is dead," Tyland nodded.

"Can we stop talking about politics, nobody is going to die. If we are lucky then Daeron Velaryon will not die and I will not have to explain to his daughter why I baited him," I replied with annoyance.

"Are you the bait?" Aemond asked with a raised eyebrow, "Because someone has to be the bait and that someone is going to die. Daemon will not go down without a pound of flesh from us and most of us would rather it not be you. Let it be him instead, he has lived a long and happy life."

"For fucks sake, just shut up. All of you shut up," I replied with greater annoyance. " Just watch the sunset in peace."

King's Landing

"You must reconcile with the King, my Lord," Jasper Wylde said to Otto as they watched the sun rise over the city of King's Landing. "Ser Tyland has too much influence over the King. We must stop him before it is too late."

"I am well aware of that, Lord Jasper," Otto remarked as he contemplated the latest news from the Gullet. The regrettable death of his grandson Daeron left Alicent and Helaena devastated. Otto wondered if her brother's death would be enough to convince Helaena to venture into the battlefield. Otto found solace that Corlys was executed and Rhaenyra was killed, now Daemon would truly be alone. In a way, it seemed that Otto had won in the end for Otto could boast that he had his head upon his shoulders which is more than what Corlys could say.

"King Aegon will have to deal with Daemon on his own, for the missive also states that Vhagar has huge rents in her wings preventing her from flying," Jasper continued with worry.

Otto nodded in understanding, this could be a most fortuitous event. In the case of Daemon and Aegon fighting to the death above the Westerlands, it was unlikely that either would survive. That would be his chance to regain his standing. Once Aegon was dead, a regency would be formed for little Jaehaerys and Alicent could take over as Queen Regent and with that Otto could come back as Hand and end the Lannister ascendency. With all the depredations that Daemon had committed in the West, there was a good chance that Tyland would leave court to rebuild the Westerlands allowing for a peaceful transfer of power.

Many made the mistake of thinking that Otto was gone for good when Viserys removed him as Hand yet they were proven wrong and Otto would do the same once more. Aemond had no head for politicking for Aegon with all his arrogance could actually prove that he knew something with his repeatedly correct predictions. If only that fool bothered to show his intelligence to him before Otto ruled over him.

Aegon knew the situation in the Reach better than Otto did much to his consternation. He knew that the Greyjoys would side with Daemon and he let them intending to remake the Ironborn society as a whole. He sowed a rebellion against Jeyne Arryn something that Otto thought was improbable to succeed but he made it succeed. He brought the Reach wholly to the fold by sheer will. Otto would have been impressed and proud if he had not been cast down from favour.

What did distress Otto was the increasing power of the Crown. Aegon expanded the Royal fief tenfold throughout the war and then he annexed the Stormlands and Riverlands within months. An act that made him fear that the Iron Throne was now going to overreach itself across Westeros. Aegon certainly had no compulsions to become a tyrant. Many of the Reach Lords approached Otto with their misgivings of Aegon's ambitions perhaps he could turn back some of it after the war.

After a lifetime of drunkenness, suddenly the real Aegon came forth, no doubt hardened over the years since the loss of his fingers. Subterfuges and deception with a cunning mind all behind his mask of sarcasm and drunkenness, of apathy and laziness. So convincingly and for so long that no one saw it. Otto didn't see it and neither did Alicent. Otto was certain that no one in Dragonstone saw it as well, a fatal oversight on their part.

If Otto could go back to that one moment, he would not have stopped Orwyle from sending that raven and perhaps prevented more of Aegon's tyrannical acts. That one wrong move was the cause of all his problems, one wrong step and everything Otto had was gone in a heartbeat and the war went on without Otto. Yet another way how the court of Targaryen Kings remained ever dangerous. If it were any other man other than Otto, they would have found their head atop a spike, it was by the Father's mercy that Otto was his grandfather and thereby spared from the headsman's block.

