Chapter 190: Death Claims All
Chris and Theodore talked a lot for the rest of the day. About Quidditch and all the wizarding events all over the world. Chris was very thrilled to find that Theodore had a hobby to know about different wizarding events and competitions. In fact, Chris noticed that Theodore seemed genuinely happy about sharing those. Chris also discovered that a sixth year Ravenclaw boy had asked Daphne out, so she's busy with him nowadays. They talked and laughed as they walked back to Hogwarts before dinner. Flich gave them an angry look as they were the last ones to return from Hogsmead. Theodore joked about that and again they were laughing.
Chris didn't try to meet Jason that night. Though she was hurt, she thought she will not force him for anything. But she will not pretend that she was happy with it.
The next morning Chris woke up because of the same dream of the founders shouting at each other for the same reason. All wanted to prove that their house was the best (all except Helga Hufflepuff).
It was still dark outside when Chris dressed up and left the castle. First, she spent some time over the lake, and watched the sunrise, while playing with the Giant Squid and the Hippocampus. Then she walked towards the forbidden forest. Hagrid had told Chris where the hippogriffs lived so she went there. Buckbeak was very happy to see her. They bowed to each other and soon other hippogriffs joined them. The hippogriffs were chasing some doxies, Chris raced with them and soon she was deep in the forest. On the way, she saw some unicorns who followed them. After some time Chris realized that one of the unicorns was the same baby unicorn she met at Hagrid's care of magical creatures class last year.
Chris thought it was really funny that these creatures recognized her so well and were so good to her. But the connection between her and the creatures was beyond any explanation. They made her feel welcome anytime, Chris knew no matter what they wouldn't turn their back on her. There was a weird sense of trust between them.
Chris smiled to herself as she sat down on an uprooted tree trunk. The hippogriffs continued to chase doxies near her and the unicorns came to her.
Chris checked her watch and realized a few hours had passed, and the breakfast time will be over soon, so she decided to leave. Suddenly, in a clearing ahead, something moved. Chris first thought it was one of the hippogriffs or the unicorns but next second she felt the thing behind the trees wasn't that much friendly. She immediately stood up, pulling her wand out and clutching it tightly.
There was a long pause.
And then into the clearing came a centaur, with red hair and beard, but below that was a horse's gleaming chestnut body with a long, reddish tail.
"... Er..."
Chris didn't know what to say, so she just lowered her wand. She knew centaurs were very arrogant creatures and they take offence in very small things.
"Hello," Chris said politely.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Umm — well — I was just wandering around," Chris replied gesturing the hippogriffs and unicorns around her.
"You should not be here," the Centaur said very seriously.
"Er — yeah, I know. We are not allowed to come this deep in forbidden forest and —"
"Not the forest, here, this magical world."
"Oh — wait, what?"
"They are mistaken. They should not have done this." the Centaur shook his head like he had discovered the silliest thing in the world. "Always thinks they have done the right thing but no. This will take too much."
"Who?" Chris asked. The Centaur wasn't making any sense to her.
The Centaur looked at her suddenly, eyes piercing her soul and then he sighed.
"Of course, you will not listen. The fire inside you. . ."
"Wait, you are the same Centaur who was following me, last time when I was here, aren't you?" Chris tried to keep her voice calm.
"We do not follow wizards or witches," he said sharply then looked her in the eye. "But remember girl, death claims all. . . Death claims all. . . Always. . ."
And the Centaur walked away leaving a more confused Chris.
"Death claims all?" Chris whispered to herself watching the place where the Centaur just disappeared.
Still feeling dazed Chris walked back to the castle. Of course, the breakfast time was over by now, so Chris started to walk aimlessly.
"Wow, you look..."
Chris snapped out of her state and looked up to find herself face to face with Jason. He was looking concerned but Chris was still upset with him. So she just shrugged.
"How do I look?" She asked.
"Awful. Confused. Upset. Angry. Pissed off."
"Sure." Chris rolled her eyes.
"Hey look, can we talk?" He said.
"Yeah sure, why not? It's not like you have done anything to upset me, did you?" Chris gave a fake smile.
"Woah!" Jason looked surprised. "I wasn't expecting this attitude. The way I heard it, your meeting was a success and you had fun with Theodore yesterday."
"You heard?" Chris narrowed her eyes. Her sadness over Jason's lack of support and her confusion over the Centaur was taking an ugly turn in her mood. Right now, she was feeling angry and pissed off, nothing else.
"Yeah, that Lovegood girl told me about the meeting and I saw you with Theodore." There was a defensive tone in Jason's voice.
"You saw us and still didn't try to talk to me?" Chris said stiffly.
"Chris, I guessed you are —"
"It's alright," Chris shook her head like she was getting rid of the anger. "You must be busy."
"No, I just thought having me there will be bad for your image," Jason said with a sigh. "You know how people think of me. I don't mind my image that much but you were starting something against Darks arts. What people have thought if I stayed there?"
"They have thought you are also against Dark wizards," Chris said.
"Look, I am sorry. But can we not fight?" Jason tugged a strand of Chris's hair behind her ear. "Please. I can't join your defence group. I really don't want to."
They looked into each other's eyes for a minute.
"Fine," Chris said finally and smiled a little.
Jason hugged her. She hugged him back and small sigh left Chris's lips.
To be continued...