Halfhand's Legacy: A Dance of Dragons - A Self-Insert Tale (Completed)

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: The Black Queen's Vengeance

129 AC

"If half the rumours from the Vale are true then Aegon has made a Harrenhal out of the Eyrie," Her grandfather dejectedly said to the council, a council that was losing hope with every passing day. Rhaena stood near the Vale, she clutched the figurine of the Arryns so tightly she began to bleed, the onyx cut into her fingers but Rhaena couldn't find in her to care, her twin Baela was dead, she was never coming back, Aegon killed her, Rhaena was now alone. They shared a womb, they grew up together, and they did everything together, Baela was half of Rhaena's life but now, it felt like half of Rhaena was gone, dead, never to come back again.

Another hand came to touch her bleeding hand, Rhaena looked to see it was her grandmother's concerned face looking at her, pleading not to hurt herself any further but even as Rhaena let go of the bloody falcon, she felt broken. It was going so well at first, they were winning, Jace and Baela broke the Greens at Ironoaks, they subdued the Lords who rose against their Queen, Runestone had surrendered, and Gulltown was last left, it brought hope to their failing cause but then suddenly it was snatched away by the same person.

As everyone in Dragonstone celebrated a long-awaited victory, a frantic and desperate raven from the Eyrie arrived from Lady Jeyne, Aegon and Daeron had arrived at the Vale, and they killed Jace and Baela. Rhaena felt her world crumble around her, she couldn't imagine what Joff, Aegon, and Viserys were going through, they looked up to Jace their whole lives, he was their hero and now the blackest of villains had slain him, her grandparents were broken, they did it well but Rhaena could see that they were both devastated beyond measure.

It was to Rhaenyra that Rhaena looked up to, after Luke's death, she was broken but upon hearing of Jace's death, the grief turned into a black rage, the despair into vengeance and Rhaena wanted to join her.

"We are losing this war in case none of you noticed," Rhaenyra snarled at her council. "Do you have anything for me? We are doing nothing but reacting to whatever they throw at us and they are throwing everything."

"We have been fighting this war the wrong way," Her grandmother spoke up and everyone turned to look at her, "We all thought that this would be a war fought in battles by armies and fleets with dragons to support them but we were wrong and we have paid a huge price for it. Dragons will fight this war, and the armies and fleets should support them."

Rhaenyra nodded approvingly before asking, "What do you have in mind?"

"Aemond was never the main threat as we imagined, it was Aegon, the madman in charge of the Greens and let us take a page from his book, we burn and destroy the Green castles as revenge. We ensure that the Greens realize they are just as likely to be burnt alive as our loyal bannermen have in Goldengrove, Bitterbridge, and the Eyrie. Our supporters need to know that we will come and support them just as Aegon has done." Grandmother announced.

"I agree," Rhaenyra nodded with a vicious look in her eye as she gripped the armrest of her chair tightly, "And I exactly where we should go first." She turned to look at Storm's End before getting off the chair and knocking the Baratheon figurine. "Are you with me?" Rhaenyra asked Grandmother.

"I am but I think that Rhaena should also come with us, three dragons are better than two," Grandmother said looking at Rhaena.

"But Lady Rhaena does not have a dragon," Lord Bartimos pointed out.

"That can be arranged," Grandmother shrugged and Rhaenyra turned to Rhaena and gave a brief nod.

"So I assume that we are resorting to the same tactics as those of Aegon, even some of his supporters are calling him a madman," Grandfather cautioned.

"This is a war of dragons, Grandfather, we are all mad," Rhaena spoke up for the first time and she could see that Grandmother and Rhaenyra were pleased by her answer.

"That is not the only thing to gain by attacking Storm's End," The mysterious voice of Mysaria quietly spoke, "My spies tell me that Lord Baratheon is raising an army, nearly ten thousand strong outside the walls of Storm's End. If Storm's End and that army is burned, the entire Stormlands will be paralyzed for the rest of the war."

