Halfhand's Legacy: A Dance of Dragons - A Self-Insert Tale (Completed)

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Sunfyre's Might

129 AC

"Alright then, listen up everyone. I will be leaving for the Reach tonight, so if there is anything important for me to know say it now because I do not want to come back and find out you people royally screwed up something that I should have dealt with. I do not want a repeat of the Steffon Darklyn incident, one was enough," I announced to the Small Council. Rowan and Caswell had declared for Rhaenyra so I decided to go on a solo mission to deal with Bitterbridge and Goldengrove with a forewarning to Highgarden to clean up my mess. While Tumbleton has already been annexed to the Royal demesne and the Crownlands.

Everyone looks at each other before Orwyle brings out a missive from his robes, "Your Grace, Lord Isembard Arryn informs that our loyalists are ready to march on the Eyrie. He humbly requests your powerful presence to help capture the Eyrie and bring the Vale into the fold of the true king."

I replied, "Tell him to wait, once Daeron and I return to King's Landing we will fly to Gulltown and put down the Arryns. Once we reach Gulltown I will send a raven which will be a signal for Aemond to start the march on Duskendale and Rooks Rest. Once we are done with the Arryns we will return from the North in a pincer move against Rhaenys or Daemon whoever comes."

Daeron had gone to the Stormlands to end the Vulture King, the sooner Borros deals with the Dornish the sooner he will march up to King's Landing. The Dornish fool was in for a rude shock, he must have thought that everyone would be too busy to deal with him not knowing that a dragonrider had been dispatched specifically to deal with him.

"Another raven has arrived from Storm's End, Your Grace. Prince Daeron and Lord Borros have departed for the Marches," Orwyle informs. Alicent quickly prays to the Warrior and the Mother for Daeron. If she wants Daeron to be safe, she should pray to the Stranger, he is the one person who can get things done.

"Good, how is the training for the army going? Will it be over by the time of the battle?" I asked Criston who nodded in affirmation.

Criston asserted, "It will be, Your Grace, I can assure you of that. The army's training is progressing faster than we expected. The knights, longbowmen, sellswords, freeriders, pikemen, spearmen, crossbowmen, and mounted men-at-arms, all have been unified into a single command. As for their training, there is nothing more to train other than what experiences on the battlefield will teach them."

I turned to my uncle, "How goes the re-establishment of the City Watch?"

Gwayne answered, "Your Grace, we have around fifteen hundred men, I have tried to ensure that we do not hire any man that wants to hold a spear. We have been diligently training them and they know the price of defiance. Our loyal and veteran officers are ably training the recruits. We have reached the point where we no longer need the army to keep the peace in the city."

The City Watch no longer wore the iconic gold cloaks from Daemon's time in an attempt to detach the Watch from its past as Daemon's army of loyal dogs and now instead they have been given red cloaks. Their armour and weapons however have remained the same. After all, they are now my loyal dogs.

"Anything else?" I asked around the table.

Tyland revealed, "Your Grace, the merchants have been complaining incessantly about the disruption of trade due to the Seasnake's blockade, while our smugglers are doing their best it is too little to make up the difference especially as Lady Rhaenys is patrolling the Gullet with the Velaryon fleet."

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Our problems with the Gullet will be solved once our fleet is ready and the Triarchy's fleet arrives. We will break the blockade from both sides and all their complaints will be over but for now, they will have to suffer through it."

"Speaking of the fleet, how is the work going?" Aemond then asks Tyland who has now taken the role of Master of Coin and Ships in addition to his position as that of Hand of the King. He will work himself to death if I don't find some replacements.

Tyland answers, "The expansions on the shipyards have been completed, and the work on the newer ships has begun while the older ships are nearing the end of their construction. We have started a rotation of crewmen on the existing ships for the new sailors and oarsmen to practice."

