Harry Potter and the Fortunate Queen

Chapter 176: Chemistry

"So she straight lied to the class? She said there is nothing to worry about outside the school? Everything is fine? We don't need to learn practical magic? Jason whispered to Chris. "Hell, the school isn't safe, let alone the outside world."

"Keep your voice down," Chris said stirring the cauldron in front of her.

Chris was in her afternoon double portion class. She was working with Jason while explaining him about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class she had that morning.

Apparently, Umbridge decided to provoke Chris the same way she did to Harry. But she failed miserably as Chris kept her calm and didn't utter a word in the entire class.

"No, just tell me. Am I wrong? Is this school safe? How many times have you found yourself in a life-threatening situation around here? Now imagine the world ten times worse than Hogwarts." Jason said adding few drops of hellebore in the cauldron, which Chris was stirring.

"This class is not for your socializing, Miss Norton," Snape sneered behind Chris. 

The other students turned their heads to look at Chris. 

"I wasn't..." Chris protested.

"Tell me what is the last ingredient you added," Snape asked cutting her off.

"Er..." Jason looked at his hands, struggling to remember what he just added.

"Hellebore, Professor," Chris replied, luckily she was paying attention.

"How many drops?" Snape asked, his black eyes gleaming dangerously.


Not lucky enough.

"Five points from Gryffindor for your negligence, Miss Norton," Snape said and swept past their table. "And I'll take more ten points if I see you talking again."

The unfairness was so predictable, Chris almost laughed. Jason was more distracted than her and he was the one talking loudly, but only Gryffindor lose house points.

"Sorry," Jason whispered.

Chris just shrugged and added gyle roots in the cauldron.

Chris didn't talk for the rest of the class. They decided to meet after dinner.

"Snape is very unfair sometimes," Colin said as they walked towards the great hall.

"All the times." Ginny corrected.

"Relax, when lives are at risk, few house points doesn't matter," Chris said coolly.

They were crossing the entrance hall when they heard a heated conversation.

"Not now, Angelina," Fred said, looking very annoyed and frustrated.

"But Fred that's not..." Angelina tried to sound calm but her voice was frantic.

"For Merlin's sake Angelina, Harry didn't intentionally ask for this detention." Fred snapped angrily. "And please stop nagging about Quidditch tryouts, all the time. I know you're putting a lot of effort and I'll be there on time, okay?"

Angelina looked furious. Fred didn't wait for her answer and walked straight to the Great hall. Angelina stormed out of the entrance hall.

"Any idea what was that about?" Chris asked.

"Nope, but I saw Fred and George in a very bad mood this morning," Ginny said as they walked into the great hall. "And Angelina is really stressed about the tryouts."

"So I think, they blew up at each other," Luna said catching up with them.

"Probably," Chris said sitting down at the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, Michael is calling me. I'll be back in a bit." Ginny said suddenly and walked towards the Ravenclaw table.

"Do you like Michael?" Colin asked piling his plate with various foods.

"I don't know him that much," Chris replied taking some roasted chicken from him. "But I've heard from Ginny and I think maybe he's not the most interesting guy for her, at least he's a decent boy. Why?"

"I don't like him." Colin shrugged. "I mean he's a bit different, isn't he? I feel like he's with Ginny just because of Ginny's looks and popularity."

"When did you become a boyfriend expert?" Chris said laughing.

Colin went red and hurriedly started eating.


"So what's going on with Theodore and the others?" Chris said taking a random book from a shelf in the library.

"The Greengrass sisters are busy and I was talking to Theodore at dinner," Jason replied opening a book about poisons. "Why?"

"Nothing special." Chris sat beside Jason. "It's just, I saw Theodore at King's Cross. I'm not sure but for some reasons, he was acting really weird."

"Weird?" Jason raised an eyebrow. "How often do you meet him?

"Look, I was just curious." Chris shrugged and started reading the book.

"Well now that you mentioned it," Jason said after some time. "He is acting a little different nowadays."


"Yes, you know, I didn't hear from Theodore all summer, then, at Hogwarts express he was looking very distracted," Jason said seriously. "Maybe, something in his mind. But that's none of our business. Leave it, he'll be fine."

Chris nodded but she couldn't shake off the bad feeling.

"So where are we going this Saturday?" Chris asked, trying to change the topic.

Jason smirked.

"Nothing special."

"Hey! You can't make that face and lie." Chris said glaring.

"Yep. I can." Jason grinned.

Chris rolled her eyes at him.

By eight o'clock, Madam Pince had extinguished all the lamps and came to chivvy Chris and Jason out of the library. Soon they parted their ways like always. Chris had reached the top of the stairs, turned right, and almost walked into Ron, who gave a great leap of surprise when he saw Chris and attempted to hide his new Cleansweep Eleven behind his back.

"What're you doing here?" They both said at the same time.

Ron started to turn red.

Chris studied him, his muddy robes and the Cleansweep Eleven instantly made sense.

"You were flying. Wait, you are planning to try for the keepers' tryout." Chris grinned. "Aren't you?"

"I — no — what're talking about?" Ron said defensively, turning redder with every second. "I was just — flying."

"Without any reason?" Chris raised her eyebrows. "C'mon Ron, I can see on your face that you're lying. But why are you lying? I mean it's not a bad thing that you're trying for the Quidditch team, is it?"

"It's not?" Ron looked genuinely surprised. "I mean you're not going to laugh at me? Or made fun of me? Or — ?"

"Do you think I'm that much of a bad person, Ron?" Chris frowned. "And seriously how much insecure are you?"

"Er — I — well." 

"Shut up and look, I want the best for the Quidditch team and I'll want that in the tryouts too, but that doesn't mean I'll not support you. You can do things, Ron, without messing them up. You need to stop doubting yourself. And stop comparing yourself with Harry or your brothers. You are an individual. Don't forget that and stop worrying about what others think." Chris smiled and clapped on Ron's arm. "And best of luck."

Ron looked immensely relieved, he even smiled a little.


To be continued...

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