"Yes, then we agree on what needs to be done," Rhaenyra announced and Rhaena looked around the chamber to see that everyone had resolved to fight to the end. Everyone wanted vengeance for Jace, Luke, and Baela and only dragons could bring that.

"That is not all, I believe that I have something just as important to bring up," Grandfather then quickly spoke before Rhaenyra could adjourn the meeting. "Upon hearing that the Royces had declared for the Greens due to their past hostilities with Prince Daemon, I have a strong feeling that the Royces are not the only old enemy of Daemon's that the Greens might have reached out to. There is another enemy that Daemon and I share."

"The Triarchy," Grandmother knowingly breathed out. The three whores were her father's lifelong enemies just as much as Otto Hightower was. Otto's fall from grace made her father laugh the most she had ever seen, though Rhaena doubted if her father was laughing any more, Aegon was a madman willing to burn anything and everything and father or anyone else for that matter, never predicted that.

"Yes," Grandfather nodded, "They must have reached out to the Triarchy, I will not be surprised if a Triarchy fleet will be coming to break the blockade."

"What about the fleet they are already building?" Lord Gormon Massey curiously asked.

"I believe that they intend to break the blockade from both sides, catching our fleet off guard." Grandfather thoughtfully replied.

"We cannot let my Usurper half-brother attack Gullet, should they do so then Driftmark and Dragonstone can fall in the chaos," Rhaenyra firmly declared.

"I will be ready for the Triarchy, we may have lost a quarter of our fleet at Gulltown but I am certain that our chances look good. At the same time should the Usurper attack from King's Landing from behind in a two-pronged pincer move, our fleet no matter how good will find itself broken." Grandfather warned.

"I agree, I think that I can put an end to the fleet in King's Landing," Mysaria added. "Should those ships sail to the Gullet with the Triarchy attacking then we will be lost."

"Just like how you and my Lord Husband promised to avenge my son, a son for a son, is that not what Daemon said, two of my sons are now dead and I find that the Usurper sits pretty with all his sons." Rhaenyra bitterly replied.

Mysaria looked away abashedly for a moment before composing herself and replying, "Once Daemon found out about Prince Lucerys' murder, he instructed me to go out to the people in my knowledge to avenge him but before all that, the City Watch began hunting me, Aegon knew that I was dangerous and sought to kill me. Luthor Largent helped me escape but in doing so, paid for it with his own life. Larys must have realized it and warned Aegon, and we all know of the purge of the Gold Cloaks and the Ratcatcher's Guild. Every man who ever wore the Gold Cloak during the time of Prince Daemon's command was put to death, regardless of whether they were still in the City Watch or not as was every Ratcatcher in the city put to death, it was as if Aegon knew how I intended to send assassin's into the Red Keep."

"Why Ratcatchers?" Grandfather curiously asked a question that Rhaena shared as well.

"Ratcatchers have an intimate knowledge about the Red Keep, the hidden doors and tunnels are familiar to them. I had a man amongst the Ratcatchers who would have done the job of sneaking into the Red Keep and killing one of the Usurper's sons but now they are all dead. Nearly every man and woman who has ever been an associate of Daemon and myself is dead or has fled the city," Mysaria revealed.

"If all the people who you associate with have been killed then how will you end the fleet that is being built as we speak," Grandmother questioned her.

"Not all, nearly all but not all," Mysaria corrected Grandmother, "Not to mention, during the purge of the Gold Cloaks and others many innocents who had no connection to Daemon or myself were killed, their loved ones hate Aegon but fear him more, coincidentally some of the sailors and oarsmen happen to have friends and family who were killed. Nothing a good amount of gold cannot fix. We need to bribe traitors inside the city and have them take care of the rest. I merely need the gold and the fleet will be in flames before Aegon knows what is happening."

Rhaenyra nodded, "The war chest is open to you, destroy that fleet before it sets sail."