Alicent then spoke up, she rarely did during the meetings these days but rather she would try to advise me outside the meetings, "Our kinsman Ormund has assembled an army at Oldtown and is ready to march on all of Rhaenyra's supporters in the Southern Reach before he makes his way to King's Landing."

"Good," I nodded, "Once I deal with the Blacks in the Northern Reach he shouldn't have much trouble in putting down the last of Rhaenyra's supporters." If he can't then he is an incompetent dumbass who needs a good defeat.

"What about your brother?" I turned to Tyland, "You haven't informed us much about him."

"My brother has your warning to heart, Your Grace. He has not only raised an army to march on the rebels but also started building ships, watchtowers and other fortifications by the coast in anticipation of the Ironborn attack. He says that he will be ready to march on the Riverlands by the New Year. He also requests the presence of a royal dragonrider to aid in his efforts." Tyland revealed.

"I shall see to it when the time comes," I replied running my hand over my hair. My crown was on the table where I was playing with it while the others were talking logistics.

After some more talking about things like the boom chain and the twin watchtowers on the mouth of the Blackwater similar to what Tyrion built before the Battle of the Blackwater Bay, I say to them, "My Lords, I believe that is enough for today, after I leave will be expecting both my Lord Hand and my brother to deal with things as they see fit."

As everyone left, I stayed alone in the chamber ruminating about my choices even as Criston stood guard by the door. Bitterbridge was the place where Maelor was torn to shreds by the mob. I felt a shiver go down my back even as I couldn't bear to think about it. No never, I will burn that town to the ground before I let them touch my son.

My plan hinged on letting the Blacks in Dragonstone know that I was out of the city. Vhagar was a deterrent to ensure that the Blacks didn't do anything daring and now with Daemon's gold cloaks taken off the board, they had no chance of taking the city without suffering heavy casualties themselves.

If the rebellion in the Vale was now strong enough that they could attempt a march on the Eyrie it would mean that Dragonstone would have to take this seriously. If Jacaerys is the honour-bound reckless fool that he is, he will come to deal with the rebels and I will get him in the open just as I have wished for a long time. And for safety should he bring anyone with him, I am bringing Daeron with me. Now, if they send Rhaenys to the Vale then I am truly fucked. I am gambling my life but I WILL KILL JACE IF THAT IS THE LAST THING I DO.

Worrying that Rhaenys might show up at the Vale brought back my thirst. I poured the jug of Arbor Gold into my cup before it fizzled out into droplets. Fuck, I had been drinking throughout the entire meeting and I didn't even notice. The cupbearers made sure to refill it before I noticed.

The door opens and Criston puts his head in, "The master painter is here to inform you that the map of Westeros that you had commissioned to be painted on the floor in the central courtyard of Maegor's Holdfast has been completed."

"Good," I remarked as I got up. I remembered Cersei having it painted in the show and I figured why don't I do that as well, it is not fair that Rhaenyra be the only one with the map of Westeros across the chamber. I am the one who is ruling it.

It is just as I imagined, it is perfect. Alicent, Aemond, Helaena, Daeron, the rest of the Small Council and even Otto have all come to see it, it is as detailed as I want it to be. Every major castle, city, town, river and forest is well marked, the mountain ranges are coloured accordingly and it will help in planning our future moves more clearly and help teach the kids more about Westeros. Aemond and I struggled to learn the names of all the castles by heart during our lessons.

Later that evening, I stood before the mirror, I was armoured as any King and Dragonrider ought to be. A full plate of black armour with my sigil on the surcoat and my black helmet fitted with the crown to symbolize my status. Relatively speaking it was plain compared to Aemond's black and gold armour and my councillors did advise me to get a more elaborate black and gold plate armour but I refused. There was no need to waste gold that would eventually be burnt and melted, there was a good chance that my armour would melt into my skin, and dancing in the firestorm would certainly result in that.

"You look every bit like Aegon the Conqueror," Alicent proudly said looking at me.

