Harmonious Love


First Kiss (6)

“But you know what?”


“Our lips are really close right now.”


Mo Yeon’s shoulders flinched involuntarily. Of course, Tae Young-won’s expression didn’t change at all. He was just speaking calmly.

“Well, if you want to, I’m ready.”

“I’m not going to get ready.”

Mo Yeon replied, narrowing his long-lashed eyes. Seeing this, Tae Young-won couldn’t help but laugh again. Honestly, he felt admiration.

“You act so precious now, but you were the one who kissed first before.”

While it’s true that he teased Mo Yeon for initiating the kiss, for Tae Young-won, it was an expression of satisfaction.

More than anything else, Tae Young-won liked how Mo Yeon behaved on the night they kissed. He liked how Mo Yeon would obediently open his mouth when he kept kissing him, as if he enjoyed it, and how he would become docile even after resisting, saying he would stop, as if he really had an erogenous zone in his mouth.

What’s so good about kissing a man?

Tae Young-won was confused about whether he was satisfied with these aspects or if he was curious to kiss Mo Yeon again, but after thinking about it, it seemed to be the former.

Sex is good. It’s still true that Mo Yeon is an interesting partner. But being satisfied with kissing was a slightly different matter.

“I did tease you a bit that day, but you don’t have to be this reluctant, do you?”

“…What do you mean?”

Mo Yeon stared at Tae Young-won blankly.

Suddenly, he felt a strong urge to kiss him. He felt like he was finally going crazy.

Some might call it a contradiction, but for Tae Young-won, kissing a man felt like a completely new territory. It was as if he had a foreboding feeling that he shouldn’t touch this.

“You really won’t do it?”

But it seemed he had to check once more.

“Then why don’t you do it, sunbae?”


Mo Yeon asked with his characteristic expressionless eyes. His light-colored eyes sparkled more transparently in the sunlight. Sometimes these eyes seemed as if they could see through all of him.

“Why do you always tell me to do it…”

Tae Young-won didn’t say anything. Mo Yeon muttered as if dissatisfied.

“If you enjoyed it and want to do it again, you can do it, sunbae.”


“You take the initiative well with other things.”

Tae Young-won could only remain silent, at a loss for words. Mo Yeon blinked slowly as if trying to interpret Tae Young-won’s reaction. He couldn’t take his eyes off those glass-like eyes that disappeared and reappeared with each blink.

“Well, now you’re not even afraid of me anymore…”

Contrary to his words, there was a hint of laughter in his voice. Knowing this, Mo Yeon’s eyes curved as he tried to hold back a smile.

Of all things, he was wearing pretty clothes, and today he looked like a spoiled cat.


Tae Young-won was staring at Mo Yeon’s lips again. After a long silence, Mo Yeon looked at him curiously. By now, an unnaturally long silence had passed.

He caught his breath, which had momentarily stopped. He spoke softly.

“Still, that’s not okay.”


Mo Yeon’s eyes blinked even faster.

“Why? Honestly, it doesn’t seem like a big deal to you, sunbae.”


Strangely, he couldn’t speak.

“Right. It’s not a big deal.”

It really isn’t a big deal.

Tae Young-won slowly raised his hand.

Mo Yeon stared blankly at Tae Young-won’s hand as it slowly rose and eventually came close to his face.

Then Tae Young-won lightly thumped Mo Yeon on the forehead.


“Dressing up all cute. It’s distracting.”

“Why did you hit me?”

“Change your clothes again. I don’t like you giving an important presentation looking too cute. Do you need to use your looks on the professor? What’s the point of all our effort if people are too busy looking at you to listen to the presentation?”

Mo Yeon’s wide eyes now filled with bewilderment.

“You told me to wear these clothes, sunbae. Now you’re telling me to change again?”

“You’re becoming more problematic by the day.”


“You have so many issues.”

Tae Young-won sighed deeply and turned away.

Watching his retreating back, Mo Yeon tilted his head in confusion.


“In conclusion, fandom has established itself as a powerful force in shaping public opinion and as a subject of political action. In particular, the global environment has expanded the influence of fandoms, making them an important medium for raising awareness of specific social issues and participating in political campaigns. This phenomenon shows that in modern society, the methods of political participation have expanded beyond traditional actions like voting or rallies to include collective solidarity.”