"Though I fear that Rhaenyra's children have fled. It seems to the North and should that happen wouldn't the war continue," Jasper asked worriedly.

Otto replied, "Yes, the war will continue but there is nothing to fear, that bastard boy Joffrey's dragon is much smaller for even Helaena with all her passivity will be able to deal with him. I am sure that once Daemon is dead, the North will abandon Rhaenyra's children and hand them over to us. Once Vhagar is ready to fly there is no escape for them."

White Harbour

"Now Aegon, Viserys, do not look so glum," Joff said to them as they waited for the Gay Abandon to dock inside the inner harbour. Viserys could see his mother's banner fly atop the walls of New Castle and Wolf's Den as Ser Medrick pointed out. Viserys could also see many warships clogging the harbour as the city prepared for war. Viserys also saw Tyraxes and Stormcloud fly over the harbour awing all the sailors and fishermen who saw the dragons.

"How can we not look glum Joff?" Aegon replied sourly, "We do not know what has happened to Mother or Rhaena, we were made to run away. For all you know, the Usurper must have attacked Dragonstone and we weren't there to help. We have been at sea for so long that we know nothing, even when we stopped for supplies at Braavos we learnt nothing about what is happening on Dragonstone."

Joff sighed, "I know, Aegon, I know. If I was there you know full well that I would be the first one to fly over to King's Landing and burn Aegon and Aemond for killing Jace and Luke but there is nothing that we can do about it now."

Joff then bent down to bring both Aegon and Viserys together, "I pray every night that the worst doesn't come to pass but if it does we will avenge them. Aegon and Aemond will pay for what they have done. I promise you that."

"But how?" Aegon fearfully asked, "Aemond has Vhagar she is bigger than everyone's dragon. Aegon's Sunfyre killed both Jace and Baela, he is not as small as you thought." And not as foolish, Jace and Luke once told them that Aegon was a drunken fool but it seemed that he wasn't one. Viserys could see that clear as day.

"I will take care of it, Aegon, don't worry," Joff said resolutely. "Besides, do you think that Mother or Grandmother Rhaenys and our sister Rhaena will give up just like that? The Usurper only has Vhagar, the other dragons even Sunfyre are smaller than Mother's Syrax."

"There is also Father," Viserys said with hope, "As long as Father is around we needn't fear Aegon or Aemond."

"See that Aegon, Vis gets it," Joff said with a smile.

But the ever-gloomy Aegon said, "But isn't there a war happening in the North, is this the safest place for us."

Joff rolled his eyes, "For the sake of the Seven, Aegon, Mother will never send us anywhere if it is dangerous. Lord Stark is about to crush the Boltons decisively, all the other Greens in the North have been defeated."

Aegon wasn't convinced but he nodded before he looked at Viserys and said, "Viserys, why are you petting Morning as if she is a cat?"

Viserys looked down to see that he was unknowingly petting Morning, "Because she likes it." The she-dragon agreed with Viserys as she purred and rubbed her little head on Viserys' arms. The day before they left Dragonstone, one of Rhaena's dragon eggs hatched and Rhaena gave her to Viserys, she was a pretty dragon with pink scales and black horns. Aegon did make fun of Viserys for having a girl dragon but Viserys liked her and he bonded with her immediately.

Then the ship finally docked and Joff was the first to leave the ship followed by Ser Harrold Drake and Ser Adrian Redfort of the Kingsguard and then Aegon and Viserys followed them with Ser Loreth Lansdale.

Tyraxes and Stormcloud arrived over the crowd gathered and with the display of agility and fire from the dragons the crowd was stunned. Viserys instead took notice of the crowd, he could find Lord Desmond Manderly, a large and fat man standing in the front wearing rich clothes of a velvet blue-green doublet with a silver merman stitched on it. Viserys also noticed a young woman standing near Lord Desmond, she must be his daughter Lady Serena Manderly, Joff's betrothed.

Lord Desmond Manderly knelt as did the rest of the crowd, "Your Grace, White Harbour and the North welcomes you."

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