"I doubt it," I dryly replied, "I am nothing like him." Aegon the Conqueror was tall, broad-shouldered, and powerful-looking. I am of average height, I don't have broad shoulders and I look haggard, I have grown a scratchy beard as I haven't shaved ever since the coronation.

"Why does everyone keep comparing me to him just because we have the same name? He has conquered a continent while I am fighting a civil war that has torn the House apart. I doubt that he will be happy with me." I remarked as I adjusted my gauntlet around my half hand to feel the most comfortable.

"Don't say that, never say that," Alicent said as she walked up to me and took my half-hand in her hand. "You are not tearing this House apart, you are saving it."

I raise my eyebrow, "That isn't what I would call this war."

She looked me in the eye and said, "Do you remember when the Maester in Driftmark was treating your fingers after Rhaenyra's bastards wounded you and Aemond? I was there, the fingers were still attached but they had been cut in so deep and so wickedly that I could see the white of the bone and even the bones were wickedly cut halfway through. I knew it though I did not want to accept it, those fingers were gone and keeping them would only bring more pain. That idiot Maester said he would stitch up the fingers and apply herbs and hope that the bones mended themselves."

She continued as I remembered that moment, "The wound was so wicked, it was certain to get rotten before the bones mended and it was equally certain that if those fingers weren't cut off it could cost you your entire right arm. He knew it would be best to cut off the fingers but he didn't want to say that to us, perhaps he was afraid. You grabbed him by the chain and said that you wanted the rot to be cut off from your body before the rest of the body was affected. This is the same thing."

"The rot in our House is Rhaenyra and she must be cut off along with her brood for this House to live otherwise, this House will fall. It is better to cut out the rot now and suffer the pain but for a little and live on or die later painfully as the rot spreads." She says with conviction.

Then the door opened and Helaena entered with the kids to say goodbye. A smile came on my face upon seeing the children, Jaehaerys ran first toward me with a loud, "KEPA."

I bent down to pick him up and he hugged me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I kissed him on the cheek and he giggled due to the tickling of the beard.

Then it was Jaehaera who slowly and quietly walked over to me, she was always quiet unlike most girls her age. Most girls start talking at two but she was late and Alicent was extremely worried that she wouldn't be able to talk, though Hel and I waved her concerns. I knew exactly how to make her talk. I bent down and let Jaehaerys go and I took Jaehaera and before she knew it I purposefully tickled her by rubbing my beard on her face, "EEEKKK, KEPA IT TICKLES."

"I know it does Princess," I said with a kiss on her cheek.

"Kepa, can we bring dragons to the Red Keep as you did with Sunfyre and Uncle Daeron did with Tessa," Jaehaerys begins to excitedly chatter while Jaehaera nods with him. Jaehaerys was the complete opposite of his sister in every way and yet they were inseparable. His extra thumb and extra toes were considered by some to be an ill omen from the gods and many in the Blacks mocked him for it, Aemond and I responded by beating the shit out of them.

"Sure you can son," I answered much to Helaena's annoyance and my twins' happiness.

"Of course not, we are not bringing the dragons to the Red Keep," Helaena said with finality and the dejected twins looked to me for support.

Helaena looked at me with a look in her eyes that said 'You better not throw me under the bus' while Alicent was quietly chuckling watching the scene, "Sorry kids your mother is in charge of dragons," I said with a shrug to the groan of Jaehaerys and a pout from Jaehaera.

Helaena looked satisfied before coming to me with Maelor at her hip, " They have not properly learnt how to control their dragons we cannot bring the dragons here to the Red Keep and let them go around burning everyone they see. Stop indulging them in everything they ask for."

Shrykos and Morghul were hatched in their cribs four years ago when they were no more than a month old. The eggs were from Dreamfyre's newest clutch and the dragons put to rest any rumours about Jaehaerys extra digits and later about Jaehaera's quiet behaviour.

I took Maelor in my hands before kissing him on the cheek as well as he blabbered "Kep, Kep" He couldn't get the word Kepa but he was only two. I thought of my promise to destroy Bitterbridge, I will never let anyone touch my baby boy.