Mysaria nodded before Rhaenyra turned to Grandmother and Rhaena, "Get Rhaena a dragon immediately. We do not have any time to waste."

"Give me four days, just four days after Rhaena bonds with a dragon and we will be ready," Grandmother asked of Rhaenyra who looked thoughtful

Grand Maester Gerardys added, "The fourth night from now will be moonless, an ideal night for an attack."

"You have four days and three nights, Rhaena," Rhaenyra said turning to her before leaving the chamber. Rhaena nodded, Four days and three nights were enough to bond with a new dragon and train. Rhaena doubted if she would be sleeping for the next few days.

Rhaenyra then turned to Grand Maester Gerardys, "What news of my Lord Husband?"

"The Prince Consort has written that he is about to fly out to Riverrun, after news of the Eyrie, he has decided to end the Tully neutrality, should they not bend the knee, he will teach the Tullys that he is much more dangerous than Aegon," The Grand Maester reported.

"Good," Rhaenyra nodded viciously, "It is time that everyone understands that there is no neutrality in this war."

Less than an hour after the meeting, Grandmother brought Rhaena to the smoking caverns of the Dragonmount along with the Dragonkeepers. Rhaena had changed from her dresses to riding leathers that belonged to Baela, Rhaena was filled with more determination than ever, she would bond with a dragon today or die trying.

"This is the lair of Silverwing," The Elder said to them pointing to one of the caverns.

"Good," Grandmother nodded and then turned to Rhaena, "Rhaena, I know you wanted one of your dragon eggs to hatch but we are now in a position where we cannot afford to have hatchling fight battles for us, Moondancer was not even of fighting size when Baela flew to the Vale and the Usurper knew it." Grandmother placed her hands on Rhaena's shoulders, "Rhaena, I know you burn with a desire for vengeance, for Baela, for Jace, and for Luke and you must let it burn, it is with this fire within you that you must let a dragon accept you."

Rhaena resolutely nodded before walking down on her own to the lair, for Baela, for Jace, and for Luke, she will make the Usurper pay for what he has done.

In the dark caverns with only bits of light falling through the natural holes, the cave stank of sulfur and burnt meat, on any other day, Rhaena would have retched at the smell and run back out of the cave but not today, she was determined to come with a dragon or not at all.

Then as Rhaena reached even further to find clutches of dragon eggs laid by Silverwing, if she touched any of the eggs, Silverwing would become furious, Rhaena recalled learning from the Dragonkeepers.

Then a growl emerged from further in the depths of the cave, Rhaena stopped and looked steadfastly ahead to notice two silvery eyes glow in the dark as a silvery head emerged out from the shadows, even in the faint light of the cavern, the silver scales glowed and Rhaena walked forward with her hand stretched out, Silverwing did nothing even as Rhaena walked over to her and placed her hand on her snout.

"I need vengeance." Rhaena breathed.

"You have done well," Grandmother to Rhaena beaming with pride as the dragonkeepers began to saddle Silverwing for Rhaena's first flight. Grandmother's smile became strained as she said, "If only your mother could see this, she would have been so proud of you."

"I wish Baela had seen this," Rhaena remarked with a sense of forlornness.

"Yes, but now is not the time to dwell on these things," Grandmother said invigorated upon seeing Silverwing look at Rhaena expectantly. "We must ensure that their sacrifice is not in vain, for that you need to learn to ride Silverwing, train her, and deepen your bond with her. You have four days and you will train with her every day for every possible hour. You will ride from Dragonstone to Driftmark to Sharp Point just like Baela did. Are you ready?" Grandmother said handing over to her a dragonbone whip.

"I am," Rhaena said with a determined nod as she took the whip.

After four days and nights of intense training where Rhaena saw a whole new side of her Grandmother, it was time to bring fire and blood to their enemies. Rhaena would have fallen asleep if she were not so excited and tensed about what was to come, she would avenge Baela and Jace one day but first, she would avenge Luke.

