Chapter 179: Surprises
"The Slytherin common room is just here, I can call Jason if you want," Theodore suggested.
"Yeah, that would be great," Chris replied still carefully watching him.
Theodore turned around to go but then abruptly stopped.
"Actually you know there will be very few people in common room now, you can come in," Theodore faced her again smiling at her idea, but the smile disappeared as soon as it came. "No that's — you know what, leave it, I'll just call Jason."
"No Theodore, it's a great idea." Chris beamed. "Maybe that'll make him less mad at me."
"Why? What have you done, now?" Theodore smiled a little bit. "I mean I thought you're a little quiet nowadays. No new news about you."
Again, Theodore's smile faded as he realized what he just said. Judging by his expressions he was expecting a nasty reply from Chris. However, Chris rolled just her eyes and said, "Where is exactly your mysterious common room?"
Theodore without waiting led the way to Slytherin common room. Chris followed. But she had walked hardly ten steps when Theodore paused by a stretch of a bare, damp stone wall.
"The boy who lied," said Theodore and a stone door concealed in the wall slid open.
"Wait, what?" Chris looked at Theodore who shrugged.
"I don't decide the passwords," he said and entered the common room. Chris followed him inside.
The Slytherin common room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling from which round, greenish lamps were hanging on chains. Certainly, there were only a few people hanging out in front of the fireplace. Theodore glanced at them briefly before turning to Chris.
"Wait here, I'll call him," he said and disappeared behind a door, which Chris assumed was the boys' dormitory.
Chris also looked at those students who were there. Soon she realized it was a group of third years including Astoria. Chris heard they were whispering about her as soon as she looked at them. She looked away but the whispers grew louder and louder, calling her 'mudblood' and 'liar' and lots of offensive things.
"You know what?" Chris finally broke the unbearable whispering and said loudly. "If you want to say something please say it on my face. Also, I'm leaving, there is no point of this discussion anyway."
Chris was about to leave when a familiar voice came.
"What's going on here?"
Chris turned around and saw Draco standing in front of the same boys' dormitory door. Crabbe and Goyle standing behind him.
"Look who is here, Draco," said a third-year girl gleefully.
Draco looked a little surprised to see Chris there but quickly hide it.
"It's the Slytherin common room, what a mudblood like you is doing here?" Goyle spit and expected Draco to be amused by his words.
However, Draco didn't look pleased at all.
"Who gave you the password?" he asked Chris very seriously.
"I... well... Theodore." Chris answered. "I came in with him."
To Chris's surprise, Draco didn't look suspicious or angry or surprised, there was a knowing look in his eyes which turned into disgust.
"Ten points for Gryffindor, Norton." He snorted. "And I'll talk to Nott about this. Now get out."
"I don't think it's Theodore's fault, I mean she's waiting here for Jason, isn't she? So maybe Jason asked Theodore to bring her here," suddenly Astoria spoke very quietly.
Everyone turned to her looking surprised.
"How do you know?" Draco asked.
"Er... because I know that she's dating him and today is Jason's birthday," Astoria replied.
"Today is what?" Chris exclaimed as she processed this information.
"You didn't know?" Astoria looked surprised.
"No, but that makes sense," Chris grinned. "Thank you, Astoria. I love you. See you later."
Draco looked amused by this entire conversation as Chris ran out of the Slytherin common room.
Chris straight ran towards the great hall and found Fred and George.
"Fred! George!" Chris called slightly breathless from all the running.
Fred and George were leaving the great hall with their friend Lee.
"What's up?" George asked.
"I need some Nosebleed Nougats. It's an emergency." Chris grinned at them. A plan already forming in her brain.
Next stop was the Hogwarts Kitchen. Chris explained the house-elves about all the things she needs.
"Hey what's going on?" Jason asked as he stopped Chris at the entrance hall just before lunch. "I heard you came to the Slytherin common room then just ran away. Look, I know that Malfoy said something, didn't he?"
"Nope, he said nothing I couldn't handle," Chris replied smiling. "I remembered something that's why I left. Listen do you still want to meet up this afternoon cause I've my Quidditch practice."
Jason's face fell.
"Really? But you promised — F*ck it. Quidditch is more important, isn't it? I don't even know why I expect from people." He muttered without looking at Chris then stormed out of the entrance hall.
Chris felt bad, actually, she was hurt. Though she wasn't a Quidditch freak like Ginny or Harry she still liked it and gave importance to that. But the part hurt Chris the most was that she understood exactly why Jason was mad. It was his birthday and only two or three people knew about it in school, he was alone but he expected Chris to be there.
"Well that went bad." said a voice behind Chris.
Chris turned and saw Luna.
"Yeah, I guess," Chris replied. "But don't worry, I have a plan."
And Chris explained her afternoon plans to Luna.
"That's really nice Chris." Luna grinned as Chris finished.
"Hey, I never asked how is it going things between you and Shawn? Have you guys talked over the summer?" Chris said sitting on the Gryffindor table for lunch.
"Actually yes, we have and we have decided to stay friends," Luna said brightly.
"It's actually nice. I mean I liked him and he liked me, that's all good but after he went to his school we both realized that it'll be very stupid to continue seeing each other." Luna replied coolly. "But we still can be friends and write to each other sometimes. I really like having friends."
Chris always admired Luna's brutal honesty and positive attitude. She was truly a rare combination.
To be continued...