Helaena then looked at me seriously as Alicent took Maelor from my arms, "Beware of the spider for it shall bite if you are lax."

There it is, I wondered when I would get some of Hel's dream wisdom, not that any of it made sense. I nodded before I hugged and kissed her. "Don't worry, I will be careful."

As I walked out to the courtyard where Sunfyre was waiting, Aemond was there as well, "I wish I could go with you."

"I need you here to deter Daemon, even if his Gold Cloaks are no more, he is one crazy asshole who can do what we just won't expect." Daemon did send that raven promising a son for a son but as of late, he has done nothing other than defeat the Brackens and by the looks of it he has captured the entire Riverlands for Rhaenyra. According to Larys' informants, he is going crazy having all his avenues to King's Landing blocked.

I embraced him as he joked, "Stay alive." It was our inside joke after we were maimed. I chuckled before walking over to a waiting Sunfyre who bent his neck for me.

I flew over the vast expanse of the Reach with the wind whipping at my face through the gaps in the helmet, the fields stretched out as far as the eye could see from both sides of the Mander, and the land was filled with fields with crops in the process of being harvested by farmers and their families who looked like little specks from above. There were herds of farm animals in one corner or the other, while in the corner there would be orchards. In between them all would be villages with houses of daub and wattle with a castle or a tower here and there by the banks of the Mander. After Tumbleton there weren't any market towns and there were supposed to be none until Bitterbridge.

The Reach was truly the breadbasket of Westeros, it was the grain, fruits, melons, peaches, fireplums, grapes, and fine wine from the Reach that went all across Westeros and even abroad. They may not be as rich as the Lannisters but they were rich enough on their own to stand as proud peacocks in front of the dragons who leached off their taxes. Truly, the main source of income for the Crown wasn't the taxes of King's Landing, no it was the taxes from the Reach. They produced items that couldn't be produced in other lands. Especially King's Landing, with the Gullet closed, the land route is even more important for supplies to keep the city and the army fed, with Stokeworth, Rosby, Hayford and Tumbleton seized by the Crown for their reasons, their taxes, grain, and other goods now flow straight to the Red Keep.

I didn't know how far Bitterbridge would be, I knew it was on the Mander and that it would be the first major castle I would see since I flew over the headwaters of the Mander at Tumbleton. It would also be the first bridge that crossed the Mander which made it easy to spot. The land is low and flat, I fly through the clouds now whether anyone would spot me depends on whether they are looking up in the sky, I would say that I am around more than a thousand feet up in the sky people can see me but that is alright, let them see it won't change a damn thing.

After hours of flying I reached my destination, from afar I squinted my eyes to the horizon to see the bridge across the wide Mander with a town and castle on one side of the river. I snapped my whip and Sunfyre flew higher. I could also see an army assembling outside the town. I could make out the yellow centaur of Hosue Caswell on their banners hanging by the walls. Allun Caswell was a traitor, he was dead and now his town and family were going to pay for it.

I could feel my heartbeat quicken as Sunfyre increased his speed, I couldn't hear anything else and I saw nothing but that town. After a heart stopping flight, I was directly above the town, the guards may not have noticed me as I cannot see any pandemonium breaking out and I assume that the noonday sun directly above me has masked my presence. By the time they find out, it will be too late.

I snapped my whip over Sunfyre's head and time stilled as he stalled and began the dive. We plunge straight into the town from above, and then Sunfyre roared giving the last warning to the people down below of their impending doom and then out came a maelstrom of golden fire that struck one unlucky building, perhaps an inn, I don't give a shit.

In moments, the thatched roofs exploded into a roaring pyre for its inhabitants before Sunfyre swerved and unleashed yet another stream to the next making the whitewashed houses black with ash before long I had destroyed that entire street and I had made it into a burning inferno. Then begin the screams of terror as the crowd of merchants, farmers, craftsmen, sellswords and knights in the streets panic and flee only to be followed by Sunfyre's flames. This is a thousand times better than my attack on the East Barracks of the City Watch.