The sun began to set as they gathered in the Chamber of the Painted Table for the last meeting before heading out to Storm's End. Rhaena looked around to see that everyone was tense, this was the moment that would decide how the war would go. The Queen's supporters would no longer accept the Usurper attacking castles of her loyal subjects with impunity, it is time for the Greens to be treated the same way.

Joff was most unhappy as he wanted to join them but Rhaenyra instead put him in charge of maintaining the blockade, which did mollify his pride some to know that his mother trusted him with the war effort. Aegon and Viserys looked worried but they did not show, brave boys.

"Your Grace, there have been new developments, as we know, Duskendale has been sacked, and the kinslayer and the Kingmaker are leading the Green army up north and Lord Gunthor Darklyn has been executed, and now Lord Staunton writes that the Green army is marching on Rook's Rest, he is seeking our help. The Green outriders have begun to raid his farms and burn the land, he does not have the men to hold them off and the much larger Green army is already marching and is days away."

Lord Gunthor Darklyn was caught off guard and with his defences lax, the Green army stormed the town without the need for dragons by the time Dragonstone received word, it was too late. Surprisingly, the Greens spent a considerable amount of time in Duskendale before Lady Mysaria informed them that the Green army was about to march again.

"It is a trap, it is so obviously a trap," Grandmother announced to the council even as they began talking amongst themselves. "If Aegon is anything to go by, the very notion of Aemond trying to patiently wait out a siege is ridiculous, Vhagar will have Rook's Rest in ashes within an hour, if Rook's Rest is still standing then it means that they want us to come to their rescue," Grandmother explained. "So they can pick us off one by one. The very fact that they spent so much time in Duskendale before marching was so that they wanted us to know that they were marching on Rook's Rest."

"By now, Aegon must have taken care of the Vale, he and his brother can come from the north while Aemond will attack from the south, anyone who goes to relieve Rook's Rest will be fucked," Grandfather nodded.

"But that would mean that the Queen is sacrificing one of her most loyal servants," Lord Bartimos said aghast. Rhaena knew that sacrifices would have to be made and Lord Simon was a sacrifice for the greater good of the Queen's cause.

"I will waver, no longer," Rhaenyra declared adamantly, "We will no longer let the Greens decide how we fight this war. Lord Simon Staunton's sacrifice will forever be remembered but we will not let the Usurper and his dogs decide how we fight this war."

"Hear, Hear," Lord Bar Emmon announced his support as did the others.

Rhaenyra turned to Rhaena and Grandmother, "It is time."

The flight to Storm's End was a short one, scarcely a couple of hours on the cold moonless night. After four days of relentless training, it seemed as if Rhaena and Silverwing were one, then again, her Grandmother was the best when it came to dragons, even better than her father. Three dragons left Dragonstone with a vengeance.

Rhaena wore armour for the first time fortunately it was fitting and not that uncomfortable and it kept her warm against the cold winds as they flew south, it was simple grey steel without any fancy ornamentation but it served as there was no time for the armourers in Dragonstone to make a new one in such short notice. Rhaena merely followed her Grandmother and Rhaenyra as they flew in front of her. Then came the signal from Grandmother, they had arrived.

They descended out of the clouds and as they went lower, Rhaena saw Storm's End for the very first time. A colossal drum tower that stretched out into the sky from the edge of the rock promontory like a spiked fist. Rhaena also saw an army encamped outside the thick walls in a field, it was dotted with campfires as the soldiers must be going to sleep. Now Rhaena was here to ruin it all. The moonless night sky meant nobody noticed three dark shadows flying in the sky and they wouldn't until it was too late.

Rhaena and Rhaenyra turned to attack the camp while Grandmother stayed on the course for the castle. Rhaenyra flew ahead of Rhaena while Rhaena snapped her whip and Silverwing swerved once more to the west. It was decided that Rhaenyra would attack the camp causing chaos while Rhaena would create a ring of fire around the camp trapping them.

