Harry Potter and the Fortunate Queen

Chapter 174: The Transformation

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at Chris, startled as Ginny, Luna and Colin sat either side of Chris.

"She refused to teach us anything practical," Hermione said to Chris before Harry could open his mouth to answer.

"Expected," Chris replied. "But that's not the point, I want to know why Harry shouted at her?"

"He called me a liar." Harry rumbled.

"And you shouted to demonstrate that you're not a liar?" Chris snapped.

"Chris, please, it wasn't Harry's fault. Umbridge was..." Hermione tried to protest.

"Did it work Hermione?" Chris asked cutting her off.

"What?" Hermione said, confused.

"Did Harry telling her--no shouting at her worked? Did she believe that he's not lying? I'm not lying?" 

Harry and Hermione didn't reply. Chris glared at them

"No," Harry said at last through his gritted teeth.

"I know it didn't. In addition, you got detention with her." Chris said to Harry then turned to Hermione, "Do you know what can happen in this detention, Hermione? Do you still feel like supporting him?"

"Detentions," Ron added quietly. "He got detentions for a week."

Harry glared at Ron.

"A week?" Ginny almost shouted.

"Yes, and what do you mean by what can happen?" Harry asked. "You don't think she'll attack me or something, do you?"

Hermione looked at Chris nervously.

"No." Chris snapped. "But I've heard about her. She's not very much of a kind person and also she's good at manipulating people."

"But still we're at school Chris, I don't think she'll be too harsh on Harry." Hermione tried to look certain but her voice was the most doubtful one.

"What did Professor McGonagall say?" Colin asked Harry.

"She said we should tread carefully around Dolores Umbridge," Harry said aggressively.

"Is that mean she can't do anything about this?" Ginny looked at Hermione.

"No, she can't. Umbridge is working under Fudge, of course, no one can stop her, except Dumbledore. But I don't think he wants to stop her." Chris sighed. "Please Harry," Her voice was now a little bit calm. "Please, don't give her any more chances to convince everyone that you are wrong, that we're wrong. Don't you get it? She's doing it because she's trying to prove that the things the Prophet saying are true."

There was a long pause. No one of them spoke. The Great Hall was buzzing with the news of Harry and Umbridge.

"So Harry is going to miss the Quidditch trial, isn't he?" Luna said suddenly.

"Er... yes, I guess," Harry said with a sudden realization.

"When is your first detention?" Chris asked.

"Tomorrow evening," Harry replied.

Chris sighed deeply.

"Alright," she got up. "Gin, Luna, Colin meet me after you finish dinner."

"But you didn't even touch your food," Colin said. 

"It's fine. I'm not hungry anymore." Chris took two steps towards the door when she remembered Padma. She looked back at Harry. "And oh Harry, Padma was worried about you."

Harry gave her a confused look. Chris shrugged and left the Great Hall.

Chris climbed the stairs all the way up to the seventh floor and after checking that there was no one, she slipped inside the Room of Requirement.

The room looked exactly what they had left a few months ago. Chris pulled out the books she brought from the Black Library and placed them on the table. Then she went to the farthest cupboard and opened the lowest cabinet on it.

There were four crystal phials with a blood-red potion in them. Chris pulled them out one by one. The first one had a 'G.W' marked on it, the second on had a 'C.C', the third one had a 'C.N' and the last one 'L.L'.

It was Ginny's idea to mark them with their full name initials, particularly to avoid confusion between Chris and Colin. 

As Chris placed four phials on the table, Ginny, Luna and Colin entered the room. All three were looking amused as they saw the blood-red potion.

"You didn't eat, did you?" Chris asked.

"A little," Colin replied, eyes still at the potions. "Thought what if we throw up after drinking it?"

Chris rolled her eyes.

"So ready?" Ginny said, looking very excited.

"Ready." Colin and Luna grinned.

Chris pulled out her wand, the three of them followed.

"Together?" Chris raised her eyebrows.

Ginny and Colin nodded.

"But what if we became something too big for this room?" Luna suggested.

"Er... point." Colin agreed.

"Guys, we're at the Room of Requirement, it changes without requirements," Chris said and then placed the tip of the wand over her heart.

Colin, Luna and Ginny did the same, looking full concentrated.

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus," the four of them said together and repeated it three times. Then they picked up their respective potions and drank.

Chris instantly felt a burning sensation in her throat to her stomach. Then there was a fiery pain in her chest and she sensed a second heartbeat. Everything felt uncomfortable in her body but she knew she needed to be patient. Only patience could help to complete the transformation. 

The pain, the burning feeling increased. Chris felt her entire body shaking, her wand fell from her hand as her hands began to change. She closed her eyes as her body started to shrink. Her legs felt numb, her hands were gone and her stomach touches the cool floor. The process continued for a few minutes or so. Then the burning pain faded and her body felt smooth, powerful, flexible and cool. Too cool.

Chris opened her eyes and realized she was lying flat against the floor on her belly. She couldn't feel her hands or legs.

Suddenly, different kind of smells around the room hit her hard. Chris never felt her nose functioning this strong. She could tell every smells apart. Even her eyes could see many small things flawlessly. And then she felt her tongue and everything made sense to her.

Chris had turned into a SNAKE.


To be continued...

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