I start strafing runs across the town, aimed at thatched roofs and running hordes of panicked smallfolk that thronged the streets. First a stream of flames against a running crowd in a street then a fireball against any standing structure in my sight. All buildings in this town are half-timbered making them an ideal kindling for an inferno. I did not need to burn every house, the fire would spread on its own. I go after the people who are screaming in terror only to be silenced by the flames. This is like dropping incendiary bombs on helpless civilians from a B-17, they can do nothing but die.

What the flames didn't kill, the smoke would and what the smoke didn't kill, the stampede of the people would. A huge stampede begins as the crowd rushes to either the castle or the bridge, I follow them as I make a strafing run all over the bridge, the people running desperately are incinerated while a few others jump over the Mander. I turn Sunfyre's flames onto the water, and the river hisses as the stream rises and more screams follow in my wake. They will be calling Bitterbridge the Burntbridge after this.

I look ahead to see the fire from my first attack spreading all over town, so I turn my attention to the army that the Caswells had assembled to oppose me, an army that was quickly dissolving. I descend upon the camp and set the tents alight, the men of war run in fear for they can do nothing else. A few archers aim Sunfyre and release their quarry but it bounces off harmlessly against Sunfyre's golden scales, it does nothing more than agitate the dragon who gives his unreserved attention to the archers, and within seconds the archers die screaming and burning.

I turn to the fleeing soldiers who have run into the fields of grain that are yet to be harvested, they seek to hide there until I pass but I teach them an important lesson, fire will find you. Some of the burning soldiers run into the fields seeking succour but they don't realize that all they have done is brought the fire with them to their hiding spot. Fires break out in the fields and the wind does the rest. Sunfyre and I need to do nothing but for good measure, Sunfyre unleashes a stream of flames upon the orchards and vineyards burning those who sought refuge from the flames alive.

I then turned back to the town which was now hell on earth, it was a raging inferno, and every living creature in that town was marked for death, I noticed even more fires spreading out in the fields as the burning survivors that tried to escape only ended up spreading the fingers of Sunfyre's fiery death. The screams continued unabating even as I flew over the town, every flap of Sunfyre's wings spreading his flames further.

Then my focus shifts to the castle, the castle is small and made of stone and timber. The keep is not that tall, but the land is low and flat making it seem taller and now it will be the tallest pile of ash in this land. I snap my whip and Sunfyre begins his attack on the castle, the screams from the people who have found refuge in the castle grow louder but I don't stop. I notice a white flag being raised by the castle's defenders but I still don't stop. Sunfyre opens his maw and unleashes the next maelstrom of death.

After an hour of utter and complete destruction, I stop as my mind finally registers the smell of the dead and burning. I raise Sunfyre higher into the air as we take sight of a blackened and smouldering town with its streets littered with burnt corpses, a burning castle where the choking and burnt survivors beg for the sweet release of death, and screams throughout the town and castle are now progressing into moans of death. The fields on both sides of the river have turned black even as the fire still keeps spreading in some parts.

Time for the next target, Goldengrove, is due West of Bitterbridge and on the eastern bank of the Lesser Mander. I snap my whip once more and Sunfyre changes directions. In the maps, it is a relatively straight line but since there are no latitude or longitude measurements here, I cannot be certain but hopefully, I will find the Lesser Mander easily enough.

It is dusk by the time I reach the Lesser Mander, I bring Sunfyre down by the river as I get thirsty. I dismount from my dragon near the treeline who keeps watch while I go to the river and I open my empty waterskin and refill it, once I finish drinking, I take a piss on the same river. I notice that it has been quiet all around me perhaps it is because it is evening.