Then the hat dropped as Rhaena saw Meleys descend upon Storm's End as a lightning spewing out flames, then the mayhem began. Screams began almost instantly but Rhaena closed her ears to them, they were the enemy, they were just as responsible for killing Luke as Aemond.

Rhaena then saw Rhaenyra descend upon the panicked camp as Syrax began to spit fire upon the camp furthering the panic as screams began to ring out, soldiers rushed out of the burning tents on fire screaming and writhing even as Rhaenyra mercilessly began to burn and then it was Rhaena's turn.

"DRACARYS," Rhaena screamed for the first time and Silverwing answered by unleashing a torrent of silver flames on the forest surrounding the camp. Silverwing flew across the length of the camp setting fire to everything as she rounded across the woods. Before long, the camp was surrounded in flames and smoke even as Rhaenyra and Syrax destroyed and burned anything that stood.

Many tried to cut through the flames only to find Rhaena waiting for them as Silverwing loosed her flames at them before long even the woods surrounding the camp were on fire as the fire began to spread increasing with the screams of terror and pain. Rhaena turned to see a raging inferno blaze across Storm's End, the large drum tower was surrounded in flames even as the top of the tower was burning. Rhaenyra was flying over the camp setting fire to anything that stood or moved.

For nearly an hour, Rhaena flew over the camp with Rhaenyra setting fire to any tent they saw that wasn't on fire even as burning men ran around screaming as if they were torches.

The smell of the dead and burnt men made Rhaena gag but she held it down, she was doing this for Luke, Baela, and Jace and nothing would take it away from her. Then from the corner of her eye, Rhaena noticed a few men on horses trying to ride their way out of the flames, Rhaena snapped her whip and once more Silverwing followed, a stream of silver flames was loosed upon even as they rode but they were caught by the silver fingers of death.

Rhaena flew a little higher to see everything, Storm's End was a blazing inferno, and the camp was burning even as Rhaenyra and Syrax relentlessly unleashed flames upon it as they circled the camp, the woods and fields were on fire, the fire began to spread faster than Rhaena would have imagined, it was a wicked fire as nearly every tree in sight was aflame, the stony ridges did break the spread of the fire but the burning men who emerged from the flames and the smoke continued to spread the fire.

Through it all was the smoke, suffocating thick black smoke that made Rhaena cough whenever she came too close to the flames, and here the whole was covered in it, Rhaena remembered her Grandmother's teachings, 'Fire is not the only killer but rather smoke kills just as much if not more.'

The men here would have had families of their own and now Rhaena had seen to it that they would never return but Baela would never return to her either, this was war. To protect the sheep the wolves must be killed.

Rook's Rest

"She is not coming, is she?" I said as I met up with Aemond and Criston in the command tent in the camp outside Rook's Rest. Looks like I have been flaked by Rhaenys, this is very disappointing. I thought I was totally in her league or at the very least Aemond must have been in her league.

"We have been waiting for a fortnight, she hasn't come and I doubt that she will be coming," Aemond groused, he is unhappy about the lack of action.

"A trap will only work when the enemy thinks that you are not there when you are there, we have been in the Vale long enough for Dragonstone to know about our presence, I suppose," Daeron pointed out.

"Fuck, those Vale Lords had to go kill themselves didn't they," Aemond angrily muttered as he kicked a stone.

"Should we return home after Aemond destroys Rook's Rest?" Daeron asked as I noticed from the open flap of the tent, some of the huntsmen carrying a boar they had killed into the camp. I am hungry as fuck, I haven't had anything to eat for a whole day and now that there is no Dance, it seems like a waste.

I replied thinking about the boar, "I have a better idea, it is time that we put this new army of ours to the test. Build a siege tower, a couple of trebuchets, a ram, few ladders and let the men assault this castle, as you said, Ser Criston, there is no substitute for experience, let us give our men the experience they need with this easy battle."

Criston nodded, "Yes, Your Grace, I will see it done. This castle will be ours within a day." He bowed before leaving the tent.