Tae Young-won, sitting in the back row, quietly watched Mo Yeon giving his presentation.

“Based on the previous content, we have considered directions for fandom culture to be utilized healthily as a tool for political participation. First, we need to create a space for communication that respects diverse opinions and enables open dialogue. Second, we should encourage fandom activities to contribute to public and universal values, rather than being subordinate to the interests of specific individuals or groups. And finally, transparent and democratic procedures for social consensus and policy realization must be supported.”

Mo Yeon’s presentation was surprisingly good at capturing attention. Of course, he hadn’t properly observed other people’s reactions. But at least, he was capturing Tae Young-won’s attention well.

Considering that this was content he already knew and that he had made Mo Yeon do practice presentations several times, the fact that he was still so focused suggested that Mo Yeon was doing well.

‘How can someone so cute live like that?’

This was a thought Tae Young-won kept having while spending time with Mo Yeon. The more he got to know him, the more normal Mo Yeon seemed, and while he had some peculiarities, they were generally endearing. Of course, the broken glasses wrapped in tape were a bit shocking.

Tae Young-won increasingly couldn’t understand. Why was someone like that living that way, what exactly was the story behind his desperate insistence on wearing glasses, saying his eyes caused discomfort to people?

And why had he followed him around so much?

The relationship that had started with a purpose had become quite blurry in its purpose by the time the semester was nearing its end.

It seems like he doesn’t get along well with his family either.

What’s the story behind that?

‘Why am I curious about these things?’

Tae Young-won had never been interested in anyone’s story or family circumstances. Even his own family matters were annoying to him, and he only reluctantly attended to them when forced.

“…They are no longer simply a group consuming pop culture, but have become a driving force for political participation and change in modern society. Rather than viewing these new forms of social groups with exclusivity, utilizing them in a healthy and effective way will be an important foundation for our society to move in a better direction.”

And there was one more thing that bothered him.

Tae Young-won was really curious. After saying he would think about it, what would Mo Yeon say he wanted to do to celebrate the end of the semester?

‘Then why don’t you do it, sunbae?’


‘Why do you always tell me to do it…’

Mo Yeon’s words from earlier kept coming to mind. When he stared at him with those eyes while saying that, Tae Young-won, stupidly, couldn’t think of anything proper to say. Honestly, he couldn’t even remember what expression he had made, so he had to recall the situation several times.

‘If you enjoyed it and want to do it again, you can do it, sunbae.’


‘You take the initiative well with other things.’

It really feels like I’ve gotten involved with the wrong person. Tae Young-won watched Mo Yeon finishing his presentation with narrowed eyes.

“This concludes our presentation. Thank you for listening.”

Clap, clap, clap. The sound of perfunctory applause rang out, and Mo Yeon bowed slightly.

He seemed quite satisfied with himself for finishing naturally without looking at the script once. Unlike usual, he didn’t hide his shy smile. Tae Young-won’s eyes met Mo Yeon’s.

Mo Yeon was still smiling even as he returned to his seat and plopped down. Tae Young-won realized that he was smiling too at that smile. He leaned towards Mo Yeon’s ear and said quietly,

“You did the best. I should treat you to something delicious today.”

“It’s okay. You treat me all the time anyway.”

It seemed he was awkward about receiving compliments. Mo Yeon answered stiffly and glanced at him.

“I thought of something I want to do after the exams are over.”

“What is it?”

“I want to drink with you, sunbae.”

Tae Young-won paused for a moment. With his gaze fixed on Mo Yeon, who was staring at him, he thought quietly.

‘This kid seems to know what he’s saying.’

It couldn’t be like this otherwise. Tae Young-won started to feel slightly annoyed. Even after reconsidering, he still felt annoyed, so with a serious expression, he muttered softly,

“Why do you keep seducing me?”


Mo Yeon’s eyes widened. Tae Young-won was serious, but after all, they were in the classroom. Another group was in the middle of their presentation at the front. Mo Yeon’s head, with eyes like a rabbit’s, turned busily from side to side.

“You keep seducing me in new ways, getting me worked up.”


However, even as Mo Yeon urgently looked around, Tae Young-won’s eyes remained fixed on Mo Yeon.

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