Then as I walk back donning my helmet to Sunfyre who is looking around agitatedly for some reason, a couple of arrows come out of nowhere and strike me on the head and the chest sending me reeling back and then Sunfyre gives out a terrible roar before sending a fireball ahead of us towards a couple of bushes and trees. A couple of men come out of the burning trees screaming and writhing in flames. While another stumbles out though unburnt he finds himself in front of Sunfyre who has come in front of me to shield me.

"Mercy, milord, mercy. Forgive me, I did not attack you, t'was the other two, please mercy," He begs as he prostrates before Sunfyre who is about to devour him. I stop Sunfyre before moving ahead to see the man. I notice from his leather jerkin and bow and arrow that he is a huntsman.

"Who are you?" I demanded as I drew out Blackfyre while my heart was racing at my close escape.

"The names Barth, my king, have mercy, I did not shoot." He begs fearfully as he shakes on the ground and cries even more as Sunfyre gives a growl asking me to kill him.

"Who do you serve?" I asked as I approached him and halted Sunfyre.

"I will serve you, my king, I will serve you," He begs as I smell his piss and shit.

"Not me, you idiot, under which Lord's banner do you serve?" I asked annoyed, I had no time for this.

"Lord Webber, my king," He supplies still shaking. Webber, they were the vassals of Rowan, I remembered Hel's warning about the spider, House Webber's sigil is a spider.

"How far away is Goldengrove?" I ask of him as I place the tip of Blackfyre in the soil below.

"Half a day's ride up north, my king, please spare me," He answers before continuing to beg.

"Get up and stand on your feet like a man," I say to him.

He gets up, he looks decidedly common, nothing much to distinguish him from any other commoner in the mass of the smallfolk. His brown eyes are in tears and he smells so bad I want to puke. His clothes are singed.

"Learn to die like a man on your feet," I say to him as I drive Blackfyre through his belly. He looks shocked even as blood dribbles out of his mouth. You did not hit me with your arrow but you certainly aimed for me and you missed." I said pointing to the arrow that was embedded in a tree nearby.

I pull out Blackfyre before wiping the blood off on my cloak before heading back to climb back on Sunfyre even as the man lies dying gurgling blood. That was close, they nearly pulled off a Prince Aemon right there. A move that would later be called King Aegon if it worked.

Sunfyre's roar may not have carried to Goldengrove and someone must have heard it and who knows if they will report this to Thaddeus Rowan, thankfully no one seems to be around as it is dusk time when most farmers go home.

The sun sets as Sunfyre glides over the clouds and we come upon Goldengrove and the surrounding town and the tent city that has been established for the army that is being marshalled. The castle of Goldengrove is larger than Bitterbridge, it is a strong fortress with thick walls and massive towers made out of white stone sitting atop a hill. It gets its name Goldengrove from the Godswood whose Heart tree has golden leaves. No worries on that part, I will make it black after this is over.

I look down to see innumerable campfires dotted around the castle which has been lit up. No doubt most of the army is resting after a long and tiring day of practice, do not worry tired soldiers for I shall give you a rest, a permanent rest.

Time to die, Goldengrove, I think before snapping my whip once more and Sunfyre descends.

Once more Sunfyre roars to announce his presence as the harbinger of the Stranger as we dive straight into the camp. Sunfyre opens his maw and gushes out a deluge of golden hellfire upon the tents. Before anyone can blink, a couple of tents in the direct path of the fire are immolated instantly before a flap from Sunfyre's wings spreads the flames before unleashing a golden fireball to a large gathering of surprised and too-stunned-to-react soldiers about to have their dinner I assume.

In the blink of an eye, the gathering of soldiers was transformed into a mass of shrieking and burning figures that ran about desperately trying to stop the flames that were eating them. Sunfyre then unleashed streams and streams of golden dragon fire upon the tents and on the running soldiers. As expected the flames began to spread all the while mayhem raged across the camp as soldiers deserted, dropped their weapons and ran as fast as they could before they got caught in the searching flames.