"What will we do while this happens?" Aemond asked bemused.

"We watch," I simply replied, "And eat, I am hungry as fuck and I saw that boar they captured and I want to eat it."

"Huh?" Aemond looks even more confused.

The wheel-mounted siege tower was already built in King's Landing, it was the disassemble and reassemble type like the one used during the First Crusade, the trebuchets were already being built when we arrived as was the battering ram with the iron-clad head along with numerous scaling ladders.

A table was set up in the sight of the walls with wild boar, it was roasted and peppered and served with mushrooms, onions and mashed neeps along with a side serving of spiced mutton, a cream cake, a couple of loaves of bread, a bowl of dates, and a mug of beer to wash it down. Nothing fancy just the regular battlefield meal of a king. Daeron and I sat down to eat as we were starving after a long flight on an empty stomach while Aemond was furious.

"Let me get this straight, you both would rather feast in sight of the walls instead of taking part in the fighting yourself," Aemond incredulously asked as I cut a healthy slice of the cake even as Daeron helped himself to a big cut of the boar.

"Yes, what is so hard to believe about that?" I asked with a shrug as I took my cut of the boar.

"What is not wrong with that?" Aemond furiously counters, "This is a siege and instead of leading your men you would rather eat."

"Hey," I replied affronted, "I just killed loverboy and hatergirl, I think I deserve a treat."

"Aemond, we are starving, we haven't eaten anything before we even left the Eyrie, so do me a favour and shut up and find Ser Criston to annoy," Daeron continued. Surprisingly enough, Criston just as Daeron spoke of him.

"Ser Criston, mind explaining why our brother is in such a mood, he is a killjoy, then again he has always been a killjoy but today it is particularly vigorous," I asked him as Aemond looked even more annoyed. I noticed Daeron trying to take my slice of the cream cake before I swatted his hand off.

"It's boredom," Criston dryly replied as an annoyed Daeron took his own slice.

"You got to kill that bastard and I got to kill the other one and his bitch, why are you so upset?" I asked him as soothingly as I could while eating. "I am sure that you will get to kill someone soon enough, be it Daemon or Rhaenys or even Rhaenyra."

"You might even get the other bastard," Daeron added cutting a slice of the bread before I turned to him.

"The other bastard, who is the other bastard?" I asked before I took the mug.

"The third one," Daeron simply says before pushing the bread slice into his mouth

"There was a third one? Who is the third one?" I joke.

"The one who bit you," Ser Criston added helpfully with a suppressed chuckle even as Aemond was about to lose his gasket.

"Ah yes, that kid is a dick, we have to kill him," I sagely nodded.

"Bloody hell, Aegon this is not a joke," Aemond finally blows it while Daeron and I start laughing.

After we stop laughing as an embarrassed and furious Aemond scares away an onlooker, I turn to him and tell him what he has been waiting for, "If it means so much to you, then you can lead the assault on the castle. We will be here eating and cheering you on."

"Good," Aemond growls before stomping off but not before turning to Criston and saying, "Do not start the assault without me."

"Never fear, my Prince, this castle is not going anywhere." Criston deadpans as Aemond storms off.

He turns to an unfortunate squire as he walks toward his tent, "You, squire, get my armour ready."

"He needs a nice battle to calm down," Criston said to me as he approached.

"Yeah, he does, and perhaps a whore as well," I remarked, I wonder if Aemond is still a virgin, I couldn't take him to a brothel for his sixteenth nameday because my wife and mother refused to allow that to happen.

"We have sent a part of our fleet to Duskendale now that Duskendale is part of the Royal fief, we have seized the shipyards of the town and work has begun on newer ships," Criston reported.

"Good," I nodded, "If that is all" Before I could continue, a messenger rushed over to us before being stopped by the guards.

"Your Grace," He called out with a scroll in his hands as he tried to unhand the guards who were holding him, "An urgent message from King's Landing and the Stormlands."

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