I flew Sunfyre a bit higher before we made a strafing run all across the camp in a circle, the burning circle cut through the middle of the camp cutting the path of escape for many. It wasn't long before the golden fires of hell began to illuminate the dark field, I could see little specks of burning men running about into fields and starting more fires on their own just like what happened in Bitterbridge.

The sound of the uproar and tumult occurring after a dragon attack was now familiar to my ears and I turned my attention to the town, the army was as good as dead. Time to break the spirit and will of the people of Goldengrove.

Sunfyre made his way to the town leaving a burning trail in his wake as he unleashed a golden sword of death upon everything in his path with no mercy. The townsfolk screamed in terror but I continued my destruction. The golden streams of hell unleashed by Sunfyre began to spread over the town as the half-timbered houses were prone to burning on the slightest of sparks and here I was lighting the fuse with a nuke.

Even as Sunfyre and I make our way through the town burning everything that stands to offend us, crossbow bolts and arrows are unleashed from the castle toward us, the arrows miss while those that hit do nothing more than anger Sunfyre who roars out a terrible roar of vengeance.

I snap my whip and turn Sunfyre upward and once we reach sufficient height we dive once more Sunfyre's maws open and his golden flames dance inside ready to blast away.

"And just like that, House Rowan and Caswell are out, and the Northern Reach has been cleansed of all of Rhaenyra's supporters," I say standing atop the map of Westeros in Maegor's Holdfast as I kick out the figurines of both House Rowan and Caswell. The new meeting spot of the Small Council will now be my map. I spent some time in the Reach directing Ser Moryn Tyrell, the knight in charge of the Tyrell war effort on cleaning up the mess.

I stayed in Highgarden long enough to ensure that Lady Tyrell had no choice but to give her all when it came to the war effort instead of half-assing it like Lady Barbery Dustin. I left once I was certain that Dragonstone got news of this. Dare I say, I am now infamous across Westeros, I wonder what Daemon and Rhaenyra are thinking right now.

"Yes, they have, Your Grace. A truly great victory indeed. A fine message to our enemies that invokes dread and horror." Tyland remarks as he walks around Tarth.

"Your Great grandsire won a victory against the Dornish with two of his sons without a man lost, Your Grace, you have won a victory with a single dragon I would call it a greater victory than theirs," Jasper congratulates me.

Aemond grumpily remarks standing next to Bear Island, "I could have done that as well." He was still grumpy about having to do nothing more than train the recruits in the army and stay and guard King's Landing from any of Daemon's subterfuge.

"Yes, I know you can but the entire point of me going to destroy them was to show everyone that we are not overtly dependent on Vhagar alone," I said walking over to him from the Reach.

"So, when do we leave for Gulltown?" Daeron asked standing by the fingers. He had an easy time in the Marches.

Daeron explained, "Lord Borros attacked like a bull head-on upon the slightest provocation, he knew it was a trap but he had the numbers and the best men in the Stormlands and with me around, he hoped to bait the Dornish into coming out of their holes and fall for his trap thinking he fell for theirs, and it worked. The Stormlanders held their ground well and then I arrived and I put the Dornish horde to flight. We found the Vulture King a day later, his body in a cave, he died of the burns."

"We can leave tonight, I fear if we delay any further then the impatient fools will go to march on the Eyrie alone," I replied. I never expected Greens in the Vale to gain so much strength that they could afford something like this but I also that if they lost then it was probably the end of the pro-green movement in Vale.

"You have just arrived, you shouldn't push yourself so hard," Alicent worriedly asks me standing near the Arm of Dorne.

"This is war, I am pushing myself else there is nothing to gain," I replied.

I turned to Criston who was standing next to Aemond, "Prepare to receive a raven and begin your march. Keep the army on standby."

They nodded while Orwyle finally arrived with a missive in his hands, "Your Grace, the Vale Lords have sent a raven, they have begun their march to the Eyrie."

"Fuck, I knew they wouldn't wait," I remarked with a sigh. Oh well, let us hope that some of them survive.

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